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” Dong dong dong …”
” Come in! ”
” Yo ~ Mr. Senor, how is your wife doing recently? ” Reina opened the door and greeted Senor Pique with a smile.
” It turned out to be you …” Senor hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, ” Although it’s not completely good, it’s much better than before. The doctor said that if it continues like this … I’ve really woken up. Possibly! ”
” Then pay it back! This can be considered as fulfilling the agreement between us at the beginning! ” Reina patted his chest and said with a sigh of relief.
Senor hesitated for a moment and asked: ” Now the things on your side have been dealt with, right? I don’t know when I can leave! ”
” Do you want to go back to the Don Quixote family? Bring your wife Lucian with you? ” Rainer asked with a chuckle.
A struggling expression appeared on Senor’s face, and after a while, he said, ” Anyway, I should give him an explanation on the young master’s side. It’s not my style to run away like this! ”
” So what? You take Lucian back now, and tell Doflamingo that you want to quit the Pirates because of her? Do you think Lucian has a chance to survive? ” Reina shook his head and chuckled. asked.
” Young master won’t kill her! ” Senor said stubbornly.
” Well, just as you said, if Doflamingo doesn’t kill her, then he will let you go? Even if you let you go … You who know so many secrets of the Don Quixote family … can get out of Dressles Rosa? Don’t be too naive! We are … pirates! ” Reina said with a slight twist at the corner of his mouth.
Senor was silent and did not speak. He knew that if he went back like this, the possibility of Lucian being killed was almost 100%!
But let him leave quietly like this, he can’t do it, that’s why he is so entangled!
” Let ‘s see … why don’t you try my method … You and Lucian stay with us first, and when Lucian wakes up, you can discuss with Lucian what to do, after all, this is you It’s a matter of the two of you! Even if you want to go back then, Lucian can come back to Xuanyue Island with us! ”
” In case Doflamingo really lets you go, then you can also go to Xuanyue Island to find Lucian … how about it? ” Reina asked, looking at the tangled Senor.
Although he knew that Reina’s proposal had ulterior motives, Senor had to admit that this was indeed the best way!
And for Lucian’s treatment, he also needs Reina’s guidance, so following Reina is the best choice, but he is not a member of the Whitebeard Pirates, if he stays with the Whitebeard Pirates like this Group, it’s really inappropriate.
” Or are you still hesitating? Think we are hostile forces, so I will be uneasy? To be honest … If I hadn’t seen how much of a man you were, I would have ignored you? Whether you die or not has nothing to do with me, no need I came together to give you an idea, and let you be someone with ulterior motives! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” Even if you go back to the Don Quixote family, it’s still easy for us to destroy them! ”
Maybe it was Reina’s move that moved Senor, or maybe it was the guilt and love for Lucian that made Senor have to choose this way. In the end, Senor still followed Reina’s suggestion.
After Rayner gave Lucian a comprehensive examination, he nodded with satisfaction and said, ” Every aspect of her body is not bad! Besides, besides spending more time with Lucian every day, you’d better get a wheelchair and push her out for a walk. , accept the sunshine and the breath of nature, maybe it will be better! ”
When Senor’s expression changed, Lucian used to like to be close to nature very much, so Senor was immediately moved by Reina’s proposal !
” Thank you! ” When Reina was about to leave, Senor hesitated and said.
Reina waved his hand and said with a smile, ” Treasure her well …”
Seeing Reina leaving, Senor fell into contemplation.
In fact, when Reina was away, he already understood why Reina wanted to help him!
According to the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina once had a lover, but later in his battle with the navy, he died at the hands of the navy in order to help Reina escape.
Maybe that’s why Reyna treats him differently …
After leaving Senor’s room, Reina came to the port again and released Binz, who had been forgotten by him, from the room.
” Sorry, I forgot about you because of a lot of things recently! ” Reina said apologetically, looking at Binz, who almost died of starvation.
Originally, after he returned to Xuanyue Island, he should have left Binz there, but when he returned, he happened to see a lot of pirate ships in the port, so he forgot all of a sudden until he came here all the way. Reminds me of Dr.
Binz, who was about to die, didn’t even have the strength to complain, and lay there motionless.
If it wasn’t for Reina’s sight, he could still feel the breath of his life, I’m afraid he really thought he was dead.
After he was taken away and taken care of, Reina went to look for Ace. What Luffy did on Judiciary Island should also be known by him as the eldest brother.
” Really? That kid is like this, he never does things recklessly! ” Ace replied with a smile after hearing Reina’s statement.
” Anyway, now that Robin is with him, I’m really worried! That kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp! ” Reina shook his head and said with a wry smile.
” Hahaha … That’s right, Luffy is the most troublesome! ” Ace nodded and said.
” By the way, how are the indigenous people here? ” Reina asked with a smile, looking at the original valley, which has now become a row of houses.
” Well, it’s developing very fast! Maybe it’s because of living with the mine for a long time. The doctor said that they also have some mutations in their bodies, but there is no sign of poisoning, so the next experiment wants to start with them! ” Ace retracted Smiling, he replied seriously.
” Since that’s the case … then you should cooperate with the doctor and let them not be nervous. The doctor will not harm them! I heard that the previous finished product was tested with them? Wouldn’t it be bad? ” Reina nodded and said. .
” This is their own request. I made it clear to them beforehand. According to the doctor’s statement, I would go out to sea to find a pirate group that does a lot of evil and catch some people back! But after Murat knew about it, he insisted not to let it go. , Said to select people from among them to test! That’s why they are allowed to test the medicine! ” Ace said helplessly.
” How is that person now? ” Reina asked curiously.
“The doctor’s has to suppress the side effects. Although the strength of the improvement is limited, it does no harm to people. Except for the loss of consciousness at the time, there is no problem now! ”
” How about that person’s strength? Do you have any training to teach them physical skills? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
“I have taught them simple training, but they don’t seem to be good at fighting. Instead, they have some talent in planting …” Ace said with a smile: “The doctor tried several batches of mutant plants before and failed. I didn’t expect them But the planting was successful! ”
” Well! The excavation of the mine is now more than halfway through. The sky island will take a batch, and the Moby Dick will take away a batch. It should be almost the same! The special ore doctor has also been obtained. Wait until the mine. After the mining is complete, we are leaving! ” Reina said after being silent for a while.
” I understand! ” Ace nodded and said.
” Teach them as much as possible! At least let them have the ability to protect themselves. Although the Lalu sea area is very dangerous, it is not only us who have the ability to cross this ocean! When we leave, I am afraid that there will be some evil intentions. The guy came after our traces! ” Reina reminded.
” So … Vice-Captain … can you teach them to refine ore to make weapons now? ” Ace hesitated and asked.
” This is no problem, but there are no machines now! Well, let me go out and buy some, and I will extract the ore here. When we leave, I will give them the machines and let them refine them themselves. You How’s it going? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Thank you so much! ” Ace said happily.
” By the way, how long has it been since you contacted Little Oz? When I went back to Xuanyue Island, I heard that some guy took the hat you gave him as a treasure. Whether it was raining or snowing, he would sit outside with his hat. Quite worrying for his crew! ” Rayner said with a smile.
” That fool! After the matter here is settled, I’ll go out to sea to find him! ” Speaking of Little Oz, Ace also smiled and replied.
” Well … this year’s banquet is less than three months away. Let’s talk about it when the time comes. After the mines here are excavated, the doctor still needs to go back to transform Xuanyue Island … I ‘m afraid I’m busy this year. ! ” Reina said with a wry smile.
” By the way, I heard that the deputy captain was ambushed by the navy when he came back? ” Ace suddenly asked.
” Well, but it’s not a big problem! What’s wrong? ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Is it because of me? Since my identity was exposed, both my father and you have been targeted by the Navy …”
” Idiot … I’m a pirate! Isn’t it normal to be targeted by the navy? If you do something to me, they know that I’m a big threat! It has nothing to do with you! ” Before Ace could finish speaking, Lei Na punched Ace in the head.
” Hey ~~~ it hurts …” Ace held his head and said dissatisfiedly: ” I’ll just ask, there’s no need to beat me! ”
” Humph! I think I’ve been too busy recently? Let each of you have time to think about these messy issues? It seems that it is necessary for everyone to practice drills together! That idiot, Josz, actually let Kizaru attack the big brother. “…” Reina snorted and said.
At Whitebeard’s place before, if it wasn’t for Whitebeard’s objection, Reina was going to put forward a drill to train Joz, and now Ace is thinking about it here, so Reina decided to just have a big group drill!
Hearing Reina’s words, Ace had a bitter look on his face.
When Whitebeard was injured, everyone guessed that Joz would be punished by Reina when Reina came back, but they didn’t expect to put themselves in now.
But group drills are better than Joz’s alone, so Ace didn’t object as usual.
Seeing Ace’s expression, Reina knew what Ace thought, but since there is such a good opportunity, it’s not bad to have a whole group drill!
So Reina asked Ace to inform him that starting from tomorrow morning, all the captain-level members will gather in the open space at the foot of the mountain to conduct internal drills, and the time will last until the end of the mine excavation.
As for the instructor, he himself serves as the instructor!
It just so happens that Reina also intends to use this time to exercise his own life return. By then, he will have sufficient physical strength and will also improve his continuous combat ability.
Seeing Reina gearing up, Ace suddenly had the urge to regret, and it seemed that it would be a good choice for Joz to accept the training alone.
But it was too late to object now, because he had already seen the answer in Reina’s eyes.

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