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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just as Reina and the others were moving into the depths of the forest, Murat was not idle outside. For their future and to better help Ace and others, he sent people out to practice on the island. Go to all the villages, I hope they can join him and send all the warriors up the mountain to give Ace their strongest backup.
Just based on Murat’s words alone, the people in the rest of the village simply believed that someone could defeat the devil.
However, Murat was already prepared. Not only did he bring the gorilla’s meat there, but he also told them that there were several gorilla corpses lying not far from their village, so that they could send someone to see it.
After the leaders of other villages sent people to see it with dubious belief, the results were all true, which surprised the leaders of those villages. Many leaders even agreed to Lamut’s request after they went to see it in person.
In the end, Murat persuaded all the villages he knew, gathered nearly three hundred combatants, and then rushed towards the top of the mountain in a mighty manner.
” Reina, we’ve been walking for so long, should we be there? Judging from the area of the top of the mountain we’ve seen … we should be almost there! ” Lakyo looked at the pitch-dark surroundings and said to Reina .
Reina also felt a little strange. They had been walking in a straight line, but after walking for so long, they didn’t feel like they had reached the depths of the forest at all. There were some gorillas watching them from a distance.
They already know the horror of Reina and others, and they don’t dare to come to stop them, so they follow from a distance.
” It’s really strange … Ace, try to illuminate the surroundings with flames! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Okay! Flame Ring Fire Pillar ” Ace took a deep breath, waved his arms, and a cylindrical pillar of fire rose into the sky.
With the light of the fire, Reina, Lakyo, and Jingudo jumped at the same time and looked in different directions.
” Our direction is wrong, I saw a light ahead, that should be our entrance! ” After landing, Jin Guduo shook his head and said.
” How is that possible? Haven’t we been walking in a straight line? ” Ace was stunned and said in disbelief.
” It’s not surprising, the environment here is dark, and the terrain may have some problems, so we deceived our senses! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Which of you has a recording pointer on your body? ”
Several people shook their heads, indicating that they did not carry them. Recording pointers are generally placed on ships. How could they be carried with them?
In desperation, Reina planned to use the system in his mind to locate. Now he is in treasure hunt mode, and the system will always point in the direction of the treasure so that he can make a judgment.
” That … I can tell the direction! ” At this moment, Gremory whispered.
” Huh? ” Reina and the others looked at Gremory in surprise.
In this completely dark space with no reference objects, it is not easy to identify the direction. If there is no experience or talent in this area, ordinary people can’t do it at all.
” No problem, we often have to avoid demons in the dark, so we have gradually become able to discern our direction in the dark! ” Anis explained with a smile.
After hearing his words, Reina suddenly realized that they had been fighting with gorillas in the dark for a long time. If they didn’t have any life-saving skills, they would have become extinct long ago.
” Then please, take us to the central location and see what kind of secrets these guys are hiding! ” Reina nodded towards Gremory and Anis .
” This is our honor! ” Gremory and Anis began to stand in front to lead the way, Reina was in the center to support, and Ace was behind, Jinguduo and Lakyo were protecting Gremory and Anis in front of them. .
It didn’t take long for Reina, who was advancing, to feel that they were constantly turning and turning, but the direction of the treasure in his mind had not changed.
” Amazing! To be able to find the right direction in this environment! ”
Reina’s praise only made Anis and Gremory smile helplessly. They didn’t think it was a powerful ability, but a necessary skill that they were forced to possess.
After walking for a while, the group found that the surrounding gorillas were beginning to be restless, as if they were preparing to attack them. Reina, who was in the center, snorted coldly, and the domineering arrogance on his body spurted out, making those gorillas who were about to move suddenly again. Frightened a lot more honestly.
However, just after Reina released the domineering arrogance of the overlord, there was a powerful momentum rising not far in front of them, and the Ace and the others who were observing the surroundings through their knowledge, stopped immediately.
” It looks like they should be their leader! I didn’t expect that there is such an existence … It’s really interesting! ” Reina smiled slightly, and he also felt the other party’s feelings.
No way, the powerful vitality of the other party is difficult not to be discovered by them.
” What should we do? This kind of environment … is not good for us! ” Lak asked, looking around.
” Would you like to try … Can you make a hole here? ” Jin Guduo pointed to the top of his head and asked.
” I can’t help it, these trees don’t seem to be afraid of flames! ” Ace shrugged, indicating that he could do nothing.
He had tried his flames before and couldn’t ignite these trees at all.
” I’ll try it! ” After thinking about it, Reina slowly pulled out Qianben Sakura and hit the top of his head with a slash.
The bright light of the knife flew towards the top of their heads, and a dull voice sounded, and Reina’s slash was actually stopped by these trees.
” What kind of tree is this? It’s not afraid of flames, and it can also resist slashes! ” Lakyo said in surprise.
” You guys said … If you bring these trees back to Xuanyue Island … isn’t it a good idea? ” Reina said while rubbing his chin.
With such a strong defense, if these trees blocked the entrance of the hole, they would have to work hard to get out.
Jin Guduo and Lakyo actually wanted to try it, but in this dark environment, they didn’t know how to attack to reach those trees.
” What do I do now? Do you want to move on? ” Anis, who was a little scared, asked with a saliva.
When Reina and the others said that the devil’s king was probably in front, he actually wanted to go back, but without the protection of Reina and others, they couldn’t move at all.
” Let’s go, go see that big guy first! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
The trees are here anyway, and they won’t run. After the gorillas are dealt with, they will have time to deal with the trees.
So the group moved on.
” Come on! ” Not long after, Reina and the others stopped at the same time, and Ace stepped forward a few steps, protecting Anis and Gremory behind him.
” Dong dong dong …” The footsteps of the giant gorilla in front came, and a majestic creature much taller than ordinary gorillas appeared in front of them.
Although it was in the darkness at this time, the crimson eyes of the other party directly exposed its position.
” Do you want to do it? ” Rakyo asked eagerly.
” Try its fineness first! ” Although from the position of the eyes, the opponent’s figure is taller than the ordinary gorilla, but they still don’t know how strong it is.
” I’m coming! ” Jin Guduo didn’t say a word, he swung his arms and punched the opponent directly.
” Roar! ” With a strange cry, Jin Guduo only felt a huge force hitting his body, and his whole body was instantly knocked into the air.
” Hey ~~”
” Boom! ”
Jin Guduo was actually hit by a blow, which was beyond Reina’s expectations.
” Ace, lighting! ” Reina shouted with a serious face.
” Flame Ring , Great Fire Pillar! ” Ace’s body burned directly. With his movements, a flame that was thicker than before rose into the air, and Shunjiang illuminated the surroundings.
With Ace’s help, they finally got a clear picture of each other.
There is not much difference in the appearance of ordinary gorillas, but the height of this gorilla, according to Reina’s visual observation, is almost 50 meters or more. They stand in front of each other and look quite weak.
Jin Guduo, who got up from the ground over there, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said loudly: “The strength is not at the same level as those gorillas, be careful! ”
” Are you all right? ” Rakyo asked immediately upon hearing his voice.
” It’s okay, it’s not a big problem, but … we seem to be in trouble! ” Jin Guduo said with a wry smile.
Reina and others also sensed that the gorillas who had been wandering around them before seemed to have a tendency to surround them.
” No, we can’t fight them in this environment! Ace, it is possible to keep the lights on! ” Reina shouted to Ace after feeling it for a while.
” No problem! ” Ace’s body has been completely elementalized, and he uses the flames of his body to illuminate the surroundings.
But it seems that because of the flames, while the gorillas are afraid, they also become violent.
” Cut! ” At some point, Reina appeared in front of the giant gorilla and slashed at the opponent’s chest.
But don’t look at the huge body of the giant gorilla, and the speed of action and reaction ability are not bad at all. Before Reina sent a slash, he slapped Reina directly.
” Be careful, co-captain! ” Ace was just about to step forward to help, but the surrounding gorillas had already surrounded him, and he had to stop, otherwise once he left, Gremory, Anis and the others would be doomed.
” Ace … go and help your comrade, we don’t need you to care! If our death allows you to slaughter these demons … then I will not hesitate at all! ” Anis immediately saw Ace’s hesitation, and said After shouting, he planned to launch a suicide attack with his companions towards the surrounding gorillas.
” Idiot! Now is not the time to say whether you will die or not! ” Lakyo pulled them all back and threw them to Ace’s side, leaning back against Jin Gudo who came over, and said loudly: ” These ordinary gorillas Leave it to us, Ace, you protect them and light up by the way! ”
” No problem! ” With Ace’s voice, the flames on his body became even larger, completely illuminating the surrounding environment.
” Hey! Big man … The strength is good! A single blow , frozen for thousands of miles! ” Reina blocked the giant gorilla’s slap with one hand, and Reina smiled, backhand is a sword, and slashed directly at the opponent.
The energy absorbed in the impact of the opponent just now was quickly converted into his own power, and the ice energy attached to Reina’s slash turned blue.

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