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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Boss! The Moby Dick is found ahead ! What should I do? ” Just as Shanks’ Red Firth was heading towards Xuanyue Island, the lookout on the mast suddenly shouted at Shanks .
” Oh? It seems to have found us. It’s alright, let’s go directly! We are not here to fight! ” Shanks said with a smile.
Soon, the two sides became very close.
” Hey … Redhead, what are you doing here? This is the forehead of our Whitebeard Pirates! ” In the air, Marco in half-beast form, flapping his wings to keep himself afloat, smelled the redhead Kes asked.
” Yo ~ it’s Marco from the first team! Long time no see! ” Shanks greeted with a smile.
Marko’s face darkened, he didn’t come to say hello, so he continued: ” Reina’s mood is not very good recently, you’d better tell me what you came here for! ”
” I’m here for Fire Fist Ace! ” Shanks nodded and said directly.
” Ace? ” Marco was taken aback, frowned and asked, ” Ace doesn’t have friendship with you, right? ”
” Marco … don’t you know? Now the whole world knows Ace’s identity! ” Shanks said with a smile.
Marco was stunned for a moment, and then his face changed on the spot. He forgot that when Titch died, Ace’s identity was announced, but only the Navy and them and the Golden Emperor Tezzolo were present at the time. The whole world actually knows it.
” You wait! ” After dropping a sentence, Marko immediately flew back towards the Moby Dick .
” Let him come over! ” After listening to Marco’s words, Whitebeard pondered for a moment and replied.
Marko nodded and flew towards the red-haired pirate ship again.
After a while, the red-haired Shanks came over with a large wine barrel.
” Dah … dah … dah! ” As Shanks advanced step by step, the momentum on his body began to slowly increase.
” Hey … are you looking for a beating? ” Seeing the other party’s domineering sideshow, Reina rolled his eyes and asked unhappily.
” Sorry, because it is an enemy ship, there is a little coercion! ” Shanks said with a smile.
Seeing that the other party had stopped climbing imposingly, and had not stunned most of the crew as in the original book, Reina didn’t bother to say any more.
” Tell me … what is your purpose? ” Marco, who was sitting on the side of the boat, asked.
Shanks threw the wine barrel in his hand directly at Whitebeard and said, ” I’m here to meet Ace! ”
Whitebeard caught the wine barrel that Shanks threw with one hand, put it beside him, looked at Ace not far away, and nodded.
” Is there anything you want to tell me? ” Ace stepped forward and asked.
At the beginning, the first thing he looked for when he came to the new world was the red-haired Shanks, of course … the reason was Luffy, not what he wanted to have an intersection with Shanks.
” When I found out that you are Luffy’s brother, we had a banquet together. In a blink of an eye, you are already the captain of the second division of the famous Whitebeard Pirates. Do you want to come over to my boat? ” Xiang Kes asked with a smile.
” Boy … Are you trying to take my family from me? ” Whitebeard asked, squinting, looking at Shanks.
Shanks shook his head, glanced at Reina, and said: ” No, now Ace’s identity has spread all over the world, and countless people have obtained information about the great treasure from him! But we all know … Ace is impossible . What information is there! And as the captain’s blood, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect him! ”
” Gu la la la la … boy … are you looking down on our Whitebeard Pirates? ” Whitebeard asked with a big smile.
As Whitebeard’s words fell, the surrounding crew members all stood up and surrounded Shanks.
” Please don’t get me wrong! Ace … you have become the target of the whole world … are you sure you want to stay in the Whitebeard Pirates … ? ” Shanks shook his head, looked at Ace, and asked .
” Red-haired boy … Do you know what you’re talking about? Do you want to start a war with us? ” Reina stepped forward and asked in a deep voice.
Shanks shook his head and said: ” On the contrary … I came here with the mentality of stopping! With Ace on my ship, everyone’s nature is not so high, because … I used to be Captain Roger’s too. Crew! They won’t do it with me easily! But you are different, whether it’s to get information about the great treasure or prevent you from reaching the top, they will do everything they can! ”
Shanks’ words silenced both Whitebeard and Rayner. They knew who Shanks was talking about, nothing more than the navy and the other two four emperors.
” Now that you Whitebeard Pirates have the title of Uncrowned King, do you still care about this? So Ace is the best choice only when I am there! ” Shanks said again when he saw this.
” Gu la la la … They want to come, just let them come … The sea has been calm for too long! It’s time to let them know … The horror of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh .
” Oh ~~~”
” We Whitebeard Pirates are not afraid of any battle! ”
When the crew heard Whitebeard’s words, they raised their weapons and echoed loudly.
” Whitebeard! ” Shanks’ eyes narrowed, his aura suddenly increased, and he immediately overwhelmed all the surrounding Whitebeard Pirate crew, and said loudly: ” The sea now does not need war, except for the dead, there is no war. Any good! Now there are obviously better …”
” Bastard … I told you! On our boat … don’t mess around! ” Before Shanks finished speaking, Reina suddenly took a step and kicked Shanks.
” Boom! ”
The one-armed Shanks punched out, the two of them added together, and a circle of energy suddenly radiated out, as if the clouds in the sky were blown.
” Reina! ” Shanks exited the battle circle and looked at Reina solemnly.
” Boy, go back! Ace is my son … It’s not your turn to worry now! ” Whitebeard looked at Shanks, waved his hand suddenly, and said.
” There’s really no room for negotiation? The Navy won’t give up on Ace! ” Shanks said finally, but Whitebeard had closed his eyes and stopped answering.
” Please! ” The tall Joz and Atmos stood on either side of Shanks, gestured, and said.
Although Shanks was not reconciled, the attitude of the entire Whitebeard group was firm now, and he had no better way to do it. He had to look at Ace, who was bowing his head. He could see the hesitation on Ace’s face.
” Ace … You don’t want your companions to fight to the death for you, right? ” Shanks said towards Ace.
Ace’s hesitation became more obvious, but he didn’t speak.
” Stupid stuff! ” Reina walked over and punched Ace in the head, blinding Ace.
” Look … who is he? ” Rayner asked, pointing to Whitebeard.
” Yes … it’s Dad! ” Although Ace was puzzled, he replied subconsciously.
” So who are these people? ” Reina asked, pointing to the rest of the captain and crew.
” Yes …”
” It’s family! ” Reina said this time without waiting for Ace to answer.
” I just ask you, if any of them have an accident, will you give your life to save it? ”
” Of course! ” Ace nodded and replied firmly.
” But they won’t let you save it? What would you think? ” Renner continued to ask: ” Do you think they dislike your strength? ”
” This …” Ace’s brain was still a little dazed at this time, so he followed Reina’s guidance to think.
” So should the family help each other? As the son of Whitebeard … do you want to avoid the battle that belongs to you? No matter who the other party is, as long as they dare to provoke, no matter what their reasons are … We will What it does … is to keep them coming and going! Hehehe …” Reina said with a strange smile.
” Huh ~ Mr. Reina is right! Although I don’t want everyone to work hard for me! But the Whitebeard Pirates … never fear battle! Dad’s glory can’t be destroyed in my hands! ” Ace Fighting Intent said full.
Looking at Reina’s smug look, Shanks knew that no matter how much he said today, it would be of no avail, so he had to leave angrily.
After the Red Hair Pirates left, the Moby Dick also returned to Xuanyue Island.
” Big brother … I think Shanks is right. Now that the news has been exposed, Ace’s existence will inevitably lead to prying eyes. We should prepare as soon as possible! ” After disembarking, Reina left. Beside Whitebeard, he said softly.
Whitebeard nodded and said: ” Inform the doctor, from today onwards, the sky island will be on alert, and if any forces enter our waters, the alarm will be issued immediately! ”
” Yes, big brother! ” Reina nodded and walked directly towards the sky island.
In addition to passing orders, there is one more thing he intends to deal with.
After telling Dr. Ahsière of Whitebeard’s decision, Rayner found Blake, the deputy captain of the Skyguard.
He was a member of Reina’s subordinate when Reina temporarily replaced the second team. Later, after the incident of Titch’s mutiny, he followed Hansen to the Sky Island Guard, as the highest combat power of the escort to assist Hansen .
” Deputy captain! ” After seeing Rayner, Black immediately saluted and said hello.
” Come in and sit, and shut them up! ” Reina said with a smile.
At this time, he borrowed Dr. Ahsie’s room, so there were only the two of them here.
” Is there anything I need to do? ” Black asked Rayner after he was done.
Reina shook his head and said, ” I just want to ask you something! ”
” ?? ” Blake looked at Reina with a puzzled look, not understanding what Reina wanted to ask him.
” Hansen … how did he die? ” Reina asked calmly.
” Deputy … Vice-captain … ? ” Blake was stunned, a little nervous, and stuttered as he lowered his head and replied, ” The death of the … captain … I … don’t know. ”
” Since you don’t know … why don’t you dare to look into my eyes? ” At this time, Erina had already turned on Sangouyu’s writing wheel, looked at Blake, and asked.
” I …” Looking at Reina’s eyes, Blake was speechless for a while.
” Look at it! ” Seeing the other party’s appearance, Reina sighed and threw a stack of photos on Blake.

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