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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
After accidentally discovering Frank’s talent, Reina handed him the matter of Senor and Binz.
Although I don’t know if he can handle it, but it doesn’t matter if you try.
While thinking about what happened next, Reina walked towards Whitebeard’s location.
” Ah ~ Ace is out to sea! ” After Reina told Whitebeard about Ace’s going out to sea, he just replied softly.
” Well, I originally wanted to go with him, but … I thought that the Navy might be more afraid of me now, so I didn’t go with me! But I asked Marco and Bista to accompany him, it shouldn’t be There will be too many problems! ” Reina nodded and replied.
” Then … what are you going to do next? ” Whitebeard asked, opening his squinted eyes.
” Brother, what are your thoughts? ” Reina asked with a slight smile.
” Gu la la la … You kidnapped all the captains, didn’t you just give the navy a chance? What? You want to put the battlefield on Xuanyue Island? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile.
” I’m not here to ask Big Brother … Are you interested in going out? ” Reina smiled, and he knew that Whitebeard would definitely see through his plan.
” Gu la la la la … Then what are you waiting for? Let’s go! ” Whitebeard replied with a big laugh.
So the next day, after handing over the transformation plan of Xuanyue Island to the Doctor and Frank, the Moby Dick set sail again. This time, the captains who went to sea with Reina and Whitebeard were only five captains including Joz. .
And not long after they went to sea, the navy received news.
” Marshal, do you want to take action? ” Qingzhi sat in the Marshal’s office and asked Warring States.
” Hmph, to come out at this time … It seems … what news did they receive! What’s the situation in Qiwuhai now? ” Warring States asked with narrowed eyes.
” Except for Moonlight Moria who didn’t get in touch , among the others, only Tyrant Xiong made it clear that he would be involved, and the rest did not agree! ” Lieutenant General Crane shook his head and said, ” In addition, considering that Kaiji Jinpei’s relationship with the Whitebeard Pirates, so we didn’t inform him! ”
” Hmph, I know this group of people is unreliable, I said at the beginning …”
” Okay, don’t pay attention to them! ” Sengoku interrupted Aokiji with a wave and said, ” Our primary goal this time is Reina! I guess they may guess that we are a tentative attack, so … I plan to Turn the false into the real! ”
” Are you going to … once and for all!? ” Lieutenant General Crane on the side asked in surprise: ” This is not easy! If too many troops are used, they will not easily fight you to the death! ”
” That’s right, that’s why I plan to take advantage of this opportunity! ” Warring States said with a flash of light in his eyes.
” Then what are you going to do? ” Lieutenant General He asked worriedly.
When Warring States revealed his plan, everyone present was a little surprised, as if this was not the style of Warring States.
On the other hand, after Reina and Whitebeard left, Frank began to secretly communicate with all the captains under Whitebeard. Although his movements were hidden, they were soon discovered by the captains who stayed behind.
In desperation, Frank had to tell their plan, so the excited captains all chose to join in, and even the doctor in the laboratory was disturbed by them.
It’s not that they disturbed the doctor’s experiment, but Olga, who learned about it, also joined in.
” Frank … Although this matter is very important, the transformation of Xuanyue Island can’t be delayed, you know? ” The doctor did not object or joined. Now he still has a lot of experiments to do, and he has no time to pay attention to it. them.
” Don’t worry, Doctor, I know how to do it! ” Frank said with a smile.
So after everyone knew about it, Frank didn’t need to hide it, and began to prepare their things on Xuanyue Island in an upright and open manner.
At the same time, Marco and Vista, who went to sea with Ace, met an unexpected person.
” Hawkeye … what do you mean? ” Looking at Mihawk, who was blocking them, Bistan stepped forward and asked.
As a swordsman, he still admires Mihawk, but if the opponent, as Shichibukai, wants to fight Ace’s idea, Bista swears that he will never let the opponent succeed.
” I didn’t mean to trouble you on purpose, I just happened to meet! ” Mihawk said softly, still calm.
” Really? Then you stand in front of us … ? ” Marco asked inexplicably.
” Since I’ve seen it, I’ll let you know by the way … The navy has summoned the Shichibukai … It seems to be in order to attack your Whitebeard Pirates! ” Mihawk finished, and planned to row his coffin boat away.
After the three of Ace looked at each other, they asked, ” When did this happen? ”
” Yesterday! ” Mihawk whispered back.
” Not good! Listen to Frank, Dad and Reina went to sea yesterday! ” Marko said with a change of expression.
” That is to say … the navy has grasped their movements? But … shouldn’t they be more like capturing Ace? Why would they attack Dad? ” Bista asked inexplicably.
” If we don’t defeat our Whitebeard Pirates … they catch Ace and we will save them! ” Marco said with a chuckle.
” Uh ~ that’s right! ” Bista nodded and agreed.
” Sorry … it’s all my fault for causing trouble for everyone! ” But Ace, who was on the side, said with an ugly face.
That’s his character, he doesn’t like to bother others.
” What nonsense … Reina heard that and I’m going to teach you again! ” Marco chuckled and said, ” So what do we do now? ”
When Bista heard the words, he also looked at Ace. The two of them were originally going to sea with Ace!
” Let’s go! The ultimate goal of the navy is me! If I, the protagonist, were not there … it wouldn’t make sense. ” Ace replied firmly.
” Then … let’s go! ” Marko and Vista smiled and nodded.
On the other hand, in the first half of the great route, in the Devil’s Delta waters, Nami and the others who met Perona were smoothly merged with Luffy and the others.
” Eh? Why are you here? Did Reina send you here? ” Perona asked in surprise after seeing Robin.
” No, this is my captain! ” Robin pointed at Luffy and said.
” Just him? ” Perona looked disdainful, and seemed to despise Luffy quite a bit.
” What ~ Robin, who is this person? ” Seeing Perona’s expression, Luffy immediately asked angrily.
” This is Miss Perona, who was with my father for a while! ” Robin said with a smile.
” Hey, don’t make a mistake, I’m not his subordinate, my captain is Lord Moonlight Moria , one of the seven seas under the king ! That is the owner of this terrifying sailboat! ” Perona said proudly.
” Oh? Is he the one who stole the skeleton’s shadow? Let him come back … or else I’ll blow him away! ” Luffy said angrily.
” Hee hee hee … Who is going to beat me up? Let me see! ” A man with a huge body and a devil-like appearance, wearing a shirt with a bat-like collar and a gothic art costume, came over, Asked: “I heard that Rainer’s daughter is here? ”
” Lord Moria ! She is Reina’s daughter, Benelli D. Robin! ” Perona flew to Moria and pointed at Robin.
” Ah ~ Then what’s the matter with you coming to me? ” Moria looked at Robin and asked.
” I’m here with my captain! ” Robin looked at Luffy, smiled slightly, and said, ” It has nothing to do with my father! ”
” He’s the straw hat boy who broke the Judiciary Island and declared war on the World Government? Hehehe … boy, you are lucky! Reina will help you … but you came to me … what are you doing? ” Moriah Some people dislike Luffy. In his opinion, the so-called Straw Hat gang broke the Judiciary Island, and it should be the credit of Reina.
” Hey, Fire Onion! You stole Brook’s shadow, right? Hurry up and hand it over! ” Luffy didn’t hear the sarcasm in Moriah’s words, and said directly to him.
” Big Fire Onion? Who? Boy … You’re not calling me, are you? ” Moria asked, squinting.
” Is this person an idiot? I don’t even know how to talk to him. Is there anyone else here who looks like a fiery onion? ” Luffy said to Zoro next to him as if the other party was an idiot.
He didn’t mean to be angry with Moriah, but he really thought so.
Nami and others on the side almost laughed out loud. When Moria looked down on Luffy inside and out, they were a little unhappy, but they didn’t say much. Now, for the first time, he felt Luffy. What Fei said … so cool!
” Bastard … How did you talk to Lord Moria? ” Perona immediately flew out, with her hands on her hips, and yelled at Luffy.
” What? Don’t you talk like that? He doesn’t understand it himself! ” Luffy said directly, as if your family was an idiot.
” Bastard … Negative Ghost! ” Perona couldn’t help but decided to teach Luffy a lesson, but after all, there was Reina’s platform behind Luffy, so she just used the Negative Ghost.
” I’m sorry … if there is an afterlife … I want to be a shell … what a failure! ” Sure enough, when the negative ghost passed through Luffy’s body, Luffy immediately knelt on the ground and said in a loss.
” Luffy … what are you doing in TMD ? At this time, is it the time to say this? ” Sanji and Zoro were both stunned, clamoring to be the one who wanted to be the pirate king, actually just wanted to be a shell, it was almost too weird.
” Humph! This guy is often defeated by this inexplicable attack because his head is empty! ” Zoro said with a face full of disdain.
” Ha ha ha ha ha ha …” But at this time, the always negative ghost also passed through Zoro’s body.
” I’m sorry … I shouldn’t have been born in this world! ” Sauron, who was kneeling on the ground, prayed the biggest prayer in his life.
” Bastard! ” Zoro and Luffy, who were sober, stared at Perona angrily, as if to kill each other at any time.
” Pfft hahaha …” Although it wasn’t the time to laugh, Sanji couldn’t help laughing when he saw Zoro’s appearance just now.
” Okay, Perona, Brooke is our friend, can’t we ask your captain to release his shadow? We have no intention of fighting! ” Seeing the awkward atmosphere at the scene, Nami quickly stepped forward and said.
After all, she and Nami knew each other. Perona hesitated for a while, but she put away the negative ghost and said to them: ” Sorry, the matter of Lord Moria is not something I can decide! Now the Lord has not done anything to you, you hurry up leave! ”
” That won’t work, I promised Brook that I would help him get back the shadow! ” Luffy immediately refused.
” Humph! Straw hat … I think … you should learn to respect your seniors first! For Reina’s sake, I won’t care about you! By the way … Bellini D. Robin! World Government I issued a summoning order to me, and it seems that I plan to attack the Whitebeard Pirates. If you can contact your father … let him know! ” Moria glanced at Robin, and after finishing speaking, she left directly. .
” Stop, you can’t go yet! ” Luffy’s arm lengthened, and he wanted to stop Moriah, but before he could touch Moriah, his arm wanted to hit something and was bounced off.

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