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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Reina, let’s just go over like this, will they let people go? Brother Doflamingo is not a simple person! ” Fossa , the captain of the fifteenth division, said worriedly while standing on the deck.
” Don’t worry! He will agree … that guy … even though he’s a lunatic! ” Reina smiled and said, ” But my request … he couldn’t refuse. ”
” Oh? Could it be that you have a handle on him? ” Fossa was stunned and asked curiously.
Reina nodded and said, ” Of course, if he doesn’t want to … then go to war! ”
Fossa and Yizang beside him suddenly had black lines, does that count?
Well, this is indeed an irresistible … threat!
” Do you think I’m unreliable? But after you know what he did, you know the reason for what I said! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Huh? Is there any special reason! ” Izo asked.
” Of course! That kid has a big name in the underground world … Joker ! ” Reina smiled and replied: ” Do you know who his biggest client is? Kaido, one of the four emperors! Kaido provided weapons and artificial Devil Fruits to make the current Wano Kingdom like iron! ”
” It turned out to be him! ” When Yi Zang heard this, the killing intent flashed in his eyes.
As an aborigines of Wano country, followers of Kozuki and Oden, Zang is always thinking of taking revenge for Kozuki and Oden !
” So … if he dares to refuse, he will be destroyed! ” Reina smiled cruelly and said.
” Then … I’m really looking forward to his rejection! ” Izo said with a light smile.
It’s just that his smile contained a trace of killing intent.
” Hey … don’t be like this, our enemy is just Kaido, let’s do business first! If you want to get him, there will be more opportunities in the future! ” Fossa said with some embarrassment.
” Don’t worry, I can tell the difference! Likewise … Brother Doflaming can also tell the difference, so he will definitely not reject us! ” Reina replied with a slight twist on the corner of his mouth.
” It’s really bad news! ” Yi Zang pouted and said unhappily.
” If you don’t feel good … Find a time, I’ll accompany you to deal with him! I even have a better way …” Reina patted Yi Zang’s shoulder and said with a smile.
” Oh? I don’t know what better plan the vice-captain has!? ” Izo asked, holding Reina’s hand.
Looking at Reina and Izang who were far away, Fossa suddenly felt that this trip might not be quiet.
At the same time, due to the reason that the Whitebeard Pirates entered the Lalu Sea Area, many forces looking for the Whitebeard Pirates lost their intelligence, but just when they planned to enter the Lalu Sea Area, the Whitebeard Pirates lost their intelligence. The regiment suddenly appeared again and was divided into three.
Vice-captain Reina left with a pirate ship, Foil Bista, the captain of the fifth division, also left with people, while Whitebeard started to wander around on the Moby Dick .
So all of a sudden the people of the world’s major forces began to move again.
It’s just that they still don’t understand the reason for the dispersal of the Whitebeard Pirates, so they are still watching, waiting for the first person to eat crabs to appear.
” Admiral Sakaski, found the Moby Dick of the Whitebeard Pirates ! ” On a naval warship, a non-commissioned officer was reporting to Akainu Sakaski on the deck.
” Let the intelligence ship follow and tell them that if they get lost again this time … they won’t have to come back! ” Sakaski, who was smoking a cigar, said in a deep voice.
” Yes! ” The non-commissioned officer saluted and immediately turned to leave.
” You don’t have to be so harsh, right? We are just performing surveillance tasks. What should the Warring States Marshal have arranged otherwise! ” Lieutenant General Dauberman, who was also smoking a cigar, said with a chuckle.
” Since it is a task, it must be carried out seriously. If the task cannot be completed … Then what is the need for existence? ” Sakaski cast a glance at Dauberman and said coldly.
Lieutenant General Dauberman shrugged and stopped talking.
Sakaski is a well-known hawk general in the navy, and he is also the flag character of all hawk generals. He pursues absolute justice and also has many followers within the navy.
” General Sakaski, the headquarters is calling! ” At this time, a non-commissioned officer came up with a phone bug and said.
” Hey … I’m Sakaski! ”
” Sakaski … how is the situation on your side? ” From the phone bug, came the voice of the Warring States period.
” There’s nothing going on at the moment. Many of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates have left, and the manpower here is somewhat insufficient. If we launch an attack, there is a great chance! ” Sakaski replied directly.
” It’s not the time to start, the leaders of the two leaders are not clear about their goals, and the action on Aokiji’s side has failed! So don’t do it rashly now! ” Warring States immediately rejected Sakaski’s proposal and said.
” What? Aokiji actually failed? He didn’t let the water out on purpose, did he? ” Sakaski asked with a frown upon hearing this.
” Okay, you don’t have to worry about things here, continue to monitor, but don’t act rashly, feel free to contact me if you have any news! ” After Warring States finished, he hung up the phone directly.
” That guy Aokiji …” Kassasky, who was holding a cigar, returned the phone bug to the sergeant. At this time, he was quite dissatisfied.
Because there are not many people around Whitebeard now, it is a good opportunity to start, but because of Warring States’ caution and Qingzhi’s incompetence, he can only give up such a good opportunity.
Three days later, the new world, the coast of Dressrosa Kingdom.
” Dover … why did the people from the Whitebeard Pirates suddenly come to us? ” Torrepol, who had a snot hanging in the air, asked Doflamingo beside him.
” I don’t know, this time it’s Reina, and I don’t know what he’s paying attention to. Are those things hidden? ” Brother Doflaming shook his head and said.
” Don’t worry … there will be no problem! ” Torrepol nodded and confirmed.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… Then let’s welcome our VIP! ” Doflamingo, wearing red sunglasses, had already seen the iconic whale boat of the Whitebeard Pirates.
After a while, when Reina disembarked with Izang and Fossa, Doflamingo personally received him at the port.
” Ouch ~ I didn’t expect you to come out to greet me in person, how polite! ” Reina said with a smile.
“咈嗈嗈嗈… The distinguished guest is coming , of course it is Peng Pishenghui, please come here! ” Doflamingo stepped forward and guided with a strange smile.
” Look at it … This is the attitude of a king who goes to the Seven Martial Seas … You should learn more! ” Reina said with Yizang and Fossa behind him.
It’s just that the two of them didn’t bother to pay attention to Reina at all.
The group walked towards Dressrosa’s palace while being polite.
” Speaking of which … Mr. Doflamingo, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other, right? ” Reina said with a chuckle on the way.
” Of course … the first time we met … it must have been on Alcatraz Island! I still remember the heroic appearance of Lord Reina at that time! ” Doflamingo said with a smile.
” Yeah! It’s been so many years in a blink of an eye, and you’ve already made your mark! Not only is one of the seven kings under the king, but also the king of Dressrosa. When I heard the news, I thought you were I don’t plan to be a pirate anymore! After all, the identity of a king is better than that of a pirate! ” Reina said with a smile.
The two walked down the streets of Dressrosa while reminiscing about the past.
” Hey ~ you are here … it’s very interesting! Why can these dolls move? Can they talk? ” Looking at the dolls walking up and down the street, Reina asked curiously.
” This is an ability of my subordinates, which can give these dolls their will. They don’t know how tired they are, but they are very good subordinates! ” Brother Doflaming replied with a chuckle.
” I see … it looks really good! ” Reina, who knew the answer for a long time, pretended to be surprised.
” I don’t know Your Excellency Reina, is this time passing by … or is there something else? ” After arriving at the palace, Doflamingo finally asked.
” I really came here with a mission! As far as I know, you must have passed a lot of Devil Fruits, right? ” Reina nodded and said after taking a seat.
” Yes, I have some business, so I auctioned off a lot of Devil Fruits. Does Your Excellency Reina need it? ” Brother Doflamingo was stunned and asked curiously.
” That’s right! I need to find two fruits! One is the surgical fruit, and the other … is called the swimming fruit! I don’t know about Mr. Doflamingo … Have you heard of it? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Surgery fruit? Swimming fruit? I don’t know what you want these two kinds of fruit for? ” Doflamingo was surprised. Not only did he know about these two kinds of fruit, but they were also related to him.
” Some things just need the help of those who are capable of these two fruits. Of course, it’s better if you know the whereabouts of these two fruits! ” Reina put away his smile and said, ” It’s very important at this time! ”
Doflamingo pondered for a while, and then said: ” I do know the fruit of the operation! At the beginning, this fruit should have been in my hands, but then one of my subordinates betrayed me and took this one. Fruit! ”
” Who is it? How dare you … to steal the captain’s treasure? Didn’t you kill him? ” Reina asked, pretending to be curious.
” Ah ~ that guy stole the fruit of the operation and then ate it! So it’s pointless for me to continue chasing, after all, it’s my former subordinate, so I didn’t hunt him down! ” Brother Doflaming said I was The appearance of a good man, said.
” It’s not that I told you … This kind of person can’t be let go, Titch, you know … as a traitor … you will end up as a traitor! ” Reina shook his head, looking for Doflamingo Said with a slap in the face.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… If Your Excellency wants to find him, don’t give me face, just help me clear the door! Now the person who has the ability to operate the fruit is the captain of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgar . Lo! ” Doflamingo said with a smile.
” Remember this man! ” Reina turned his head and said to Fossa, who was sitting beside him.
Fossa nodded in understanding.
” Then about the swimming fruit … do you have any clues? ” Reina asked Doflamingo with a smile.
Doflamingo looked at Reina, and after being silent for a while, he said: ” I ‘m really sorry, about the swimming fruit … I don’t have any clues! ”
” Really? Then why don’t you ask your subordinate, Mr. Senor Pique … Maybe he knows more! ” Reina looked at Doflamingo, smiled and said.
Hearing Reina’s words, Doflamingo and Torrepol on the side were surprised at the same time.
” It seems that your Excellency is prepared! ” Doflamingo slowly got up and said.
” Of course … otherwise why did I come directly to Dressrosa? You say so? Tenyasha … Don Quixote Doflamingo! ” Reina was still sitting in his seat, raising his head slightly, said softly.
“嗗嗗嗗嗈… So what are you going to do? ” Doflamingo’s forehead had already popped a ” well ” , and he was trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart.
Since he killed his father with his own hands, he regarded the cadres of the Pirates as his family, and now Reina made it clear that he was beating his family’s attention, and it was difficult for him not to be angry.

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