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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Early the next morning, when Reina came to the open space at the foot of the mountain, sixteen captains were standing here neatly, not many of them.
They all knew that this time they came to accompany Joz to be punished, and they couldn’t show it yet, so they all seemed to accept it calmly.
However, Reina made everyone’s discoloration directly by relying on his words.
” I know, many of you think I’m punishing Joz by starting this group drill this time! But I’m telling you … not so, Joz did have his faults, but if it’s just Joe Now, I can arrange special training for him! But now … you all seem to be a little too leisurely! ” Reina looked at the captains and said softly.
Reina’s words made everyone look at each other, they seem … not so leisurely, right?
” From now on, run a hundred laps around the island, I will follow you, run slowly … I will make you speed up! Hehe …” Reina gave an order, and everyone set off at the same time. Especially for speed-type captains such as Marco, they can run fast! There was no intention of waiting for power players such as Joz and Atmos.
For Reina’s running training, they have long been familiar with it and cannot be familiar with it anymore.
Everyone knows that as long as you try your best to run, Reina won’t bother you, and when you slow down for a while, Reina will definitely show up by your side, prodding you with words and kicking at the same time. Your ass, that feeling … quite a shame!
Especially this time, in front of all the captains, no one wanted to taste such a taste.
Reina, who opened the wheel eye, observed all the captains. Through the wheel eye and the understanding of the members, he could find out whether the other party was running with all his strength.
Soon half of the laps were completed, and some members who were not good at physical skills began to drop in speed. Reina immediately went over and kicked their butts to make them move forward.
As time went on, more and more members slowed down, making Reina a little busy alone, but Reina also had a way. He directly turned the ice wheel pill into a human form, because the two people have the same mind, so they don’t even need to be thundered. If Na goes to command, Hinomaru will be able to execute exactly what Reina has in mind.
With the addition of Bing Lun Wan, the members immediately began to complain, because the main body of Bing Lun Wan is a weapon, and it also has the characteristics of ice, so the members he comes into contact with have a feeling of being pierced by ice. .
” No … No way … I feel like I’m going to die! ” In addition to the tall and powerful members such as Josz and Atmos, there were Yizo and Namur at the end of the bubble. .
One of them is a melee gunner who is mainly flexible, and the other is a murloc who lives in the sea. They are not good at running fast for a long time.
They were even worse than Joz and others, because their physical strength was not as strong as they were, so when they ran to the end, even if Reina and Hingrenwan stimulated them behind them, their speed could not be improved.
When the long run was over, there were five more ice sculptures on the coast. It was the five captains who ran to the end. They were all frozen by Reina, and if they wanted to come out, they had to come out with their own abilities, otherwise … … and more horrible punishment awaits them.
After a while, Joz, Blenheim, and Atmos came out of the freeze one after another and returned to the team shivering.
As for Yizang and Namur, they stared for a longer time before returning to the team.
” Okay, everyone is here, so now … let’s start combat training! Let’s start with Marco first! Ace, Joz, and Courier are out! ” Reina shouted directly after seeing the two returning to the team .
The actual combat training is very simple, that is, one-on-three or four-person groups, taking turns three-on-one.
After everyone took a turn, basically their physical strength was declared impoverished.
” Then the last exercise of the morning … let’s start … ! ” Seeing everyone lying on the ground resting, Reina said with a smile.
The so-called last item is Reina VS all of them.
Don’t look at the number of them, but because of the exhaustion of physical strength, it is usually when Reina continues to knead them.
However, this is the first time for the team leader to be together, so the team leaders have been holding their breath for a long time, waiting for this project.
” Boom boom ~~~~” They did not fight in the open space under the mountains, but chose the seaside, which had the least impact on the island.
But with so many people doing it, the movement caused is still very big.
But everyone had already received the notification, so although they were very curious, no one bothered them in the past!
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~ You guys … It seems that we have discussed it! ” Reina said panting to the remaining captains.
” Of course … I’ll let you know today … what is capsize in the gutter! ” Lakeyo said with a weird smile, waving the meteor hammer in his hand.
There are no captains who have fallen yet, and there are only four left: Lakyo, Marco, Harta, and the murloc Namur who hid in the sea and attacked from high on the seabed.
” Really? Then try it out! Life is back! ”
At this time, although Reina was not very skilled in the use of life return, he could already convert the energy in his body into physical strength.
” Damn it, don’t give him time, Phoenix Mark! ” Seeing this, Marco kicked Reina directly from the air.
” Hey … this trick is useless to me! ” Reina punched Marko directly, and said with a chuckle.
” That’s not necessarily true! ” Rakyo over there threw the meteor hammer in his hand the moment Marco shot.
” Hey! ”
Reyna kicked Marco with a punch and kicked Lakyo’s meteor hammer.
” when ”
When Reina blocked Lakyo’s meteor hammer, the writing wheel in the eye socket found that a water bomb had already flown towards him.
Reina didn’t panic. While kicking the meteor hammer, he avoided the sneak attack from the bottom of the water with the help of the opponent’s impact.
But just when he stood firm, Harta had come behind him, and the long sword in his hand stabbed directly at Reina’s back.
” Your speed has dropped a lot! Harta! ” I don’t know when, the ice wheel pill had appeared in Reina’s hand, directly blocking Harta’s thrust.
” Damn it! ” Harta knew it was going to be bad when Reina blocked his attack.
Sure enough, before he could retreat, Reina punched him in the abdomen, knocking him flying.
” There are only three left! ” After knocking Harta into the air, Reina slowly turned around and said.
Lakyo and Marco looked at each other and saw the shock in the other’s eyes at the same time.
In fact, their attack just now was a feint attack for Harta. According to their understanding of Reina, even if the wheel-shattering eye is turned on, Reina should at most avoid Harta’s attack, but not be able to fight back. right.
” Don’t worry, let’s go together! ” Rakyo gritted his teeth and said to Marko.
” Okay! ” Marco narrowed his eyes, nodded, spread his arms, flew directly to the sky, and then dived towards Reina.
At the same time, Namur shot two water bombs on the bottom of the sea, and then the whole person jumped up and rushed towards Reina with the water bombs.
Facing the final attack of the three, the corner of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and with a wave of Bing Lun Maru in his hand, he also rushed towards the three.
After a while, when the three of Marco also fell to the ground, Reina, who was covered in scars, dropped a sentence to continue in the afternoon and turned to leave.
” Have been fooled …” Looking at the captains who were lying on the ground unwilling to move, Saatchi smiled helplessly and said.
” Ah ~ Who knows that guy Reina is actually cheating … What a bastard’s life is returned … He has reached his limit just now! If we were not deceived by him, and attacked slowly, he would be the loser in the end ! ” Lakyo, who was on the ground, said unwillingly.
By the end, they had already seen that Reina didn’t even have the physical strength to activate the Black Emperor’s ability, so he was injured by them.
In the end, Na Muir had actually recovered some physical strength in the sea. As long as Marco and Lakey spent another wave, Na Muir would definitely win in the end.
” Forget it, so many of us have lost, and there is nothing to say! ” Bista on the side shook his head with a wry smile and said.
He was the first to be knocked down by Reina, no way … Reina knew too much about his swordsmanship.
” Humph! He dares to do this after our physical strength has reached the limit! Otherwise, he will try it under our normal circumstances and see if I don’t shoot his shit! ” Lakjo said angrily.
” But only in this way, our progress will be the fastest! ” Josz replied in a loud voice.
” Okay, let’s rest early! I don’t know what’s waiting for us in the afternoon! Ace, you go and talk to Murat and the others … The progress of mining should be accelerated, otherwise … we may not be able to support it. Go! ” Marco said helplessly, rubbing his head.
” Okay, I see! ” Ace nodded and replied.
As a natural ability person, he was also the object of Reina’s focus, and was brought down early.
In the afternoon, when everyone gathered again, Reina came over with a high-spirited look.
” Our task in the afternoon is very simple! With our own fists … go to mine! Go, the faster you mine, the faster this game will end! ” Reina said with a smile.
” what about you? ” rakyo asked, looking at reina who was not ready to do it, ” don’t you do it? ”
” Me? Of course I’m supervising you! ” Reina said with a natural expression: ” Who made you lose so many people to me this morning? ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Lakyo was very angry, but Reina was right, so he turned around and walked towards the mine without saying a word.
Soon, with the addition of the captains, the mining speed suddenly increased by a dozen times. At this speed, the mining can be completed within a few days.
” This is the training method of your Whitebeard Pirates? ” Senor, who pushed Lucian, came to Reina and asked inexplicably.
” Hahaha … It’s not training, it’s just a game! ” Reina shook his head, and then said to Lucian who was in a wheelchair: ” Yo ~ Lucian … Good afternoon! Come out with your husband to watch the scenery. What? It’s a pity that the mines here are already being mined. If you come here earlier, you can still see the beautiful scenery! ”
Although Lucian didn’t answer Reina and didn’t even move, Reina and Senor didn’t care, but they didn’t realize that Lucian, who was sitting there, when Reina was talking to her, Finger moved.

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