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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” This ghost weather …” Reina encountered a storm as soon as she entered the Lalu Sea Area, which made Reina quite depressed.
After finally passing through the storm, Reina found that the hard shell was also lost. The magnetic field here is chaotic, and the interference to the hard shell is quite large. Fortunately, Reina has all captain-level life cards of the Whitebeard Pirates, so he found the correct position by following the direction of the life cards.
But when Reina came to the mining island, he discovered that the mine in the center had been dug up in half.
” Yo ~ Reina, you are here, come and see, what the doctor has researched is very interesting! ” After seeing Reina, Marco immediately pulled Reina to show him the results of the doctor.
However, Reina still has something to discuss with Whitebeard, and he also wants to see if Whitebeard is injured.
” Big brother … You’re not going to fight with Aokiji, are you? ” Reina was taken aback when he saw Whitebeard.
I saw that Whitebeard’s body was still wrapped in bandages.
” Gu la la la … I didn’t do anything with Aokiji! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
” Then what’s your injury … ? ” Rayner turned his head, looked at Joz, and asked, ” What’s going on? ”
” It was Aokiji and Kizaru who came here together. Dad broke the knot for us, so he was attacked by that guy from Kizaru ! ” Joz said embarrassedly.
After all, he was hand-picked by Reina to protect Dad, but now that he has nothing to do, Dad is injured.
” Your ability is a little restrained from the yellow ape, and I specially trained you last time. Once the yellow ape appears, you have to pay special attention, Joz … you …”
” Okay, what’s the big deal? Don’t make a fuss! ” Whitebeard interrupted Rayner’s lecture to Joz and said, ” Have you been to the doctor? ”
” Not yet, I just came over! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Then go take a look, maybe there will be additional surprises! ” Whitebeard said with a smile.
” Okay! ” Rayner knew that this was Whitebeard’s intention, so he had no choice but to walk towards the doctor’s temporary research institute.
” Reina ~ You are finally here, come and see what the idiot father has researched! ” Before Reina arrived in the research room, she saw Olga shouting to Reina with excitement.
” What is this? ” Looking at the black thing in Olga’s hand, Reina asked with a frown.
” Dad and stupid father named it the Moon of the Night! ” Olga replied with a smile.
“That ‘s it? ” Reina suddenly felt a little disgusted. The name of Dark Night Moon is such a black thing?
” Don’t underestimate it! It’s made by the fool’s father after he extracted it from that red ore, and made it by merging a lot of things. It can be eaten by us! ” Olga proudly held the Dark Night Moon, said.
” Huh? Anyone can take it? What’s the effect? Will there be any side effects? ” Reina asked in surprise.
Olga shook her head and said: ” I don’t know, the stupid father said that it is still under research, but the indigenous people here have eaten it once before! At night, the strength increased greatly, but it didn’t last long, and some lost Sanity! ”
” The Doctor makes a lot of this stuff? ” Rayner asked, frowning.
” No! It’s just a few, I secretly took them out to play! ” Olga shook her head and said.
” I see, be careful yourself. This should be a semi-finished product. If you play with it like this, the Doctor will beat you if he knows! ” Reina said with a smile.
” He can’t beat others! Just a little …” Olga stuck her tongue out at Reina, and then ran away, obviously she also knew that the doctor wouldn’t make her bang, mainly because she still Unstable, afraid of her being hurt.
Reina smiled and shook his head, walking towards the doctor’s research room.
” Dong dong dong …”
” Come in! ”
After hearing the doctor’s words, Reina pushed the door and went in.
” Doctor …”
” It’s Reina! Just sit down and wait for me! ” The doctor seemed to be concocting something in his hands. After looking at Reina, he continued his own business.
Reina was not in a hurry, found a stool to sit down, and watched the doctor busy there.
After a while, the doctor remembered that Reina was still waiting, put down his work a little embarrassedly, and said with a smile: ” See Olga? I heard that Ace said you were back, so she secretly Take the Dark Moon from me, and I know it must be looking for you! ”
” Ah! I see, does that kind of thing really work? Is there no side effect? ” Reina asked curiously.
” It has not been fully developed yet. According to my observation, that kind of drug should not have much effect on a strong person like you! Because I was worried about the side effects, it suppressed the effect of the ore itself! ” The doctor shook his head, said.
” What if it’s not suppressed? ” Reina asked.
” That doesn’t work. The side effects are too great. Even if you can gain power, it is difficult for you to stay awake under the stimulation of moonlight. A killing weapon without will … is the result you want? ” The doctor asked rhetorically.
” That won’t work! ” Reina shook his head and said, ” But if you don’t suppress it, will there be any other side effects besides losing your will? ”
” Also! ” The doctor nodded and said, ” After all, it is ore, not food, so if you take too much dose, it is likely to cause human poisoning, which is similar to the poison contained in the blood of gorillas! ”
” Ah ~ I see, but there are so many toxins in the blood of those gorillas, why are they all right? ” Reina asked curiously.
” Who told you that they are all right? ” The doctor rolled his eyes and said, ” First of all, their bodies are huge, so they can withstand more mineral poisons, and secondly, didn’t you find that they are afraid of fire? It’s not true, they are afraid The light source, so they don’t come out on the top of the mountain during the day! Because the mineral poison in the body is stimulated by the light source for a long time … it will explode! ”
” Explosion? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Yes, after all, it is a mineral poison, so it has a lot to do with minerals. When I tested it before, there was an explosion! So if you take too much of this finished product, there will be such sequelae! ” Dr. nodded and said.
” Is there no way to overcome this sequelae? ” Reina frowned and said, ” If there is such a big sequelae, then we must not be able to use it! ”
” So am I not researching now? Find a way to perfectly extract the mutated components in the minerals and make them non-minerals, and then it can be solved perfectly! But there are still some difficulties! ” The doctor said with a smile.
” Is that kind of mineral enough? I think the mine has been dug up in half! ” Reina asked with a smile.
“The outside are all ordinary minerals. For those special minerals, Mr. Senor Pique has helped us get them all out! In addition to researching the finished product, I am still researching how to make this mineral grow! ” Dr. Laughs said.
” Oh? He actually helps? This is really interesting, right, is his wife awake? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” How could it be so fast? But your method seems to have some effect. I heard Marko say that although he is still in a vegetative state, it is much better than before! ” The doctor replied with a smile.
” By the way! I was afraid that Senor wouldn’t cooperate before, but this time I brought back a lush fruit man. He can spawn plants! ” Reina suddenly remembered that Binz was still on the back of the hard shell, so he quickly said .
” Oh? Interesting, wait for you to bring it to me! Maybe some experiments need his help! ” The doctor nodded and said.
” This … I’m afraid it won’t work now … The other party is the Navy! ” Reina touched his head a little embarrassedly and said.
” You actually took the Navy back? It’s really messed up, okay, remember to tell me when he can use it! ” The doctor shook his head with a smile and said.
” By the way, Doctor … Can you make me a few dark moons that are not suppressed? ” Reina asked after thinking about it.
” What do you want to do, kid? Dark Night Moon, which has no suppressing effect, after taking one, the mineral poison in the body can reach the saturation level. Although the strength of the improvement is amazing, once it is stimulated by the light source for a long time, then the blood will become saturated. There will be an explosion! This kind of explosion from the inside out, not everyone can withstand, not even you! ” The doctor said with a frown.
” Hehe … Doesn’t the Doctor think this is a natural poison? It’s perfect! I just don’t know … Can it blow up monsters like Kaido! ” Reina said with a smile.
The doctor rolled his eyes, and he knew that Reina had no good intentions, but he and Reina were in the same group, so they would naturally meet Reina’s request.
” Wait a few days! I don’t have time for this now. Since you’re back, go see Senor Pique and his wife! After all, he’s been a big help! ” The doctor shook his head with a laugh. said.
” Okay, I’ll go take a look … Maybe I can bring him to our side! ” Reina said with a smile.
” You don’t count others, I took a look, Senor is a good guy, don’t embarrass others! ” The doctor said with a frown.
” It’s because he’s good that I want to pull him over! Don’t worry, I won’t embarrass him. This kind of thing requires him to make his own choices! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
” I don’t know what your kid does? It seems to be his own choice, but you won’t give others a chance to choose! ” The doctor rolled his eyes and said.
” Hey … don’t worry! I know how to do it! ” Reina said with a smile as he walked towards the outside.
Watching Rayner leave, the doctor shook his head and continued his research.

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