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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina and Rakyo, who were wearing black night clothes, sneaked into the palace, and Reina began to search for treasures according to the treasure map. Rakyo was surprised when he saw it, and he sighed at Reina’s greatness . of.
After hiding for a while, the two finally found the approximate area to which the treasure was pointing.
” It should be over there! But … because the buildings here have changed the surrounding environment a lot, so I’m not sure! ” Reina pointed to a building and whispered.
” Are you really here to hunt for treasure? ” Rakyo asked in surprise when he heard Reina’s words.
” Nonsense … why am I here without treasure hunting? Stealing? ” Reina rolled her eyes and said.
” But … the palace has already been built here, and the treasure must have been taken away! ” Lakyo said inexplicably.
” You didn’t even try … you knew the treasure was taken? ” Reina said, rolling his eyes.
” Okay, you are the boss, you have the final say! What do you do now? Blow up the building in front of you? ” Lakyo asked directly, not bothering to argue with Reina.
” It’s impossible to blow up … Let’s go and see where it is! But it must not be the king’s bedroom! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Although there are many guards in this palace, for Reina and Lakjoo, they basically have none, so after easily escaping the guards, they successfully approached their destination.
” There are obviously more guards here! It seems to be an important place. In case it’s the princess’ bedroom … Reina, it’s up to you! ” Lakjoo said with a weird smile.
Reina glanced at him, not bothering to pay attention to him.
” The guards in front can’t be avoided … One by one, knock them out! ” Reina winked at Lakyo and said softly.
Lakyo nodded, and came directly behind the guard, stunned him. At the same time, he also saw that Reina had stunned the other guard.
“The door is locked … Look for them to see if there is a key! ” Rakyo pushed the door slightly, but found that it couldn’t be opened, only then did he realize that the door was locked.
” I’m disappointed, it doesn’t look like this is the princess’ bedroom! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hurry up, wait for someone! ” Lakyo rolled his eyes and said.
Reina found the key from the guard and threw it to Rakyo, and opened the door very smoothly.
But when the two entered, they were immediately dumbfounded, because this place seemed to be … a prison cell!
” Are you sure this is where the treasure was buried? ” Rakyo asked, looking at Reina.
” It’s also possible! Maybe the royal family here caught a thief, and the other party buried the treasure in the cell before he died! ” Reina shrugged and said with a smile.
” Do you think that all people in this country are blind? Let a thief bury all the treasures in prison? ” Lakyo looked at Reina with contempt and said.
” Maybe … maybe it’s just a treasure? A family heirloom? ” Reina also felt that what he said just now was a bit idiotic, and quickly changed the way of saying it.
Lakyo didn’t bother to talk to Reina, and started looking outside each cell.
” Hey … There’s not even a single prisoner here … It seems that the security of this kingdom is good! ” After walking around, the two found that the entire cell was actually empty.
” What do we do now? ” Rakyo asked, looking at Reina.
” Why don’t … let’s go to their king? ” After thinking about it, Reina said, ” Speak directly to the other party about our intentions and see if the treasure has been taken by them! ”
” I think it’s better to listen to me and go directly to their treasure house! Why bother? Our purpose is just treasure, it doesn’t matter whose treasure is it! ” Lakyo shook his head and said.
Reina’s face darkened. According to normal circumstances, this is exactly what Lakyo said, but … Is his condition normal? Can he not care whose treasure is it? If he can’t get the treasure of the treasure map, it means that his treasure hunt mission cannot be completed, and he will not be able to accept the treasure hunt mission again after that.
” Let’s go, look for their treasure house! ” Reina is at a loss now. If this royal family really took the treasure, it’s okay to say, go to the treasure house and find it, maybe you can complete the task.
If the royal family here did not take away the treasure, he would really be speechless.
The two came out of the cell and began to search for the treasure house of the royal family separately, but Reina turned the entire palace around and found nothing like a treasure house, and he stared at the meeting place for a long time, but did not find Lakyo. come over.
If it weren’t for the fact that the entire palace was quite quiet and there was no sound of fighting, he really thought that Lakyo had been captured by them.
After waiting for a while, there was still no sign of Lakyo, and Reina had to start looking around, but after searching for a long time, she couldn’t find it. Seeing that it was about to dawn, Reina had to leave first and go back to meet Jingudo. After dawn, Go to find out about the news of Lacoyo.
” What? It’s gone? ” Jin Gudo looked at Reina and asked in surprise.
” That’s right, he and I were looking for the treasure house separately, and we agreed on a place to meet, but I didn’t see him when I passed by. I’ve searched the entire palace and I haven’t found any trace of him ! ” Spreading his hands, he said helplessly.
If you lost your companion, it’s your own problem anyway.
” Then what should we do now? Are we going to attack the palace to rescue Lakyo? ” Jin Guduo said anxiously.
” Don’t worry, he is not so easy to be caught, not to mention I didn’t hear any fighting in the palace, I guess that kid doesn’t know where he ran to, let’s go out and find out today. The news, make sure if he is caught or not! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Okay! ” Jin Guduo nodded and immediately let the members spread out to inquire about the news.
But the people who inquired about the news came back and reported that there was no news in the palace, and the outside was the same as yesterday, and there was nothing unusual.
” That’s weird … Where the hell did that kid go? ” Reina said, frowning.
Now they have no other way. Unless they really choose to attack directly as Jin Guduo said, they can only wait.
But Reina was afraid that Lakeyo would be trapped somewhere and couldn’t get out. If they didn’t find Lakeyo as soon as possible, they were afraid that something would go wrong with him.
” Let’s do it directly! Lakyo can’t do anything! ” Jin Guduo said after being silent for a while.
” Wait a minute … I’m going to the palace, and now I can only find their king! ” Reina got up and said.
” What are you going to do? ” Jin Guduo was taken aback and asked.
” What else can I do? Showdown with the opponent directly! It’s much easier for him to find Lakyo than us! ” Reina said helplessly.
” Then be careful, if you don’t come back today, I will attack the palace tomorrow morning! ” Jin Guduo nodded and said.
” Good! ”
After negotiating with Jin Gudo, Reina went straight out and went to the palace again.
Soon, he found King Xikou II at work in the study.
Although there are a lot of guards around the study, it is not a problem for Reina.
” King II of Xikou? ” Reina stunned the guards outside the door, dodged into the corner of the study, and shouted softly.
” Who? ” Hearing Reina’s words, the guards in the study immediately looked around to find who was talking.
And Nishiguchi II, who was working, also stopped the pen in his hand and raised his head.
” Don’t be nervous, I didn’t mean to hurt you! ” Reina slowly walked out and waved his hand.
” Who are you? How did you get in? ” The guards asked loudly after they drew their weapons and aimed at Reina.
” I said … I’m not malicious … Could you not point the weapon at me? ” Reina frowned.
” You push it away, don’t know who your Excellency is? What’s the matter with me? ” Nishiguchi II, who was sitting in front of the desk, waved his hand to the guard and said.
“The next one is a pirate who accidentally got a treasure map. According to the treasure map, he came to your country! ” Reina took out the treasure map and said to Nishiguchi II, ” I don’t know the king . What do you think about this? ”
Nishiguchi II was taken aback for a moment, looked at the treasure map in Reina’s hand, and said: ” It turns out that your Excellency is a pirate … But I really don’t know the treasure you are talking about … At least after I became a king, Haven’t heard rumors of any treasures on this island! Your Excellency … isn’t there a mistake? ”
” No, I’m not mistaken! In addition, I have a companion who disappeared after coming to the palace last night. I wonder if His Majesty the King knows his whereabouts? ” Reina put away the treasure map, shook his head and said.
” What? Someone actually sneaked in? ” Before Nishiguchi II spoke, the guards were surprised first.
” It seems that your Excellency is not a pirate group of any platform. Although the Lalu Sea area where we are located does not have deep communication with the outside world, there are still some sources of intelligence. I don’t know which pirate group you belong to? ” Nishiguchi II was silent . After a while, he asked.
” It’s really rude, I’m under the Whitebeard Pirates, Chitong Reina ! ” Reina smiled and reported his name.
” What? White … Whitebeard Pirates? ” Hearing the name of the Whitebeard Pirates, Nishiguchi II, who had always been calm, changed his face and asked in disbelief.
” It seems that the king has really heard of us! ”
“The world’s number one pirate group … The name of the Whitebeard Pirates, I think no one in this world has not heard of it! ” Nishiguchi II slowly got up and said.
” Then is His Majesty the King willing to tell my companion’s whereabouts now? ” Reina asked softly.
Nishiguchi II shook his head and said, ” I’m really sorry, I haven’t received any news of intrusion. Are you really sure that your companion has disappeared from the palace? ”
” Of course! ” Reina nodded and said, ” I’m pretty sure my companion is in the palace! ”
” King, please be careful! ” Seeing Xikou II coming out from behind the desk, all the guards blocked in front of Xikou II to prevent Reina from suddenly making a move.
” If Your Excellency doesn’t believe it, I will immediately order a search in the palace! ” King Nishiguchi looked at Reina and said.
” Then I’ll trouble the king! ” Reina replied with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
It is best if the other party is willing to cooperate, and he is not willing to do anything to these people casually.

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