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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Reina, who secretly followed the savage, quickly found that they were meeting by a small lake, and then walked towards a valley not far away. According to the location, it seemed to be where Ace released the pillar of fire before.
After thinking about it, Reina followed them into the valley. Although there is no news about Lakyo and others, clues to Ace and others should be found here.
But when Reina followed the group of savages into the valley, they immediately found out.
” It was discovered by such a simple trap! ” Reina’s face was covered with black lines, and there were some scattered branches at the entrance of the valley. Reina didn’t pay attention and walked up directly, and was discovered by the savages on guard. .
” It seems that we can only do it! ” Dodging the attack of the sentinels, and watching more and more wildlings rush out of the valley, Reina has already planned to attack.
” Deputy Captain … Wait! ” At this moment, Ace and Jingudo walked out surrounded by a group of savages.
” Ace? Jingudo? Are you all right? ” Reina breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that the two were all right.
If he came out with a few people and something happened, he really didn’t know how to explain to Whitebeard.
” We’re fine, don’t do it first, it’s just a misunderstanding! ” Ace stepped forward and explained to Reina.
It turned out that they encountered this group of savages not long after they entered the woods. With their strength, they naturally knocked down the opponent very quickly, especially when Ace used the ability of flame, those savages directly put down their weapons and bowed to Ace. Ace and the others were at a loss.
Later, after their explanation, they learned that there are a group of demons living on the mountain range in the middle of the island. They often go down the mountain to prey on these savages. Before they found out there were demons, they sent people out to check, otherwise, in case those The demons find their place and the whole village suffers.
So they will attack as soon as they encounter Ace.
As for why they knelt down to worship Ace, it was because fire was what the devil feared the most, but these savages couldn’t make fire. Every night was the most difficult time for them. Now that Ace can use fire, They thought Ace was a god, so they all knelt down.
So after explaining it clearly, Ace followed some of the savages back to their village, while the other group of savages continued to search for the whereabouts of the demons, the group that Reina encountered.
As for why they kept silent when Reina asked about Ace, it was because they were afraid that Reina would take Ace. Now that Ace was their hope, he naturally didn’t want to say too much to Reina.
” In other words, Lak asked them to enter the mountain, and because their actions disturbed the demons in the mountains, that’s why? ” After hearing Ace’s explanation, Reina touched his chin and said.
” Yes, I have taught them to use flames just now, and released a pillar of fire here, so even if there are their so-called demons around, they should not come over! ” Ace nodded and said.
” Thank you for the gift of the gods … With these flames, we should be able to avoid the pursuit of those demons! When the time comes, call all the villagers in the other villages, and we will be able to live better! ” The sturdy savage came over and thanked Ace.
” It’s okay! But you have already learned to use flames, and I have to leave. My companions don’t know where they are now, so I’ll go look for them! ” Ace waved his hand and said with a smile.
The savage at the head hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: ” Since you want to enter the mountain, then I will let the soldiers in the village lead you the way! ”
” No need! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Are you sure that our former companion has entered the mountain? ”
Looking at the strength of these savages, Reina doesn’t care about the so-called demons. Just because these savages can fight against the so-called demons, those so-called demons must have limited strength.
” Yes, after they entered the mountain, some demons came down from the mountain. They must have found them. In fact, you don’t have to go up the mountain. Your companions must have been eaten by the demons! ” Another savage stood up, Nodding his head, he said affirmatively.
” Oh hoo ~~~”
” Boom boom ~~~”
” Ah ~~~ oh hoo ~~~”
Just when Reina smiled and was about to say something, suddenly there was a huge roar from the central mountain range, like a collapse of the mountain, followed by some strange sounds.
” It’s the devil! ” People also changed their expressions, and they seemed to be very nervous.
” All warriors are ready! ” The savage headed by shouted loudly, stopping the panic of the rest of the savages.
With the sturdy savage at the head in command, the rest of the savages began to calm down. The elderly, women, and children were taken back to the village. The rest of the male savages formed a group of a dozen people and separated automatically.
” What are you going to do? ” Ace asked curiously.
” Those demons go down the mountain every evening. In order to protect the village, we can only send soldiers out to lure those demons and prevent them from discovering the village! It’s not time yet, but it’s likely that your companions disturbed them, so they That’s how it is! ” The savage headed said sadly.
Ace, Reina and the others were taken aback for a moment, isn’t this just a bait? Take the living as sacrifices?
” You … haven’t you thought about fighting them? ” Reina asked after being silent for a while.
” No way … We are not their opponents at all. There were many villages here before, and many villages were completely wiped out during the confrontation. Only people like us … barely survived! But now With the flames, the village should not be destroyed by them! ” The leading savage said with a grin.
” Let’s go, let’s go and have a look! Jin Gudo, you take someone back, be careful not to let anyone damage the boat, Ace, let’s go! ” Hearing the other party’s answer, Reina became a little curious, these so-called What the hell is a demon.
” Good! ”
Jin Guduo nodded and took the members back to the shore, while Reina and Ace were heading towards the mountains.
Afraid that Ace and Reina would get lost, the savage leader sent a team of ” decoys ” to follow them.
Not long after they moved towards the direction of the mountain, they heard the vibration of ” dong dong dong ” .
” It’s those demons! They’re here, let’s go! ” The savage who led the way said to Ace and Reina with a face.
” You hide first, don’t worry about us, if we are eaten by those demons, you should run away! ” Reina smiled slightly, and stood with Ace, waiting for the so-called demons to come. As for those savages, Reina Just let them hide around.
” Ah ~~~~ Oh hoo ~~~” Not long after, a huge orangutan with a length of more than 20 meters appeared in front of Ace and Reina.
” Gorilla? ” Ace said in surprise.
” It shouldn’t be an ordinary gorilla! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Ah, I have seen it, the other party has a pair of blood red eyes, long fangs in the mouth, a mane like a lion on the neck, and something like an arrow at the end of the long tail. The legendary devil’s tail is indeed somewhat similar.
” Oh ~~ roar! ” After the other party found Reina and Ace, he suddenly rushed towards them as if he had taken a stimulant.
” I’m coming! ” Seeing the gorilla coming, Ace stepped forward and said.
Reina nodded, not intending to shoot.
” Fire Fist! ” A flame appeared on Ace’s arm, and then began to condense on his fist.
” Oh hoo ~~ ? ” The advancing gorilla stopped himself abruptly when he saw the flame in Ace’s hand, then turned and ran away in horror.
” Want to run? ”
Ace smiled slightly, punched the opponent, and immediately a flame directly drowned the gorilla.
” Boom! ”
After the flames passed, the gorilla fell down in black smoke.
The savages hiding in the grass looked at each other in dismay. The demon who had always been terrifying was actually killed by Ace? It gave them a little brain break for a while, because they never thought about it that way.
” Let’s go and have a look! ” Reina and Ace walked towards the gorilla.
If Ace killed it so simply, it can only mean that this is just a relatively beast, not a so-called demon.
But according to the savages, they are indeed called demons.
” Just passed out, not dead! ” Rayner said after standing on the gorilla and checking it a little.
” It seems that this is not a demon, it should be just a large beast! ” Ace said after checking it again.
” Well! If there are sharp weapons, these wildlings should be enough to fight against them! You see … their fur is soft, but the skin is quite hard. With their wooden weapons, they will basically not cause damage to them. What kind of damage, this kind of thing can’t fight them! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Then with Lakyo’s strength, these gorillas shouldn’t be able to hurt him! ” Ace nodded, letting go of his worries.
” Let’s go, let’s go up the mountain to see! ” Reina nodded, cut the neck of the gorilla with Qianben Sakura, and completely killed the ” devil ” !
After Reina and Ace were far away, the wild people who were hiding came out slowly.
” What now? Continue to follow or go back? They … they really killed the demon! ” A savage swallowed and said.
” Let’s do it! I will continue to follow and lead the way for them. There are some labyrinths on the mountain besides the demons. If we don’t lead the way, they may easily get lost in it! The two of you go back and report to the leader, and the rest are here to guard the demons. Corpse! ”
” Okay, let’s do it! ”
After the savages discussed it for a while, they immediately made a decision.
It didn’t take long for the savage leader to come here under the leadership of the two savages. When the leader saw the demon lying on the ground, although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.
” Finally … finally someone killed these demons! ” The leader knelt down beside the gorilla’s body, leaving tears in his eyes. He didn’t know how many relatives died in the mouths of these demons, and now he saw these guys being killed , was very emotional for a while.
” Leader, what should we do now? ” a savage who stayed behind asked the leader.
” Hoo ~ they are our heroes, we must not let them have an accident, you guys go back first, protect the village, the rest … come with me! Let’s go into the mountain! ” The leader stood up and said loudly.
He saw hope in his eyes, saw light, and saw a beautiful and peaceful life!

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