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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Early the next morning, in the open space of the newly built warehouse, a large group of people had already started work, and it was Dr. Ahsie and Frank who were directing them.
It’s just that Frank’s face is a little ugly, his face is so pale, he looks like a serious patient, and he may fall down at any time.
” You bastard … if you can’t, go to rest, look at your appearance! ” Reina stepped forward to support Frank and said with a frown.
” That won’t work! Yesterday I promised the doctor that I can start the work according to his wishes today. How can I do it if I’m not here? ” Frank shook his head and refused.
” Reina, you persuaded this guy. I told him to go back to rest and he didn’t go. He almost died last night! ” Dr. Ahsie said helplessly.
As the protagonist of last night’s banquet, what happened to Frank was horrific.
It was quite normal at the beginning of the banquet, everyone just congratulated him on becoming the new steward, but when Reina came to congratulate, this guy got a little excited, especially when Whitebeard had a drink with him in the end, And after encouraging him to turn it over, Frank completely sank.
Excited, Frank held the wine jar and drank with people everywhere, as if he was alone against the entire Whitebeard Pirates.
After the drink, it was a wonderful one. Frank stood in the middle and had a drink with the sixteen captains.
If it was just drinking, it wouldn’t be considered exciting. Ruthless was this guy who refused to admit defeat. According to the captains who were present at the time, the guy vomited while drinking, and almost vomited out his internal organs.
Later, everyone disappeared after drinking. At first, everyone thought he was dying, so they hid in a corner and went to sleep. After all, this kind of thing often happens at banquets.
But only later did I find out that the guy actually went to the wine cellar to get the wine, and accidentally fell into the wine vat. If it hadn’t been found early, I’d be the first white-bearded pirate to be drowned in wine. Team leader.
Reina dared to use his head to guarantee that this incident would definitely become the shadow of Frank’s whole life, because the guys from the Whitebeard Pirates would definitely mention it once after a drink!
And there is not much time until this year’s banquet. All the pirate groups under Whitebeard will come over by then, and with the gathering and departure of those pirates, Frank’s name will definitely resound throughout the new world, after all … This kind of thing, even Reina has an urge to share it with others right away.
” Okay, I don’t need you here! Hurry up and give me a rest. The doctor here can handle it. After you rest, come and help the doctor! ” Looking at the half-dead Frank, Reina asked his subordinates Forcibly send him back to rest, or he will really die here.
“I heard that you almost drowned him in a wine vat at the latest? ” Dr. Sière asked curiously after Frank left.
” Huh? Did you hear about it so soon? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” It’s not just me, even the captain has heard about it! Last night, when I was talking to the captain about the reconstruction of Xuanyue Island, I heard the noise from your side, so I asked someone to ask about it! ” Ah Dr. Sie nodded and said.
” You already know and ask? ” Reina rolled her eyes and replied.
“I only heard about it at the time, and I definitely don’t have the details you know! ” Dr. Ahsie said cheerfully.
Although Reina said that he didn’t want to say it, his body was still quite honest. Before Dr. Sière could ask questions, he told the story vividly and vividly. Of course … it was inevitable that there would be some artistic processing in it.
So when Frank woke up a little at night, there were already no less than twenty versions circulating throughout Xuanyue Island.
This is also what he doesn’t know yet, otherwise he will definitely regret it, why not just drown last night.
With the passage of time, the major transformation of Xuanyue Island has been carried out in an orderly manner. After the captains have been curious at the beginning, they have become a little bored.
So after discussing it with Whitebeard, the guys who wanted to go to sea reported to Reina, and they drove a few smaller whale boats to go out to sea.
Watching the children go to sea one after another made Whitebeard’s heart start to itch, but Reina forced him to stay on the island on the grounds that Whitebeard’s injuries had not fully recovered.
” Deputy captain! ” On this day, Ace found Reina and said that he also wanted to go to sea.
” Well … I haven’t seen Oz for a long time! Well, wait a minute, I’ll arrange the work to accompany you! ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” This … no need? ” Ace hesitated for a moment, then said, ” Now we can’t do without the vice-captain, so there’s no need to make a trip for me! ”
” Ace, you should know … Now you are on the cusp of the storm. If you go out to sea alone, I will definitely not be relieved! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Ace was silent for a while, speechless.
” Then I’ll accompany Ace. It just so happens that I haven’t been to sea for a long time! ” At this time, Marco happened to pass by and said with a smile after hearing the conversation between Reina and Ace.
” Then call Bista again, the three of you will act together! ” Reina nodded and said after thinking about it.
Ace opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw Reina’s firm eyes, he didn’t say anything.
” Be careful with me when you three go out to sea! The navy may launch some attacks on us recently, and I won’t tell you the reason! In short, be careful outside! Don’t worry if you hear anything wrong with Xuanyue Island, there is me With my big brother here, the navy doesn’t dare to push too hard. ” Before the three of them went to sea, Reina warned them carefully.
The three nodded at the same time, indicating that they understood.
After sending the three of Ace away, Reina originally planned to go to Whitebeard and tell him about Ace going to sea, but while on the way, he encountered Olga who hurried to find him.
” Reina, hurry up! Come and see, the navy you captured is about to die! ” Olga ran over panting and shouted to Reina.
” Huh? About to die? Why? ” Reina asked in surprise.
It was Zefa’s disciple Binz who was captured by Reina. Because of his fruit ability, the doctor might be interested, so after returning to Xuanyue Island, Reina threw Binz to the doctor.
Reina forgot his existence before, and almost starved to death once, why is he about to die this time? I really want to die. The next time Reina sees Zefa, I am afraid that I will really die!
” That … go and have a look! ” Olga didn’t know how to describe it, she just asked Reina to rush over to take a look.
So the two of them ran all the way towards the research room. Now, on the side of the renovation project, the doctor has left all of them to Frank. Anyway, the doctor has already told him what to do, so if it is just a supervisor, Frank will have no problem.
” Who gave you so much courage? Huh? Dare to talk to the doctor like that? If you ask me to help, it’s a matter of looking at you, but I’m still trying to push things around with me? A prisoner has to look like a prisoner! If you dare to talk to me again, look I won’t beat you to death! ”
Before Reyna passed, he saw Frank beat Binz angrily.
” What’s the matter? Frank, aren’t you helping the doctor manage the transformation? You came here like this? ” Reina hurriedly stepped forward to stop it and asked.
” Deputy captain? Why are you here? ” Frank heard Reina’s voice, threw Binz on the ground, walked over with a smile and said, ” Now the underground is linking all the devices, I’m afraid of problems, so I came over and asked the doctor to go Look! I didn’t expect to see this ghost and refuse to test it to the doctor, so I’m teaching him a lesson! ”
Reina said with some headache: ” He is not an ordinary prisoner, but a guest I invited back, but his identity is a bit special, so he can only be held as a prisoner! ”
” Huh? ” Frank was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Binz, who was lying on the ground silently, and asked cautiously, ” Lieutenant captain, did I do something wrong? ”
” It’s okay, you didn’t do anything wrong, I didn’t tell you clearly at the beginning, besides him, there is also a team of couples brought back this time, you don’t care about them, as long as they don’t escape, you can do whatever you want. What are they doing! ” Rayner said, shaking his head.
” Did the vice-captain say Mr. Senor? He said he was a cadre of the Don Quixote family! ” Frank said with a strange expression on his face.
” Huh? Have you met him? ” Reina asked in surprise.
” Of course … and his wife, they’ve just arrived on the island, so they don’t know where to go and where they can’t go! I recommend them to go to the port, where there are a lot of merchants with all kinds of strange things Selling it over there, so it will be very interesting! ” Frank said with a smile.
” Yeah! Yes, if he is a guest! ” Reina nodded and said.
Frank looked around, and then asked in a low voice with a mysterious face: ” Does the co-captain want to subdue him? ”
” Oh? How do you know? ” Reina was really surprised now. He had never said that, and even the captains didn’t know what Reina had in mind.
” Hey … I guess! If the deputy captain is really just to help his wife’s treatment, there is no need to bring it back to Xuanyue Island! After all, this is our base camp! And …” Frank cast a glance at Binz on the ground and continued. Said: ” This navy is also the person the vice-captain wants? ”
” You kid …” Reina was really surprised this time, and Frank actually saw it.
” Hey … I get it! Don’t worry, Vice-Captain, leave it to me! I’ll take care of it! ” Frank said with a weird smile.
” You kid … wouldn’t it be intentional? ” Looking at Binz, who had fallen to the ground with a loveless face, Reina asked with some nuance.
” Hey … Although I’m not as good as the vice-captain, but I’ve been in contact with a lot of people. I still know what to do with a guy like them! ” Frank said with a slightly embarrassed smile.
Reina looked at Frank in disbelief, and found that the other party seemed to have a very strong grasp of people’s hearts.
” Okay, since you’re confident, then I’ll leave it to you, don’t mess it up for me, these two are very important! ” After thinking about it, Reina planned to let Frank try.
” Don’t worry, even if it doesn’t work, it will definitely not be worse! ” Frank patted his chest and replied, ” But here we need some help from the vice-captain! ”
” Okay, tell me your plan and I will cooperate with you! ” Reina nodded and said.

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