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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Deputy Captain … Are we going to wipe out all these gorillas? ” Ace asked after being silent for a while on the way.
” What do you think? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” I … I think they should be eliminated! ” Ace hesitated and said.
” Why? Because you are also human? After seeing them being treated like this, you want to eliminate these gorillas? ” Reina asked with a chuckle.
“…” Ace was speechless and had to remain silent.
” Boy … We are pirates … the most free existence in the sea, so don’t hesitate to do things, just do what you want! From now on, the things here will be left to you! ” Reina Seeing that Ace didn’t speak, he said with a smile.
” Deputy captain …” Ace was stunned, looking at Reina beside him, a little overwhelmed.
” Okay, let’s go! We have to find Lakyo now! ” With that said, Reina didn’t give Ace a chance to speak, and just accelerated.
Soon, the two came to the middle of the mountain, where they found traces of Lakyo and others.
Reina didn’t take any shots along the way. Even if he encountered that kind of huge gorilla, it was all up to Ace to decide how to deal with it.
And Ace didn’t know how to think about it, and didn’t do anything to the gorillas, just bypassed them with Reyna.
” It seems that they have come here! But why haven’t they seen those huge gorilla corpses? Didn’t they attack Lakyo? ” Reina looked at the traces on the ground and said inexplicably.
” Why do you say that? ” Ace asked curiously.
” If it were you, after you came to this small island and saw these gorillas, would you attack them? Before you met any savages and knew their experiences! ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Probably not, unless I’m short of food! ” Ace replied after thinking about it.
” Yes, Lakyo’s mission is to find water sources, not food, so if some gorillas don’t attack them, they won’t take the initiative to attack these gorillas! But I don’t understand, there is a water source under the mountain. , why did Lack ask them to come to the mountain? ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Did they find something? ” Ace guessed.
” Maybe … Find them and you’ll know the answer, let’s go! ” Reina got up and followed the traces on the ground with Ace.
It didn’t take long for them to come to a cave near the top of the mountain. According to the traces on the ground, Lakjo and the others probably entered the cave.
” What the hell are these guys doing here? ” Reina said helplessly, looking at the dark cave.
” Deputy Captain … Look at it …” At this time, Ace, who was squatting beside the cave, pointed to the ground and said.
” Hey … this is … ore? ” Reina took a few steps forward, looked at the iron sand ore exposed from the ground, and said in surprise, ” These guys, they didn’t discover the ore here, so they came all the way. huh? ”
Due to the major renovation on Xuanyue Island, they are quite familiar with steel, and Reina even gave them a popular science about the source of steel, which was formed after the refining of these iron sand mines.
” It’s very likely … otherwise I can’t explain why they came all the way here! ” Ace nodded and said.
” Since it’s a mine, it means that someone has already mined it before us, so why are those savages still using wooden weapons? ” Reina said puzzled, throwing away the exposed ore.
” Is it that they don’t know the function of these ores? ” Ace guessed.
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” If you didn’t know the function of these ores, would you continue to dig such a big hole? ”
Ace suddenly realized, it seems that something else happened on this small island that they didn’t know.
After making two torches, Reina and Ace moved on.
Not long after they walked, they found a lot of ore discarded on the roadside, proving that the mine had an astonishing amount of storage.
” It doesn’t seem to be developed here! ” Ace said curiously after walking for a while.
” There is also a possibility that the person who dug this cave may not have come for these ores, but for another purpose! ” Reina nodded and said.
Immediately after, they didn’t go far when they heard some movement from the sign-off.
The two looked at each other, and immediately quickened their pace. Sure enough, they soon discovered that there was a fire coming from the front.
” Who? ” At this moment, the two heard Lakyo’s voice.
” It’s me! ” Reina stepped forward and said.
” Hey ~ Reina? Why are you here? Come and see what we found! A huge natural mining area, it’s not worse than a treasure map! ” Rakyo heard Reina’s voice and immediately came over, excited said.
” I said you guy … is too worrying? Didn’t I ask you to come out to find water? What mining area are you looking for? ” Reina said with a slight dissatisfaction.
” Please … What are we doing here? We’re here to find treasures! Isn’t it enough to find such a large mining area now? ” Lakyo pouted and said.
” How did you find this place? You didn’t see any danger on the way? ” Reina asked after looking around.
” Dangerous? You mean those gorillas called demons? ” Lakyo asked with a shrug.
” You know? ” Reina was taken aback for a moment. He thought that Lakyo didn’t know about gorillas, but he knew from the name he called gorillas that he already knew about the island.
” It’s not very clear, because she called those gorillas that way, and said those gorillas were scary! ” Lakyo pointed to a female savage hiding behind the members in the crowd and said.
” Tell me … what’s going on! ” Reina asked with great interest.
” Didn’t we come looking for water before that? We soon found the lake at the bottom of the mountain, and found her by the lake! ” Lakyo pointed to the female savage and said, ” She was cleaning these ores by the lake at that time, and I found Then I asked her where these came from, and she told us! ”
Lakyo said it was simple, but Reina believed that it would definitely not be the case. This savage must know that this is a place for gorillas, but she brought Lakyo and others here, or she had no good intentions if she moved away. , or they were forced to come over by Lack about them.
Sure enough, when Reina looked at each other, the female savage hugged her body and took a few steps back, as if she was very scared.
” You wouldn’t force her to come here, would you? These gorillas are demons in the eyes of others, so how could they come here on their own initiative? ” Reina cast a glance at Lakyo and asked.
” Then you don’t know, this is her home! ” Lakyo replied with a smile.
” Huh? ” Reina was stunned and looked at the female savage, but no matter how he looked at it, the other party didn’t seem like the kind of person who dared to live here.
” Your home is here? What about your family? ” Rayner asked to the female Savage.
” Dead! ” The female savage replied after hesitating for a while.
” They’re all dead? Where’s your village? Are there still people? I met a village in the valley by the lake before, and there are quite a few people there! ” Reina tried to make herself seem kinder, smiling. said.
” Everyone in the village also died, only I hid here and survived! ” The female savage said slightly sadly.
” They’re all dead? Who was so cruel? They actually slaughtered your village? ” Lakyo asked in surprise for a moment.
” I said … why do you guys force people to bring you here without knowing anything? ” Hearing Lakyo’s words, Reina dared to be 100% sure that it was Lakyo who was interested in making money and discovered the other party’s iron ore. Forced people to bring him here.
” I don’t mean to hurt her, and she doesn’t know the value of the ore at all. Instead of burying it here, it’s better for us to mine it! ” Lakyo didn’t care at all, and said with a smile: ” It’s better now, since she There is a bloody revenge, I will help her get revenge as a reward! ”
Reina smiled and shook his head, and told Lakyo the news he got from the savage. Lakyo was a little surprised to learn that the humans on this island were pushed to such a point by these gorillas.
” Let Ace handle the matter here! Including this mine! ” After explaining, Reina winked at Lakjoo and said.
Lakyo was stunned for a moment, but seeing Ace’s tangled appearance, Lakyo seemed to think of something and said with a strange smile: ” Hehe … OK, since you said that, then I don’t care! Then Ace … you first It’s her who needs to be dealt with, what are you going to do? ”
Ace looked at Lacoyo and Reina, and after seeing that they seemed to be serious, he stepped forward and said to the female savage: ” Well, there is a village in the valley by the lake, if you want, I can take you there and start your new life, how? ”
The female savage hesitated, nodded, and agreed.
” In that case, Vice-Captain, Captain Lakyo, let’s go to the village first! ” Seeing this, Ace turned to Reina and Lakyo and said.
But just when he was about to get up and leave, the female savage suddenly grabbed him, shook his head, and said, ” No, I can’t leave now, it’s getting dark outside, it’s very dangerous to go out now! Although you have flames, there are too few Now, there is no way to scare away the demons in the dark night! ”
When she brought Lakeyo and others up before, she didn’t say much, only said that this kind of ore was found in a cave around the devil’s lair. At that time, Lakeyo didn’t think much, and just followed.
When they saw a giant gorilla on the road, the female savage told them that it was the devil.
In order not to disturb their mine-hunting plan, Lakeyo and others sneaked up all the way and did not conflict with the giant gorilla.
But the gentleness shown by Reina and Ace just now made the female savages feel a kind of warmth, so they stopped them from leaving.
” Don’t worry! Those demons … are not our opponents! Before going up the mountain, I already killed a demon! ” Ace said with a smile.
” What? ” The female savage looked at Ace and asked with an expression of disbelief: ” You … you can kill those demons? How is this possible? All the warriors in our village can’t beat one of them together. Demons! And in the dark, they become even more terrifying! ”
” Do n’t worry … I have flames! ” Ace’s fingertips were directly elementalized, turning into a jumping flame, and said to her with a smile.
” Fire … really fire … how did you do it? ” The female savage stared at Ace in surprise.

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