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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Okay, everyone … go in! ” Reina said softly, standing in front of the woods on the top of the mountain.
” Is it going to sweep the past directly this time … or go straight to the center? ” Jin Guduo turned his head and asked Reina.
” It’s still a dark environment inside, which is not good for us, so let’s get rid of the gorillas we meet on the road first! We will be surrounded by them again in the end! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” How about … start from the outside … Let’s destroy these trees along the way? ” At this time, Lakyo made a different suggestion.
” Ace, try it first …” Reina said after thinking about it.
Ace nodded and punched directly into the woods over there, and suddenly a flame went towards the woods.
Unlike yesterday, there was no damage at all. Now it is obvious that Ace’s flames hit the trees and burned for a while before extinguishing, and there were obvious scorch marks where Ace had attacked.
Several people looked at each other, and at the same time understood the meaning expressed in each other’s eyes.
” The trees here are indeed mutated, and they are even tougher at night! ” Jin Guduo frowned and said, ” So … it’s very likely that there are secrets hidden in this mine! Reina, don’t be careless! ”
” Of course, everyone, stop talking nonsense, let’s start cleaning! After cleaning up the gorillas here, we still have a lot to do! ” Reina said with a little excitement.
The discovery of a new type of ore might double the strength of the Whitebeard Pirates.
Especially this kind of thing that doubles people’s strength at night, once they can crack the secret … Then their Whitebeard Pirates will be invincible in night battles!
Even Reina thought of the fur tribe, and it was a condition for one time, or go to Zou in the name of Kozuki Oden to find Inuarashi and Cat Viper, and let them send a fur tribe warrior to join the Whitebeard Pirates, then At that time, the effect of the fur tribe on the full moon will really explode!
The group of four entered the forest directly. Although it was daytime, after entering the forest, except for the entrance, there was not even a trace of light inside.
” Go, go straight to the middle, and kill the enemy on the way. If you don’t encounter it, don’t take the time to find it! ” The four quickly moved towards the central area.
” Ahead finds the present! ” Not long after they walked, they found the first gorilla.
” Do you want to do it? If you do it, it will probably wake up other sleeping gorillas! ” Jin Guduo asked calmly.
” It doesn’t matter, fight quickly! During the day, their combat power is only food-level! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
So the four of them shot at the same time, and before the sleeping gorilla reacted, they directly dealt with each other.
” Go, continue! ” Ignoring the bloody gorilla, the four continued on.
After they dealt with about a dozen gorillas on the way, they finally came to the central area.
” Look! That big tree …” Ace’s flames illuminated the surroundings, and this time they finally saw the whole picture of the huge tree in the central area.
” This … it ‘s unbelievable! ” Lakyo looked at the huge tree trunk and said, gulping.
” Reina, the big hole you bombarded last night … there is no more! ” Jin Guduo looked at the place where they escaped last night, and at this time, he could not find it at all.
” Go ahead! Before that big guy wakes up! ” Reina said softly.
” Okay! ” Several people nodded and replied.
But just as they were on their side, the huge gorilla suddenly opened its eyes, entered the intruder, and roared at Reina and the others.
” Oh hoo ~~~”
” Roar ~~”
” Roar! ”
The roars of countless gorillas immediately sounded around, and they all began to wake up at this time.
” Do it! ” Reina took the lead, slashing the Bing Lun Pill directly in his hand, and slashing towards the neck of the giant gorilla.
” Great Flame Ring , Emperor Yan! ”
” Lore : Meteor Hammer! ”
” Smash · King Kong Arm! ”
The other three are their own tricks to get started, and they have no plans to keep their hands.
The first contact with the giant gorilla was Reina’s slash. The ice dragon-shaped slash directly hit the giant gorilla’s chest, and the ice spread rapidly, freezing the giant gorilla in place.
What followed was Lakyo’s meteor hammer, heading straight for the gorilla’s eyes.
Seeing that an important part of himself was about to be attacked, the giant gorilla’s right arm, which had not yet been frozen, slapped directly at Lakyo’s meteor hammer.
However, when he was still in the air, he was stopped by Jin Guduo, and his arms with iron rings directly hit the arm that the giant gorilla patted, and a circle of energy burst out in the air.
” Boom! ”
” Pfft! ”
When Jin Guduo blocked the giant gorilla’s arm, Lakeyo didn’t hesitate to hit its right eye, and immediately the giant gorilla’s right eye splattered with blood.
” Roar!!! ”
The pain caused the giant gorilla to break free from the ice of the ice wheel pill. Before the giant gorilla who got up had time to attack, Ace threw a huge fireball towards him.
” Boom!!! ”
The explosion sounded, and Ace’s fireball exploded directly on the face of the giant gorilla. The flames continued to burn, and the giant gorilla who had just stood up immediately fell behind him.
” Bang! ” The giant gorilla’s body fell on the huge tree trunk, causing the entire mountain top to tremble.
” Is it resolved? ” Looking at the giant gorilla who was motionless, Ace asked with a sigh of relief.
” It’s not that simple, I can still feel his vitality! ” Reina shook his head and said.
“The surrounding gorillas have come! What should I do now? Kill them all? ” Lakyo asked after looking around.
” Destroy them! ” Reina nodded and took back the ice wheel pill. For this kind of melee, Senbon Sakura is more suitable.
” Then let’s make a riot! ” The four dispersed at the same time and began to massacre the gorillas who came over.
” Sure enough, their abilities have dropped a lot during the day! What is this? A large fur tribe? ” Jin Guduo said with a smile after knocking down a gorilla with one punch.
” Stop talking nonsense, hurry up to work, the big guy is about to wake up! ” The thousand cherry blossoms in Reina’s hands have disappeared, and the entire space is scattered with petals … and blood.
Although there were only four of them, it was a one-sided slaughter against a gorilla in such an ordinary state.
” Roar! ” As the giant gorilla woke up, seeing his descendants being slaughtered, the giant gorilla roared, and the surrounding gorillas began to run away.
” It’s over … Jianjing Qianben Yingjingyan ! ”
” Pfft! ”
As Reina’s words fell, the head of the giant gorilla was suddenly cut off from the body, and the surrounding gorillas were wailing and fleeing even more frantically.
” Boom ~~”
The corpse of the giant gorilla fell, kicking up a lot of dust.
” Don’t let them escape too much! ” Reina took back Senbon Sakura and slowly walked towards the huge tree trunk in the center.
” No problem! ” The three of Lakyo dispersed directly and continued to hunt down the scattered gorillas.
As if feeling Reina’s breath, the entire tree trunk actually began to tremble.
“I can still feel the killing intent … This thing won’t be fine, right? ” Seeing this, Reina slowly walked over with a little curiosity.
As Reina approached, the huge tree trunk trembled even more, and it seemed that the entire top of the mountain began to shake.
” Dangdang! ” Reina ignored the fear of the huge tree trunk, stepped forward and tapped it with his fingers, and actually made a sound like metal.
” How much metal have you absorbed? You are almost turning into metal, right? No wonder you can block my slash! ” Reina sighed.
Facing such a giant tree, Reina didn’t know what to do for a while.
Just cut it off … It seems a bit wasteful, it’s a bit wasteful to cut off such a hard tree like this.
However, if it is not cut off, it seems inappropriate to leave it here to continue production.
” I don’t know … If such a tree trunk is used to make a pirate ship … What is the effect! ” Reina rubbed her chin and thought carefully.
Now the Moby Dick is very large, but at that time, Whitebeard’s left shoulder, Rayner himself usually traveled on a hard shell, but when he led a group action like this, he did not have a suitable ship. Now, there is such a big tree. If you use it well, I am afraid that it will be able to create a very good pirate ship.
” Forget it, let’s keep you for now! As for the surrounding trees … just chop it down! ” After thinking about it, Reina made a final decision.
He had no plans to build a ship before, so there were still not enough drawings and materials, and it was uncertain whether this kind of tree was suitable for shipbuilding.
After a while, Ace and the others returned one after another, meeting with Reina under the tree.
” How? How did you escape? ” Reina asked.
“I ‘m afraid there are a lot of them, but their strength is not strong during the day. There should be no problem with the group of natives and our people! ” Lakyo nodded and replied.
” Let’s go! Since the biggest one has been killed, it’s not too late to solve the rest slowly. Now let someone come over and slowly clean up these trees, leaving only this tree! ” Reina nodded and said. .
” Stay? This tree is absorbing nutrients from this mountain all the time. It’s better to kill it early! ” Lakyo shook his head and said.
What he cares most about now is the minerals in this mountain range, and he doesn’t care about anything else.
After Rainer spoke out about the idea of shipbuilding, Lakjoo did not object.
” If this guy is not suitable for shipbuilding, it can be transplanted to Xuanyue Island at that time. After all, it is not easy to grow so big! ” Reina patted the trunk and said with a smile.
” Why do you want to get everything back? What do you use to transport such a big tree? ” Lakyo said helplessly.
” It doesn’t matter, just let Sky Island come over at that time. Anyway, the minerals here need to be transported back from Sky Island! ” Reina waved his hand indifferently and said.
“The doctor won’t let you go if he knows! Now the empty island is full of his laboratories. Since the completion of Xuanyue Island, he has thrown all the food that was stocked out of the empty island, and now you are transporting minerals again. , is transporting gorillas again, but also transporting such a big tree, the doctor will never allow it! ” Lakeyo shook his head and said.
” No … he will allow it! He must also want to study such an interesting thing! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Impossible, the doctor is not interested in these things. At most, he may be interested in my minerals! These gorillas, giant trees, etc., he is definitely not interested! ” Lakyo replied affirmatively.
” Hey hey … do you want to bet? ” Reina asked with a weird smile.
Hearing Reina’s bet, Rakyo immediately became alert, then shook his head and refused.
Whether the doctor likes it or not has nothing to do with him, as long as he gets the ore here, that’s enough!
” It’s really stupid, who is hosting the sky island now? ” Reina said with a smile when he saw that Lakyo was not fooled.
” Hosting the sky island? It’s the doctor … No, it’s Olga! It turns out that this guy is most interested in this kind of weird stuff. With Olga’s opening, the doctor won’t object even if he doesn’t like it. Reina, you are so despicable! ” After thinking about it, Rakyo immediately gave Reina a contemptuous look.

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