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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” So you think it’s not because of the combination of minerals? It’s because there are some unique ores in this mine that cause them to mutate? ” The next morning, Rayner came to Dr.’s laboratory , and he began to discuss the causes of animal and plant variation.
” Yes, but the conditions for the formation of this mineral must be very harsh, so if we destroy the mountain, it is very likely that we will no longer be able to obtain this ore! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” But now we’re not sure what kind of mineral has this ability, and we don’t even know where it is! ” Reina said with a frown.
” There are two possibilities! One is at the most central position, where the energy of all the mining areas should be collected as one point, and the other is to search along the main rhizome of the giant tree on the top of the mountain, maybe you can find it! But no matter which method, the mountain must be developed to a certain extent! ” The doctor pushed his glasses and said softly.
” Why don’t we look for the rhizome of the giant tree first? Maybe its rhizome is heading towards the center of the mountain! ” Reina suggested.
” But its rhizomes may not go straight down. If you follow its rhizomes, the damaged mountain will be even bigger! ” The doctor shook his head and said, ” But if you dig directly to the center … If not, it will be bad. now! ”
” Then this ore … can it have an effect on the human body? Will there be any side effects? ” Reina pondered for a while and asked: ” If it can be developed, then our overall strength will definitely have a leap! Therefore, the growth environment of that kind of ore cannot be destroyed in a big way! ”
” That’s right, that’s it! Although I’m still not sure if it can work on the human body, this is also the main direction of my next research! But if I destroy its growth environment for research … it may not wait until then. I have researched … the material is not enough! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” This is a little troublesome! To confirm the situation inside without hurting the mountain … We can’t do it at all! ” Reina shook his head and said.
His Sharinyan couldn’t see through the mountain at all, and even if he was given a blank eye, he might not be able to see through.
” Wait … If it’s a devil fruit person …” Reina began to think, with that ability, he can do this kind of thing.
” Those with abilities related to the soil, or those who can control the soil, may be able to help us do this kind of thing! ” Reina said while rubbing his chin.
” No, even if it’s a soil fruit person of the nature department, he can only control the soil here, and the ore is not under his control at all! ” The doctor shook his head and said.
” What about the metal capable ones? ”
” Are you sure that the unknown ore is metallic? ” the doctor asked rhetorically.
Reina rubbed his head with a headache and said, ” What should we do then? ”
” Is there anyone with the ability to see through eyes? Let him see the situation in the mountain first, and then we will try to mine! ” The doctor asked after thinking for a while.
” Maybe there is such ability, but we can’t find the ability person at all! ” Reina said with a sigh.
” Why don’t you ask the captain. He has been on the sea for so many years, and he may have information that we don’t know! ” The doctor suggested.
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” My eldest brother is the Whitebeard Pirates that I established with me. I have been where he has been all these years. How could there be something he knows but doesn’t know about me? ”
However, after thinking about it, Reina said: ” Don’t go and ask! The captains occasionally go out to explore treasure hunts, maybe some of them know each other! ”
Soon, when Reyna and the Doctor told all the members above the captain level about the current problem, everyone began to frown.
” It’s … a bit difficult! ” Marco said with a frown.
” Isn’t Crocodile a shasha fruit person? He should be able to, right? ” Ace said suddenly.
” You want to turn the whole mountain into sand? It’s completely pointless to do so. Now it’s not that we can’t mine, but we’re not sure, so we dare not mine! ” Reina shook his head and refused.
Everyone began to think about who among the capable people they knew or heard about had the abilities that met their requirements.
But after thinking about it for a long time, no one can think of anyone who can meet the requirements of Reina and Dr.
” It’s really impossible to dig in the center! ” Reina said with a sigh.
” If only I could control the plants, I could control the giant tree on the top of the mountain to get us that kind of ore! ” Lakyo said casually over there, but Reina was stunned for a moment.
When it comes to controlling plants, doesn’t that disciple of Zefa have the ability to control plants?
But it seems that the other party can only let the plant grow, not completely control it!
But before there was no other way, Reina had no choice but to use Sima as a living horse doctor!
” I have a personal choice. Old Zefa has a disciple. He is a prosperous fruit person of the superhuman type. He can control plants to grow according to his will! ” Reina said.
” Huh? Navy? If that’s the case, maybe it can really succeed, but the other party is the Navy, how can it help us? ” Dr. Ah Xiay shook his head and said.
” Other navies really won’t help us, but old Zefa’s words … maybe I can try it! ” Reina touched his chin and said.
” If that’s the case … let’s determine Zefa’s location first! That guy is too old to be restless. I heard that he is still catching pirates everywhere? ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Well, his arm was cut off by the pirate who called himself Whitebeard II, so he has been looking for each other in the sea all these years. ” Reina nodded and said.
” Eh? Didn’t you cut that guy? ” Joz asked in confusion.
” I don’t know either … The last time I dealt with him, I happened to meet Aokiji, so I didn’t know the other party’s life or death! I learned later that Aokiji also went out to sea to find that guy for Zefa! Last time I heard old man Zefa. Said, Wei Bleu is not dead, but is still in the new world, but rather low-key. ” Reina shook his head and replied.
” Then we have to find a way to find Zefa’s whereabouts first! ” Marco said with a frown.
” No way, why can’t we just put our hands in and take out what we want! ” Lakyo shrugged and replied.
” Wait … put it in … take it out … ? I thought about it, there is another person who should also be able to meet our requirements! ” Reina said suddenly, his eyes lit up.
” Who? ” Everyone looked at Reina and asked.
“The former member of the Quixote family and the current head of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgar Law ! He is the power of the superhuman surgical fruit! ” Reina said with a smile.
“A person with the ability to operate the fruit? ” Whitebeard immediately frowned upon hearing this.
” Brother, did you think of that legend? ” Seeing Whitebeard’s appearance, Reina immediately understood Whitebeard’s thoughts.
Whitebeard nodded, but did not speak.
” Legend? ” Lakyo asked curiously, ” What legend? ”
” The person with the ability of the fruit of surgery has an ultimate ability! ” Reina said mysteriously: ” It is said that if the person with the ability is a doctor, and just after developing the ability of the fruit of operation to a very strong level, he can display a kind of immortality called immortality. The ability of surgery! You can give the other party immortality at the cost of your own life! ”
” How is this possible? Is this legend too outrageous? ”
Everyone didn’t believe it, but Reina just laughed and didn’t refute. As far as he knew, someone in history should have succeeded, and looking at Whitebeard’s expression, Reina guessed that Whitebeard knew something.
” Whether the legend is true or not, it doesn’t matter. The point is that the person with the ability to operate the fruit can replace anything he wants to replace within a certain range! ” Reina said with a smile.
” So you want that what Luo to do this? ” Marco asked with a frown.
” He was originally Doflamingo’s subordinate, and now he has become the leader of the pirate group. The important thing is … he should be on a certain route in the first half of the great route. It should be easier to find him! We We can divide our troops into two groups, I will go to Zefa, and the other team will go to Luo! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Okay, that Heart Pirates, leave it to me! ” Bista nodded and said.
Nagina stabbed Doflamingo, and Reina suddenly remembered that one of his cadres, Senor Pique, who is known as the toughest guy , is a superhuman swimming fruit ability, and it seems more suitable help them.
In the end, after everyone negotiated, Reina took the captain of the fifteenth division, Fossa, and the captain of the sixteenth division, Izang, and headed to Dressrosa, looking for Senor Pique , by the way. Zefa’s news.
And Bista took the captain of the sixth division, Bramanke, and the captain of the tenth division, Kuriel, to go to the first half of the Great Route to find the Heart Pirates.
On this side, the mine is still not mining for the time being, but will wait for the doctor’s research to come out.
But not long after Reina and Bista set off, Whitebeard, who felt a little bored, set sail with a large group, leaving Ace, Lacoyo, Marco, and their combat team here.
” Joz, there are not many people around Daddy. You must protect Daddy’s safety! If there is anything, contact Reina and Bista immediately, and Daddy must not be injured! ” Before Whitebeard set off, Marco Said solemnly to Joz.
Reina, Marco, and Vista were not around Whitebeard, and the captains were scattered a lot, so Marco was quite worried.
But he couldn’t leave Ace here, so he had to ask Joz to protect Dad.

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