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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Leader, it’s going to get dark soon, do you want to continue? We’ve lost their tracks! ” The savages who had tracked Reina and Ace alone before had already joined the savage leader who came behind, but they didn’t. When I arrived at the foot of the mountain, it was about to get dark, and everyone began to be nervous and afraid.
” Go, go back! ” The leader hesitated for a while, although they wanted to find Ace and Reina, but continuing on had no effect other than courting death.
Now that their village has learned to make flames from Ace, the safety has been greatly improved, so now the mind of finding Ace and Reina is not as urgent as before.
When the leader led the people back to the village, he saw a fire at the mouth of the valley from a distance. For some reason, he suddenly felt extremely relieved.
” Leader, it’s Huoguang! We’re home! ” The rest of the savages also roared excitedly.
” Be quiet, do you want to attract demons? Let’s go, let’s go back! ” After the leader laughed and scolded a few words, he led people back to the valley.
The village at this time was different from usual. In the past, when it was about to get dark, everyone would hide in dark caves to avoid the devil. But today, in addition to the elderly, women and children, many men The soldiers did not choose to hide, but surrounded the fire.
Although they were a little nervous and scared, it was a brave first step.
” Leader, how is the situation outside? ” When the leader returned with the people who went out, the soldiers around the fire stood up and asked.
” It is true that a demon was killed, not far from the foot of the mountain, but we went to their trail! ” The leader shook his head and said.
Hearing the leader’s words, the people around were a little disappointed.
If they can get the help of Ace and others, maybe they can take care of the current nightmare.
” Wait … Chief! ” At this time, a savage suddenly said: ” Don’t they still have companions on the coast? We can find them! ”
” Yes! That’s right, and it’s about to get dark now. They must not know the horror of the devil. We will remind them at this time, and they may help us at that time! ”
” That’s right, it shouldn’t be too late, chief, let’s act quickly! ”
The surrounding savages heard the reminder of their companions and immediately said in surprise.
” Okay, let’s do it … Choose a team, I will lead it personally, we will take the flames and go to the coast! ” The leader thought for a while and immediately made a decision.
” Oh ~~ hoo hoo ~~~”
But at this time, outside the valley, a gorilla’s roar suddenly sounded, and it seemed that there were a lot of them.
” Not good! Everyone is hidden! ” The leader’s expression changed and he shouted loudly.
” Boss, we have flames, those demons shouldn’t come close …” A savage warrior said hesitantly.
” Stupid … leave the flames here, we can all hide and see if the demons will come. Why should we all stay here? In case of being attacked by monsters … would we all be finished ! ” scolded.
” Yes, yes …” The soldiers then reacted, and they all found a place to hide. As for the matter of going to the coast just now, no one mentioned it again.
Because of the current situation, even if there is a flame, they may not be able to come back after they go out.
” Dong dong dong …”
Soon, the vibrating sound of the demon approaching sounded around.
” Ah ~~~ Oh hoo! ” Sure enough, after seeing the flames, the gorilla was frightened and immediately turned around and ran away. This scene made the hiding savages almost cheer.
” Don’t move, wait and see! ” The leader was afraid that the rest of the people would run out like this, and shouted softly to the surrounding.
Fortunately, the valley was quite quiet at this time. In addition to the sound of the flames burning, the voice of the leader was also heard by the others.
Not long after, the sound of ” dong dong dong …” sounded again, and the devil really came back.
Just when the leader had an ominous feeling in his heart, a large stone fell from the sky and hit the burning flame directly.
” Bang! ” ” Bang! ” ” Bang! ”
Immediately after, the stones kept falling like rain, smashing all the bonfires they lit.
” Ah ~~ oh hoo ~~ ! ”
” Oh hoo ~~”
The flames disappeared, and the entire island returned to darkness again. The gorillas outside were roaring with excitement because the flames were eliminated, but the wild people hiding in the valley were full of bitterness.
They thought they could resist those demons with flames, but they didn’t expect that if the leader wasn’t careful tonight, their entire village would be doomed.
When the savages vented against the valley, the whole valley became shattered, but the savages who were hiding did not dare to come out. They didn’t know how many companions died tonight, and now they just prayed that the demons leave quickly.
But they didn’t know that Reina and the others who came out of the mine cave on the top of the mountain were heading towards the valley, and they successfully avoided all the gorillas along the way by relying on their knowledge.
When they came to the valley and saw the mess on the ground, Ace was silent for a while and said, ” Deputy Captain … I think it’s better to kill them all! ”
” As I said, it’s up to you to decide here, Lakyo, let’s go back, if those gorillas destroy the ship, it will be more than the loss! Ace, I’ll leave it to you here! ” Reina patted Ai shoulders, said with a smile.
Rakyo shrugged and left behind Reina, leaving only Ace and the female savage.
Although it was very miraculous that she did not encounter any demons along the way, when she saw the valley in front of her, she recalled the tragic scene where her village was completely destroyed by demons and all the villagers were captured and eaten.
After Reina and Lakyo took the people away, Ace sighed and said to the female savage, ” Let’s see if there are any survivors! By the way, I don’t know what your name is, my name is Ace! ”
” Gimonry …” The female savage said after being silent for a while.
” Gimonry? Let’s go! Don’t worry, I will keep you safe! ” Ace took Gremory into the valley, wanting to see if there were any survivors.
When the two entered the valley, they found that there was not much damage in the valley, only the Taniguchi side was severely damaged.
This discovery sparked hope in Ace’s heart.
A flame ignited in his hand, and Ace lit up the valley again.
” Ace … ? ” At the moment when the fire was on, Ace seemed to hear someone calling him.
” Huh? Anyone? It’s me, Ace! Answer me when you hear my voice! It’s safe now! ” Ace replied loudly immediately.
” Shh ~~ Ace, be quiet, hurry up, put out the flames! ” In the darkness, the voice sounded again.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem with me! Are you all okay? What happened? ” Ace followed the direction of the voice and walked towards the wall on the edge of the valley. He knew that there were people living here. The caves that the savages have carved out bit by bit.
” We were attacked by demons … Because of the flames, they did run away in fear at first, but … they came back soon and smashed the flames with boulders! ” A head stuck out from the cave, and it was a male warrior.
” How are you guys? ” Ace quickly stepped forward, pulled the other party out, and asked.
“I don’t know, the leader and the others hid in Taniguchi before, in order to see if the flames can resist the devil, now I’m afraid …” Said, the soldier lowered his head and said with a little sadness.
” Ah ~~ oh hoo!! ”
At this moment, the roar of the gorilla was heard again in the distance, and the savage who just came out wanted to run into the cave, and Gremory, who was standing behind Ace, was also weak.
Many of the heads protruding from the mouth of the cave shrank back at a faster speed.
” Humph! ” Ace snorted coldly, turning his head to the two of them and saying, ” You hide first! ”
After that, Ace ran directly to the valley’s mouth, lit the flames again, and stood at the mouth of the valley to wait.
” Ace … what are you doing? Those demons come and you’re dead! The demons are stronger at night than during the day, don’t mess around! ” The warriors who came out before did not hide, but rushed to Ace’s side, Drag Ace and prepare to run.
” Have you forgotten? I have flames … they are unquenchable flames! ” Ace grinned and said, ” Go hide and watch me avenge you! ”
” Then … then I’m here to accompany you! ” Although his frightened calf was shaking, he still did not choose to leave, but pretended to be strong.
Ace smiled and didn’t say anything. He believed that his presence was enough to protect the other party’s safety.
Not far behind them, Gremory was also squatting there. To be able to come here, she mustered all the courage, and the flames released by Ace also gave her confidence.
” Dong dong dong …”
Soon, the movement here attracted the gorilla, but the moment the other party saw the flame, he ran away directly, and did not give Ace a chance to attack.
And Ace didn’t dare to chase out, otherwise it would be bad for other gorillas to come.
” Ah ~~ oh ho ~~ oh ho ~~ !! ”
The roar of the other party came from the direction the gorilla fled just now. Ace knew that the other party was calling for his companions, and that was what he wanted.
” Yan Shanggang! ” Ace circled Gremory and the male warrior with flames and said, ” Don’t come out, I will go out and fight them! Otherwise, the valley will be destroyed if we fight here! ”
After Ace finished speaking, he planned to go straight out.
” Ace! ” The male savage stopped Ace, took a deep breath, and said, ” I believe you! ”
Ace turned his head, smiled, gave him a thumbs up, and said, ” Look at my flames … cut through the darkness! ”
On the coast, Reina, Lakyo and others came to the place where the pirate ship was docked. Here, they found several gorilla corpses lying on the ground … and the members who were having a banquet.
” Deputy captain … Come and taste … This gorilla’s meat is very good! ” A crew member found Reina and others, and immediately held up a large piece of meat and said with a laugh.
Reina, who was all smiles, walked in and saw the meat in their hands and the appearance of the members, and her face suddenly changed greatly.

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