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” Hey, Reina! What island did that stupid father really go to? ” Olga asked Reina on the empty island.
” My eldest lady … you’ve asked it eight hundred times, it’s true! Strange ores, mutated plants and gorillas appeared on that small island, so the doctor needs to go to solve it first! ” Reina helplessly Nodding his head, he replied.
” Humph! He promised me to start transforming Xuanyue Island when I came back from Fishman Island, but now he’s letting me doves! Humph! ” Olga said rather unhappily.
After living in the Whitebeard Pirates for so long, Olga ‘s mantra that she likes to use ” people ” when she says ” I ” has finally changed, and her habit of talking to herself is gone.
These are the habits she developed in the belly of Lantern Fish. Because she has been alone for too long, she doesn’t know how to deal with people.
But with her life in the Whitebeard Pirates, these problems were solved.
” Then how long until we get there? ” Olga asked another question when she saw Reina ignored her.
” We haven’t even reached the Lalu Sea Area yet, what are you anxious about? Let me tell you, the Lalu Sea Area is not a joke, you will give me a good control of the empty island, in case the empty island is damaged … … that’s bad! ” Reina said with a slight seriousness.
” Don’t worry … With me here, there will be no problem! The current sky island, under the transformation of the idiot father, is no longer the original sky island! ” Olga said confidently.
When they really entered the Lalu Sea, Reina saw what Olga meant by transformation.
For all kinds of weather, the island actually has its own way of dealing with it, making the journey that was thought to be very difficult, quite easy.
” Tsk tsk tsk … I didn’t expect the sky island to be so powerful now! In terms of attack power, isn’t there any improvement in the doctor? ” Reina asked Olga with a smile, looking at the sky island that was flying smoothly after just passing through the storm. road.
” Of course there is, but there is no need to use it for display. When you need to use it, you will naturally be able to see it! ” Olga said triumphantly.
” Ouch ~ I really grew up! To be able to say such a thing is really impressive! ” Reina said in surprise.
If this is the case, Olga must show it to Reina directly, so that Reina can praise her for her greatness.
” That’s …” Olga wrinkled her nose and said with a smile.
Two days later, according to the guidance of Ace’s life card, the sky island finally approached the island where the destination was.
” Have you seen the small island in front of you? That’s it! ” Reina said while holding the telescope, pointing to the small island not far below.
“OK~ I’m going to prepare to land! ” Olga nodded and replied when she heard the words.
” Dad … it’s Reina and the others! ” On the island, seeing the empty island descending in the sky, Marko said to Whitebeard with a smile.
” It ‘s coming very fast! ” Whitebeard smiled slightly, but when he thought about the progress on the Doctor’s side, he began to have a headache again.
After Dr. Ahsie came to this island, he devoted himself directly to the research, and discovered many secrets, such as the reason why those gorillas mutated at night that Reina and others had never understood before.
His previous guess was completely correct. When those plants mutated, the gorillas began to eat their fruits, and those fruits were the essence of the mutant trees, so the gorillas also mutated.
Their bloodline contains the ore powder here, so they seem to become bloodthirsty and violent at night.
Now the doctor is studying, what ore produced such an effect.
In addition, one of the three gorillas left by Reina had been dissected by the doctor in order to study their bloodline and the damage caused by this mutation.
Originally, the other two had to be dissected, but because they were the last two, they survived, but in Whitebeard’s view, it was not as good as being killed directly.
To be researched by doctors every day, to be researched, is simply worse than death!
On the island, except for the doctor’s day-to-day work, the rest of the people have nothing to do, especially since the doctor does not allow mines to be mined, so everyone is about to be idle now.
” The big tree on the top of the mountain, go get me some more! ” Whitebeard glanced at the doctor who came out of the laboratory. The other party didn’t even see it clearly. After shouting to the outside, he returned to his research. room.
Whitebeard took a sip of wine, shook his head and said to Marco who was beside him: ” Go and inform Saatchi, let him prepare the banquet, and get the doctor out of the laboratory for me, give him a good bath, at tonight’s banquet Until it’s over, don’t allow him to enter the lab again! ”
” Okay daddy! ” Marko nodded and replied.
He knew that this was for the doctor’s sake. Ever since he arrived on this island, the doctor has been researching. Except for the time to eat and sleep, he has devoted himself to research, and his whole body is about to become moldy.
” Doctor, Dad said …”
” Go away! Don’t disturb Lao Tzu’s experiment! ”
Before Marco could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by the doctor.
Normally, Marko would have shrank his neck and left, but today was different. He was instructed to do things, and the doctor couldn’t hold him against him.
” Marko … you bastard, my test is about to be completed, you quickly let me down! ” For those who are disobedient and whose strength is not as good as him, the most direct way for Marko is to force the opponent out.
Don’t look at the swearing in the doctor’s mouth now, once he is out of the experimental state, he will become a normal old man, so Marko is not afraid, and he has a better way to quiet the doctor.
” Doctor, Reina and Olga are coming soon, do you want to see Olga like this? ”
Sure enough, after hearing Marco’s words, the doctor immediately calmed down, but his face was still full of struggle, so Marco was taken aback.
You must know that in the past, no matter how important the experiment was, as long as it was related to Olga, the doctor would definitely put down the experiment in his hand and choose Olga.
But this time, a struggling look appeared on the doctor’s face, indicating that this experiment might be really different, and this … also made Marco feel a little nervous.
Fortunately, he found Olga as an excuse, otherwise the doctor will definitely trouble him next time.
” Oh … Forget it, take me to take a bath first! ” After struggling for a while, the Doctor chose to put down the experiment and prepare to meet Olga, which also made Marko quietly relieved.
Soon, after the sky island descended, Reina and Olga landed on the island with the crew of the sky island.
” Hey ~ Doctor … What’s the matter with you? It looks a little haggard! ” When he saw Dr. Sière, Reina immediately noticed that the doctor was a little out of spirit.
” Hey … Idiot father, what’s wrong with you? ” Olga also stepped forward and asked her father what happened.
” It’s okay … I haven’t studied ores for a long time, and I couldn’t control myself for a while, so I’ve been staying in the laboratory these days, and my body is a little tired! ” Dr. Ahsie waved his hand and said.
After he and Olga came out, they stopped using pure gold, so the doctor now looks like an old man, and he is not the same as Whitebeard. Whitebeard’s strength is there, even if his strength starts because of age Decline, but the physical fitness is still stronger than ordinary people.
However, as a scientific researcher, the doctor’s physical fitness is not so strong, so he is aging very fast, Reina and Olga have the urge to use pure gold for him again.
” Doctor, have you achieved any results? Have you found the cause of the mutation? ” Speaking of research, Reina asked.
” Of course, if you hadn’t slaughtered all those gorillas, my research progress might have been faster …” Speaking of the research, the doctor immediately came to his senses and began to tell Reina in high spirits, but Olga, who was on the side Just a little uncomfortable.
” Idiot father … you immediately … go to bed and rest immediately, otherwise … I will let my father forbid you to study! ” Olga pouted and said angrily.
” Ah … this …” The doctor looked at Reina with some embarrassment, and hoped that Reina could help him talk. Although he has been doing research on Xuanyue Island for all these years, it is not a subject he likes. If he likes it, he just wants to study it in one breath.
” I think Olga is right, Doctor, you are not too young, you must give priority to your own body … These minerals and plants are all here, you can’t escape, even if you like it, We all have no problem moving back to Xuanyue Island! ” Reina said with a smile.
Ah Dr. Sière was stunned for a moment, looked at the angry Olga, and the smiling Reina, and suddenly said with a smile: ” I understand, but the captain has already prepared a banquet, so I should go to the banquet first and wait until the banquet is over. , go to rest again! ”
” That’s right! ” Olga heard the words and immediately stepped forward to hug Dr. Sière’s arm and said coquettishly.
Reina also grinned.
” Thanks, Rainer! ” said Dr. Ahsie softly.
He knew that due to his long-term relaxation and the sudden encounter with such an interesting and interesting topic, he had changed back to the way he used to be.
The words of Reina and Olga just now made him hear what happened in the belly of the lantern fish, so he made a choice immediately.
” Doctor, you’re very kind … Let’s go to the banquet first! What’s the matter, we’ll talk about it tomorrow! ” Reina nodded and replied.
So the grand banquet was held in the open space of the island. The local natives brought out a lot of food, and everyone sang and danced together, which was very lively.

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