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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After discovering that there was a problem with the soil in the mountains, Reina planned to start experiments to see if the soil problem caused the gorillas and those trees to mutate.
But soon Reina found out … that he didn’t understand at all!
” What do I do now? ” Lakyo asked helplessly, looking at the two big Reina.
” There is no way. Now that we know that there is a problem with the soil, we can only ask Murat and the others to be more careful and put all the excavated soil in one place. We can only wait for the doctor to come over and talk about it! ” Reina is also a His face replied speechlessly.
“I don’t know where Dad is now! We can’t contact the outside world at all! ” Ace also said with a wry smile.
Since they entered the Lalu Sea Area, the phone worm has been unable to use at all, even the phone worm modified by Dr. Sière on Reina has been in a sleep state.
” Let ‘s see … I feel a little uneasy about leaving this place to them, Lakeyo, you stay here to take charge of the overall situation, let’s go to the treasure hunt first, and we’ll go back when we find the treasure, and then go back to Xuanyue Island. Bring the doctor here! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Why don’t I stay! ” Lakyo was about to nod his head in agreement, but Ace, who was beside him, said, ” After all, I am more familiar with them, and some things can be communicated better! ”
” This …” Reina hesitated. According to Ace, he was indeed the most suitable person to stay, but Reina was not at all worried about Ace alone. Now he is the target of the whole world. Do it, if he is here alone, he will be in danger.
” Don’t worry, vice-captain, except for a permanent pointer, who can find this place? This is the Lalu Sea Area! ” Ace saw Reina’s expression and knew what Reina was hesitating.
” Well, you have to be careful here. When we come back from the treasure hunt, I’ll let Rakyo accompany you here! ” After thinking about it, Reina nodded and said.
So after dawn, Reina and others continued to set sail, leaving Ace on the island to preside over the mining work here.
” Navigator … three o’clock, full speed ahead! ” After setting sail, Reina also hid and tucked, and directly gave the correct direction to let the pirate ship move at full speed. He wanted to get the treasure as soon as possible, and then come over.
A day later …
” Deputy captain, find the island ahead! ” The lookout stood on the mast and shouted loudly towards Reina on the deck.
” Everyone, get ready to land! ” Reina was shocked, the direction given by the system was this side, but there was no distance, so he didn’t know if the treasure was on this island, only after landing on the island. will know.
Soon, after the pirate ship drove a distance, they saw a small island. From a distance, they could vaguely see the buildings on the island, which made everyone a little disappointed.
Because ordinary treasures are buried on uninhabited islands, and there are traces of humans on this small island, it proves that the treasures are not here.
” Go to the island to buy some supplies first, everyone, let’s take a rest! ” Reina also felt that the treasure would not be on this small island, so he was ready to continue sailing.
However, when the pirate ship entered the harbor, Reina suddenly found that the arrow in the system was missing, which only proved that they had reached the target island.
” Wait! Bring the treasure map! ” Just when everyone was about to disembark, Reina stopped everyone.
” What’s the matter? You don’t mean to say … the treasure is on this island, right? ” Lakyo asked in disbelief.
” It’s very possible! I have to look at the treasure map first! ” Reina nodded and said.
Lakyo didn’t believe it was unreasonable. Although they had entered the Lalu waters for a while, they didn’t actually sail that far. They found the target island so quickly … Even Reina was a little surprised.
However, the system has never been wrong. Since it has been pointed out that this is where the treasure is located, there should be no problems.
” Come and see … the shape of this island … is it very similar to the treasure map? ” Reina said to Lakyo holding the treasure map.
Lakeyo is also a treasure hunter. The treasure maps on the ship, those that Reina disliked, were basically brought back by Lakeyo and the rest of the captains.
” It’s a bit similar, but … Forget it, forget it for now. According to the hints on the treasure map, let’s see where it is first! Maybe it’s a place where no one is there ! ” It shouldn’t be here, but since Reina has said so, he doesn’t want to object.
So under the command of Reina, part of the crew followed Jin Gudo to buy supplies, and at the same time inquired about the situation on the island, while he and Lakyo took other people to find the location of the treasure according to the instructions of the treasure map.
But after they stopped and walked all the way, they finally stopped at the gate of a tall and powerful courtyard.
” This is … what is it? ” Looking at the building in front of him, Lakyo was a little dumbfounded. According to the treasure map, it should be where the treasure was buried, but now this is the case.
” Looks … like a palace? Isn’t this island a small kingdom? ” Reina said, rubbing his chin.
” No way? The island doesn’t look that big! ” Lakjoo said suspiciously.
” Forget it, don’t mess around, go to meet Jin Guduo and see if he has anything to gain. ” Reina shook his head and said directly.
In desperation, everyone had to leave and go to the largest tavern on the island, where they had agreed to meet, but when they arrived, Jin Gudo and the others were not here.
” It’s so slow to buy something? ” Lakyo found a place to sit down and asked his subordinates to get some food and drinks.
After staring for a while, Jin Guduo brought people over to meet.
” So fast? Sure enough, isn’t it here? ” Jin Guduo said with a smile when he saw that Reina and the others had already arrived at the tavern, and the food and drinks on the table had been wiped out.
Reina shook his head and said, ” do you have any news from there? ”
” There are some news, but they are all normal news! ” Jin Guduo shook his head and said.
” According to the instructions of the treasure map, we arrived at a place similar to a royal palace. It is estimated that we will not be able to get the treasure this time! ” Lakyo said with a sigh after drinking a large gulp.
” Isn’t it? It’s really here? I asked about it just now. It’s called Xikou Island and belongs to the Xikou Kingdom. Now the king is Xikou II! ” Jin Guduo said in surprise.
” Is it really a palace? That’s the end. When they built the palace, they must have discovered the treasure! Maybe they became the royal family here after they discovered the treasure! ” After listening to Lakeyo, he immediately lost his strength.
Missing the treasure, it made Lakyo feel quite painful.
And Reina was a little dumbfounded. Without the treasure, how would his treasure hunt mode end?
Although it was not the first time that Lakyo and the others could not get the treasure, it was the first time for Reina, and he never thought it would be like this.
” I’ve come here, I’m not sure … I’m always a little unwilling! I plan to go to the palace at night to see if I can find any clues! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
Lakyo’s eyes lit up and he immediately said, ” I’m with you! ”
” Don’t do this, right? I heard that the royal family of this kingdom has a good reputation, and they are not harsh to the residents here. You better not mess around! ” Jin Guduo hesitated and said.
Their Whitebeard Pirates are different from ordinary pirates. Although they are not as strict as the Roger Pirates, the ship also clearly stipulates that they should not attack civilians at will.
Although Reina and Lakko let go this time, the target of the shot is the royal family, but under normal circumstances, it is the royal family that they hate to deal with the most, especially those countries that have joined the world government.
” Don’t worry, we won’t shoot at them, we’ll just go and see! ” Reina winked at Lakyo and said.
” That’s right! Just to have a look! ” Lakyo nodded immediately and said in cooperation.
Jin-gu looked suspiciously at Reina and Rakyo, both of whom were famously money-loving guys on the ship.
The favorite treasure hunter on the boat is Lakyo, and Reina never misses any opportunity to make money, so Jin Guduo doesn’t really believe the words of the two.
But to be honest, Jin Guduo really doesn’t like a small kingdom on such a small island. According to the personalities of Reina and Lakyo, the two of them will take away some treasures at most, and will not really take care of the royal family. In this way, it will not work at that time. At most, it will be robbed and run away. Isn’t that what pirates do anyway?
At night, Reina and Rakyo put on black clothes and quietly approached the direction of the palace.
” Why do we dress like this? ” Lakjo asked in confusion.
” Idiot, so that we can better integrate with the darkness and won’t be found so easily! ” Reina said with disdain.
This is the most popular night clothes in the ancient times of his own motherland in the previous life, and most people would not take it out!
” Let’s go and bring the treasure house of the palace to a pot! ” Lakyo said excitedly when he came to the gate of the palace.
” What? ” Reina was taken aback and asked, ” You don’t intend to go in and steal? ”
” Isn’t that what you planned? Then why are you here? ” Lakyo asked, taken aback.
Not only him, but Jin Gudo, who was resting in the hotel, also thought that Reina and Rakyo were going to steal the palace treasure tonight.
” Nonsense … Of course I’m here to find the treasure! I found it based on the treasure map, not to steal the palace’s treasure house! ” Reina said with a natural expression.
Lakyo gave Reina a thumbs up and said, ” Cow! It’s not bad for the deputy captain … Even the excuses are better than those of us! That’s right, we’re not here to steal, we are Come and take back the treasure that belongs to us! ”
Reina’s face darkened. He knew that Lakyo had misunderstood what he meant, but he didn’t bother to explain it. Anyway, it would be good to get the treasure, otherwise, wouldn’t it be bad if the tasks in his system could not be completed?

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