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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After saying goodbye to his companions, Ace and Anis and the others returned to the valley.
” My companion told me that demon meat is poisonous and cannot be eaten! ” After returning, Ace explained with a smile.
” Eat? ” Everyone looked at Ace in confusion.
As for demons, they have never thought about eating them. How not to be eaten by each other is the greatest luck. As for eating each other … this is something they have never dreamed of.
Ace touched his head. The devil in the eyes of these people, to be honest … In the eyes of the Whitebeard Pirates, maybe it is really just food.
But after what happened last night, Ace became curious about these demons.
After the discussion here, Gremory and Anis led a team of warriors to accompany Ace to the top of the mountain to find the demon’s lair. As for Murat, he asked people to reorganize the valley.
And they don’t have much food stock and need to go out and find some food.
But when Ace and the others came to the top of the mountain, they discovered that the top of the mountain is really a huge forest, and the trees are quite strange. Unable to tell the direction.
Even these big trees are very resistant to flames, and Ace’s flames can’t damage it at all.
In desperation, Ace had to take them back down the mountain, intending to ask Reina for help.
” Ace … Can your companion really do anything? You saw it before, that forest escape is terrifying! ” Gremory asked suspiciously on the way back.
” Don’t worry, the deputy captain is very powerful, he will have a way! ” Ace said with a smile.
Although everyone is skeptical, since Ace said so, they can only believe it.
On the coast, after a night’s rest, the members who were poisoned last night are basically all healed up.
However, the recovered members were a little unhappy, especially Jin Guduo, who felt that he had lost face and wanted to find revenge on those gorillas.
” Deputy captain! ” At this time, Ace also brought someone over.
” Yo ~ Ace! Is the matter finished? ” Reina asked with a smile when she saw Ace.
Ace shook his head and said everything again.
” So, are you planning to … exterminate all the gorillas? ” Reina asked after listening.
” There is this idea, those demons are too powerful at night, they can’t fight! ” Ace nodded and replied.
” Then have you thought about mining iron ore and teaching them to make weapons? ” Reina asked Ace looking at him.
” I thought so too at first, but … the strength of those gorillas after the night falls, they are not able to fight with weapons! ” Ace shook his head and said.
” Okay! Since that’s the case, I’ll go with you! ” Reina said, getting up.
” Is it the trouble to find those gorillas? I’m going too! ” After hearing the conversation between Reina and Ace, Jin Gudo immediately got up and said.
” Why don’t … let’s wait until the evening? I want to see how powerful those gorillas can become! ” Lakyo seemed to be interested and said with a smile.
Hearing Lakyo’s words, Gremory and Anis shook their heads frantically at the same time. They had already seen each other last night, and today including today … they don’t want to see it anymore.
Reina looked up at the sky, it was almost noon now, and there would be some time to wait until evening.
” Let’s go, go to the top of the mountain and see! I’m a little interested in that forest, even Ace’s flames can’t be destroyed! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” Let’s go, no matter when and where I live, I just want to find those guys to try … After they eat the meat, will they be poisoned! ” Jin Guduo said with a sullen look.
In the end, Reina asked the crew to return to the ship, and he went up the mountain again with Jingudo, Lakyo, Ace and others.
When they came to the top of the mountain, they actually encountered a gorilla who ran out. Before Reina could take action, Jinguduo beat the gorilla and killed the gorilla. stunned.
” Ace … Are all your companions so good? ” Anis swallowed and asked.
” Yeah! Jingudo and Lakyo are both captains, just like me, while Reina is the deputy captain. In terms of position, he is only under the captain! ” Ace nodded and said.
After hearing Ace’s words, Anis and Gremory were a little confused. Is a strong man like Ace still not a leader?
After dealing with the gorilla who came out for some unknown reason, Reina and the others also came to the edge of the forest.
” These trees … are a little weird! ” Reina frowned immediately after knocking on the trunk beside him.
” That’s right, you see … there’s not even a shred of sunlight inside, it’s afternoon! ” Lakyo pointed to the dark forest, nodded and said.
” Do you want to go in? ” Jin Gudo couldn’t wait. He had already got the meat of the gorilla, and now he wanted to find one to test.
Lakyo couldn’t wait. He had just seen the strength of the gorilla. For him, this strength can only be food-level, and there is no threat at all.
But Ace has said before that at night, the strength of gorillas will increase sharply, and now the forest is completely black, so will those gorillas also improve their strength?
” Ace … get some lighting torches! Let’s go in and stroll … Maybe there will be some unexpected surprises! ” Reina said with a smile.
Ace nodded, and soon made a lot of torches, which were held by the wild people who followed them, which gave them a sense of security and also played a role in illuminating the direction.
When they entered the forest, they found a group of gorillas sleeping against the big tree before they went far. Perhaps the light of the flame stimulated them, and the sleeping gorillas roared and ran away in panic.
” Isn’t it? It ran away? ” Lakjoo said in disappointment.
” Don’t worry … They are afraid of flames, so they will run away when they see the flames, but when they find that there is no danger, they will come back and try their best to put out the flames! ” Ace said calmly.
” Very good, so that means, we just need to wait for them to come over now? ” Jin Guduo said eagerly.
” No need, let’s move on and go to the deepest part to see, I want to know what’s inside! ” Reina shook his head and said.
So a group of people continued to move forward, but it didn’t take long for them to move forward, there were countless roars of gorillas around, and the voices came from all directions, and they seemed to have surrounded them.
” Ai … Ace … I … I think … Let’s move on … may not be a good way! ” Anis and Gremory, who were already hiding behind Ace, stuttered in fear.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem. Judging from the speed of their escape just now … it seems that it is not the same as at night! ” Ace comforted them and said.
” Is it different? That is to say, it’s not the dark environment that made them mutate, but something else? ” After hearing Ace’s words, Lakyo said a little less excited.
” Don’t worry, there are quite a few here. After I figure out the secrets of this forest, we will leave and wait for the rest of the hunt at night! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Through seeing and seeing, he already felt that many gorillas were approaching them.
” Ai … Ace …” Anis swallowed and patted Ace on the shoulder.
” What’s wrong? ” Ace asked, turning his head.
Anis pointed his finger around, it turned out that in the surrounding darkness, countless red eyes appeared, staring at them from a distance, and the people who looked at them felt numb.
” Humph! ” Reina snorted softly, pulled out the thousand cherry blossoms from his waist, and shouted softly: ” Let’s scatter! Thousand cherry blossoms! ”
As Reina’s words fell, the blade of Senbon Sakura in his hand began to disappear, turning into countless petals.
” Okay … so beautiful! ” Although it was in the dark, the petals with shimmering light scattered everywhere, making Gremory unable to help but praise.
” The more beautiful things are, the more deadly they are! ” Reina smiled slightly, waving the handle of the knife gently, and the scattered petals suddenly drifted towards the surrounding gorillas.
” Pfft! ”
” Pfft! ”
” Ah ~~ Ow! ”
Where the petals were scattered, countless blood flowers were brought out, and the attacked gorilla wailed suddenly.
” This … what is this? ” Anis and Gremory, who saw Reina’s shot for the first time, couldn’t help shuddering and asked Ace.
” This is the move of the deputy captain. He is a very powerful swordsman. In his hand is the famous sword Senbon Sakura, a weapon that can turn the blade into petals, but only the deputy captain can use it, very powerful! ” Ace explained with a smile.
” Let’s go! ” After Reina dispersed the gorillas, he did not pursue, but continued to walk towards the depths of the woods.
Such an aura of a strong man made Anis and Gremory adore him.
With Reina’s shot, the gorillas surrounding them were all injured and fled, but after a while, many gorillas surrounded them, Reina didn’t bother to pay attention to them, and went straight ahead.
” Oh hoo ~~ ! ”
But at this moment, a gorilla finally couldn’t help it and rushed towards them.
” I’m coming! ” Jin Guduo had been waiting for a long time, his arms shook, and he jumped directly towards the gorilla who was pounced.
” Bang! ”
Jin Guduo grabbed the gorilla who rushed over with one hand and directly pressed the other party to the ground, and the ground suddenly cracked.
” Then let me see now … Can you guys be immune to this toxin! ” Jin Gudo waved at the savage who was carrying the gorilla meat, and then suppressed the gorilla with one hand, forcibly stuffing the meat into the into the mouth of the gorilla.
Looking at the usual incomparably powerful demon, like a poor puppy in the hands of Jin Gudo, Anis and Gremory suddenly had an unreal feeling.
Is this still the demon that left their family devastated and empty?
After feeding the gorilla, Jin Gudo let go of the other party. After the terrified gorilla got up, he ran away, as if he didn’t want to stay here for even a second.
” Hey … Is it appropriate to leave it like this? They are so big, maybe they need to eat more to get poisoned! ” Lakyo reminded Jin Gudo.
Jin Guduo glanced at Lakyo and ignored the other party. He was not a pervert, but he was a little bit face after being put together.
Now that he has done what he wants to do, he doesn’t care what the consequences are.

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