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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Ah ~~ oh hoo!! ”
” Just in time! Fire Fist! ”
Ace, who was standing at the mouth of the valley, saw a gorilla holding a stone approaching and punched him.
A flame went straight to the other side, scaring the gorilla to throw the stone and run away, but the flame still covered it in an instant.
Just when Ace thought he had dealt with the gorilla, the other party actually ran away frantically and roared loudly like a normal person.
Looking at the flames that went out after being beaten by the terrified gorilla, Eston was a little stunned. Before, he could solve the opponent with one punch, why does it seem that he can’t cause damage to the opponent at all now?
After extinguishing the flames on his body, the gorillas seemed to be stunned. The flames they were afraid of didn’t seem to cause it any harm, except for some burn marks on their fur. Leave.
” Oh ho ~ oh ho ~ ah ~~~ oh ho! ” After the excited gorilla got up, he howled loudly while beating his chest while dancing.
” Shen Huo Shiranui ! ” Ace returned to God , and his hands released flames again. This time, the flames were much less than the previous ones, but they were more powerful.
After the dancing gorilla saw the flames, he instinctively became afraid, and this time it was far away from Ace, so it rolled over and the two pillars of fire just concentrated on its arms.
” Ow ~~~” This time the flames directly pierced through its arm, and the gorilla in pain suddenly howled.
” I thought you guys had an indestructible body! ” Seeing that the attack was effective, Ace said with a sigh of relief.
But before he could continue to attack, three more gorillas came towards him not far away, and they were all holding stones in their hands.
After meeting their injured companion, they also found Ace standing there.
However, they did not attack Ace, but immediately threw stones at the mouth of the valley, trying to smash the flames there.
” Mirror Flame! ” Naturally, Ace would not let them succeed. A wall of fire appeared, blocking the flying stones, but the speed of the stones was quite fast, breaking through Ace’s flame in an instant, and flew towards Taniguchi.
When Ace saw this, he turned around immediately, jumped towards the stone, and smashed the stone into pieces with a punch.
But he could only stop one stone, and the other two accurately landed on Taniguchi, smashing the flames out.
” Strength and defense have improved a lot! Is it because of the daytime … or because of the individual’s surprise? ” Ace turned his head and looked at the three gorillas who did not dare to come, but were a little triumphant.
Just because he made a mistake in judgment, he didn’t expect the opponent’s strength to increase greatly, so the speed of throwing stones was much faster.
Fortunately, there should be no one on Taniguchi’s side now, otherwise Ace should really regret it.
On the other side, after seeing his companions at the coast, Reina’s face changed greatly, because he found that the faces of his companions were a little abnormal, and after seeing him, most of them were still singing and dancing, as if they were not watching at all. to him.
” What’s the matter with them? ” Gea Keyue also noticed the abnormality of his companions and asked Reina in a deep voice.
“I don’t know, you guys are on guard here now, don’t get close to them! ” Reina said, walking alone to his companions who were in the carnival, but except for a few members who greeted him, the rest ignored him at all, still in those crazy singing, dancing, eating meat and drinking.
Reina could clearly see that they seemed a little tired, but there was no sign of stopping.
” Jingudo ! ” Reina found Jingudo, the captain of the 11th team, and held him on the shoulder.
” Yo! It’s Reina! Has the matter over there been resolved? ” Jin Gudo, who was twisting his body, asked with a smile after seeing Reina.
” What’s the matter with you? ” Reina asked, frowning.
” What’s the matter? Are we all right? Isn’t this a party? ” Jin Guduo shook his head, his body seemed to be telling him that he had an adverse reaction, but his nerves seemed to be paralyzed, and he didn’t feel anything at all. .
” Bang! ” Reina suddenly punched Jin Gudo in the stomach, knocking him away.
But even if Reina made such a big move, the members around him seemed to be continuing to sing and dance as if they had never seen it.
” Ouch ~~” Jin Gudo, who was struggling to stand up, suddenly bent down and started to vomit. After some green vomit was spit out by him, Jin Gudo shook his head again, and seemed to notice the abnormality of his body.
” What … what’s the situation? ” Jin Gudo, who was a little unsteady on his feet, swayed, as if his body was planning to continue dancing.
Reina didn’t bother to pay any attention to him, and took a closer look at Jin Gudo’s vomit.
” Reina, what’s going on? ” Lakyo, who was worried, ran over, glanced at Jin Gudo beside him, and asked.
” They are poisoned, it should be a nerve paralyzing poison! Throw them all into the sea, try to make them vomit out what they eat, I will now go back to the ship to prepare herbs! ” After Reina dropped a sentence, Return directly to the pirate ship.
Lakyo glanced at Jin Guduo, whose eyes were a little blurry, but his body was still walking, he laughed strangely, and said, ” Ha ~ don’t blame me, boy! Who wants you to be poisoned! ”
After he finished speaking, he directly lifted Jin Gudo and threw him into the sea.
With the cooperation of Lakyo and his subordinates, after throwing all the remaining members into the sea, Lakyo sat down and said, ” These bastards … what did they eat? ”
” Captain … Look, did they become like this after eating the meat of those gorillas! ” There were many large pieces of meat scattered at the banquet scene, and the color of these pieces of meat did not look very normal.
” These idiots … they start eating without knowing anything! ” Lakyo rubbed his head and said, ” Look how they are, and prepare to fish them up! ”
” Cough … happened … what happened? ” Not bad for being a captain-level figure, after Lakyo brought Jin Guduo up, although the opponent’s hands and feet were still a little reluctant, his spirit seemed to have improved a lot.
Lakjo repeated what had happened just now and asked, ” You didn’t really eat the meat of those gorillas, did you? ”
” Fu ~ damn …” Jin Guduo tried to control his body, but still couldn’t succeed, which made him a little annoyed, and said, ” Isn’t that also a creature? Before they came over, they killed a few of them, and let them go. It’s also a waste of money, so I tried to eat a little bit, and found that the taste was not bad, but I didn’t expect that there would be such toxins! ”
” Don’t jump to conclusions, Rayner went to make the antidote, and it’s still unclear how you got poisoned! Did you eat anything other than gorilla meat? ” Lakyo touched his chin asked.
” No, the rest of the food is the fruits found in the woods during the day and some ordinary animals, as well as some fish, there should be no problem! ” Jin Guduo recalled and said.
After getting some news from Jin Guduo, Lakeyo ignored him, and there were still many companions in the sea waiting for him to salvage.
” Drink! ”
After a while, Reina appeared in front of Jin Gudo with a small bottle and asked him to drink it.
Jin Guduo didn’t hesitate. He was the captain and was responsible for this poisoning incident, so he must do things like testing medicines.
After drinking Reina’s potion, Jin Guduo felt that the symptoms of being unable to control his body seemed to be better, and he seemed to be able to feel part of his body outside his senses.
” It’s better, I seem to be able to feel a little physical condition! ” Jin Gudo quickly told Reina about his condition.
” Okay, tell me the situation in half an hour. I’ll make some more now. If there is any problem, let me know immediately! ” Reina nodded, put away the bottle, and returned to the pirate ship.
He only made one bottle of potion just now. Although he knew it was a neuroparalytic toxin, in such a short period of time, he could not be 100% sure that he would be able to treat the symptoms.
If it wasn’t for his medical skills having been upgraded to C rank, he might not be able to make an antidote now.
Half an hour later, although Jin Guduo was still unable to fully control his body, the feeling of his body not obeying commands was gone.
And Reina, who made more potions, also gave the potions to Lakyo and let them feed the poisoned members.
” Reina, are they because they ate gorilla meat? ” Lakyo came over and asked when Reina didn’t make the potion.
” Yeah! I tested it just now. Those meats contain strong toxins. Fortunately, they are eaten after cooking. If they are eaten directly, I’m afraid we won’t be able to wait for us to save them! ” Reina nodded. said.
” It’s no wonder that those gorillas have become the overlords of this island. Even if there were humans on this island before, they would have made them famous and cut them off! This kind of creature is really domineering! ” Lakyo nodded and said .
” Humans are the spirit of all things! Even without our intervention, they will never be able to exterminate the humans here. There are iron ore here, and sooner or later, humans will find out how to use them. With weapons, they can kill those gorillas, as long as Just don’t eat their meat! ” Reina said, shaking her head.
” This can’t be said. Maybe there were humans who hunted them before, but they ate their meat and died. Now this group of humans is new, otherwise their civilization level is so low? ” Lakjoo had a different opinion.
” These are … not important to us ! ” Reina shrugged and replied.
” But … you really asked Ace to handle the affairs here? ” Lakyo asked after a while of silence.
” It has to be experienced after all! Those of us … can’t keep that pure heart anymore, it’s up to him how he chooses! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Fuck! I’m still the same as we were together, nothing has changed! ” said Lack about I disagreed.
” Hahaha … It’s said that the more the rivers and lakes are mixed up, the older they get. Once you get used to this kind of thing, you will become numb, and you won’t have the blood you had when you were a teenager! Do you still maintain that blood? ” Reina heard Lakyo couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
” That’s right! As for treasure … I have always maintained that sincerity and pursuit! ” Lakyo took a sip of wine and replied confidently.
” Well ~ you said that … that’s right! In the pirate group, you are the rich man! ” Reina nodded and confirmed.

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