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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Your Majesty! Just now, the guards reported that the two guards in the cell were stunned! ” In the palace hall, a non-commissioned officer glanced at Reina and wanted to report to the king.
” Ah ~ that’s what I did last night! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
” Are anyone injured? ” The king glanced at Reina and asked the non-commissioned officer.
” It’s okay, I’ve let them rest! ” The sergeant shook his head and replied.
” Okay, keep searching! ” said the king, nodding his head.
But when the guards came back slowly, they all reported that they didn’t find anything.
” King, this …” The captain of the guard looked at the king with an ugly expression while listening to his subordinate’s report.
Now someone has told you that someone invaded the palace, but they couldn’t find anyone, which is really a shame.
” Then Your Excellency Reina … I don’t know … What was the purpose of your companion’s visit last night? Maybe we can also have a goal! ” The king pondered for a while and asked.
” As I said, the purpose of our trip is to find the treasure in the treasure map! My companion came here last night to find the treasure! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Humph! This is the royal palace, and you come here to hunt for treasure? It’s a joke! Is n’t that all you pirates? Do something unconscionable under the banner of treasure hunting? ” Said immediately.
” Then can I see the treasure map in Your Excellency’s hand? ” The king ignored the captain and asked Reina.
” Yes! ” Reina nodded and took out the treasure map and handed it to the king.
” Bastard! ” Seeing Reina’s disdain to talk to him at all, the captain of the guard suddenly became furious.
” The location that the treasure map refers to is indeed this small island, and the location is indeed the palace, but … I really don’t know where there will be treasures in the palace! ” After the king looked at the treasure map carefully, he said yes. Reina said: ” Have you ever thought about the authenticity of the treasure map? ”
He was more familiar with this small island, so he could see at a glance that it was indeed here marked on the treasure map.
” I can tell you with certainty that the treasure map is real. As for the location of the treasure … you saw it too! It’s here! ” Reina chuckled and replied.
” Then, do you know what the treasure in the treasure map refers to? I can develop the treasure house of the palace. Your Excellency can go in and see if there is anything you want! ” The king said after pondering for a while.
” King …” Not only the captain of the guards, but even the ministers who came to hear the news objected.
” Then let’s go and have a look! ” Seeing that the king had already spoken, Reina just went to have a look. As soon as he came to see if there was any treasure in the treasure map, if there was, as long as he got the most valuable item in the treasure, Then this treasure hunt is over, and all that’s left is to find Lakyo.
” Wait, the king … The palace treasure house is an important part of the country, how can a pirate peep at will? ” At this moment, a burly man walked in and said in a deep voice.
The king was stunned and asked, ” Why did you come here, eighth brother? Let me introduce to you. This is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, His Excellency Chitong Reina! ”
“The Whitebeard Pirates? I don’t know if it’s true, the king still trusts others too easily! I heard that he and his companions were lost in the palace? If they were really members of the Whitebeard Pirates, how could they be missing? In our palace? ” The burly man who was called the eighth brother by the king cast a glance at Reina and said disdainfully.
” This is … ? ” Reina asked, looking at the king.
” This is my eighth brother, Xikouhua! He is also the number one powerhouse in our kingdom, and also the commander-in-chief of our kingdom! ” The king said with a smile.
” So that’s the case, so what is your plan? ” Reina nodded and asked.
” Defeat me … If you want to go to the treasure house, but I can’t do this! ” Nishiguchi Hua looked at Reina and said casually.
” Hey …” Reina sighed and said, ” I really didn’t want to do it. If I had known this, I would have done it at the beginning, and it would have saved the trouble! So what is the commander-in-chief, can we start? ”
” Humph! Arrogant, watch me punch you! ” When Xiguchi Hua heard Reina’s words, he immediately became furious and punched him.
In fact, Reina also knew that the strongest warrior of the West Exit Kingdom was probably colluding with the king in order to test his quality.
In the face of Xikouhua’s attack, Reina easily dodged, not because he didn’t want to fight back, but because he wanted to see what the strongest warrior in the kingdom of Xikou really had.
But after more than a dozen moves, Reina was a little disappointed. The other party was neither capable nor domineering. Although he might have a feeling of innate divine power, in front of him, he was not much different from ordinary people.
” That’s all you can do? ” Reina asked softly, looking at Hua Xiguchi, who was a little out of breath.
” Hmph, a coward who can only run away, dare to speak madly? ” Nishiguchi Hua roared and hit Reina again.
This time, Reina didn’t dodge and just stood there.
” Bang! ”
Nishiguchi Hua’s fist hit Reina’s chest, but Reina didn’t mean to be injured at all, and didn’t even move the corner of his clothes.
” Your Excellency …”
” Bang! ”
When the king saw this, he didn’t know it well. He just said two words at the beginning, and Reina kicked Xikouhua out with one kick.
” Huh? Does the king have something to say? ”
” Please stay with me …” Looking at Xikouhua who flew out, the king didn’t need to say anything else.
” Don’t worry, I didn’t kill him, but is he really the strongest warrior in your kingdom? Just this kind of strength? ” Reina asked curiously.
” That … cough … our country is a small country with few people, and naturally it is not as strong as your Excellency’s Whitebeard Pirates! ” The king said with a smile.
” Bastard … I want you to die! ” But at this time, Xikouhua, who flew out, roared angrily, and his whole body began to swell and slowly turned into a huge crocodile.
” Animal-type capable person? It’s a bit interesting … Is this decent! ” Reina smiled and said, looking at Xikouhua, who was rushing towards him with big strides.
” Eighth brother! Still don’t step back? ” But before Xikouhua could attack, the king standing there shouted loudly, and the running Exikouhua actually stopped slowly, and even his transformation was lifted.
” Laughter, Your Excellency, I will take you to the treasure house! ” Upon seeing this, the king smiled at Reina and said.
The corners of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and things seemed to become interesting. The king didn’t seem to be as simple as it seemed.
But Reina is not curious about their affairs, he just wants to get the treasure now, and then find Lakyo and get out of here.
So under the leadership of the king, Reina followed the other party to a basement, and after opening the heavy iron door, Reina entered the treasury of the palace.
” This is the collection of the past kings of our West Exit Kingdom. Your Excellency Reina can go in and have a look! ” The king made a gesture of invitation and said.
” Then I’m welcome! ” Reina nodded and walked in.
When Reina entered the treasury, Xikouhua, who was behind the king, asked in a puzzled way: ” Big brother … why do you have to be so polite to him? I don’t even know if he is a member of the Whitebeard Pirates! ”
The king glanced at Xikouhua and said, ” Whether he is or not, what we have lost is just some treasure. Didn’t you feel that you fought against him just now? You are not his opponent at all! ”
” That … that’s because I didn’t take it seriously. Once I use the fruit ability, he will definitely not be my opponent! ” Said Nishiguchi in disbelief.
” Idiot, are you the only one who has the ability to fruit? Maybe he has it too? If it’s okay, go find his companion for me, and let everyone touch the palace, but you can’t even find a figure. It’s a shame ! ” Shen Sheng said.
” I don’t know if what he said is true! If he really has any companions, how can they not be found? The palace has been turned over by the guards! ” Xikouhua whispered.
” Are you going? ” asked the king, casting a glance at him.
” Go, go, go … I’ll go right away! ” Xikouhua didn’t dare to be long-winded, and immediately left with the guards, leaving the king here to wait for Reina.
Reina, who entered the treasure house, did not look at the treasures carefully, but quickly touched every treasure. If it was a treasure in the treasure map, the system would naturally respond.
But when Reina touched all the treasures, the system did not respond at all.
” Sure enough, it’s not here anymore? Did the other party hide it … or did they really not find the treasure? ” Reina touched his chin and began to think.
If he and Lakyo found here last night, then he might think that the king really did not find the treasure, but after observing the king of Xikou today, he thinks that the possibility that the other party has obtained the treasure is very high.
In other words, the other party is likely to have other hidden treasures, and Lakyo … is likely to be there.
So now all he has to do is find that place.
” How is it? Have you found what you need? ” The king asked with a smile when Reina came out.
Reina carried a bag and said with a smile: “I ‘ve found it, now … as long as I find my companion … we can leave! ”
” Really ? But … now the entire palace is about to be turned over by us, and still no one was found. Could it be that your companion has already returned? ” The king said with a smile.
” Well … you’re right … it’s very possible, then I’ll go back and have a look! ” Reina nodded and said after pretending to think about it.
” Don’t worry, since you’re here, let’s go back after having lunch together! Let me, the landlord, entertain your Excellency! ” The king said with a smile when he heard the words.
” Really? Then I’ll be disrespectful! ” Reina nodded in satisfaction and agreed.
So the group returned to the palace, and after a sumptuous lunch, Reina left.
After Reina left, the king immediately let people open the treasure and count what was missing.
” King! The guards came to report just now that some of the gold ornaments were gone. They should have been taken away by the other party! ” The chief of guards wanted to report to the king.
” Just took some gold? ” asked the king, frowning.
” Yes, don’t all the pirates like gold? What are their excuses for a treasure map, it’s just for the treasure! ” The captain of the guard replied with a slight disdain.
” No … or something is not right … If it’s really just for some gold, with their strength, no matter if they are the Whitebeard Pirates, they can come to rob them in an open and honest way, why do such superfluous things? “The king tilted his head and thought.
” This … could it be that they are understaffed, so they dare not attack us at all? ” the captain of the guard guessed.
” It’s also possible … but … that treasure map … no, I’m still a little worried! You strengthen the guards for me, I’ll go to the secret room to see! ” The king said after thinking about it.

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