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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After leaving the palace, Reina and the members waiting at the gate of the kingdom secretly exchanged their heads. After learning that Lakyo still hadn’t come back, Reina decided to sneak into the palace again.
But when he entered the palace again, he found that there were more guards in the palace than before, which made him feel that his plan to startle the snake might be useful.
Carefully all the way to the palace that received him before, just when I saw the king seems to want to go somewhere in a hurry, Reina followed directly without hesitation.
” Hey … this is … a cell? ” Reina was stunned when he saw the king entering the cell alone.
He has been here several times, but he has not found anything unusual.
But now that Nishiguchi II will come here, it proves that there must be something different here.
But there are quite a lot of guards at the door, and it is basically impossible to enter without knowing it.
” That’s the only way … Shakers … Open! ” Reina looked directly at the kaleidoscope Shakers, and then a red light flashed in his left eye, and all the guards stood there and stopped moving.
This is the ” coercion control ” of the pupil technique attached to his left eye , which releases the coercion similar to the overlord’s domineering, and can easily control those low-strength guards.
After seeing that all the guards were recruited, Reina quickly passed them and entered the prison.
” Crack! ” But when he came in, he only heard the last sound of the mechanism moving from the prison. When he passed, everything had returned to its original state.
” It seems that there is still a mechanism …” Reina searched carefully around the place, but did not find any mechanism.
Just when he was considering whether to burst into the room, the ground under his feet suddenly began to vibrate.
Immediately following him, it seemed that a battle was taking place underground.
” It’s Lakeyo …” Reina immediately judged that it should be Lakeyo and the King Nishiguchi II who had just descended into a fight.
” Dong, dong, dong …” After knowing where Rakyo was, Reina began to tap the ground to see where it was hollow.
” Found it! ” When Reina knocked on a piece of ground, he made a hollow sound, which immediately let him determine the location.
” Boom! ” He punched the ground, and a staircase appeared in front of Reina.
When he walked down the stairs, he saw Nishiguchi II lying on the ground, and Lakyo who was quite arrogant with a meteor hammer.
” Yo ~ you’re finally here, if you don’t come again … I’m going to starve to death here! ” Lakyo said with a smile immediately after seeing Reina.
” Speaking of … you, did he kill him? ” Reina asked Nishiguchi II, who was lying on the ground.
” Who is this guy? There’s still some strength …” Lakyo shook his head and said, ” It shouldn’t be dead now, but if you continue to lie here … it’s hard to say! ”
” He’s the king of this country, West Gate II! ” Rainer said with a shrug.
” What? King? No? ” Rakyo was taken aback, he really didn’t expect to be king.
” What is this place? ” Reina asked after looking around.
As for Nishiguchi II … Rayner said he didn’t care.
” This should be the treasure house of their kingdom. After we separated that day, I didn’t find any clues, so I came back and waited for you. I found the entrance here by accident, but after I came in, I found that I couldn’t get out! So I have been in Here waiting for you to save me! ” Lakyo said with a smile.
” Are you an idiot? Did you break the wall and go out? It’s just an ordinary wall … Shouldn’t it be hard on you? ” Reina said helplessly.
” Isn’t this afraid that the baby here won’t be able to get away? Anyway, I can still hold on. If you are really stupid enough to find me, it will not be too late for me to go out at the end! ” Lakyo said with a smile: ” You Look, aren’t you coming now? ”
While talking to Lakyo, Reina began to check the treasures here, and soon he found out that the things here were the treasures on the treasure map, because the system had already prompted him to complete the task, and when the salary for the day was paid in the evening, Rewards will be distributed together.
” Choose some valuable things that are easy to take away! The king just now should also be a capable person, right? The most valuable devil fruit here should be taken away by them, and there is nothing left! ” Rainer said after picking and picking something.
” Hey … these things are not garbage! Take away all the treasures here, at least half a small Xuanyue Island can be built! ” Lakeyo immediately objected and said: ” And these are the hard work we found, why not bring them? go? ”
” Then tell me … how to take it away!? ” Reina asked silently.
” Isn’t there him? ” Lakyo pointed to the fallen Xikou II and said, ” Since he is the king, wouldn’t it be better for him to send someone to transport it out? ”
” Do you think he would? ”
” Why don’t you want to? This is what I found with great difficulty. If you don’t want to … I will kill him! ” Lakyo said with a wicked look.
” Then King Nishiguchi … Come on and talk … Would you like to? ” Reina asked towards King Nishiguchi, who fell to the ground.
When he came in, he had already discovered that the other party had not passed out, or had already woken up.
” Is it too much, Your Excellency? You came to my country and stole our treasure, but you said it so confidently? ” Nishiguchi II saw that the disguise had been seen through, and slowly got up and said.
” I should have told you, my purpose, right? It’s not that we don’t have the ability to snatch all the treasures here, but it’s unnecessary, so for our request … you better agree, otherwise my companions may really Call and take all your treasures away … you know … we are pirates! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Okay, I agree! I will let people send all the things here to the port! ” After being silent for a while, Nishiguchi II still compromised, after all, compared to his own life, treasure is not important.
” Don’t give me anything, I remember everything here! ” Before leaving, Lakyo said to Xikou II.
Nishiguchi II didn’t answer. Now he just wants these two killing gods to leave quickly. He is now seriously injured. Although he has reluctantly pulled himself back from the death line with the strong recovery ability of the animal system, he should accept it. treatment is still to be accepted.
Soon, Reina and Rakyo took Xikou II out of the basement together, and when Zongduo guards saw the king’s appearance, they immediately took out their weapons and pointed at Leona and the two, asking them to let go of the king.
” Then … don’t forget our promise! ” Lakyo patted Nishiguchi II’s face, and left with Reina laughing.
The two who left met directly with Jin Gudo, and then all returned to the pirate ship. If the other party breached the contract, then they would attack as soon as possible.
Fortunately, Nishiguchi II didn’t do that, but really let people send all the treasures over.
” Your Excellency, take an inventory and see if there is anything missing! ” The person in charge of the transportation was Xikou II’s younger brother, who is known as the strongest warrior in the kingdom, Xikou Hua.
Lakyo was not polite to him either, and started to check directly in front of him.
” That’s right, the numbers are right! ” After checking, Rakyo nodded to Reina.
” Then let’s leave as agreed! ” Seeing this, Reina ordered directly.
So the pirate ship set sail again and left the island.
” That guy is really arrogant. He is so arrogant that he is so weak! ” Lacky said with disdain looking at Xikouhua who was still standing by the sea.
” Okay, this country is a little weird, but … it has nothing to do with us … We have already got what we want! ” Reina shook his head and said.
On the edge of the port, looking at the pirate ship leaving, Xikouhua sneered and asked the guard beside him, ” Did you do as I said? ”
” Yes, my lord, I have done exactly what you ordered! ” The guard replied immediately.
” Very good … It’s just a mere group of pirates, yet they dare to rob us! Hmph, it’s really courting death! ” Xikou Huaguai said with a smile.
But after he watched the pirate ship go far away and was almost out of sight, nothing happened, so he turned his head and asked, ” Are you sure the things are in place? Why didn’t they explode? ”
” This … my lord … we really put the bomb into the treasure according to your instructions! ” The guard trembled and said.
At this moment, a fire flashed in front of Xikouhua’s eyes, followed by the sound of an explosion and a huge impact, which directly knocked him flying.
” What an idiot, you still want to play tricks in front of us … If we didn’t even find the bomb … We would have been killed already! ” Looking at the sound of explosions coming from the port, Lakyo said mockingly.
It turned out that when he was checking the treasure, he discovered the bomb at the first time, but he did not make a statement, but pretended not to know, and quietly placed the bomb in the port while the other party was talking to Reina.
Therefore, when the time bomb is up, it will explode in the port, which can be regarded as letting the other party suffer the consequences!
Reina, who was resting on the deck, looked up at the blazing port, and then continued to cover his eyes with his hat. It was already evening. At night, he could get the reward of the S -level treasure hunt mode. Something was waiting for him, so he planned to take a nap while he had time.
As for the explosion just now … He already knew that this would be the result.
No matter if the bomb was planted by Nishiguchi Hua’s own idea or Nishiguchi II’s idea, Reina didn’t plan to pursue it, because … it wasn’t their pirate ship that exploded now.

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