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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at Garp standing on the bow of the warship, Reina knew that today was in trouble, and even if he wanted to run when he was in the country, it would be impossible without paying a price.
But when Karp came over, looking at the surroundings, he said to Reina in a deep voice, ” Go away! ”
Hearing Karp’s words, Reina was stunned and couldn’t believe it.
” Mr. Karp! ” Aokiji was also quite surprised. He was injured so badly that he kept Reina. Could it be so easy to let him go?
” Kuzan … look around! ” Garp said softly.
Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, only to realize that the surrounding sea was littered with the corpses of naval soldiers, and there were many frozen naval soldiers floating on the sea. A glass of water is not enough.
” When did you become so eager for quick success? Even if we kill him here today, so what? Then we will fight with the Whitebeard Pirates? Sakaski’s injuries are still not good! And To kill this guy, even if the two of us join forces, we can’t do it without paying some price! When the time comes when Whitebeard strikes, who will we rely on to resist? ”
Karp’s words made Aokiji feel a little uncomfortable, but it was the current pattern of the world, and he couldn’t allow him to break.
Even he understands that the current stability of the world is due to the contribution of the Whitebeard Pirates, but the other party is a pirate, and his mission is to maintain justice and destroy the pirates.
” Humph! Old man Garp, don’t need to fix these falsehoods. The purpose of our Whitebeard Pirates and your navy and world government is different! You want to be stable because you want to enjoy wealth! And our purpose … just to make Everyone just survives! If one day, everyone can’t survive, then even if a world war is provoked, we will not hesitate at all! ”
Reina snorted coldly and said.
” Let’s talk at that time! Now … At least our goal is the same! Reina, go back and tell Newgate, don’t cause trouble … Otherwise, you will really anger the World Government, and a mere pirate group of you can’t resist it! ” Garp waved his hand and said.
” Mr. Garp! ” Aokiji hesitated, shook his head, and said, ” Although I understand what you mean! But this opportunity should not be missed. As one of the core members of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina, as long as he takes him down. , the Whitebeard Pirates have lost half of their combat power! It remains to be seen whether the Whitebeard Pirates will take action at that time! So … I agree with the battle plan of the Warring States Marshal this time! ”
” Hehe … You look down on me too much, I don’t have half the combat power of the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina said with a strange smile: ” And don’t say that you are the same as me! The green pheasant child … Lao Tzu You don’t know where you are when you’re roaming the sea! ”
” Reina! Didn’t you play enough today? Do you really want to break the net? ” Karp knew Reina’s cards, so he had rarely pushed Reina into a corner.
” It’s not what I’m going to do now, it’s me who you are ambushing! ” Reina snorted coldly, and the writing wheel eyes radiated red light.
” Kuzan, listen to me …” Garp looked at Aokiji and said in a deep voice.
” Sorry, Mr. Karp! If there is no reasonable reason, even you … can’t convince me! ” Aokiji shook his head and said: ” I don’t want to order you as a general! ”
” Sigh …” Garp sighed and said, ” If you want to kill this guy … we can’t … At least we need a general-level combat power! ”
” What? ” Qingzhi was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect Karp to say such a thing, he said with some disbelief: ” It’s impossible, now his physical strength has been consumed quite a lot, he can’t lie to me about this kind of thing ! Even without you, if I continue to fight with him, it’s not completely out of the question! ”
” You are really confident! The Navy …” Reina smiled and replied.
His physical strength is indeed very high, but if he fights to the death, he is sure to kill the green pheasant.
” I’m sure of defeating him! But to kill him … at least three people are needed! ” Garp nodded and said.
” Why? ” Aokiji asked in confusion.
” Because I was in the advancing city, I have seen it …” Karp told the story of Reina’s summoning of the Nine-Tails in the advancing city, and said: ” So if he summons that monster again, then At least two people are needed to hold the monster! And … I’m not sure, if I kill him, that monster will stay in our world! ”
” Pfft hahaha … that’s the case … I said why you guys have always been so afraid of me, it’s because of that! ” Reina suddenly laughed and said, ” That’s not some monster, they are called tails. Beasts really exist in this world! ”
” Negative emotions such as hatred, sadness, fear, fear, etc. will exist in every corner of the world, and once such emotions gather, they will attract those tailed beasts, because those tailed beasts use these negative energies as Food. They have endless energy, because as long as there are negative emotions in this world, they will not be destroyed, and even if they are killed, they will be reborn again! ”
Listening to Reina’s explanation, Garp and Aokiji were stunned, and even thought that Reina was talking nonsense, otherwise why have they never heard of it?
” Aren’t you surprised? Why have you never heard about the tailed beasts … ? ” Reina smiled strangely and said, ” That’s because there is a group of people who are specially responsible for suppressing that group of tailed beasts … And that group of people have a characteristic, that is, they have a wheel-shaking eye, because the wheel-shaking eye … can control them! Hahaha …”
” You mean … your family has always been somewhere in the world, guarding these monsters … tailed beasts for generations? ” Garp asked curiously.
” That’s right! ” Reina nodded and said.
” Then why did you show up? Or is your family planning to be born? ” Qingzhi asked cautiously, feeling as if he had got a big secret.
Reina shook his head and said sadly: ” No, I didn’t come out by myself, I don’t know why I came here suddenly, and I can’t find the way back! ”
” Didn’t you summon that tailed beast last time? Why didn’t you go back with it? ” Garp asked inexplicably.
Reina shook his head, pointed to his own shackles, and said, ” You know what? These eyes are called eyes from hell, and they have demon-like abilities. Even in us, not everyone can wake up. Awakened Sharinyan, you must be responsible for suppressing the tailed beast! And the suppressed tailed beast has long been dissatisfied with us. They all have their own consciousness and want to be free, so it will not help me. ! ”
After listening to Reina’s explanation, Garp’s expression became solemn. He knew the horror of those tailed beasts. If those tailed beasts appeared as Reina said, there would not be too many of them, just a few would be enough to destroy them. The whole world.
Then he also recalled how he felt at that time, and he did feel a strong negative emotion from the huge fox!
And at that time, Reina seemed to be influenced by the fox and became bloodthirsty and only knew how to kill.
” Then you dared to summon the other party back then? ” Karp said with a lingering heart.
Reina rolled his eyes and said, ” You still ask me? What was the situation at that time … You know better than me? ”
Hearing Reina’s words, Karp was silent and did not speak. He felt that what he had done all these years was right, don’t force Reina too much, in case he summoned those tailed beasts and he couldn’t control the other party’s words … … that would be really bad.
” But all of this is from your side! ” Qingzhi said after being silent for a while.
” Then do you want me to summon it to show you? ” Reina asked angrily.
” Bastard, what do you want to do? I absolutely won’t allow you to summon that kind of thing for such a reason! ” Hearing Reina’s words, Garp immediately took an offensive posture and shouted loudly.
” You think I’m stupid? The last time was an accident. Under normal circumstances … even if I died, I wouldn’t choose to summon a tailed beast! So you don’t have to worry about that! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Hearing Reina’s promise, Garp’s heart that has been hanging all the time is finally down.
” Although what you said is very realistic … but it’s really hard to believe! If it’s the same as what you said, then … where is your place? Why has no one ever said it, and no Any records!? According to what you said, you are also considered heroes in this world, suppressing those tailed beasts from generation to generation! ” Qingzhi still couldn’t believe it.
” I didn’t let you believe it, you can think that what I said is a fart! ” Reina rolled her eyes and said directly.
” Kuzan, I believe Reina, his eyes can’t deceive people, and that kind of huge monster was indeed summoned by him! ” Garp shook his head and said.
” The highest level of lying is that nine out of ten sentences are true. As long as you lie in the most critical place, that’s enough! ” Qingzhi stared at Reina and said softly.
As for Reina, his cheeks have long been tempered by the Whitebeard Pirates, which is thicker than the city wall. With this test of Aokiji, he can’t break through his defense line at all.
” What an idiot … according to what you said … where would I lie? ” Reina chuckled and asked disdainfully: ” First of all, you can be sure about the tailed beast and the Shaker, I definitely can’t lie, Then the thing about suppressing the tailed beast is true, and the only place I can lie is my origin! ”
” So you think I was sent by a mysterious organization. We have been a little impatient with the guarding tailed beasts in the past, so I want to come out and see this flowery world, right? ”
Karp and Aokiji glanced at each other. They combed Reina’s words and found that it was indeed the same as Reina said, only this possibility is the most likely.
” Look at you two idiots! Old man Karp … When did you know me? Thirty years to say the least? What kind of spy am I to stay here for thirty years and not go back? What kind of organization can wait? Thirty years? I haven’t gone back, they don’t know how to send someone out again? ” Seeing the two of them being fooled by him, Reina thought it was very funny.
Garp and Aokiji looked at each other, right! Reina has appeared at this time for many years. If their family wants to be born, why not bring his family out?
It’s no wonder they were taken away by Reina. First, what Reina said was a little unexpected to them, and secondly, this kind of thing was beyond their cognition, so they temporarily lost their judgment. Reina believes that, give them time, and after they figure it out, they won’t be taken away by themselves like this.
” Forget it, I’m too lazy to chat with you guys! Are you still fighting? I’ll leave if you don’t! ” Reina said, looking at the two who were in deep thought.
” Go away, or when the old man changes his mind, he will remove you as a threat for the world! ” Garp said with a stared eye.
” Mr. Karp, what should I do now? ” After Reina left, Aokiji asked with an ugly face.
” I’m not good at this kind of thing. Let’s pass on Reina’s words today as they are! What should I do to give Sengoku a headache! ” After thinking about it, Garp decided to throw the blame on Sengoku.

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