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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Hu ~ hu ~” Looking at the last injured gorilla with fierce eyes, Ace had to stop and start wearing rough clothes.
Three had fallen on the ground, and the injured gorilla in front of him was the last one.
The gorillas at night do not lose the name of their demons, and their strength has been multiplied many times. Whether it is defense, strength, speed, vitality, etc., they are not comparable during the day.
If it weren’t for the fact that he was a natural ability person, maybe he would really capsize here in the sewer.
But even so, dealing with the three gorillas consumed a lot of his physical strength.
” Roar! ”
The red-eyed gorilla rushed towards Ace again. Although Ace’s body was burning with flames at this time, the red-eyed gorilla no longer had any fear.
” Wow ~~” The gorilla’s claws slid across Ace’s body, and the elemental Ace turned into a flame. After the gorilla’s claws passed, he turned into a humanoid again.
” Cross Fire! ” Ace crossed his index fingers, and the stomach and the gorilla’s back were a fire attack.
” Ah ~~~~” The pain from the back made the gorilla a little crazy, and he slapped Ace with his backhand.
” Bang! ” After the dust fog passed, Ace stood on the big rock beside him, looking at the gorilla who kept slapping the ground there.
When facing the four gorillas before, the other party’s frenzy even gave him no time to attack. Now it is much easier to deal with one.
” It’s over! Explosive Flame Fire Dharma! ” The green flames filled the gorilla’s surroundings unconsciously, and then exploded with Ace’s words.
” Boom boom boom …”
After the explosion, the last gorilla fell to the ground and stopped moving.
Listening to the howling gorillas in the distance, there seemed to be signs of moving towards this side. Ace had to choose to retreat. The flames on the other side of the valley had long since disappeared, so what Ace had to do now was to let the valley’s flames disappear. The survivors hurry to hide.
Waiting for the day, he went to the gorilla’s den to bring them to a pot.
” Brother Ace … you are … really amazing! ” When Ace walked into the valley, the previous male savage said with admiration.
” There are more demons coming over. Hurry up and hide. Their combat power has indeed increased a lot at night. I will guard at Taniguchi. After dawn, I will find a way to destroy them! ” Ace waved his hand, said.
” Well, I see! By the way, wait! ” The male savage said, running towards the valley. After a while, he came over with a lot of food and water, and said, ” It’s been so much fighting. Long time, you are hungry! This is the food we have stored, you can eat it! ”
” Thanks! ” Ace was not polite. After the battle, he really needed food to replenish his strength.
” By the way, this guy’s name is Gremory. I met him on the road. Please find him a place to hide too! ” Ace pointed to the female savage hidden in the darkness and said with a smile.
” Gimonri? ” The male savage was stunned, looked at the female savage in the dark, and asked, ” You are from the village of Gremory? Why are you here? What about your village? ”
” You know her? ” Ace asked in surprise.
” No, I only know of Gremory Village. They are the most powerful villages here. It is said that they once resisted the demons and survived successfully. They are the goals of our villages! ” The male savage shook his head and said.
” We didn’t succeed, just blocked the attack of a demon … And because of that incident, we exposed our residence, so we had to migrate and escape, but on the way to migrate …” Gremory walked out slowly , said softly: ” I have been destroyed by the devil, I am the only survivor in the village! ”
” What? ” The male savage was taken aback and said in disbelief: ” Even you Gremory were destroyed? Could it be that … we …”
His words were full of sadness, and if Ace hadn’t helped them tonight, they wouldn’t have had a hard time.
And from the howls of demons coming from afar, it is not known how many villages were destroyed.
“… Everything will be fine! ” Ace didn’t know how to comfort them, so he could only pat each other on the shoulder and said softly.
” With you here … I believe we will definitely defeat those demons! ” Ace’s appearance gave the male savages incomparable confidence, especially tonight’s battle gave him hope.
When the sun rose the next day, the people who hid in the cave at night slowly came out.
The warriors who had followed their leader to hide in Taniguchi before, who survived, immediately ordered the people in the village to start digging, and try to see if they could rescue some compatriots.
Naturally, Ace would not stand idly by, and with his help, the project progressed quite smoothly.
” Come here, find the leader! ” a savage shouted suddenly.
Ace ran over immediately after hearing the words, and after the savage leader came out, he had to say that he was dead. After the entire cave was blocked, he just passed out and was not fatally injured.
After digging out everyone, I counted the casualties, and found that the casualties of the fighting team hiding in Taniguchi had exceeded one-half.
The scene was full of sadness, and Ace couldn’t stand this environment, so he walked away slowly.
” Ace! ” After a while, the male savage who was with Ace last night found him.
” Sorry … It’s all my fault … If I hadn’t taught you how to use fire, maybe those demons wouldn’t have discovered you! ” Ace said apologetically.
The male savage shook his head and said, ” No, don’t say that, even if there were no flames, this kind of experience is common to us! The chief is awake and wants to see you! ”
” Go! ” Ace nodded and followed him into the valley.
” Ace … I just stopped talking about what happened last night! I hope you can grant me a request! ” The savage leader lying on the simple straw bed stretched out his hand and said to Ace.
” You said …”
” Can I stay? I can give up the position of the leader. In the future, the village of Murat will be changed to the village of Ace. I hope you can lead us to live! ” The leader took Ace’s hand and said earnestly. .
” Sorry … I can’t stay! ” Ace shook his head, rejecting the other party’s request.
” Why? If you can keep Li … I can guarantee that I will try my best to find people from the rest of the village, and let them all join in and follow your command! ” the leader asked inexplicably.
” I’m a pirate …” Ace smiled slightly and said, ” This is not my destination! But don’t worry, I won’t leave you alone! Those demons … I’ll help you deal with them! ”
The other party obviously did not understand what a pirate is, so after hearing the reason for Ace’s rejection, he was extremely sad, but after hearing that Ace said that he would help them solve the demon, there was a glimmer of hope in his heart.
” By the way, is your village called Murat? How many villages are there on this island? ” Ace asked curiously.
” Yes, my name is Murat, and the village is named after the leader! The leader who succeeded me after my death is also called Murat! Unless you have the ability to build your own village, then just Being named after you, our Murat village can be regarded as a village that has been around for a long time! ” The Murat leader nodded and said, ” As for how many villages there are … I really don’t know! ”
” Ace, our villages are destroyed every day, and new villages are born every once in a while, so everyone doesn’t know how many villages there will be! ” The savage who walked in with Ace whispered:
” When a village has more than a certain number of male members, the leader will choose a capable member and let him take some of the people to set up another village, so that they will not gather together and be destroyed by the devil at one time! ”
” I see … So do you know the lair of those demons? They are not strong during the day, so I plan to take advantage of the day to destroy them! ” Ace nodded and said.
“The devil’s lair is on the top of the mountain, but we don’t know the exact location, but it has always been a legend like this! ” Murat hesitated and said.
” It’s on the top of the mountain. Every day before the sun rises, they will go back to the top of the mountain. On the top is a huge forest, which is extremely dark and suitable for those demons to live in! ” At this moment, Gremory stood up. said.
Everyone looked at her in astonishment, wondering why she was so sure.
The male savage who brought Ace in whispered Gremory in Murat’s ear, and Murat looked at him in surprise.
” Are you from the village of Gremory? ” Murat’s question surprised the rest of the people for a moment. Gremory had heard of them here for a long time, and it was said to be one of the oldest villages.
” Yes … the only survivor! ” Gremory said slightly sadly.
” What? ”
” Impossible! Did something happen to the village of Gremory? ”
The people around asked in disbelief.
Gremory nodded and briefly recounted the whole story.
“I didn’t expect … even the ancient Gremory already …” Lamut sighed and did not continue.
” Captain Ace …” At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the valley.
” Huh? Maybe my companion, let me go out! ” Ace got up and said.
” Anis, take someone to accompany Ace out! ” Murat said nervously, blinking at the savage beside him.
” Okay, boss! ” The male savage who brought Ace in earlier, that is, Anis nodded and replied.
Ace did not refuse, he knew that the other party was afraid that he would leave them behind.
In fact, he really wants to go, these people can’t stop them at all.
” Captain Ace! ” The Whitebeard Pirates who watched Ace come out of the valley surrounded by a group of savages and came to look for Ace greeted with some surprise.
” Why are you here? Did the deputy captain have any orders? ” Ace asked with a smile.
” Yeah! The deputy captain asked you to be careful. The meat of these gorillas cannot be eaten, and it contains toxins. Last night, Captain Jinguduo took the people who stayed behind to hunt down a few gorillas that attacked us. As a result, we were all poisoned. If the vice-captain didn’t come back in time, I’m afraid it would be over! ” The crew member said with a little fear.
” I see, by the way … Was it dark when you hunted the gorillas? ” Ace nodded and asked.
” Uh … it seems to be evening! It’s not dark yet! ”
” Okay, go back and tell everyone that those gorillas will become very strong at night, let everyone be careful, I still have things to deal with on my side, and I will join you after finishing! ” Ace reminded his companions.
” Eh? Will they get stronger? I didn’t think they were so powerful when I hunted them yesterday! I heard that the locals still call them demons … It turns out that they get stronger at night! ” The member replied in surprise: ” Do you need our help here? ”
” No need for now, I will call you when I need it! ” Ace hesitated and said.
This time, the members of his second combat team did not follow him, but went to Fishman Island with Whitebeard’s large force.

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