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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
In an open space behind Xuanyue Island, the Whitebeard Pirates led by Whitebeard gathered here.
This is the cemetery planned by Reina. All the partners who died fighting for the Whitebeard Pirates will be buried here after death.
Right in front of the cemetery is the logo of a huge Whitebeard Pirates, but the entire logo is white, symbolizing peace and purity. The deceased will find their home here and will not continue to wander around.
However, there are not many tombstones here, and all of them are ordinary members’ tombstones, captain-level tombstones. Only the second one is erected here, which is Hansen who was just salvaged. As for the first one … It is the first two . The team leader , Kozuki Oden, was nothing more than a tomb.
In fact, all the tombstones are of the same style, but the location is a little different. The center of the entire cemetery is the largest open space, where Whitebeard left him, and next to him is Reina’s!
Although Rayner said he didn’t need it now, Whitebeard ” kindly ” reserved a place for him.
As for the area around Whitebeard, the positions in that circle were reserved by the captains. They felt that they would be next to their beloved father after they died, so they circled this place.
” Okay, everyone, go back! It’s not necessary to be here! ” After the ceremony, Whitebeard waved to everyone and said.
After everyone left, Reina sat alone in front of Hansen’s tombstone, took out a bottle of white wine, poured a glass for himself, poured a glass for Hansen, and said softly: ” You liked this white wine back then, but Big brother hasn’t let me brew for a long time, so I don’t have much stock, so let’s share a bottle between the two of us! ”
” Sometimes I wonder, what would your life be like if I hadn’t met you at the time? Maybe it won’t be as wandering as it is now, but instead find a small island you like and live with you. I also like your girl to get married and have children … and live the rest of your life happily, right? ”
” Of course, it was just my conjecture just now. If it weren’t for me, you might still be wandering somewhere! Maybe you’ll starve to death in a few days, right? ”
While talking, Reina drank the white wine in the glass, and then sprinkled Hansen’s glass on his tomb, and continued with a smile: ” Don’t be in a hurry to refute, when I met you, you were not one. Vagrant look? So ah … you have to thank me! For making your life so colorful … meeting so many good brothers … participating in so many wonderful adventures … isn’t it? ”
Just when Reina was talking to himself in front of Hansen’s tomb, behind a small tree not far away, Lakyo, Marco and others were hiding here to eavesdrop.
” Sniffer … good guy … this is authentic white wine, that guy Reina is really generous! It’s a pity …” Lakyo sniffed his nose, licked his lips, and said softly.
” If you lie in it, I guarantee you will be treated like this! ” Captain Kuriel of the tenth division said softly, casting a glance at Lakyo.
” Uh ~ that’s fine! ” Lakyo touched his neck and shrank back.
” Don’t be noisy, I can’t hear you! ” Marko turned back and said to the two of them.
So everyone was quiet again, listening to Reina continuing to talk to himself.
” No matter what, we are family in this life … we will always be family. If you have any wishes, remember to come and tell me in your dreams! Remember not to go wrong, go to someone else, they may not help you solve it You swordsmen don’t know if they all have the property of getting lost! ” Reina said with a smile while drinking.
It’s just that the tone is getting lower and lower, with a sense of sadness.
Marco and others who were eavesdropping suddenly felt sad, so they chose to leave.
” Huh ~ Marco? Why are you here? Are you here for Reina? ”
But just as they were about to leave, Joz’s simple and honest voice came from behind.
” Shhh!! ”
Marko and the others looked tight, and then kept making quiet gestures towards Joz.
Joz touched the back of his head for unknown reasons and asked with a smile, ” What’s wrong? ”
” It’s nothing … They just felt that they were a little lazy in their practice recently, so they wanted to come to me to arrange training … Right? ” Suddenly, Reina’s voice sounded behind them, causing them to freeze in place.
” That … cough … that thunder … ah no ~ Deputy Captain! We came here … because … because …” Lakyo swallowed, his eyes kept rolling, he wanted to find An excuse, but couldn’t think of it for a while.
” It’s because we want to show you whether this treasure map is real! ” Jin Guduo, who had been silent for a while, suddenly took out a treasure map from his arms and handed it to Reina.
Reina was stunned for a moment, took it with a smile, and said, ” Well, I’ll give you a closer look when I’m done with my work! Joz, do you have anything to do with me? ”
Lakyo, Marco and the others did not expect that Jin Guduo, who had been silent all the time, was still hiding such a hand, and suddenly felt that his life had been redeemed.
” Yeah! Dad asked you to come over there! ” Joz nodded and replied.
” Okay, after I clean up here, I’ll go! By the way, this half bottle of white wine is for you! ” Reina said with a smile and threw the half bottle of white wine in his hand to Joz.
Joz was completely confused, and only Marco and others cast envious glances at him.
After Reina finished packing, he came to Whitebeard’s room.
” Golden Lion Shiki … what did I ask you? ” Whitebeard asked directly after seeing Rayner sitting down.
” He wanted me to help him, and I turned him down! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
Whitebeard didn’t speak, quietly waiting for Reina’s next words.
” He asked me if I saw his future and I didn’t tell him! ” Reina said, shaking his head.
” Huh? ” Whitebeard froze for a moment and asked in surprise, ” What did you see? ”
” I see that he wants to conquer the world, and now there are many aggressive giant beasts on his floating island, and he wants to use those beasts to do something! ”
” Giant beast? Could it be that he …” Whitebeard suddenly had some guesses in his heart.
” That’s right, because of Yoyo and Hard Shell, he thought I had a way to control the Sea Kings, so he planned to join forces with me! Unfortunately, I didn’t have such a way! ” Reina nodded and replied.
“That ‘s it, I said why he suddenly found you, that guy almost drove Roger to a dead end. He is very powerful! It’s better not to have anything to do with him! ” Whitebeard seemed to be caught in memory.
” I know that when I was in the captain, except for Captain Rox, the eldest brother and Shikey should be the most powerful! But … I don’t know if what I saw is true … I saw him fail and be attacked by others. Stop! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” Oh? Who is it? Navy? ” Whitebeard asked after thinking about it.
The first thing that Whitebeard thought of to stop Scy was the navy.
” No … it’s a pirate … and it’s a rookie pirate group! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Rookie Pirates? ” Whitebeard’s eyes widened, looking at Reina in disbelief, as if asking, are you sure you’re seeing the Rookie Pirates?
” That’s right, it’s Luffy! Monkey D. Luffy! Garp’s grandson, Ace’s younger brother! Now Robin is on his boat! ” Reina nodded and said.
” He? ” Whitebeard asked suddenly, ” the guy who made Shanks bet his arm? Has he come to the new world? ”
” No, didn’t he defeat Crocodile some time ago? Now … I don’t know where they are! ”
” Gu la la la … It’s really interesting, is he the one you call the chosen son? What a troublesome guy! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” It should be right. When my Sharinyan saw him, there was a burning pain, which was quite intense. In addition, I speculated from many clips that he should be the person Roger was waiting for. A guy with the same mind as Roger! ” Reina nodded and said.
” That’s why you let Robin go on his boat? ”
” No matter when, the ancient text is the only key to unlock Ralph Drew. After the demise of O’Hara, only the Kozuki family and Robin of Wano country have such abilities! But the last patriarch of the Kozuki family , When Second Brother Oden died, his children were still young and should not have learned this language, so in this day and age … Robin is the only key! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then you let her wander outside? Why don’t you come back home? ” Whitebeard said slightly dissatisfied.
” Big brother … The child will grow up after all. It may be safe to be by my side, but she can’t grow up. She has her own adventures! ” Reina said with an old father’s smile on her face.
” So, you sent Robin to him because you are optimistic about him? ” Whitebeard pouted and asked in disgust.
” No … I’m just following history! ” Reina replied with a chuckle.
” I understand … When he arrives in the new world, remember to notify me! I want to see … what kind of character he is! ” Whitebeard said expectantly.
” Dad! ” Just when Rayner and Whitebeard were still chatting, Joz’s voice suddenly sounded outside the door.
” Huh? What happened? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown.
” Dad, the red-haired guy is here! ” Joz opened the door, walked in and said, “I found that the red-haired Shanks was heading towards Xuanyue Island! ”
Reina and Whitebeard looked at each other before asking, ” Where is he now? ”
” About two hours away! ” Joz replied immediately.
” Joz … anxious personnel, get on board! Let’s go meet that guy! ” Whitebeard slowly got up and said.
Reina heard the words, got up and walked out of the room with Whitebeard.
They are also the Four Emperors Pirates. Although the red-haired Shanks can be said to be the youngest pirate group among the Four Emperors, their strength should not be underestimated.
If there is a battle on Xuanyue Island, although they have the advantage of defense, the damage to Xuanyue Island is bound to be great, so Whitebeard asked Joz to convene the crew and go to sea to wait for the arrival of the opponent.

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