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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Seeing Reina smiling and nodding, Lakyo punched Reina excitedly, and said with a smile, ” You guy … It’s really surprising, if Dad knew, he would definitely do the same. very happy! ”
” I didn’t expect that, I realized it by myself after eating breakfast in the morning! ” Reina spread his hands and said with a smile.
After hearing Reina’s words, Lakyo and Jingudo both turned black, indicating that they didn’t want to talk to Reina at all.
As time passed, they soon came to the previous island again according to Ace’s life card. In a few days, the natives here had gone out with a lot of ores.
With the depth of their excavation, not only iron ore has been found, there are many other kinds of ores, even many ore that Reina doesn’t know what metal it is.
And they found that the plants grown with the soil on the mountain had a certain degree of variation, but not the same degree of variation as the trees on the top of the mountain.
” Then you will continue to excavate, Lakyo, Ace … You two stay here to preside over the work, you must be careful, I feel that you may dig out some unexpected things later! ” Reina thought carefully After that, he said to Ace and Rakyo who were left behind.
” Don’t worry, we won’t mess around! ” Rakyo patted his chest and assured.
” I just don’t worry about you the most! ” Reina glared at him and said: ” Also, be careful of other outsiders breaking in. Ace’s current identity has been exposed, and many careerists want to take advantage of his identity. Come and do something, you must be careful! If you encounter a strong enemy, run away if you can’t beat it, and leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood! ”
Ace nodded and said, ” Don’t worry, co-captain, I understand what to do! ”
” It’s best if you understand. I don’t worry about Lakjoo. If he encounters danger, he will definitely run faster than anyone else! I’m afraid of you, remember … it’s better to die than live! In this world … There are still many people who care and love you! There are also many things that you need to protect! ” Reina patted Ace on the shoulder and said.
” Yeah! ” Ace nodded solemnly.
” That’s good, I’ll go back soon … little ones … set sail! ” Reina didn’t stop on the island too much, holding the permanent pointer that Ace made in the past few days, Reina Return directly.
On the other hand, after starting from Alabasta, Robin got on the boat of the Straw Hats. Originally, he was not very fond of this small group.
The only thing that interested her was the captain, Monkey D. Luffy.
Because the other person’s name also has the word “D” that makes her a little concerned.
Coupled with the uncompromising nature of the navy, she finally chose to join the Straw Hats.
But over time, after she slowly integrated into the ship, she found that the atmosphere here is actually very good.
However, not long after they left Alabasta, they encountered the wreck of a pirate ship that fell from the sky, and the record pointer also pointed to the sky.
After the exposure of the Whitebeard Pirates’ possession of the empty island, everyone no longer has any objection to the existence of the empty island, but Robin knows that the empty island of the Whitebeard Pirates is not so much an empty island as it is an empty island. It’s just a floating island.
And Reina once told her that there is a sky island in this world. Although Reina didn’t explain it very clearly at the time, she also knew that the sky island was real.
So when they arrived in Gaya, when Luffy said that he was going to inquire about the information on the island, Robin didn’t absolutely think that the other party was really whimsical.
In the following time, they met the descendant of the big talker Rolando , Venbra Kulikai ! At the same time, they also met Bellamy, the captain of the pirate group under the Don Quixote family who mocked them.
After the opponent stole Wenbra Kulikai ‘s gold, Luffy finally shot and defeated the opponent directly.
In the end, with the help of Vembra Kulikai, they flew directly to the real sky island while taking advantage of the huge soaring ocean current.
“I didn’t expect … there really is an empty island … ! ” Looking at the pirate ship staying above the white clouds, although Robin already knew the answer, he was still shocked.
” This … is this heaven? ” Usopp, who was so frightened that he couldn’t get up, said with tears.
But soon, they were attacked by the Shandians, and they were also rescued by the former god of the sky, the current sky knight Gang Cole .
So they started their adventure on the empty island, and Robin, along with Luffy and others, witnessed the glory of the once golden city of Sandora, and even saw Brother One Piece on the base of the golden bell. Message from El D. Roger.
” I see … that is to say … my mission is to guide all the historical texts we have seen to that island? Ralph Drew … What kind of secrets are hidden there? What kind of mission? ” Robin took out the necklace around his neck, gently stroked the text on it, and said softly.
Throughout the adventure on the empty island, Robin was almost making soy sauce, not that she was unwilling to help Luffy and others, but that she was not really integrated into this small group, so now her purpose of action is to find The truth of history is greater than acting with partners.
However, as the Son of Heaven’s Chosen, Luffy successfully defeated the person with the ability of the natural thunder fruit, claiming to be the god Anilu, and also passed the emotion between the big talker Rolando and the big warrior Calgary through the golden bell It ended the 400-year war between Sky Island and the Shandians.
And while Luffy and the others were having a celebration party on the empty island, the Fishman Island on the bottom of the sea was also having a party, but they did welcome Whitebeard’s party.
” Thank you so much this time, Nepton! ” said Whitebeard, laughing as he sat beside Nepton.
” It’s nothing, you may think this kind of thing is precious, but for us, it’s not a great thing! ” Nipton said with a smile: ” But do you really plan to transform Xuanyue Island into an underwater city? ”
” Of course I don’t want to learn from you to live completely under the sea, but to give Xuanyue Island a self-protection figure when encountering danger! ” Dr. Sière, who was sitting beside Whitebeard, replied with a smile. .
” I don’t understand you a little bit. We have worked so hard to live on the sea, but you are thinking of living under the sea! ” Nipton said with a wry smile.
” Gu la la la … so? Are you still determined to live on the sea? ” Whitebeard asked Neptune, looking at Neptune.
” Of course I want to go, but there is a premise … that is to ensure our safety! ” Nipton nodded and said.
” Don’t worry about this … Haven’t you already started contact with the World Government? What did the other party say? ” Whitebeard shook his head and asked.
” They didn’t give an answer! ” Neptune said with a sigh.
Seeing this, Whitebeard knew that he couldn’t say anything about this kind of thing. After all, he was a pirate.
After the banquet, Whitebeard boarded the Moby Dick , and the crew was ready to return.
Ah Sie has already figured out the bubble device on Fishman Island, and obtained a lot of materials from Neptune. After returning to Xuanyue Island, they can start building.
” Ask Reina, how’s the treasure hunt going? According to their estimated time, at this time, they should have almost arrived at Xuanyue Island, right ? ” Marco said.
” Okay, Daddy! ” Marko nodded, went to the correspondent’s side, and asked them to contact Reina.
” Dad … I can’t contact them. The doctor also went to see it just now. He said that Reina and the others should be where they are now. There should be something blocking the communication! ” After a while, Marco came to Whitebeard with a serious look on his face. said.
” Huh? Haven’t come back yet? ” Whitebeard knew about the Lalu waters, so it was normal for the phone bugs to be unable to contact Reina, but according to the time, they should have almost returned.
” Don’t worry! With Reina there, there shouldn’t be any problems. ” Bista said softly on the side: ” Maybe when we go back, they will arrive before us! ”
” That’s right, Dad, don’t worry! There will be no problem with Reina! ” Marko also nodded and said.
” Well … let’s go, let’s go back to Xuanyue Island first! ” Whitebeard nodded and said.
At the same time, the information that the Whitebeard Pirates appeared on Fishman Island began to spread slowly. Whether it was the navy or some pirates with ulterior motives, they all began to move towards the location where the Moby Dick was located. Azimuth forward.
” Blu Bleu … Bleu Bleu …”
” Hey … this is the Moby Dick ! ” The correspondent answered the phone bug, and said a little out of spirits.
” Where are you now? Have you returned to Xuanyue Island? ” Reina’s voice came from the other end of the phone.
” Huh? Is it the vice-captain? ” The correspondent immediately asked excitedly when he heard Reina’s voice.
” It’s me, what’s wrong? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” Deputy captain, I am the correspondent of Moby Dick . We have left Fishman Island and headed back towards Xuanyue Island, but the navy and some pirates have been harassing us these days! ” The correspondent said quickly.
” I see, I just left the Lalu Sea area, and now I immediately change the course, move in your direction and move forward, now … tell me your coordinates! ” Reina nodded and said.
” This … Vice-captain, wait a moment, our current coordinates are only known to the navigator, I will immediately hand over the phone bug to Dad! ” The correspondent hesitated and said.
” Okay! ” On the other side of the phone bug, was Reina’s calm voice.
This is still the order he issued at the beginning. No matter who it is, the correspondent is not allowed to disclose his coordinates to the other party.

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