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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Oh hoo ~~~” When the gorillas came to the foot of the mountain and saw a sea of fire, they stopped in a little fear, and some were timid and even backed away.
But perhaps the group brought them courage. Facing the sea of fire that Ace had arranged in advance, most of the gorillas were afraid, but did not turn around and run away.
” Reina, what should I do? Are you going to attack? ” Rakyo asked when he saw this.
” Look carefully, look at their condition, and see why they mutate! This kind of creature is not common, try to tame it then! ” Reina said, rubbing his chin.
” Aren’t you planning to get back to Xuanyue Island? ” Jin Guduo glanced at Reina and asked in surprise.
” Don’t you think they are suitable for guarding Xuanyue Island? As long as they seed some strange trees on Xuanyue Island, they will not run around! ” Reina said with a smile.
” They want to eat people! ” Jin Guduo said, shaking his head.
” Wrong, they eat meat, not only people! Lions and tigers don’t eat people? Can they still be tamed? When the time comes, they will be kept in captivity around Xuanyue Island, which will be a natural defense layer! ” Reina shook Shaking his head, he said.
” Let’s settle the current situation first! ” Rakyo interrupted Reina’s remarks.
Although he also felt that what Reina said was reasonable, he was more disgusted with feeding them on Xuanyue Island.
” Wait! If they don’t come, we don’t have to do it! ” Reina said with a smile.
He heard the meaning of several people’s words, but it is not practical to say those now. The problem of these strange trees and their mutation has not been solved.
” Reina, look! Their fur …” At this moment, Jin Gudo suddenly shouted at Reina.
Reina and the others quickly looked at the gorillas in the distance, only to see the moonlight shining on their fur, making their fur seem to change color.
” Is it because of the moonlight? ” Reina frowned.
” Shouldn’t be! We were under those uncles before, and we couldn’t even get in the sunlight, nor should the moonlight get in, but they have mutated! ” Lakyo shook his head and said.
” No, you look carefully at their fur … it seems to be a metallic color? ” Ace said suddenly.
” That’s right, it’s really the color of metal … Wait … That’s the mine below the top of the mountain, right? Could it be …” Reina looked at the whole mountain in disbelief and said, ” This mountain … won’t be just a The whole mine? ”
Reina’s guess made the three of Lakyo’s eyes widen.
” No … Impossible? ” Lakyo said with some uncertainty: ” If this mountain is a mine … then … that would be too exaggerated! ”
“That ‘s right! Even if this mountain is a mine, it has nothing to do with their mutation, right? What’s more, their mutation is only at night, why is that? ” Jin Guduo also nodded and said.
” That’s why I guess … this mountain … there may be a problem. The iron ore is only what we have seen. No one knows what is in this mine. It is probably because the special minerals in it have been radiated for a long time. They caused these gorillas and those trees to mutate! ” Reina said with a sigh of relief.
” Trees? You mean … those trees are also mutated? ” Ace asked in surprise.
” Otherwise? Why do you think plants can block your flames and my slashes? ” Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” So I guessed that I would go to the center of the woods and have a look, and there might be an answer there! ”
” It seems that it is indeed necessary to explore this island carefully. I thought it was just an iron mine, but I didn’t expect that it might give us a bigger surprise ! ” That’s right.
” Everyone, let’s deal with the current situation first! ” At this time, Jin Guduo said suddenly.
Several people looked up and saw that the gorillas on the mountain were holding huge stones, as if they wanted to throw them over to extinguish the flames.
” Then … let’s go! ” Following Reina’s order, the four attacked the gorillas at the same time.
Murat and the others, who were hiding in the distance, were listening to Anis’s remarks. The other party danced and recounted the experience of going up the mountain with Reina and the others. Hearing the surrounding savages burst into exclamations.
” Leader … there’s a fight over there! ” At this moment, the sound from the foot of the mountain let many leaders know that it was the demons who started to attack.
Early the next morning, Murat and the others, who had spent the night in fear, ran towards the foot of the mountain impatiently after dawn.
But before they could get close, they smelled a rather strong smell of blood.
” Look! ” A village leader pointed to the top of the pile of demon corpses in front and shouted slightly trembling.
Everyone looked at each other and saw that the four of them were sitting on the corpse of a demon like a hill drinking wine. The surrounding environment had changed a lot. It should have been a green grove, but now it has become a bare red land. , the blood of the devil even flowed all over the place.
” Yo! You are here? Is the food ready? We are very hungry! Don’t eat these gorillas, they have toxins in their bodies! Find someone to clean up this place! ” Ace saw Mu Larter and others came over and immediately greeted with a smile.
” It’s already ready! Everyone, please come with me! ” Murat immediately came back to his senses and said with a smile.
” Okay, let’s go get something to eat first, I’ll go back to the boat, and I’ll figure it out during the day, so I won’t be chased and beaten by them at night! ” Reina put away the wine bottle in his hand and said to Ace. The three said.
But when Reina came over in front of all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, the three of Ace were stunned.
” Deputy captain … who are you? ” Ace asked inexplicably.
” Hey … it’s nothing, just want to save some effort! ” Reina said with a smile, pointing to the artillery behind him.
” Don’t you mean … open the mountain directly? Don’t you kill those gorillas before doing it? ” Lakyo said with a frown.
” Anyway, it will be done sooner or later. Maybe it will kill some by the way. Will it save us trouble soon? ” Reina said with a grin.
” But … you don’t want the specimens of those trees anymore? Maybe the doctor can study something when you get them back! ” Lakeyo said anxiously when he saw that Reina really planned to flatten the Central Mountain Range directly.
” What are you worried about? Don’t you want to get the gorilla back? ” Reina asked in confusion.
” Can’t you be in a hurry? How much ore will you lose if you go down a few times!? If it doesn’t work, let’s go back first and ask someone to come over and kill all the gorillas here, and then slowly dig! ” Lakyo pouted and said .
Reina was speechless for a while, feeling that this guy is distressed for those minerals.
” Okay, okay … Do as you said, then wait for us here, and after dealing with those gorillas, come back to mining! ” Reina said helplessly.
Rakyo blinked at Reina and headed towards the top of the mountain, shoulder to shoulder.
” It turns out that you are paying attention to this, I tell you, you’d better discuss it with Ace first, I have no problem, but you also know that Ace has a good relationship with them, don’t mess with Ace in the end Angry! ” On the way, Rakyo whispered his plan to Reina, and Reina replied suddenly.
Lak laughed a few times, and then went to look for Ace who was beside him. He didn’t know how he negotiated with Ace. In the end, Ace nodded and agreed.
” Ace actually agreed with your proposal? ” Reina asked in surprise when he saw Lakjo’s triumphant look.
” It’s just to let the natives here help with mining, not to ask them to do anything else! When these gorillas are dealt with, they will not be in danger. We will continue to hunt for treasures and bring the dug ore with us when we go back. Just go! ” Lakyo said with a smile.
” Tell me, what kind of promise did you make to Ace? ” Reina asked with a pouted lip.
” It’s nothing, I promised Ace, let you teach these natives how to extract metals from ore, and then they will be able to build their own weapons, so that it will be easier for them to survive! ” Lake said with a proud look. .
” Why me? When did I agree? Why do you want to exchange the ore you want with me? ” Reina said dissatisfiedly.
” Who made this kind of thing only you? And I also told Ace that we discovered these ores. If the natives don’t help, with the stingy character of the deputy captain, they will definitely not leave them with ores! ”
” But it’s different now. As long as they help mine, not only can they get ore as a reward, but they can also learn to refine metals. Plus Ace teaches them how to make fire, and they have no problem building their own civilization! ”
” Besides, if you really want to find some special metal ore here, will you hold back? I can’t see it, right? But do we have someone to mine here? No? So this is a mutually beneficial thing! ” Lake said with a smile as if he had succeeded in his trick.
” You’re not going to be a businessman … what a waste! ” Reina said with a wry smile and shook his head.
” Hahaha … I won the prize …” Lakyo handed over and said proudly.
After determining the distribution of minerals, all they have to do now is to exterminate those gorillas.
” Deputy captain, how many do you want to keep? ” Ace asked Reina after reaching the top of the mountain.
Because Reina had said before that he wanted to capture these gorillas back, that’s why Ace asked this.
” Let’s take a look first and then … The biggest one must be eliminated! Or just get rid of the rest and leave the largest one, and bring it back to the doctor, maybe he will like it! ” Reina touched Chin said.
“The doctor won’t like it. When you stocked the food on the empty island before, the doctor didn’t like it very much, thinking that you occupied his laboratory! ” Jin Guduo rolled his eyes and whispered.
Dr. Ahsie is not interested in biological research, this stuff should be handed over to the scientist under the Golden Lion Shiki, he will definitely be interested.
And M. Caesar Courant , who specializes in killing weapons , may also be interested.
Thinking of M. Caesar Courant , Reina thought about whether to take that guy back to Xuanyue Island. Although that guy’s personality was not very good, he was at least qualified as a scientist.
But when he thought about the direction of that guy’s research, Reina still felt that it would be better not to bring him back to Xuanyue Island, or maybe one day when they went out to sea, Xuanyue Island would be gone when they came back.

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