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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the lieutenant generals who fell to the ground, Qingzhi’s face was a little ugly, and he was a little careless just now.
” Just because of you … are you too embarrassed to say that the Whitebeard Pirates escaped in embarrassment? ” Looking at the green pheasant opposite, Reina said with a chuckle.
Although he didn’t say anything about the news in the newspaper on the surface, he still cared a little in his heart.
But after hearing Reina’s words, Aokiji breathed a sigh of relief.
He was a little strange before, why did Reina not run away when he knew that they had deliberately ambushed him here? Now he knew from Reina’s words that the other party was a little unhappy because of the words in the report, and he deliberately stayed to fight them.
” No matter what you say … Facts are facts! ” Now that he knew the reason for Reina’s stay, Aokiji naturally found a way to continue to stimulate Reina.
” Is it true? ” Sure enough, Reina chuckled, and the gouyu in the writing wheel began to rotate rapidly, and the three-gou jade writing wheel turned directly into a kaleidoscope writing wheel.
” Bang bang bang …” But before Aokiji and Reina could make their move, the navy soldiers who got off the warship first attacked Reina, although they were all ordinary bullets and could not do anything to Reina. Hurt, but a little annoying.
” Hmph! Really annoying guys! ” With a wave of Sakura Senbon in Reina’s hand, a slash directly cut down a piece of the navy.
“IceBall ( ice hockey ) ! ” Aokiji naturally wouldn’t watch Reina slaughter the navy soldiers, so he also launched an attack the moment Reina started.
” Idiot …” Reina smiled slightly, and after dodging Aokiji’s hockey puck, he quickly approached the opponent.
After turning on the kaleidoscope, everyone’s every move is in the realization of Reina, and cannot be avoided, and even if an ordinary bullet hits him, the impact force will be absorbed by his passive ability of the black emperor and converted into himself. The energy is then converted into physical strength again by the return of life.
But Aokiji didn’t know all of this, and now his only thought was to hold Reina, because just behind Reina on the sea, a dog-headed naval warship was rapidly approaching.
As long as Garp arrives at that time, with his and Garp’s strength, it is enough to fight against Reina.
” Boom ~~~”
Aokiji kicked Qianben Sakura in Reina’s hand. The two collided with each other, and the resulting air wave directly shook the ice around the two into pieces, and the surrounding navy soldiers also fell into the sea, but the two They ignored those ordinary soldiers, but continued to fight fast and fight together.
” Wow ~~ I didn’t expect your physical skills to improve so fast! ” After separating from Aokiji, Reina breathed a little and said.
The previous battle with Zefa made him consume a lot of physical strength. Now that he has fought with Qingzhi for so long, the physical consumption is even greater.
Although there is life return to supplement his stamina, his mastery of life return is not enough, so the conversion is quite slow, and he can’t change when fighting, so he has to stop and deliberately find a way to talk to Aokiji.
And Aokiji, who was also planning to delay time, naturally enjoyed it.
” My teacher is Senior Zefa! If you don’t pass the physical skills, you won’t be able to graduate from the boot camp! ” Qingzhi said with a slight smile.
” Zefa you’re talking about … is that the old man I just defeated? ” Reina said with a smile.
” Hehehe … he was not defeated by you! ” Qingzhi’s eyes narrowed, and he launched an attack directly at Reina with the ice blade in his hand.
” Dang! ” Reina blocked Aokiji’s ice blade with the Senbon Sakura in his hand.
” Don’t be careless! ” Reina, who was blocking the green pheasant, said softly, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.
” Pfft! ”
Aokiji, who was just about to say something, suddenly turned his face aside, and then quickly pushed away, but it was still a little late, and the humanoid Bing Lun Maru attacked from behind him, directly opening a hole in his arm.
It turned out that after a few lieutenant generals were dealt with, Hirinwan was cleaning up the soldiers of the navy. At this time, there was not a single navy soldier who could move around. Except for the navy soldiers who were knocked down, the rest had already been killed. The ice wheel pill was frozen.
” Now … it’s my turn to fight one against another! ” Reina said to Aokiji with a smile, standing side by side with Hirinmaru.
Aokiji had a bitter look on his face, and he was the one who was beaten by the group every time.
” Ice cubes and pheasants chirping together! ” The green pheasants pressed their hands on the ground, and the surrounding ice bulged high, forming huge ice birds that opened their mouths and flew towards Reina.
” Binglunwan! ” Reina snorted softly, ignoring these ice birds at all, and ran directly to the green pheasant who was half-squatting there.
And Hing Lun Maru, who heard Reina’s voice, jumped into the air, rotated in the air, and a circular slash spread out with him as the origin, directly slicing the ice birds in two.
” Ice Cubes Multiple Spears! ” Seeing Reina coming over, Aokiji began to see spears, and then shot towards Reina.
Unexpectedly, Aokiji still has the ability to counterattack at this time. Reina had to dodge Aokiji’s attack. Reina, who turned on the Shaker, easily avoided Aokiji’s attack, but he also lost the counterattack. opportunity.
” What a troublesome guy …” Facing such a green pheasant, Reina actually wanted to leave.
Continuing to fight is of little significance to the two of them. They can’t fight to the death here. In the end, no matter who wins a little bit, they can’t completely leave the other side.
” There is more trouble! IceTime ! ” Aokiji spread out his hands , a lot of cold air was released from him, and he felt Reina’s retreat.
In fact, if Karp hadn’t arrived soon, he didn’t want to continue the fight. Like Rayner’s feeling, the two of them couldn’t get the result.
” Do you still want to play? ” Reina frowned, Aokiji’s move was not like an attack, but more like trying to trap him here.
” Master, there are warships approaching from the rear! ” At this time, Hironmaru, who came to Reina’s side, said to Reina.
” Huh? ” Reina was startled, and while avoiding the chill of the green pheasant, he looked behind him. When he saw the iconic dog-headed warship, he knew why the green pheasant kept pestering him.
” That’s … Karp? That old bastard … won’t be following me all the time! ” At this time, Reina suddenly remembered something, which was what Zefa said before.
He also understood why the navy was so sure to ambush him. It turned out that there was Garp behind him.
The previous navy must have planned to let Garp drive him to this direction, then ambush him here, and finally eliminate him directly from the front and back.
However, Karp seemed to have not caught up with him except for some problem, instead he rushed over stupidly.
” Now I know … it’s too late! ” Qingzhi’s eyes narrowed, and the chill emanating from his body became even stronger.
” Hinrenmaru, stop him! Let’s go! ” Reina said to Hingrenmaru beside him.
Once Garp came over and formed a flanking attack on him with Aokiji, it would be really bad.
” Want to go? Ice cube , giant , violent pheasant mouth ” Seeing this, Aokiji immediately spread his arms, and the cold air around his body quickly gathered to form a huge ice bird, which went straight to Reina.
Facing Aokiji’s giant ice bird, Hing Lun Maru rushed over directly, but before he could get close, the strong icy aura actually caused Hing Lun Maru’s body to freeze.
” Damn it! ” After the huge ice bird devoured the ice wheel pill, the ice wheel pill turned into a blue light and returned to Reina’s hand.
” One strike and break! ” After the armed color covered his arm, Reina directly released the energy stored in the body. This energy was originally intended to be used to return life and converted into physical strength, but now These are no longer considered.
” Boom ~~~”
Reina punched the giant ice bird on the head, and immediately smashed the giant ice bird into pieces, but he also lost the best opportunity to escape, because the green pheasant was already entangled.
Facing the green pheasant this time, Reina had no plans to keep his hand, and the momentum on his body was full, the overlord’s color leaked out, and the thousand cherry blossoms in his hand turned into a strange sword light and went straight to the green pheasant.
” Boom ~~”
A violent explosion sounded, a mushroom cloud rose directly from the frozen sea, and the originally frozen sea was immediately torn apart and turned into sea water again.
When Garp on the dog-headed warship in the distance saw this, his expression immediately became serious.
He had discovered the battle here before, but it was still within the controllable range, but just now, someone must have started desperately.
” Pocato, go to the rescue immediately! ” Garp saw the injured navy fall into the sea, and he also saw many frozen navies fall into the sea.
” Yes! Your Excellency! ” Garp’s adjutant Pocato nodded and turned around to order Kebe and Belumebo to lead the soldiers to rescue people.
” Bang bang bang …” Hearing the sound of fighting in the distance, Garp could only make the warship go faster.
” Jingjing · Thousands of Cherry Blossoms! ” With Reina’s angry shout, countless blades rose, wrapping Reina and Aokiji inside.
” It’s really a weird sword technique, but … it doesn’t have much effect on me! ” Qingzhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, constantly releasing cold air from his body.
” Really? You can try! ”
” It’s so fast! Can’t keep up with my eyesight? No … Is my speed slowing down? ”
Reina’s figure suddenly disappeared from Aokiji’s face, which surprised Aokiji, and through the cold air released around him, he found that not only his body, but also his thinking seemed to slow down.
” Come on! ”
Whether it’s seeing or seeing or his senses, Aokiji found that he couldn’t keep up with Reina’s speed, so he had to use the surrounding cold to feel Reina.
” You can’t escape! This … can be regarded as my domain! ” Reina, who appeared behind Aokiji, stabbed Aokiji with a sword.
” Pfft! ” The sharp sword pierced through the heart, but there was no blood on Qingzhi’s body.
” Ice Age! ” Seeing countless sharp swords stabbing towards him following Reina’s command, Aokiji knew that this time he could not escape no matter what, so he had to release his ultimate move.
I saw Qingzhi’s entire body turned into ice, and a strong cold emanated from him, and all the sharp swords that approached him were frozen.
” One strike and one hit ! ” But among all the sharp swords, there was a Qianben Sakura body that Reina personally held, which directly penetrated the ice and stabbed Aokiji’s body.
” Kazuzha … crash …” The stabbed Aokiji turned into pieces and scattered on the ground.
” What a tough guy! ” Reina pouted and said unhappily.
” Isn’t it the same for you? ” The ice in the distance once again formed a human form. At this time, he has become quite embarrassed, and there are bloodstains on his arms and chest.
” I thought I didn’t hit you! ” Reina said with a slight smile.
Although he was quite relaxed on the surface, his arm hidden behind him was trembling slightly. At this time, his physical strength was already exhausted, and it would be dangerous for him to fight again.
” Cough cough … but my purpose … achieved! ” Qingzhi smiled and replied.
Reina’s face sank, he had seen Garp’s dog-headed warship.

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