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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” It’s so possible … ? ” Seeing that with just one move, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji were brought down by Aokiji, and Nami was extremely surprised.
” Qingzhi … This matter has nothing to do with them, don’t shoot at them casually! Your target is only me, just do whatever you want to do to me! If you want to kill me … then come! ” With the three of Luffy on the ground, Robin immediately shouted at Aokiji.
Sure enough, after hearing Robin’s words, Aokiji gave up the three of Luffy and walked directly to Robin.
” No, Usopp, what should we do now? Luffy and the other three are suffering from frostbite now. If they don’t dare to get treatment, their hands and feet will rot! ” Chopper over there said anxiously.
” How could I know what to do! Asshole … don’t get close to Robin! ” With the injured Luffy and others on the one hand, and Robin who was about to be attacked on the other, Usopp didn’t know what to do first. .
Hinting that seeing Aokiji intends to attack Robin, Usopp directly took out his slingshot and launched an attack on Aokiji.
” Boom! ” Qingzhi waved his hand and directly blocked Usopp’s attack from a distance.
” It seems that they do treat you as a partner! ” Aokiji walked towards Robin and said softly.
” Humph! You want to kill me? Aokiji … No, are your navy ready to take on the anger? Thirty rounds of blooming! ” Robin didn’t catch him, but retreated while fighting back.
” Of course, if I’m not prepared … how could I possibly attack you? Now that person is overwhelmed, he doesn’t have time to come and save you! ” Qingzhi said with a chuckle.
Robin widened his eyes and asked in a trembling voice: ” What the hell did you do? Are you crazy? Want to cause a world war? ”
” No, it’s not that we are crazy, but … the identity of Fire Fist Ace … exposed! ”
” What? ”
As Reina’s daughter, Robin naturally knew the true identity of Whitebeard’s second division captain, Fire Fist Ace, and even knew the relationship between Ace and Luffy.
” It turns out … so you are planning to use this news … you will not succeed! ” Robin stopped and said firmly.
She has confidence in the Whitebeard Pirates and Reina, but she knows … that she should not be able to escape.
” Of course … the Whitebeard Pirates are not that easy to deal with … but executing you at this time … should have some incredible effects! ” Qingzhi nodded and replied.
Robin’s whole body began to tremble, she understood the plan of the Navy … Now it is really difficult to fight the Whitebeard Pirates, even if there is Ace’s incident as a place to use, but the Whitebeard Pirates It must have been prepared for a long time, so the navy will not be cheap.
But if the news of her execution spreads out at this time, then if nothing else, her father Reina will definitely lose his mind. By then, the Whitebeard Pirates will have a flaw, and the Navy will be able to use this as a breakthrough point. , hit the Whitebeard Pirates heavily, and it was able to solve her unstable factor, so she won it in one fell swoop.
” Luffy … hurry up …” After thinking about it, Robin knew that she had become the key, and she, who was about to give up, rekindled her desire to survive.
But before she could finish her words, Aokiji came directly to her side and used her ability to freeze Robin directly.
” Robin! ” When Luffy got up from the ground, the anger in his heart was at its peak.
” Miss Robin! ” Sanji, who was struggling, was even more stunned. If it wasn’t for his legs and feet, he would have rushed over at this time.
” Don’t be nervous, as long as he can be thawed, he can still be rescued, but after being frozen, his body will be particularly fragile. If it is like this …” Qingzhi said, raising his fist and going to hit Robin past.
” Bastard! ” Zoro threw the third knife from his waist into his mouth and attacked Aokiji directly.
” No! ” Nami and Chopper over there didn’t even have the courage to watch, so they covered their eyes with their hands.
” Stop it for me! ” Sanji didn’t care about the injury on his leg, and rushed towards Aokiji.
” Whoo! ”
In the end, Aokiji’s fist fell, but it was empty. It turned out that Luffy used his rubber ability to rescue Robin.
” Huh? ” Seeing Luffy hugging Robin, who had turned into an ice sculpture, Aokiji raised his leg and stepped on it, but at this moment, Usopp, who had always been timid, didn’t know where the courage came from. Luffy snatched Robin from his hands.
” Good job, Usopp! ” Everyone praised when they saw Usopp’s success.
” Don’t even think about doing anything to Robin! ” Just as Aokiji was chasing after him, Nami stood in front of him.
” Little girl, I advise you not to mess around! ” Qingzhi said softly, looking at Nami in front of him.
” Usopp, Chopper … Quick, bring Robin back to the boat, you must save Robin! ” Luffy, who fell to the ground, shouted loudly to Usopp in the distance.
” Give up her! Not saving her is the best choice for this world! ” Aokiji said softly, looking at Nami who was blocking her.
” You’re right … but …” Nami smiled lightly, waving the long stick in her hand and said, ” We are pirates! We are a group of people who do all kinds of evil! ”
” You can see clearly! But … that’s not the reason why she can leave! ” Aochi waved his hand and directly beat Nami aside, but he didn’t wait for him to continue chasing Usopp and Joe who were far away. Ba, Sanji and Zoro stood in front of him.
” Wait a minute …” At this time, Luffy slowly came to Zoro and Sanji’s side, and said firmly: ” Leave him to me! Let me and him duel! ”
Looking at Luffy’s firm eyes, Zoro and Sanji had no choice but to leave first with Nami.
Over there, after Chopper and Usopp’s rescue, although the ice on Robin’s body is gradually disappearing, even the ship doctor Chopper is not sure whether this can save Robin.
Soon, the three of Sanji also returned to the pirate ship, and Nami replaced Chopper to help Robin water, while Chopper came out to help Sanji and Zoro to heal.
Usopp was extremely impatient after learning that the three of them had left Luffy and returned, but there was nothing he could do.
” Ah ~ it’s nerve-racking! I seem to have been fooled by you! ” Looking at Luffy who was frozen by himself, Aokiji reacted and agreed to Luffy’s challenge, so when he defeated Luffy , the battle is over, and he can no longer take action against the rest of the Straw Hats, otherwise he will violate the regulations on duels at sea.
” Forget it … I’ll pay you back this time, the matter of Alabasta … we’ve settled for the two! ” Qingzhi shook his head, took his coat and left.
When Sanji and Zoro arrived, they only saw Luffy who was frozen in place, but they didn’t see Aokiji at all.
At night, when Robin woke up, he found that the members were all around him.
She slowly sat up from the bed and looked at her body. She was a little surprised. She didn’t know why Aokiji didn’t take her life.
According to what Aokiji said before, after she was captured and publicly executed, it should be the best way to attack Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Robin …” Looking at Robin who sat up, Nami, who rubbed her eyes, asked in surprise: ” Are you awake? Are you feeling better? How are you feeling? I’ll call Chopper! ”
” No need! Nami … Where’s Aokiji? ” Robin shook his head and asked softly.
” Let’s go! ” Nami repeated what happened after Luo Bing was frozen.
Looking at the silent Robin, Nami walked over and hugged gently, and said, ” You don’t need to care about the navy’s words, Luffy and we will not mind! You are our partner now, and we all believe in you. Please also trust us … no matter what the circumstances, we will never betray! ”
” No, Aokiji is right, you don’t understand! Keeping me on the boat … It may bring you a lot of trouble! ” Robin shook his head and said, ” If something like today happens, if the next time If it happens again … what should I do? ”
She hadn’t thought about this issue before, because it wasn’t her chief officer’s will that she boarded this ship, so as Aokiji said, he didn’t care about the lives and deaths of these people.
But after sailing with these partners for a while, she felt that she really started to treat them as partners, especially with what happened today, except for her father and the Whitebeard Pirates, no one had ever fought desperately for her.
So she’s now considering … whether to leave the ship.
” What nonsense are you talking about? You can leave this kind of thing to the captain! Trust him! ” Nami said, looking at Luffy who was sleeping soundly beside him, ” Although he usually looks very out of tune, But … if something happens, he’s still very reliable! ”
Hearing Nami’s words, Robin smiled slightly, and she was indeed warmed today.
But thinking of what her father Reina said, in her capacity, no matter where she goes, it will not be an easy thing. Except for the Whitebeard Pirates, this should be the best choice.
But in order not to affect the Whitebeard Pirates, I brought danger to Luffy and the others … Is it really good?
That night, Robin began to be confused.
If she was in the Whitebeard Pirates … maybe it would be better, at least something like today would never happen, and she wouldn’t have to worry that someone would use her to influence Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates.
But …
Looking at the sleeping partners, Robin’s mouth turned up unconsciously.
” Let’s take a look … it really doesn’t work … I can only …” Robin said softly, and fell into a deep sleep again.
Three days later, the Golden Meri set sail again.
Although Robin didn’t say anything, everyone could see that Robin was quite moved by the fact that they still did not abandon her in the face of the admiral.
But only Nami noticed that behind Robin’s smile, there seemed to be a trace of sadness hidden.
However, she believes that time will prove to Robin that this time she made the right choice.

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