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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Blake was sweating profusely looking at the photo on the ground, which was exactly what he was depicting in the corner of a street in the Golden City.
” Don’t you want to explain? ” Reina asked softly.
Blake took a deep breath, calmed down slowly, shook his head and said with a wry smile: ” Since the vice-captain has come to see me, he must be 100% sure? In this case, no matter how much I deny it is useless! ”
” It’s not bad, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, I’ll cut you to the sword immediately! That would be a shame for our Whitebeard Pirates! Now I’ll give you a chance to defend yourself, if you can persuade me … … I’ll take you to see Big Brother, otherwise … you know! ” Reina nodded, picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and said.
” Titch saved my life back then! ” Blake said after being silent for a while.
“And then? It’s gone? ” Looking at the silent Blake, Reina said with some dissatisfaction: ” He saved you … So you betrayed big brother to help him? ”
” Of course not! When I learned that he planned to betray, I opposed it and persuaded him, but he seemed to have made up his mind and didn’t listen to me! Later, Xuanyue Island fell and Captain Hansen returned with serious injuries. Titch is quite dissatisfied!
But then one day, Titch asked someone to find me and said that he did not mean to hurt Captain Hansen. These days he visited famous doctors and found a powerful doctor who can restore the strength of Captain Hansen! ” Blake said calmly.
” You wouldn’t be stupid enough to take Hansen to see Titch, would you? ” Reina couldn’t help but interrupted when she heard this.
Black paused, sighed again, and said, ” Yes, he said that everyone now knows that he is a traitor, so don’t let everyone know, and don’t tell Captain Hansen! He won’t come forward, just let the doctor come, otherwise Captain Hansen knew that it was the doctor he had hired, and he was afraid that he would not accept it!
At the time, I thought that it would be fine if I could cure Captain Hansen. As long as it was cured, I would tell everyone that Titch is actually not that bad! I didn’t expect …”
“I didn’t expect him to kill Hansen after he deceived you … Right ! ” Reina finished what he didn’t say.
” At that time, he didn’t kill Captain Hansen in front of me, but a guy who seemed to be half-dead and called himself a doctor, took Captain Hansen away and said he was treating him! But Captain Hansen came back that night, And I always felt that something was wrong with him, and then I found out … that is not Captain Hansen at all! ” Blake said with some pain.
” Since you knew the truth at the time … why didn’t you tell it? ” Rayner asked, looking at Blake.
” Because … Titch’s people told me that I was also an accomplice in the killing of Captain Hansen. Once everyone knew about this … I knew very well what I would face! ” Blake fell to the ground and lowered his head. .
” Then have you thought about how to face Hansen? ” Reina chuckled and said, ” Ah ~ I forgot, Hansen is dead! So you don’t have to face him at all, right? ”
Blake’s face changed, but he didn’t refute.
Looking at Blake’s appearance, Reina knew that Titch must be holding on to these handles and inducing Blake step by step, making him a nail inside the Whitebeard Pirates.
In this way, Tickey can always get the information of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Reina also understands why Tickey avoids every time their actions, only the last time he went to Alabasta because he and Marco decided temporarily, So they don’t know.
” Let’s go! ” said Rainer, getting up. ” Tell the captain yourself! ”
He took Blake to Whitebeard’s room, and after explaining the general situation, he left and let Whitebeard handle Blake himself.
In the end, Whitebeard still did not announce Blake’s crime, but only applied to go to the cemetery to guard the grave in Blake’s own name, which was regarded as atonement for his dead companion.
Rayner knew that Whitebeard had ordered him not to step out of the cemetery for the rest of his life.
Even so, Blake thanked Whitebeard on his knees and entered the cemetery. Since then, he has never stepped out of the cemetery again. It is his duty to clean and tidy the cemetery every day.
After resolving the internal affairs, Reina began to discuss with Whitebeard how to deal with the disclosure of Ace’s identity. Whether it is the navy or those ambitious pirates, I am afraid that Ace will not be easily let go.
” Big brother … why don’t I take Ace and disappear for a while? Or take him around so that no one knows his whereabouts! ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” No, this is the safest place. Even if it is the Navy Headquarters, if it wants to go to war with us, it will not work without certain preparations! ” Whitebeard said confidently.
Reina nodded, showing understanding.
He knew how powerful the Whitebeard Pirates were over the years. The current Whitebeard Pirates were stronger than the original ones, otherwise they wouldn’t have the title of Uncrowned King.
With his help, the captains of each team have grown in strength to some extent, and with the addition of his combat power, it is not so easy for even the Navy Headquarters to really deal with them.
” Then let’s set sail! ” Reina said with a smile. ” Continue our adventure! ”
” Gu la la la … that’s a good suggestion! But if the navy attacks Xuanyue Island … what are you going to do? ” Whitebeard asked with a chuckle.
” Doctor’s recent research … haven’t told Big Brother yet? ” Reina asked with a smile.
” Huh? Did the doctor research something strange again? ” Whitebeard asked curiously.
” That’s right, when I went to the Golden City this time, the doctor seemed to have found a lot of inspiration. When he came back, he began to transform Xuanyue Island. Didn’t big brother find out that everyone was called away by the doctor? ”
” Huh? ” Whitebeard was stunned for a moment. He did find that there were not many active people on the island recently. He thought everyone was too tired to play this time and were resting. He didn’t expect to be called away by the doctor.
” Boom boom ~~~”
At this moment, Xuanyue Island suddenly shook violently, Whitebeard and Reina looked at each other and walked out of the room immediately.
” What happened? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
” I don’t know, I’ll go check it right away! ” Marco, who came out of the room next to him, spread his arms, turned into wings, and went straight into the air to check around.
” Dad … No abnormality was found! ” Marko circled in the air, but did not find any abnormality.
” Ask the sky island, is there no enemy ship approaching? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” Okay! ” Joz, who had just arrived, heard Reina’s words, and immediately took out the phone bug and started to contact Sky Island.
At present, Olga is in charge of the sky island. First, she is the guy who is most familiar with the sky island. Second, the little girl has become much more stable than before when she grows up, so Reina is willing to put a little pressure on her and let her go. do something.
” Bluble … Bluble …” Joz was still in contact with Auer Corner over there, but Reina’s portable phone worm rang first.
” Hey … what’s the matter? ” Reina asked when he answered the phone bug.
” That … Reina! I’m a doctor! ” From the other end of the phone worm, came the voice of Dr. Sière.
” Doctor? What’s wrong? ” Reina was taken aback and asked curiously, knowing that doctors rarely call Reina unless there is something important.
” That … we are trapped underground … you have someone come over and save us! ” the doctor said embarrassedly.
” Underground? Did you make the explosion just now? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Ahahahaha … That’s right! There was a little accident, don’t worry … It’s not a big deal, we just have to rescue us first! ” The doctor over there said with a big laugh.
” Okay! ” After Reina asked about the specific location, he planned to go and see for himself. This time he didn’t know what the doctor was going to do.
” Let’s go, I’ll take a look too! ” Whitebeard on the side heard the conversation between the two, and became interested, and planned to go see it together.
So the two rushed to the central building with Joz and Marko, where the doctor said they had opened a basement there, but when some machinery was installed, an explosion occurred accidentally, blocking them in the basement.
When Reina and Whitebeard violently opened the door of the basement, they found out what kind of basement this is. The underground of Xuanyue Island was almost hollowed out by them, and there were mechanical lifting rods everywhere, which supported the entire Xuanyue Island. .
” Doctor … Where did you get this? ” When Dr. Sière was found, he was trapped with him, as well as hundreds of members of the Whitebeard Pirates, all of whom were pulled over by the Doctor to be used as handymen of.
” Didn’t I tell you before? I have already successfully produced some of the industrial technologies you mentioned. You see, these lift rods are all made by me! At that time, I will use the mechanism to link all these lift rods. Get up, and you can make the entire Xuanyue rise and fall! ” Dr. Sière said to Reina and Whitebeard with a triumphant expression.
However, Reina and Whitebeard looked at the chaotic basement, and they didn’t really think how to use it here.
” Gu la la la … Although I don’t know what the doctor is doing, but if you like it, you can do it, as long as you don’t sink the Xuanyue Island! ” Whitebeard was quite polite to Dr. Ah Xie.
” Shen? I just plan to sink Xuan Yue Ao to the bottom of the sea! ” Dr. Ah Xiai said with a big smile.
Reina was stunned for a moment. He didn’t understand why Dr. Sière said that. He didn’t spend much money on building the entire Xuanyue Island. If it sank to the bottom of the sea, it would be a piece of shit!
On the contrary, Whitebeard looked at Dr. Sière thoughtfully and asked, ” How sure is the doctor? ”
” Right now , there are at least six floors! But if the captain can take me to Fishman Island … at least two floors! ” Dr. Ahsie said with a smile.
He knew that Whitebeard had understood what he meant.
” Fishman Island? ” Reina stared, and said incredulously: ” Lifting pole? Fishman Island? Doctor … You don’t plan to make Xuanyue Island into a city that can descend to the bottom of the sea? ”
” That’s right! That’s what I thought, didn’t those guys want to hit our Xuanyue Island’s attention? I can’t help you much in the battle! But … I don’t have Xuanyue Island, let’s see how they fight! Hahaha “…” Dr. Ahsie said proudly.
” Goo la la la … Well, when things are over here, I will take the doctor to Fishman Island in person. I haven’t seen Neptune for a long time. It’s good to chat with old friends! ” After Whitebeard heard what Dr. Sière said, his eyes lit up and he said with a big smile.

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