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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Pfft! ”
” Ahhh ~~~ hoo! ”
Reina’s slash hit the holding gorilla’s chest, and blood immediately poured out of the giant gorilla’s wound, but it instantly froze into ice and fell to the ground.
” Oh hoo!!! ”
After being injured, the giant gorilla seemed to become even more violent, staring at Reina with blood-red eyes. After a roar, he slapped Reina again.
” What a bad guy! ”
Reina, who fell to the ground, didn’t care about the opponent’s attack. He had already tested it just now. The opponent’s attack could not break through the upper limit of the Black Emperor’s absorption capacity, so as long as he released the energy in his body in time, this giant gorilla was doomed. To be reduced to a plaything in his hands.
” Boom! ”
” Boom ~~”
” Huh? ”
Reina, who was standing in place to resist the opponent’s attack, came into contact with the opponent’s attack, and the ground under his feet suddenly sank a part.
He had not been able to fully absorb the impact just now. The opponent’s attack this time was stronger than before, and it had broken through the upper limit he could absorb.
And not only on Reina’s side, but Lakyo and Jingudo also began to feel that the gorillas who were fighting with them began to feel wrong. Not only did their strength and speed begin to increase, but it seemed that their defense and vitality also began to increase.
” No! It must be night now, and these gorillas are about to mutate! ” Ace suddenly thought of the battle last night. Those gorillas in the dark were not at the same level as the gorillas during the day.
” Oops … Oops! I didn’t expect that we would have been in here for so long! ” Anis, who also reflected on it, turned pale.
It doesn’t matter if he himself dies here, but Ace and others must not die here, they are the only hope to fight against the devil.
” Ace … light up the top of my head! ” Reina shouted loudly at Ace after kicking the giant gorilla’s claws away.
He knew that he couldn’t continue like this. He thought it was just a matter of grasping, but it seemed that it was starting to become dangerous. Now it is the best choice to retreat first, and then come back in the daytime.
” Okay! ” After hearing Reina’s shout, Ace immediately understood what he meant, and he was planning to retreat.
” Fire Fist! ” Ace punched the giant gorilla, preventing it from continuing to attack Reina, and also illuminated the space at the top for Reina.
” One Strike , Light and Shadow , Thousand Feather Slash! ” Countless slashes flew towards the trees above the giant gorilla’s head.
Light and Shadow Thousand Feather Slash is Hansen’s move. After confirming Hansen’s death, Reina began to learn his move. He wanted to find a seedling with good talent, and then pass on Hansen’s swordsmanship.
” Puff, puff … ! ”
” Boom!!! ”
Countless slashes all attacked the same place, and finally, these trees couldn’t resist, and Reina blasted a big hole.
” Go! ” Reina came to Ace’s side after a few ups and downs, and with two wildlings in one hand, he used the moon step to charge into the air.
Jin Guduo and Lakyo over there also forced their opponents back at the same time, and they followed suit with the two savages who followed them and left behind Reina.
” Firefly , Fire Dharma , Explosive Flame ! ” After the broken Ace scattered countless green flames from his body, he grabbed the last Gremory and followed Lakyo and Jingudo and left towards the big hole above his head. .
” Boom boom boom …”
Just as the giant gorillas and those ordinary gorillas were about to pursue them, those small green fires suddenly started to explode, directly blocking their pursuit.
” This time I was careless, let’s go first! ” Reina said softly, standing on the top of the huge tree, looking at the sea of fire below, after receiving Ace out.
“I didn’t expect that their strength would skyrocket so much after dark! Even us, once surrounded, I’m afraid we’ll have to suffer a lot! ” Lakyo said with a lingering heart.
” Let’s go, or they should catch up soon! ” Reina said after looking around.
After finding the direction, a few people immediately ran in the direction they came from, but they didn’t go far before they saw a fire.
” Huh … what is that? ” Lakyo, who was walking at the front, pointed to the firelight in the distance and asked in surprise.
” That’s …” Ace and Anis looked at each other and had a guess in their hearts.
On this island, apart from Ace and the others who are foreigners, the only people who can use flames are Murat Village, which Ace taught.
So the fire in front … is very likely to be the people of Murat Village.
Back in time not long ago, Murat took all the warriors gathered towards the top of the mountain. On the way, Murat taught the rest of the people how Ace taught them how to make a fire.
This surprised the people in the rest of the village, and at the same time was more convinced of Murat’s words.
So even though the sky was getting darker, they decided to move on.
Soon when they reached the woods on the top of the mountain, they heard the sound of fighting inside.
” Lamut, what should we do now? It should be the people you mentioned who fought with the demons! ” A village chief immediately asked anxiously after hearing the movement.
” Don’t panic first, without the help of those powerhouses, we can’t fight the demons at all, so we must first find a way to join them first. ” Murat shook his head and said.
” Then what should we do? If we go in …” The other leader obviously didn’t want to go in, because although there were a lot of them, if they went in, the entire army would be wiped out.
” And we can’t let those demons discover our flames, because once they do, they’ll find a way to come and extinguish our flames, ” Murat said with a sigh.
” Huh? If this is the case … then we …” One of the leaders heard the words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, ” If we set this place on fire … would we attract all the demons? This is also equivalent to giving you those People signal, maybe they will know we are coming! ”
” That’s right! It’s a good idea! ”
“That ‘s right, we’ll set it on fire and hide away, to be safe and watch those demons. ”
The rest of the leaders also agreed, so they started to set fire in front of the woods on the top of the mountain, and there was the scene that Reina and others saw when they came out.
” Let’s go, let’s go! ” Ace took the lead and rushed towards the location of the fire with everyone, and soon the two sides converged in the open space in front of the woods on the top of the mountain.
” Go! ” Ace shouted immediately after seeing Murat.
” Ace, what’s your situation? ” Murat was overjoyed when he saw Ace, and hurriedly asked.
” Now is not the time to talk about this, that group of demons is coming out, let’s get out of here first! ” Ace shook his head and said.
Seeing these people go up the mountain despite the danger, Reina was somewhat moved.
” Ace, you take them down the mountain first, we’ll break it later! ” Reina said softly, looking at the wildlings who were going up the mountain with wooden weapons.
” Okay, vice-captain! ” Ace nodded and replied.
Now that they have come out of that dark environment, and the environment outside is wider, even if they can’t beat them, they can escape at any time, so Ace is not worried about the safety of the three of Reina, and plans to leave first with all the savages .
” Dong dong dong …”
But at this moment, there was a sound of vibration in the woods, obviously those demons were chasing up.
” Humph! Are you really treating us as food? ” Reina turned around, looked at the woods, snorted coldly, and shouted softly, ” Binglunwan! ”
When I saw a blue light flying from the coast, Reina jumped up and took Hironimaru in my hand.
” Swallow solution! Ice wheel pill! ” With Reina’s voice, the sky that had already entered the night began to be covered with dark clouds, a gust of cold wind blew, and a huge ice dragon rose into the sky and floated above Reina.
” Then … what is that? ”
The savages watching this scene were terrified and wished they could just kneel down.
” Come on, the deputy captain is about to start! ” Seeing this, Ace immediately urged everyone to leave quickly.
At this time, Murat began to believe Ace’s words, his deputy captain … was really stronger than him.
After the swastika, Reina looked indifferently at the huge forest under his feet, waved the ice wheel pill in his hand, and the ice dragon immediately flew towards the forest.
” Cut! ”
The ice dragon slammed into the edge of the forest, directly freezing the entrance to the forest.
Countless gorillas who wanted to rush out hit the ice wall, but they didn’t break the ice wall.
” Let’s go! ” After landing, Reina released the swastika mode of Hingrenwan. He knew this and couldn’t hold those gorillas for long, but as long as the next morning, after the mutation of these gorillas subsided, it was their death.
Everyone ran all the way down the mountain, and when they reached the bottom of the mountain, there were bursts of noises from the top of the mountain.
” It’s faster than I expected, it seems that there are quite a few of them! ” Reina frowned and said, looking towards the top of the mountain.
” Reina, what should I do now? If they all come out … it’ll be troublesome! ” Lakyo said solemnly.
” It’s okay, we’ll keep it here tonight, the terrain is empty, there will be no problem! Ace, surround the foot of the mountain with flames, don’t let those gorillas leave from other places! ” After thinking about it, Reina said, said.
” Okay! ” Ace nodded, and then said to Murat: ” Murat leader, take someone out first, here we are! ”
” Brother Ace, don’t worry, although we are not strong, we are definitely not greedy for life and fear of death, everyone … How about we stay and wish them a helping hand? ” Murat raised the wooden spear in his hand and said loudly.
” Oh ~~~” All the savages raised their weapons at the same time, expressing their determination.
” No need, you are here, we will accidentally hurt you. If you are not afraid, you can stand back and watch! The gorilla …just ! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do.
” Don’t worry! Just follow the co-captain’s arrangement! ” Seeing this, Ace immediately stepped forward and said.
” Take it! We’ll be waiting for you to come back victorious in the back! Everyone … bring out all the food in the village! Then invite our benefactor to a good meal! ” Murat heard the words and nodded back. road.
After seeing the wild people leave, Ace immediately began to set fires everywhere, while Reina, Jingudo, and Lakyo separated a distance and surrounded the passage down the mountain.

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