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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After coming out of the woods, the four returned to the valley, because everyone was gathered there now.
Because of their reasons, many gorillas ran out from the top of the mountain, and it was easier to hide and defend in the valley.
” Okay, now there are only a few scattered gorillas left, but the forest on the top of the mountain must be destroyed, so I will ask you for the next time! ” Ace, Murat and others who came back said briefly. .
” Thank you so much! ” Murat’s spirits were trembling with excitement, and they finally didn’t have to be afraid every day.
” Everyone … let’s go! Destroy the demon’s lair! ” Murat raised his weapon and shouted loudly.
” Wait … you can’t do it like this! The wooden weapons in your hands can’t destroy those trees, Lakyo, give them weapons and teach them how to use them. In addition, all those trees must be dug up, just cut them off! ” Reina He stopped the excited natives and said with a smile.
So in the next time, Ace and Lakyo took the natives to destroy the forest, while Reina and Jingudo took the members to surround and suppress the remaining gorillas. They stayed on the island for three more days before Get things done.
” Okay, now the remaining gorillas are imprisoned in this area, you just need to be careful, don’t let the flames go out, they shouldn’t be able to break out, if they show any signs of escaping, you can shoot them! All you have to do is to continue digging out all the trees here, and the ore dug up from the mountain is good for each other, just wait for us to come back! ”
When there were three gorillas left, Reina did not kill them, but found a place to trap them on the island and lit fires around them so that they could not escape.
At the same time, because metal refining cannot be started immediately, Reina left a lot of weapons for the indigenous people here.
” Are you leaving now? Stay one more day? We have prepared a grand banquet tonight! ” Murat said gratefully.
Because the demons have been annihilated, the humans on the island no longer have to hide every day, so they all united and formed a large tribe, with Murat as the leader.
” Don’t worry, the deputy captain has not found the reason for the mutation of those gorillas and trees, so we will definitely attend the banquet tonight! ” Ace said with a smile.
” That’s great! ” Murat said with a smile, ” Don’t rush to follow his words, Mr. Vice-Captain, we’ve been digging that big tree non-stop, and we can definitely find what he wants! ”
With the extinction of the gorillas, the natives on the island began to dig against the central mountain range as agreed, especially the largest giant tree on the top of the mountain. According to Reina’s vision, it must be that its roots and stems were in contact with mysterious minerals. will cause variation.
But the top of the mountain has already been dug down by the natives. Except for iron ore, there is no discovery, which makes Reina puzzled.
You must know that the ordinary trees on the top of the mountain are also mutated, which proves that they have also been exposed to something that makes them mutate, but why have they not found it?
For this reason, Reina has been staying on the top of the mountain these days, but there is still no new discovery at all.
” Deputy captain, the banquet is about to start! ” On the top of the mountain, Reina stood alone at the root of the giant tree, thinking about the reason for their mutation.
” Oh … it’s Ace! You guys go, I won’t go! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Deputy captain …” Ace looked at the potholes around the giant tree, was silent for a while, and said: ” I think you should relax, or let the doctor come over, he is more familiar with these than us, isn’t he? ”
Looking at Ace’s slightly worried eyes, Reina smiled slightly, nodded, and said, ” You’re right, Ace! This kind of thing should be done by professionals! Well, let’s enjoy the banquet now! ”
Hearing Reina say this, Ace immediately lost his breath and said with a smile: ” That’s great! ”
When the two came down from the top of the mountain, the banquet had already begun, and the members of the Whitebeard Pirates and the local natives were singing and dancing.
A huge bonfire was lit in the middle of the valley, and everyone was venting their joy.
” Yo ~ Reina, did Ace still call you here? ” Rakyo asked with a big smile when he saw Ace and Reina coming over.
” Of course, I won’t miss the banquet! ” Reina replied with a smile.
After a few people ate and drank together, Murat also came over with a few members of the Elder Council. They came to express their thanks again.
As for the Council of Elders, it was suggested by Reina. They formed a new tribe, but it was definitely not suitable for the leaders of various villages to become ordinary people before, and it was inconvenient to manage, so it was suggested that Murat set up a Council of Elders. , by the leaders of the previous villages, and they are responsible for the integration of the people of their respective villages.
” Mr. Reina … I don’t know what you are looking for … have you found it? ” Murat saw that Reina was also here, and immediately stepped forward to greet him.
Reina shook his head and said: ” Except iron ore, I haven’t found anything of value for the time being … So you all have to be careful, since that thing can mutate both trees and gorillas, it might be harmful to us. Humans are also effective, if long-term contact can make us mutate at night … you will be in trouble! ”
” Then … what should I do? ” Murat asked nervously when he heard it.
” For the time being, I don’t know what a good way to do it … Let’s do it … I suggest that those of you who go to mine don’t go too much at one time, go over in batches, don’t work on it continuously, work on it for a few days at a time, and so on. Maybe it will be better! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Then … in that case … wouldn’t it be possible for everyone to mutate? ” Murat said still a little worried.
” I estimate that this mutation should be produced after long-term contact. It should not be mutated immediately after contact, otherwise so many of us have been there and have not seen our mutation! ” Reina explained again.
” So that’s the case …” Murat’s dangling heart dropped slightly.
” Of course, if you are worried, block the mountain range, and our people will mine it after we come back! ” Reina said with a smile when he saw that Murat was still a little worried.
” That’s useless! ” Murat waved his hands a little embarrassedly and said.
Although Reina’s words did not mean accusation, it sounded quite uncomfortable to Murat. Originally, they asked for something, so the other party helped them, but now he does not want to fulfill the agreement because of fear, so Murat feels that he His approach was very jerk, so he decided that after Reina and the others left, they had to keep digging and find what Reina wanted.
” I’m not saying something polite to you! You really shouldn’t be close to that side until you find the reason for the mutation. Once something happens, it’s really bad. As the leader, you have to save everyone’s life. Be responsible! ” Seeing Murat’s appearance, Reina knew what the other party was thinking, so he said seriously immediately.
Hearing what Reina said, Murat was stunned for a while, and then nodded solemnly. He felt concern from Reina’s words.
That night, after the banquet, Reina and the others planned to return to the pirate ship and leave until dawn the next day.
But just as Rayner and the others were about to leave the valley, he saw that Gremory was planting something in the open space outside the valley.
” Yo ~ Gremory ~ What are you doing? It’s so late that you don’t go to rest? ” Ace greeted Gremory with a smile.
” It’s Mr. Ace! ” Hearing Ace’s voice, Gremory turned around, only to see Reina and the others, and asked in surprise: ” Mr. Reina … are you … ready to leave? ”
” Yeah, we’ve been here for a few days, it’s time to leave, but don’t worry, we’ll be back in a while! What were you doing just now? ” Reina said with a smile.
” I’m planting Murray … It used to be a unique flower at the entrance of our village. It was very beautiful after it bloomed, but it only bloomed at night. Because of the devil, many people have not seen it! Now there is no devil, yes I want to try and see if I can still grow! ” Gremory replied with a smile.
” Oh … so that’s what it is! But if it’s something … we’re not familiar with it, we may not be able to help you! ” Ace said with a shrug.
” It doesn’t matter, Menglihua is very tenacious, so there is no problem! ” Gremory replied with a smile.
For things like planting flowers, Reina couldn’t help, so he could only rely on Gremory himself, but when he looked at the so-called Mengli flowers, his eyes were instantly attracted.
” That’s …” Reina slowly walked towards the flowers that Gremory planted.
” What’s the matter? Mr. Rainer? ” Gremory asked in confusion when he saw Rainer walking past.
” These dirt … where did you get it? ” Reina asked, pointing to the dirt on the ground.
” Mud? Got it from my old village! What’s wrong? Is there something wrong? ” Gremory replied in surprise.
” Show me! ” Reina said, rubbing her chin.
” Now? ”
” Yes, it is now! ”
” Alright then! Please come with me! ” Although Gremory didn’t understand what Reina was going to do, since the other party spoke up, Gremory did not refuse.
Lakeyo, Ace, and Jin Gudo were also quite curious, but it was not good for all the captains to leave, so in the end Jin Gudo took everyone back to the boat, while Ace and Lakeyo followed Reina to see him. What to do.
” Sure enough, at the foot of the mountain …” Looking at the ruins of the former Gremory Village, Reina had such an expression as expected.
” What did you find? ” Rak asked in confusion.
” Didn’t you find anything unusual about the soil there just now? ” Reina asked with a smile.
Ace, Lakyo, and Gremory all shook their heads, indicating that nothing abnormal was found at all.
” The soil just now is not the same as ordinary soil at all, but the soil of this mountain range! ” Reina said directly without selling anything.
” Aren’t you talking nonsense? The soil was transported by Gremory from the foot of the mountain, and it must belong to this mountain range! ” Rakyo replied with black lines all over his head.
” Don’t you understand? Ordinary dirt is not the same as the dirt of this mountain range! ” Reina said, casting a glance at Lakyo.
Lakyo was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about Reina’s words carefully, he looked at Reina and said, ” You mean … we all ignored the reason for the soil before? ”
” Yes, all the dirt on the top of the mountain is the same, so we don’t think there is anything wrong, but once you compare the dirt of this mountain with ordinary dirt, you will immediately see the problem! ” Reina nodded and said .
Ace and Gremory on the side also suddenly realized and understood what Reina meant.

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