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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
With the support of Whitebeard, the major renovation of Xuanyue Island went very smoothly. Within a few days, the bottom of the entire Xuanyue Island was hollowed out, and all the lifts made by the doctor were installed.
” Reina, there is a shortage of steel now! Although the elevator has been made, if you want to make the super-large bubble film of Fishman Island, it is estimated that you need some steel to fix it! ” Looking at the progress of the project, Ah Xi Dr. Ai was very satisfied, but the lack of raw materials made him a little anxious.
” Don’t worry, Doctor, I’ll send someone out to buy it, it won’t delay the progress! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Okay, I’ll go to Fishman Island with the captain tomorrow to see how they make such a big bubble film. You may need some other materials by then! ” Dr. Ahsie nodded and said.
” No problem, the Pirates have sufficient funds at present, it is best to let the big brother get back some big trees that can glow on the seabed on Fishman Island, so as to simulate the ecological environment of Fishman Island! ” Reina nodded and replied. .
” Don’t worry, according to the ideas you provided, I have installed a lot of street lights on Xuanyue Island, even if there is enough lighting at the bottom of the sea, but you are right, those natural trees are better than this kind of thing. ! ”
” I won’t go with you this time. The treasure map that Jin Guduo gave me before seems to be a real treasure map. I will take someone to see it here. After this major renovation, our expenses But a lot! In the future, if the doctor has any inventions, there will not be enough funds to realize it! ” Reina said with a smile.
After the two negotiated some details, the next day, Whitebeard and Rayner took their own people to act separately.
” Deputy captain, where are we going this time? ” Ace asked with a high-spirited look while standing on the deck.
” According to the instructions on the map, it is probably in the Lalu waters. The climate there is chaotic, and the magnetic field between the islands is chaotic, so few people go there. Unless there is a permanent pointer to a small island over there, it is generally very Few people would choose to go there. ” Reina looked at the treasure map and said with a smile.
The treasure map in his hand was the treasure map that Jin Guduo gave to Reina in order to divert his attention. Reina didn’t take it seriously, but after a careful look, the system actually gave an S -level evaluation. That made Reina suddenly interested.
So instead of following Whitebeard to Fishman Island, he took Jingudo, Lakyo, Ace and others to start the treasure hunt mode.
” Then did we have any problems in the past? ” Lakeyo asked curiously when he heard Reina’s words.
” Don’t worry, before I set off, I have already obtained the permanent pointer of a small island over there. Even if we can’t find the treasure, we will have no problem! ” Reina took out a permanent pointer and said with a smile.
In fact, the chance of not finding the treasure is very small. After all, he has systematic help and can know the right direction, but he can’t explain this kind of thing, so he specially made a permanent pointer before departure, just in case.
Rayner and Whitebeard set off at the same time. Whitebeard was on the main ship Moby Dick , while Rayner and the others were on the secondary ship, a ship that was exactly the same as the Moby Dick , but smaller. .
In terms of distance, Fishman Island is farther away, but the situation on Reina’s side will definitely be more complicated, so it may take longer.
A few days later, Reina and the others arrived at the Lalu Sea Area. Before entering this sea area, it was still sunny and windy. However, after they entered the Lalu Sea Area, they encountered a storm and heavy snow in less than half a day.
In this changeable weather, even the old pirates like Reina, who are used to the great route, are in a hurry.
” Reina, how far are we from the target island? We can’t go on like this. It’s better to find an island to rest! ” Lakyo said to Reina, wrapped in a thick quilt.
Before Amen set off, he didn’t expect such a situation, so he didn’t prepare the equipment to keep out the cold, so the clothes that could be worn on the boat were given priority to the crew members. After all, they were stronger and better able to keep out the cold.
” How do I know? I’ve never been here! ” Reina replied while drawing a chart in the cabin.
Because it was the first time he arrived in the sea, Reina began to draw nautical charts habitually.
” No way, it’s freezing to death! Ace … let’s see some flames! ” On the deck, Lakyo shouted to Ace.
As a person with the ability to burn fruit, he also dislikes this cold climate very much, and fighting in this climate will greatly affect his performance.
However, compared with ordinary people, his ability to resist cold is stronger.
” Ah ~~ It’s so warm! Let the crew come over, let’s cook the fire first! ” After Ace lit a bonfire on the deck, it was finally warmer.
” Leaving some people on the deck to pay attention to the route, wouldn’t it be good for the rest to go to the cabin? Why are all of them here? ” Reina walked out of the cabin, and a biting cold wind blew suddenly. .
” Deputy captain … the cabin is also cold! Although there is not such a strong wind, the cabin is not suitable for fire, so it is better to be here! ” A crew member said helplessly, eager to jump into the fire.
” It’s my mistake, I didn’t expect to encounter such a ghost weather, so let’s go … The boatman comes with me, let’s find a room to remodel, at least we can make a fire, it’s not the way to go on like this! ” Reina After thinking about it, he said.
His idea was to make a fireplace out of it, so that it would make a fire without igniting the whole ship.
Soon, with the help of the boatman, Rayner remodeled the largest party cabin and made two fireplaces.
” Inform everyone to come here! Everyone will stay here for the night at night, and if everyone gathers together, they can also cope with more emergencies! ” After setting both fireplaces on fire, he instructed the boatman beside him.
Soon, except for those who needed work, such as lookouts and navigators, everyone entered the cabin. After the fireplace, everyone finally felt that they were alive.
” Everyone warm up first, and then go out to replace the people outside. We have a lot of people. As long as we don’t stay in that cold temperature all the time, we should be fine! ” Reina said to the people who were cooking.
” Yes, vice-captain! ” The crew members, who had finally recovered, nodded and replied.
” Deputy captain, let me go out with you! ” Seeing Reina planning to go out, Ace got up and said.
” Okay! ” Rayner didn’t refuse.
Although Ace was a little uncomfortable in this weather, he was still much stronger than those ordinary members.
Jin Guduo and Lakyo also got up one after another. This is the consciousness of being a captain.
After replacing the crew on duty on the deck, Reina smiled and said to Ace beside him, ” We’ve been together for a few years, haven’t we? Why do you still call me the deputy captain? It’s too raw! ”
” I have always remembered what you said to me back then, and I have always taken you as an example! ” Ace touched his head embarrassedly and said with a smile.
” Stupid guy, now … we are family! Really, you have to call me uncle! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
Ace’s face darkened. He remembered that when he first got on the ship, the crew had spread the legend of Reina. Because he and his father Whitebeard had known each other very early, they were once partners on the same boat, so they were building Whitebeard. At the beginning of the pirate group, the two were called brothers.
Later, the number of Whitebeard Pirates increased, but because Reina and everyone were about the same age, everyone just called Whitebeard Dad, and no one really called Reina Uncle.
Reina seems to be quite dissatisfied with this. He used a lot of methods to make the members change their words, but he missed the best time. At that time, he was quite familiar with the first crew, so in the end he did not succeed.
” Why are you looking at me like this? Don’t count from the big brother, your father, Gol D. Roger, is also of my generation? If you don’t believe me, go ask Rayleigh and Shanks! So as Roger’s son , you should call me uncle too! ” Reina said with a smug look.
” That … I think it’s better to call your deputy captain to express my respect for you! ” Ace said after hesitating for a while.
Sure enough, after hearing Ace’s answer, Reina immediately became unhappy, and today is another unsuccessful day!
” Reina! There seems to be something in front of you, the wind and snow are so strong that you can’t see clearly! ” At this moment, Jin Gudo on the mast shouted towards Reina below.
” Sharing Wheel Eye … Open! ” Reina directly opened Sangouyu’s writing wheel eye, came to the bow of the ship, and looked forward.
” Not good … Quick, Lakyo, turn the rudder, there’s a tornado ahead! ” After Reina could see the front clearly through the snow, his face immediately changed and he shouted towards Lakyo who was at the helm.
” Fuck! What the hell is this place? ” Lakyo, who heard Reina’s reminder, immediately turned the rudder, but he didn’t dare to turn too fast, because the wind and snow were too heavy, and he was afraid that it would happen if it turned too fast. roll over.
” Ace, go and call everyone out, put away the sails, and go! ” Reina, who was standing on the bow, shouted to Ace beside him.
” Yes! ” Ace heard the words and ran towards the cabin immediately.
And Reina, who stayed on the bow, shouted: ” Ice Lun Maru! ”
” Lord! ” Hirinmaru, who jumped out of nowhere, immediately came to Reina.
” Fix these goddamn blizzards for me! ” Rayner yelled.
” Then I need the Lord’s support! ” Bing Lun Wan said calmly.
As the strongest Zanpakutō in the ice and snow type, this blizzard can’t affect Hinrenmaru at all, but if there is a battle, these blizzards will instead become his help.

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