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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Those two guys … don’t really believe it, right? It’s a little troublesome! If they report it, how will the panic be resolved in the future? It’s nerve-racking, what you said just now was too hilarious ! ” After the green pheasant, Reina had a trace of regret, and it was all because he was so cool just now that he couldn’t control his mouth.
” Forget it, let’s talk about the future! Damn Aokiji … The strength is still growing! It seems that the exercise plan for the return of life is on the agenda! ” Reina felt the injury in the body, and finally and Ao When the pheasant moved for real, not only the green pheasant was injured, but he also suffered a lot of injuries.
And in order to look okay, he didn’t show his injuries like Aokiji, and suppressed them all the way, and the consequences were even more serious.
Aokiji also knew this, so he didn’t plan to let go of this good opportunity, but in the end he was fooled by Reina to divert his target.
If it wasn’t Garp who came this time, but Kiabou or Akainu, Reina would have to pay some price to escape.
However, after today’s events, Reina began to consider whether to exchange a Nine-Tails Summoning Scroll. Although it was a bit more expensive, it seemed to have an unexpected shock effect!
When the time comes, it may be thrown to Marin van Dou or Mary Joa, and there may be additional surprises.
On the other side, as Reina had guessed, Aokiji and Garp directly reported what happened here to Sengoku.
” I see … in short, you all come back first and then explain in detail! ” On the opposite side of the phone bug, Sengoku said after thinking for a while.
” Okay! ” Qing pheasant also knows that this kind of thing can’t be explained clearly for a while, and it can only be said in person after going back.
” Kuzan, just go back, I won’t go back to headquarters for now! ” Karp said to Aokiji after Aokiji hung up the phone.
” Huh? Why? ” Aokiji asked in surprise.
” Eh? I just don’t want to go back and listen to that guy from Sengoku! ” Garp said while taking out a bag of senbei from nowhere.
” Mr. Karp … that’s not good! ” Aokiji said, his face darkened.
” Eh? Really? ” Karp seemed rather unhappy to ask.
” Of course, if such a serious thing happened, you must go back and report to the Warring States Marshal! ” Qingzhi said helplessly: ” And now that there are so many wounded, we only have three warships left, if you don’t go If so, there will only be two ships, and I’m afraid it won’t even be able to accommodate the wounded! ”
” Well then! ” Karp looked around and saw that there were indeed many wounded, so he had no choice but to agree.
Just when the navy rescued all the wounded and started to return, the news that Reina was blocked by the navy also spread, but this time the newspaper did not say that Reina was beaten and escaped, but after the war overturned, the two sides went their separate ways. retreat.
After Reina separated from the navy, he also got in touch with Xuanyue Island. After learning that the Moby Dick and the navy fought, he went to the Lalu waters. It seemed that the doctor over there had some research results, so Whitebeard went to watch it. .
When Reina heard this, he also planned to rush to the Lalu Sea Area, but the liaison staff of Xuanyue Island asked him to go back to Xuanyue Island, as if something happened.
So Reina did not change the route and moved directly towards Xuanyue Island.
It was only when he arrived at Xuanyue Island that he discovered that there were still many pirate ships parked here in the port.
” Deputy captain … you’re back! ” This time, Whitebeard and the captains left, and even the sky island ran to the Lalu Sea area under Olga’s control, so the Xuanyue Island at this time was full of Some non-combatants were left behind.
” What’s going on on the island? ” Reina asked curiously, looking at the pirate ships around.
” You’ll know when you go and have a look! ” The members who greeted Reina said with a wry smile.
With a look of doubt on his face, Reina came to the main building, and saw that the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, including Wydibe, the Ice Witch, the Deckarban brothers, and Scuardo, were all gathered here. .
And among them, the one who seemed to be giving a speech was the leader of the Frankish Pirates that Reina brought back from the first half of the Great Route, Frank himself!
” Why are you all here? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Yo ~ it’s Reina! I heard that you had a fight with the navy when you came back? Are you not injured? ” Wydibe the Ice Witch asked with a smile.
She was an early companion, but Whitebeard didn’t allow women to be combatants, so Whitebeard simply went to captain himself.
Regardless of her strength or means, she is quite good, and now she is a well-known leader of the pirate group in the new world.
Reina shook his head and said, ” No, but the navy seems to be planning to target us. You should be careful when you are outside! ”
” It doesn’t matter to us, but I don’t know what’s going on on Dad’s side. We came here on purpose after we received the news! ” Skuardo said with a little worry.
” Huh? Didn’t you say that you have already contacted Dad? ” Reina asked with a frown.
” We only found out after we came to Xuanyue Island. It happened that we haven’t seen each other for a long time, so we stayed and got together! ” Frank said with a smile.
Reina nodded and asked Frank: ” How is it? Are you still used to coming to the new world? ”
Frank shook his head with a wry smile, and said, ” It’s a bit difficult, mainly because our strength is too poor … But with everyone’s help, we can barely do it. Recently, our strength has grown rapidly! ”
” Don’t go to those dangerous places, or it doesn’t matter if you stay on Xuanyue Island for a while! ” Reina nodded and said with a smile: ” If you still think the new world is not easy to get along with … I can also send you back to the great route . The first half! ”
” Deputy captain … just spare me! If I go back like this, wouldn’t I lose the face of our Whitebeard Pirates? Even if I die, I will die in the new world! ” Frank shook his head and refused.
” Don’t be silly … What’s the point of being shameless? Is it more important than life? ” Reina said with a smile.
“That wo n’t work … The glory of the Whitebeard Pirates can’t be destroyed in my hands! ” Frank replied with a big laugh.
” Oh ~~~” The rest of the captains also roared.
” Frank … I see! Otherwise, you should stay in Xuanyue Island. Dad often goes out, and every person in charge of the island is not good! You stay in Xuanyue Island and preside over the affairs of Xuanyue Island. In this way, the vice-captain can relax a little bit, and don’t have to go out to sea and worry about the affairs of Xuanyue Island! ” Lei Qing Makugai suggested with a smile.
Reina’s expression changed, nodded and said, ” Captain Macguay’s proposal is good, Frank, you can think about it! ”
Franka hesitated for a moment and said, ” I have to discuss this with my crew. If we don’t go to sea … I don’t know if they can agree! ”
” It’s easy to handle, and if you still want to go to sea, we have so many pirates, let your crew choose whatever you want! Can’t you treat them badly when you get on our ship? ” said the shoulder.
” No! ” Before Frank agreed, Rayner shook his head and said, ” Where are you all going? For his crew, those places are dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life! So You still have to discuss with your crew to see whether to continue sailing or stay on Xuanyue Island! ”
“The vice-captain has filtered it out! Don’t we pirates just live with our heads in our hands? Who can guarantee that nothing will fail? It is more dangerous to follow me. Brothers and sisters are stronger than me. I believe that they will definitely take care of my crew. ! In case of death, it can only be said that life should be like this! ” Frank shook his head and said.
Frank’s words made the other captains keep nodding, and they all seemed to agree.
” I said you kid … are you deliberately fighting against me? Let me take a look. Just your mouth, you are definitely at the level of the Four Emperors! ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hahaha … That’s right … Frank’s mouth can be said to be alive! ”
” Pfft hahaha … this is the king of strong mouths? ”
The surrounding captains laughed and said.
” Deputy captain, I’ve decided, just follow the suggestion of Brother Makugay! I stay at Xuanyue Island, as for my crew, those who don’t want to go to sea will follow me on Xuanyue Island, and those who want to go to sea … Brothers and sisters, please help me and bring my crew! After going to sea, everyone will be safe, and don’t be blamed for life and death! ” Frank made a decision with a smile!
In the evening, when the banquet was being held in the banquet square, Frank announced the matter in front of the crew, so that the crew could figure it out for themselves, and report to him the next morning.
But what Reina did not expect was that his crew chose to continue to follow Frank, even if they stayed on Xuanyue Island and did not go to sea, they were willing to continue to follow.
Not that his crew was afraid, but that he didn’t want to be separated from Captain Frank.
In the end, Reina promised them that when he wanted to go to sea in the future, he could sail with the Moby Dick , but the premise was to assist Frank and manage Xuanyue Island well.
The banquet that night was full of joy, everyone sang, danced and drank together, and it didn’t end until late at night.
Early the next morning, Frank brought all the members over to thank Reina, but Reina laughed and scolded him and drove him away, and publicly announced Frank’s position as the manager of Xuanyue Island. After the Bee Dick set sail, the day-to-day management of Xuanyue Island was directly managed by Dr. Ahsie.
After dealing with the affairs on Xuanyue Island, Reina set off for Lalu Sea Area to meet with Whitebeard.
It’s just that he didn’t know that after he left, Frank gathered the captains who left here again.
” You’re paying attention, I like it … but there are still many details that need to be negotiated! ” The Ice Witch Whitebee said with a big smile.
” Of course, that’s why I leave everyone to discuss! The rest of the captains who haven’t arrived will be handed over to Weiwei. Let’s discuss what we need to do now, and we can finish it directly after we meet! ” Frank said with a smile : ” I don’t hide it either. This time the vice-captain gave me Xuanyue Island … Then this time the big banquet … isn’t coming out on a different occasion … Is n’t it worthy of the vice-captain’s trust? ”
” Hahaha … It’s just you kid! I see it! You are really the one in charge of Xuanyue Island! ” Scuardo smiled and shook his head and said.
” In the end, it’s up to little Captain Oz to do this, and then the last step will have to be handed over to him! ” Frank said with a smile.
” Don’t worry, this is a good idea, we will definitely inform you when the time comes, and surprise Dad! ”
” That’s right, but everyone is careful, don’t let Dad know. If there is something you can’t get around, you can ask the captains for help. I believe they will be very happy! But don’t tell him about Reina! ”
” Yes, yes! Frank, you should also pay attention here, after all, Dad may come back at any time, so be careful! ”
The rest of the captains you said one by one.
” Then next … Let’s discuss the details! Let each captain have a mission, and this is the gift we all prepare together! ” Frank said with a smile.

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