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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” What’s going on? Why would anyone dare to attack Dad? ” After Renner hung up the phone, Jin Guduo immediately frowned and asked.
” It’s not that guy Tiki … He leaked Ace’s identity before he died, and now no matter who it is, he wants to intervene … Our Whitebeard Pirates have been too quiet these years, those guys I have forgotten … the fear of being dominated by us! ” Reina said softly.
” What are you going to do? ” Jin Guduo asked Reina after hearing the words.
” Since they have forgotten … then I don’t mind helping them remember … especially the navy guys! ” Reina smiled sullenly.
” Don’t mess around. You also know about the old man’s body. In case someone finds out … the trouble is even greater! ” Jin Guduo said with a frown.
” Do you think I’m an idiot? Of course, it’s not my eldest brother’s turn to take action. It’s up to me to come forward with this kind of thing … Didn’t the Golden Lion Shiki come to find us before? It’s just … I can take advantage of it! ”
” Golden Lion Shiki? That’s not a simple person, you better not play with fire! ” Jin Gudo warned.
” Don’t worry, when Warring States and Garp joined forces to send the Golden Lion Shiki into the advance city, I can’t do it. He doesn’t want to find a way back, find a chance … Work with the Golden Lion Shiki to attack the high-level generals of the Navy, presumably He won’t say no! ” Rayner said with a chuckle.
” Who do you want to attack? The golden lion doesn’t like it at a lower level. It takes a lieutenant general or even a general to take action! But once the two of you take action against the general … that’s not a trivial matter! ” Jin Gu was a little bit more said worriedly.
” Hmph, what are you afraid of? If I hadn’t found a chance to attack the Warring States, I would definitely choose the Warring States! ” Reina pouted and replied.
Jin Guduo rolled his eyes. He said so much about his feelings just now, but Reina didn’t listen at all.
A week later, Rayner finally rendezvoused with Whitebeard’s Moby Dick .
” Jinbei? Why are you here? ” Just after returning to the Moby Dick , Reina saw the blue fat man of the Murloc.
” Hehe … Mr. Reina! I heard that someone was doing something to my father, so I came here on purpose! ” Jinbei said with a smile.
” You are now the king of Qiwuhai, don’t get too close to us! Now that the whole world knows that you are ours, how can you help us get information in the world government in the future? ” Reina said with a headache.
” Eh? Is that so? What should I do then? ” Jinpei asked in a panic, as if I only knew it now.
” Don’t pay attention to him, he has a lot of eyeliner in the World Government, and there is no shortage of Qiwuhai like you! And who doesn’t know that Fishman Island is the father’s territory? If there is news of dealing with us, the World Government will definitely hide it. Yours! ” Marco on the side patted Jinbei on the shoulder and said with a smile.
Hearing this, Jinhe smiled embarrassedly.
” Where’s Big Brother? ” Reina looked towards Whitebeard’s dedicated seat, but saw no one.
” Daddy is still resting in the cabin! ”
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned. Usually, Whitebeard didn’t come out so late. Could it be …
” Don’t worry, Dad is fine, I guess I drank a little too much last night! ” Marko immediately knew that he had misunderstood Reina, and quickly explained.
” That’s all right, Doctor? ” Rainer asked, nodding.
“The doctor is probably in his own room! He rarely comes out after returning from Fishman Island. There are often fights outside these days, so Dad didn’t let him come out! ” Marko spread his hands and replied.
” Well … I’ll go find Big Brother first! ” Reina said and walked directly towards the cabin.
” Eh? Jinguduo, why are you and Reina the only ones back? What about Lakyo and Ace? They went back to Xuanyue Island first? ” Over there, Bista only saw Jinguduo following Reina, and asked curiously road.
Jin Guduo shook his head and said, ” They didn’t return to Xuanyue Island! ”
” Huh? Didn’t return to Xuanyue Island? Is there anything else? ” Marko, who was standing by the side, immediately asked.
Now Ace is the focus of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. If Ace is captured, it will be really troublesome.
” They’re fine, it’s just something else delayed! ” Jin Guduo quickly explained.
On the other side, when Reina came to Whitebeard’s room, Whitebeard just got up.
” Brother … Be careful with your body! It’s not good to have a hangover like this! ” Reina found a stool and sat down and said.
” Gu la la la … You kid, take care of yourself! How is it, how is the harvest this time? ” Whitebeard stretched and asked with a smile.
” I’ve already sent someone to call the doctor. Let’s talk together when he arrives! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Doctor? It seems that I found something good this time! ” Whitebeard said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
” There are indeed some new discoveries …” Reina nodded and said, ” Now that Ace and Rakyo are still there, they need the help of the doctor to write something! ”
” Oh? What good things did you find? ” At this time, Dr. Sière happened to walk in, so he asked with a smile.
Reina briefly recounted the treasure hunt, and focused on the mine and the mutated gorillas and plants.
” Oh? There is actually a whole mountain of mines? Have you surveyed them? What mines are they? Have you found the reason for the mutation of those creatures and plants? What caused them to mutate? ” Hearing Reina’s words, the doctor really revealed With great interest, he asked continuously.
” Those gorillas will mutate at night, and their strength has increased a lot, but they were all wiped out by us. I deliberately left three of them, and the doctor can go and see for himself. I couldn’t keep my hand, so I had to kill it! As for those plants … not only can they resist Ace’s flames, but even my slashes! ” Reina simply replied.
” There is still such a thing? Then it seems that a certain substance is particularly active at night, which drives the mutation of the host! Let’s go … Let’s go now, I can’t wait! “The doctor expressed quite enthusiastic.
” Doctor, don’t worry, I will keep the largest plant there for you, and I also found that the soil of that mountain is different from other places. In addition to iron ore, there are many other ores found in the mine. Some I don’t know what! ” Reina said with a smile.
” It is inevitable that the soil will be different. Because of the ore, the soil will definitely be different. Those plants should absorb the minerals contained in the soil, so they can mutate, and those animals are because they have eaten the fruits of plants or The leaves are what caused them to mutate! ” Although there was no past, after hearing what Reina said, the doctor immediately analyzed the reason.
” This … it shouldn’t be possible! Those plants are quite tough, neither Ace’s flames nor my slashes can hurt them. Although those mutant animals are also very powerful, they shouldn’t feed on mutant plants! ” Reina shook her head and said.
” Idiot, are those plants directly mutated? Certainly not! It takes time, so those animals that eat plants will also mutate in the process! ” The doctor shook his head, and Reina couldn’t figure out what a gorilla was. The problem of how to mutate is explained.
” So that’s the case … But why did those gorillas who were originally herbivorous started to eat meat after they mutated? ” Reina asked again.
The doctor glanced at Reina with contempt and said, ” You said it yourself, they have mutated, which means that their IQ has become higher, so naturally there will be higher pursuits! ”
Reina was stunned for a moment, not expecting such an answer at all.
” By the way, you haven’t moved that mine, have you? ” Dr. Ahsie asked worriedly.
” Move? What do you mean? I’ve made them mine! ” Reina asked with a puzzled look.
” Idiot! Since those ores can have a mutation effect when they are stacked there, it means that they must be related. If you move them, if there is no mutation effect, wouldn’t it be a big loss? ” The doctor was furious . look like, roaring at Reina.
” Ah … this …” Reina looked embarrassed that I didn’t know.
” Goo la la la …”
Seeing Reina’s embarrassed look, Whitebeard laughed happily.
” Then what should we do now? ” Reina spread out his hands and said, “The mining has already started over there, and Lakyo is staying there. In order to excavate the ore faster, that kid will keep catching up with the progress! ”
” What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and move forward at full speed! ” said Dr. Sière anxiously.
” But … there are so many ores there, the Moby Dick will definitely not be able to hold it. I plan to go back to Xuanyue Island first and get the empty island too! ” Reina said a little embarrassedly.
” I don’t care, now, now! Which island I want to go to right away, I’d better dare to destroy the mine before some idiot in Lakjoo! ” Dr. Ahsie roared impatiently.
” Goo la la la … Doctor, don’t worry, I will let the Moby Dick move forward at full speed. As for Reina … just go back to Xuanyue Island alone, you should also operate the sky island, and then you will Just get the empty island! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Okay then! Now it seems that this is the only way to go! ” Reina took out the permanent pointer and handed it to Whitebeard. ” Jinguduo has been there before, the weather in the Lalu Sea is chaotic, brother, be careful in the past! ”
” Gu la la la … I haven’t been anywhere? Do you want to worry about me? ” Whitebeard replied with a smile.
” Then Big Brother, Doctor … I’ll rush back to Xuanyue Island right now! ” Reina folded his fists and said.
” Get out of here, it’s annoying to look at you! ” the doctor said angrily.
Reina didn’t say a word, turned around and ran across the sea for so many years, who would dare to talk to him like this now?
So now he just wants to leave quickly, so as not to be scolded by a fool.
” What’s wrong with him? ” Looking at Reina who came out, he left without saying a word, and Marco and others asked in confusion.
” Jingudo! ” The doctor who came out of the cabin saw Jingudo and immediately shouted: ” Have you been to that small island? Hurry up and go to me now, otherwise if I ask some fool from Lak to destroy my mine, See if I don’t kill you! ”
Jin Guduo shrank his head, nodded, and ran towards the navigator’s room.
The consequences of the doctor’s anger are very serious. Haven’t you seen Reina running away in despair? Therefore, Jin Guduo will never be the one to take the blame, and he will simply run away.

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