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” Di … Check in for the twelfth day in a row … Today’s wages are being settled …”
” You get base salary: 120 points ”
” Overtime pay: 180 points”
” You got a treasure pack: Special Skill Life Return Fragment (5) ”
That night, when Reina got the salary of the day, he also got a treasure package, which was actually the last scrap of life return skills that he had been missing.
To be honest, Reina doesn’t really value this skill very much, otherwise, when he was only short of the last fragment, he would have filled it up for him in the mall.
It’s not that he has any views or opinions on the return of life … It’s purely because he doesn’t understand this skill.
In the original book, the appearance of this skill is most portrayed when it is CP9 of Judicial Island . One of the members, Xiongshi Huanqi, is better at this trick, and can use the return of life to control his hair.
In Reina’s understanding, it is probably that he can control various parts of the body with his own thoughts, and can quickly transfer energy in the body to achieve specific combat needs.
But this kind of move is still somewhat useful in the early stage. For the current Reina, it doesn’t seem to play a big role … Well, there is no harm in having one more skill.
The five scraps of life return were combined into skills: life return, Reina learned it easily, just like the rest of the six naval styles, now he uses more moon steps and shaving, as for the rest, very few It will be used, and more of it is used as a training mode in training.
As the essence of Taishu in One Piece, the Six Naval Forms are still very helpful for the training of Taishu.
The next morning, Reyna got up and went to the morning exercise as usual, so as to maintain the state of the body, but also to complete a little work time by the way.
After the morning exercise, Reina came to the restaurant and had breakfast with everyone.
” Reina, do you think Daddy and the others have returned now? ” Lakyo asked while stuffing a piece of meat into his mouth.
” I don’t know, it won’t be clear when we go back? ” Reina drank a glass of milk and slowly ate the exquisite breakfast in front of her.
His breakfast is different from Lakjoo and them. He doesn’t like to eat so greasy early in the morning, so his breakfast can be said to be the most exquisite existence in the entire pirate group.
” Ah ~~ I really can’t wait to see Xuanyue Island after the transformation! ” Ever since they learned that the Doctor intends to transform Xuanyue Island into a fish-man island, everyone has been looking forward to this transformation.
” What’s there to look forward to? It’s not like you haven’t been to Fishman Island! ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
” You know what, the fish-man island is the territory of the fish-men, but Xuanyue Island is our own. I heard from the doctor that the transformed Xuanyue Island will have two modes, one is the normal form on the sea surface, and the other is It’s a mode where you can directly dive into an underwater city in an emergency! Don’t you think it’s cool? ” Lakyo immediately retorted.
” Hey hey hey …” Reina replied perfunctorily.
Seeing Reina’s perfunctory appearance, Lak was just annoyed and left with a plate, and stopped sitting with Reina.
Jin Guduo on the side felt quite speechless, are these two children?
” Huh … ? Reina, don’t you like eating meat in the morning? ” Jin Gudo pointed to the meat in Reina’s hand and asked curiously.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned, only to realize that he was eating a large piece of meat from the dinner plate next to him unknowingly.
Then he took a closer look, and he didn’t know when the food on his plate had been completely eaten up, so he subconsciously went to eat the food on the plate next to him.
But now he doesn’t feel full at all.
Normally, he doesn’t eat a lot in the morning, because in the morning he has to train in physical and swordsmanship, so he will not continue to eat after satisfying the nutrition of his body.
Looking at the empty dinner plate in front of him, Reina was a little puzzled, and he didn’t do anything! Why is this so?
” Wait … my body …” At this moment, Reina felt that the physical strength he had consumed after the morning exercise had completely recovered.
Although his physical strength and recovery ability have become much stronger due to physical skills, there is still a lot of gap between him and the top powerhouses in this world, which is also where he has always been shortcoming.
Over the years, he has been exercising and maintaining his physical condition, but he still can’t keep up.
Just like Marco, he was still a teenager when he got on the boat. In these years, he just lived a normal life and practiced, and his physique is no worse than Reina. This is still under the circumstance that Reina keeps cultivating. If Reina is the same as Marco, I am afraid If it is true, it will become like Trafalgar Law , and if you can’t persist in a battle, you will be exhausted.
You must know that Luo only needs physical strength for his fruit ability, but Reina needs his physical strength to support whether it is Sharinyan or Zanpakutō, especially after the fusion of Hingrenwan and him, the physical strength consumed is even more terrifying .
Therefore, Reina attaches great importance to the sudden recovery of the physical strength consumed by his morning exercise.
” Yes … Return of Life! ” It suddenly occurred to me that I learned a new skill Return of Life last night, and it was said in the original book that Return of Life has the ability to quickly convert the energy of food into physical strength.
” Does this make me a foodie like Luffy? ” Reina smiled wryly, clenching his fists.
The powerhouses in this world have an amazing amount of food. Reina can eat a lot if he opens his stomach, but he didn’t have the ability to switch quickly before, so he rarely overeats like that.
But now that he has learned to return his life, it means that he also has the ability to quickly convert energy into physical strength.
” Wait … If it’s energy converted into physical strength …” Suddenly, Reina’s eyes lit up, got up and said to Jin Guduo: ” Come on, punch me! ”
” What? ”
Jin Gudo, who was eating food, was overwhelmed by Reina. He suddenly ate a large piece of meat in the morning without saying a word. He started to go into a daze while eating, and then let himself beat him.
” Hurry up, don’t talk nonsense … I still seem to have learned a new ability! ” Reina said impatiently.
” Nima ~~~” Jin Guduo’s dinner plate was almost thrown out, which made it impossible for people to live?
With jealousy and blessings for Reina, Jin Gudo didn’t hesitate at all, and punched Reina directly.
” Bang! ” The Black Emperor’s ability was activated, absorbing the impact on Jin Guduo’s fist, and then Reina began to try to use the return of life to convert the energy into physical strength.
” It really doesn’t work? ” After Reina tried it, he found that he couldn’t convert at all.
” Huh? ” But just when Reina was about to give up, he found that his energy was a little less.
If it weren’t for the fact that the control of the Black Emperor’s ability had been perfected over the years, he really wouldn’t have been able to notice it.
” So … is it because I don’t understand life return well enough? Or am I not proficient enough? ” Rayner thought about the reason for his failure carefully, and found that although he had learned life return, his understanding and familiarity with life return was superficial. .
But with this discovery, Reina knows … his biggest shortcoming is about to be filled. He is now fighting with the top powerhouses in the world, and it is basically a quick decision. It is rare to fight for a few days. night.
Because if he can’t take down the opponent quickly, then he can only escape, and if the energy consumption is too large, he will be in danger.
” How is it? What do you feel? ” Jinguduo asked when he saw that Reina had been standing there all the time without making a sound.
” No problem! ” Reina nodded and replied.
Jin Guduo’s mood at this time was extremely complicated, both happy for Reina’s ability to comprehend new abilities, and bad for Reina’s perversion.
Speaking of which, Reina is already quite outstanding in terms of strength and ability, and is even very close to the top powerhouses such as Whitebeard, Karp, and Roger, but he can still comprehend new abilities at this time. Make people jealous and jealous.
After breakfast, Lakyo also heard about Reina’s comprehension of new abilities, so he and Jin Gudo were curious to find Reina, who was exercising, and wanted to know what Reina’s new abilities were.
” Want to know my new ability? ” Reina smiled and said: ” This ability is really not easy to show, and I just realized it, I don’t know how to show it! ”
” Isn’t it related to the battle? ” Lakyo asked in surprise for a moment.
If the new ability Reyna learned was some kind of fighting style or skill, it would definitely be shown to them, but Reyna couldn’t say it right now, so Lakyo thought it might be an ability that had little to do with battle.
” No, it’s directly related to the battle! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Do you know that life is returned? ”
” Return of life? ” Lakyo and Ace asked in surprise at the same time.
” That’s right, how do you say it … ? It should be regarded as a kind of physical art of the Navy! ” Reina nodded and said: ” A kind of body that can control various parts of the body with one’s own thoughts, and can quickly transfer energy in the body. In order to achieve the moves required for specific battles, such as using a large amount of food to convert into energy and quickly replenish it into one’s own physical strength! ”
” I know! ” Jin Guduo nodded and said.
” You know? ” Lakyo looked at Jin Gudo in surprise. Although he understood what Reina explained just now, it was the first time he had heard of the return of life!
” Yes, I met the intelligence department of the World Government before, and they seem to have such a move! ” Jin Guduo nodded and replied.
” Yes, in addition to the world government, there are many generals in the navy who use it, the most famous is the ghost spider! He can use his own thoughts to infuse his hair, so that his hair can become like an arm. , control the weapon to fight! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Ah ~ ! It’s that kind of move! You don’t want to learn to grow long hair, do you? ” Lakjoo said suddenly.
” Idiot, don’t ignore the essence of the return of life … Use energy to convert physical strength! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Lakyo was stunned for a moment, and he was speechless when he saw Reina.
” You … did you succeed? ” After a while, Lakyo asked in disbelief.
Having been a companion with Reina for so many years, he naturally knows what Reina’s shortcomings are. His body is like an ordinary person, but he is actually very fragile. If he hadn’t been exercising for a long time, his strength would never have reached the current level. high.
Therefore, Whitebeard often tells them that Reina is the role model of the pirate world. They all rely on talent to become strong, and Reina relies entirely on perseverance!
Of course, they also know that Reina has his own adventures and some weird abilities, but more of it is his own efforts.
But now, after comprehending the return of life, Lakyo is quite clear about what it means to Reina.
Because that means that Reina’s weakest physical fitness has also been supplemented to the greatest extent, narrowing the distance between him and the world’s top powerhouses.

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