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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Deputy captain, a pirate ship was found at the back, following us all the time! ”
” Huh? Who is it, can you see clearly? ”
Reina, who was lying on the deck, asked the crew who came to report.
“I don’t know, although they kept a certain distance from us, they kept following behind us! ” The crew shook their heads and replied, ” It is estimated that those guys who wanted to pick up the leaks mistakenly thought we were the Moby Dick . now! ”
Originally, the ships of the Whitebeard Pirates were all imitations of the Moby Dick , so apart from the size and size, the rest looked similar.
” Really? Take me to see it! ” Reina, who had been scolded by the doctor for a while, got up and said without any hesitation.
Sure enough, when Reina came to the stern, he saw a pirate ship keeping a certain distance from them. Just by visual inspection, we knew that the artillery would definitely not hit each other.
” Humph! It’s really courting death! ” Reina took out the thousand cherry blossoms from her waist, and Reina slashed directly towards that side.
After the slash passed directly, the pirate ship behind them was directly divided into two, and Reina turned and left without looking at Ye.
” If you encounter such a direct action afterwards, don’t care who he is! ” Yawning, Reina returned to the deck to rest again. Recently, he was thinking about the return of his life.
I originally planned to ask Whitebeard for advice, but he didn’t expect to be interrupted by the doctor, so he forgot it, so now he can only figure it out on his own.
On the other side, the Straw Hat gang who came down from the empty island met the silver fox Fox and started a duel with them. Although they finally defeated them, the process was somewhat unexpectedly difficult.
But in the end, Luffy still defeated the opponent, not only took back his partner and ship, but also got the opponent’s pirate flag, but in order to prevent the opponent from going out to sea without sails, he painted a new pirate flag for the opponent himself … … to make the entire Fox Pirates complain about being ugly at the same time.
” Hey hahaha … what a bunch of interesting guys! ” Luffy said with a smile, watching the Fox Pirates leave.
Robin looked at Luffy with a smirk, and felt touched for some reason.
But before she could say anything, a man appeared in front of her.
” Yo ~ long time no see … Nicole Robin ! ” Aokiji took off his blindfold and greeted Robin.
” Why are you here!? ” Robin asked vigilantly after seeing Aokiji.
” Eh? Robin, who is he? Do you know him? ” Luffy asked curiously upon seeing this.
” Well ~~ someone I knew before! You are the straw hat boy … We met in Alabasta! ” Aokiji said with a smile.
Luffy tilted his head to think for a long time, but he just didn’t remember it.
Because the last time they met, Aokiji was wearing a navy uniform, but now he is wearing casual clothes.
” Why is Robin’s face so ugly, who are you? And you met Luffy in Alabasta? Are you from the Baroque Works? ” The rest of the people began to get nervous because of Robin’s expression.
” Aiya ~ I have something to say, don’t be so murderous! Little brothers, I didn’t receive any orders, I just happened to be walking past here, and I just met you! ” Qing pheasant spread his hands and said with a smile.
” Received an order? What kind of organization are you from? ” Zoro asked with a condensed voice, his hand on the weapon on his waist.
” He is one of the three admirals of the Navy, Aokiku Kuzan! ” Robin took a few steps back and said in a deep voice.
” Navy … Admiral ? ” Everyone was surprised. After experiencing the incident in Alabasta, they had a clearer understanding of the Navy’s generals and Qiwuhai. They were a group of quite powerful beings.
Especially the Admiral, who is the top combat power in this sea.
” Ah! By the way, you were the Admiral at that time! What ? Back then, Sand Crocodile was so bad, you didn’t arrest him, and you weren’t a good person! ” Luffy recalled seeing him at the palace in Alabasta. The other party, because of the identity of Crocodile at that time, the other party knew that Crocodile was a bad person, and did not arrest him.
” Hehehe … Isn’t it a perfect solution from the beginning? Besides … don’t talk about the past, I just didn’t expect that I would meet you here, especially you … Nicole Robin ! Look! Come, you really abide by the agreement between us! ” Qingzhi said with a smile.
” Why are you here as an Admiral? Shouldn’t you be at the Navy Headquarters? ” Nami asked in disbelief before she could fully understand Aokiji’s identity.
” Aiya ~ There’s a beautiful young lady here! It’s really fascinating ~ Are you free tonight? ” Qingzhi bent down and asked Nami next to him with a smile.
” Bastard … what are you trying to do? Big man … is courting death? ” Aokiji’s attitude immediately aroused Sanji’s dissatisfaction. If it wasn’t for Usopra, he would have rushed forward.
” Oh , ah, don’t get excited! Really, you have to listen to what people have to say! Didn’t I say it? I just came here for a walk, it was just an accident to meet you, I didn’t want to do anything to you! ” Aokiji waved his hand and said to the excited Sanji:
” By the way, what are you calling that? Forget it … Anyway … Nicole Robin , since you still abide by the agreement between us, then I won’t do anything to you! ”
” Hey … Robin, are you really sure? This guy is really a navy admiral? Could he be mistaken? He doesn’t seem to be very strong! ” Usopp asked Robin in disbelief .
” Hey … don’t judge people by their appearance … as a navy, what I believe in is lazy justice! Anyway … that’s so tiring ! I’d better sit down and talk to you! ” Lie down halfway.
After some conversation, Robin felt that Aokiji really had no intention of attacking her, and he also helped the old man here who delayed meeting with the rest of the villagers because of walking on stilts.
Because, everyone has also seen the true strength of the green pheasant. As a devil fruit person, not only ignores the sea, but also freezes the sea.
” Eh? I didn’t expect you to be a good person! ” After sending the uncle on stilts away, Luffy saw Qingzhi sitting there with his head straight, so he asked curiously: ” You seem to be very troubled! Yes! Is something wrong? ”
” Monkey D. Luffy … how should I say it? You and your grandfather are so similar! ” Qingzhi sighed and said, ” Should I say that you are enthusiastic? Or are you erratic? You have received a lot of love from your grandfather! ”
” Grandpa … Grandpa? ” Hearing Qingzhi mentioning his grandfather, Luffy immediately became sweaty and his body began to tremble.
” Luffy, what’s wrong with you? Why are you sweating profusely? ” The companions were very surprised when they saw Luffy’s appearance.
” No … it’s nothing … just remembering some bad memories! ” Luffy quickly shook his head and dispelled some of the images in his mind, which was considered a little more comfortable.
Luffy’s answer surprised everyone. I don’t know what Luffy remembered, and it made Luffy, who is not afraid of the sky, be so frightened.
” Nicole Robin … After I thought about it carefully … I decided … I’ll deal with you here! ” Aokiji, who was sitting on the ground, slowly got up and said.
” What? I knew that you were trying to steal Robin, and I would never agree! ” Luffy roared angrily.
” Really? Aokiji … you want to break the promise? ” Robin asked calmly.
Aokiji smiled slightly, looked at Luffy and the others, and then said to Robin: ” Originally, I thought you should not be in any danger following them, because no matter who you are following, it is always better than following that man! But after researching them, I think we underestimate them! ”
” As a rookie pirate group, what they do is quite backbone, and the growth rate is even more surprising, even if I have dealt with villains for a long time … I feel the prospect is unimaginable, Especially you … Nicole Robin ! You should know what I mean! ”
” So … you’re going to kill me here? Although I don’t have the ability to fight back against you … but are you really ready? Admiral … Aoki! ” Robin stepped forward and stared at Aokiji asked.
Aokiji sighed, ignoring Robin, but turned his head and said to Luffy: ” Do you know this woman? A child who was offered a reward of 79 million by the World Government at the age of eight … that not only represents her The strength of her also represents the degree of her threat to the world government! ”
” A child can live smoothly to this day … What does it depend on? Before being betrayed, it can be sensitive to escape, and when someone takes in, it can be used … She is relying on this kind of wind to steer. Way, survived in this world! This time you are chosen, are you still being used by her? Monkey D. Luffy … ! ”
” You bastard … the way you speak is really annoying! To slander Miss Robin like this …”
Sanji roared angrily when he heard Aokiji’s words.
” Defamation? No , no, no … you can ask her for yourself, is that true … you will soon regret taking her in! Because … so far, all the forces that have taken in her have all perished! ” Qing Pheasant said with a chuckle.
Robin didn’t refute Aokiji, because in a sense, what Aoki said was right, but she couldn’t understand. When she was in Alabasta, she said that she would join the Straw Hats. … If Aokiji objected, he could have raised it in the first place.
But at that time, Aokiji just said that as long as she did not return to the Whitebeard Pirates with Reina, he would not attack Robin.
This is also one of the reasons why he chose to come to the Straw Hat gang, and also one of the reasons why Reina didn’t continue to work with Aokiji.
So now Robin doesn’t say anything. First, she wants to see where she is in the hearts of Luffy and others, and secondly, she wants to see what Aochi wants to do.
” Shut up! It used to be … now is now … now Robin is my partner! I will never allow anyone to do anything to her! Not even if you are an admiral! ” Before Robin could think clearly, Over there, Luffy shouted and rushed directly to Aokiji.
” Luffy … Stop, don’t be impulsive! ” Robin wanted to stop Luffy, but it was too late.
” It turns out that you are already so familiar with it! ”
” Bang! ”
As soon as Aokiji finished speaking, he was shattered by Luffy’s punch.
“What’s the matter? Was it killed so easily? ” Chopper asked in surprise when he saw the Aokiji shattered into powder.
” No, everyone … run away! ” Usopp didn’t know whether he understood it or was out of cowardice. In short, he was the first person who thought of running away.
” Oops … it’s … it’s too much! Ice blade! ” Aokiji, who was transformed from ice into a human shape, directly used the grass on the ground to create a sword of ice, and then Sister Hui Wave to Robin next to Luffy.

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