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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Fusion! ” After nodding at Bing Lun Maru next to him, Bing Lun Maru walked directly towards Reina.
When Hinrenmaru began to merge into Reina’s body, the Zanpakutō form Hinrenmaru appeared on Reina’s left hand, and it was directly in the form of swastika.
A pair of ice wings appeared directly behind Reina, an ice chain-like tail swayed in the wind, and three four-petaled ice lotus flowers also appeared in the air behind Reina.
The original opening of the writing wheel is still in the shape of Sangou jade, but the eyes have become ice blue, which is not as strange as when it was red, and has a more pure and transparent feeling.
” Roar ~~” A giant dragon composed of ice flies up from Reina, and the surrounding wind and snow seem to be frozen, and they all surrender to the giant ice dragon. This is the strongest Zanpakutō of the ice and snow type. Line up.
” Condensation! ” Reina raised the knife in his left hand and pointed at the void in front of him. The ice and snow in front of him began to gather quickly, and then formed an ice wall.
At this time, the pirate ship had only completed half of its turn, but the crew members resting in the cabin had already come out. Without the obstruction of ice and snow, everyone quickly folded the sails to speed up the pirate ship’s turning.
” Lakeyo … Turn another 90 degrees, then accelerate! ” After recognizing the direction, Reina said to Rakyo who was at the helm.
” Received! ”
Although Reina’s tone was cold and did not seem to have a trace of emotion, Lakyo was not surprised. He had seen Reina like this more than once!
After the pirate ship sailed for a certain distance, Reina released the fusion state. This state was quite exhausting. If it wasn’t for an emergency, Reina wouldn’t want to use it more.
After struggling out of Reina’s body, Hirinmaru nodded towards Reina, and then jumped to the mast again, continuing to serve as a guard.
It was he who discovered the situation before and passed it on to Jin Guduo.
” Navigator … how’s the direction? ” After leaving the area of the tornado, Lakyo asked loudly towards the navigator.
” Captain Lakyo, we have deviated from the course, but if we turn back now, I’m afraid we will encounter a tornado again! ” The navigator shouted while looking at the record pointer.
” Continue to move in this direction, navigator, remember the angle between the present and the recording pointer! ” Rayner said after walking behind the navigator and comparing the treasure map.
The direction they are going in now is the direction that the system points to the treasure, so Reina only made Lakyo go in this direction before.
” Yes, vice-captain! ” said the navigator, nodding his head.
After the pirate ship continued to sail for a certain distance, the rain and snow began to slowly disappear, and the long-lost sunshine was ushered in again.
” Hoo ~ I finally got out of that bad weather! ”
After the rain and snow disappeared, Reina and the captains began to return to the cabin to rest and let the ordinary crew operate the pirate ship.
Early the next morning, Rayner was awakened by the navigator because he found that the angle of the recording needle had changed.
After looking at the treasure map, Reina compared the directions given by the system, and asked the navigator to make adjustments.
” Let’s follow this line of defense now! ” Reina said to the navigator, drawing a line on the chart.
” Yes! Vice-captain! ” The navigator did not object to Rayner’s order.
In the process of treasure hunting in the past, Reina has proven his super directional ability. No matter where the treasure is located, Reina can always lead them to find the place.
Three days later, under the guidance of Reina, they finally found an island, but when Reina landed on the island, they found that the direction given by the system was not here.
” This is not our destination, and it doesn’t match the treasure map! But you can rest here for a while, Lakyo, take someone to find water, and Jingudo and Ace to find food! ” Reina pretended to compare the hidden treasures. After Baotu, he said.
” It’s not here? I thought we had reached our destination! ” Lakjoo said somewhat disappointedly.
But they were also very happy to be able to rest on the island. They were really tired during this time. The main thing is that the weather here is a little impermanent, and because of the changes in the magnetic field, the ordinary recording pointer is useless at all. Not to the nearest island.
After a while, when Ace and Jingudo, who were looking for food, returned, Reina began to prepare food, but Lakyo, who went out to find water, never came back.
” Deputy Captain, why hasn’t Captain Lakyo come back? Shall I go find him? ” Ace came to Reina and said.
Reina also frowned slightly. Although Lakyo is usually a little unreliable, he is quite measured when he really does things. He has not come back yet. Maybe he really encountered some danger. If Ace is left alone If you look for it in the past, maybe even Ace will fall into it.
” Jinguduo, pay Ace for a trip! If you encounter danger, don’t mess around, come back first or give me a signal! ” Reina said after thinking for a while.
” Okay! ” Jin Guduo, who was playing with the bonfire, nodded and got up and said.
Soon the two walked towards the center of the island with a team of members, where there was a high mountain, which was also the direction that Lakyo left before.
But not long after Ace and Jingudo left, Reina felt that something was approaching them again, and there were a lot of them.
” Everyone is alert … ready to fight! ” Reina put down the branch in his hand and stood up and shouted.
When the members heard it, they got up and took up their weapons, and looked at the woods not far away.
rustling …
Sure enough, soon everyone heard the sound from the woods, and saw the trembling branches, knowing that the enemy was about to show up.
” Who … come out! ” But after staring for a while, not only did the other party not show up, but even the previous movement disappeared. A member closest to the woods, holding a weapon, approached the woods and shouted loudly road.
” Hey! ”
Just as he was approaching, an arrow suddenly shot out of the woods.
” Dang! ” Reina appeared in front of the member and missed the arrow for him.
” Everyone be careful! ” Reina looked at the arrow in his hand and shouted behind him.
The arrow is just an ordinary wooden arrow, and even the arrow is made of wood. Although it is a bit sharp, if the opponent only has such attack equipment, then it will definitely not cause too much trouble to Lakyo and them.
But now not only is Lakjoo gone and never returns, but there is also no news about Jingudo and Ace, which has to make Reina cautious.
” Boom! ”
At this moment, a pillar of fire suddenly rose into the sky deep in the woods.
Reina’s eyes narrowed, knowing that this was Ace’s flame.
” Hinren pill! ” With Reina’s voice, Hingren pill appeared beside Reina.
” Protect everyone, I’ll go in and take a look! ” Reina said to Hinrenmaru.
After seeing Hirinmaru nodding, Reina stepped a little and rushed directly into the woods.
When he entered the woods, Sangouyu’s writing wheel had already opened, and the eyeballs moved rapidly in the eye sockets, and he could see the situation in the woods in an instant.
The people who attacked them just now were a group of savages wearing leaves and turf. The bows, arrows and spears in their hands were also made of wood. This kind of thing, not to mention Reina and the others, is to ordinary members of the Whitebeard Pirates. They also have no chance of winning.
” Xuuuuu …” Seeing Reina rushing into the woods, the savages all shot their weapons towards Reina.
” Shushuashua …” Reina waved Qianben Sakura in his hand, and a pile of broken wooden weapons appeared on the ground.
” Why attack me? ” Reina stood there, not fighting back, but trying to communicate.
The other party is the native here, they are outsiders, if it is not necessary, Reina does not want to hurt them.
” You … who are you? ” Hearing Reina’s question, one of the wildlings hesitated and asked.
The accent of the other party’s speech is a bit strange, but Reina can still understand what he said.
” I’m the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. We’re just passing by this island. After a rest, we’ll leave tomorrow. We don’t mean to be enemies with you! ” Reina retracted the knife and said that he was not malicious. .
The savage looked at each other, and then the savage who had asked Reina before stepped forward and asked Reina, ” Really? You are not here to destroy our homeland? ”
” Really! I haven’t met you before. Why did you destroy your home? And you did it first, didn’t you? By the way, I had a few friends who entered the woods before, have you seen them? ” Reina nodded and asked.
Hearing Reina’s words, the leading savage nodded, pointed to the mountains in the center of the island and said, ” I know, they entered the mountains! We found them, so we followed their traces to find them! ”
” But … I have two groups of partners coming over, do they all enter the mountain? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” No, there is another man who can turn into flames, and they went to our village! ” said the wild man, shaking his head.
” Ah ~ are you talking about Ace? Since you met them, why did you attack us? He sent the fire column just now, but didn’t you say he was in your village? Did something happen to your village? ” Reina continued to ask.
The savage headed watched Reina fell silent and did not continue to speak.
” Why don’t you keep talking? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Looking at their reactions, Reina knew that 90% of the other party had lied to him just now.
” Everyone … We really don’t mean to be enemies with you. If you also deceived my companions with the same words, then you’d better hope that nothing happens to them, otherwise …” Reina didn’t finish her words, but it was full of threatening.
After Reina finished speaking, the savages looked at each other, and then the savage headed said a few words, and they immediately started to flee in all directions.
Reina didn’t stop them, but hung the savage who was talking to him from a distance. He wanted to see what the other party was thinking.

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