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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Although because of Reina, Luffy and others had a conversation with Moonlight Moriah from the beginning , but in the end, the two sides still fought.
And because of Moria’s contempt, he was finally defeated by Luffy.
And all of this was seen by the tyrant Xiong , who came to give orders to Moriah .
But at this time, he already knew that Luffy was the son of the revolutionary army leader Long, so as an undercover agent of the revolutionary army in the navy, it was impossible for him to attack Luffy.
And two Qiwuhai fell into the hands of the straw hat boy one after another, which still made him a little interested in the whole straw hat gang.
” If you travel … where do you want to go? ” Looking at the little loli Perona in front of him, Tyrant Xiong asked.
” Bastard … Who are you? ” Perona, who was in a hurry, raised her hand and several passive ghosts flew towards the bear.
” Bang! Bang! Bang! ” The bear’s palm waved, and Perona’s invincible ghost was directly beaten to the ground and disappeared.
” You … Who are you? ” At this time, Perona asked with some fear: ” No … You are … Bartholomey Bear , the tyrant of the King Qiwuhai ! ”
But the bear ignored her. After hesitating for a while, he slapped Perona with a slap, and Perona disappeared from the spot.
From the words of Perona and Nami before, she had learned that Perona and Reina knew each other, and it is likely that Moriah and the Whitebeard Pirates still have some cooperation.
With Perona being shot away, Tyrant Bear continued to move towards the Dreadnought Dhow.
And all of this was seen by Nami, who was looking for Perona.
Because of her relationship with Perona, Nami went to her specifically, but she unexpectedly saw this scene.
In the early morning courtyard, Moonlight Moriah had fallen to the ground, and his willpower simply could not bear too many shadows.
And Luffy, who defeated him, fell to the ground after seeing the shadows leaving.
At this time, the sun rises in the morning, and people whose bodies began to disappear because of the loss of their shadows found that their bodies actually recovered.
” It’s really interesting! I thought I was dead! ” Zoro said with a smile.
Robin on the side smiled slightly. Because of Reina, Moria didn’t do anything to her, so her shadow was always there.
” By the way … I forgot one thing … on this island … besides Moria … there is another Shichibukai! ” Just as everyone was celebrating, Nami suddenly remembered that she had previously See the scene where Tyrant Bear knocks Perona into the air.
” What? ” Everyone was startled and looked at Nami in surprise.
” Yes! Moonlight Moriah has been knocked down! ” On the high city wall, a strong man wearing a flaming hat, sitting there with a phone bug in his hand, said .
” Damn it, I just found Crocodile’s successor, and Moria actually did something like this for me! ” A somewhat exasperated voice came from the phone bug, saying: ” Forget it, not now. When you say this, go and see if he is still angry, if he is not dead, let him continue to sit in this position after recovering from his injuries, I have no time to deal with him now! ”
” Got it! ” Bartholomew Bear nodded and said softly .
” By the way, you said who defeated Moria just now? Forget it, no matter who it is, Moonlight Moria ‘s defeat cannot be leaked out, and all the witnesses on the island will be beheaded! Now I represent the world. The government has issued a special erasure order for you! ”
Bartholomew Bear nodded and said, ” I see! ”
” All … an order to annihilate all … ? How is that possible? We have just been freed just now! ” Lola’s group, who helped Luffy defeat Moria, roared with some grief and indignation.
” Everyone, be careful, this person is very strong, he should be a capable person, I saw it with my own eyes … Just touching it, Perona disappeared! ” Nami said solemnly.
” You back up, this guy is handed over to me to deal with! ” At this time, Zoro had four weapons hanging from his waist.
After he defeated the zombie with Brook’s shadow, he got a very powerful weapon. It is said that it was the sword that the samurai once killed the flying dragon – Qiushui.
So now Zoro, who has four weapons, used Qiushui to replace the three generations of Guitou, because it is also a demon sword, and the Muramasa that Reina gave him is obviously stronger.
This trip to the Terror Dhow was the first time he used Muramasa. The sharpness of a knife no matter what he slashed made even the firm-willed Sauron a little shaken, but after the battle, he was now able to fully Take control of Muramasa.
However, when Bartholomew Xiong really showed his strength, Zoro knew that even if he held Muramasa, he was still a little vulnerable in the face of Zhengzhen’s strength .
” This is my ability … I will give you a chance now … hand over the head of the straw hat boy, and I can let you go! ” Bartholomew Bear used his ability to suppress a terrifying air cannonball, right said to everyone.
” Want us to betray our partners? ” Usopp looked at Luffy, who was exhausted from the battle with Moriah, and asked with a chuckle.
” That’s impossible! ” Everyone in the Straw Hats replied loudly at the same time.
” That’s a pity … In this case … I can only send you on the road together! Explosion! ”
” Boom ~~~”
Bartholomew Bear slammed the bomb out, the entire Dreadnought Dhow was shaken, and even huge waves were raised on the sea.
After the explosion, no one was standing except Bartholomew Bear .
” Ichidōryu · Ihe · Lion Elegy! ” Just as Bartholomew Bear walked towards Luffy , Zoro suddenly appeared and slashed him with a knife.
” Zizi ~~” On the skin that was looked at, the machinery inside was revealed.
” You are the same android like Franky!? ” Zoro said in surprise when he saw the other’s body.
” Although they are all transforming people, there is a fundamental difference between me and him. The one who transformed me is Dr. Vega Punk, a top scientist in the Naval Science Force … He has a scientist who claims to be five hundred years ahead of current technology! And I am A modified sample of a naval pacifist! ” Bartholomew Xiong didn’t hide it, and replied directly .
” It’s really troublesome … with such a body, coupled with such abilities … and my current body is indeed a little too much … it seems … we really have little hope! ” Zoro and Bartholomew After the brief confrontation with the bears , it was immediately determined that he was no match for Bartholomew Bears now.
” Huh ~ Are you going to take the head of the walking fly anyway? ” Zoro , who was sitting on the ground, looked up at Bartholomew Bear and asked.
” This is my biggest concession! ” Bartholomew Xiong replied softly .
” I see, then take it! But I hope I can replace him with mine! ” Sauron pleaded.
But before Bastolome Xiong agreed, Nishanji came over and rushed to replace Luffy to die. Unfortunately, Zoro was stunned before he finished speaking.
” It seems that if I don’t let the straw hat kid go, I’ll give people a laughing stock …” Bartholomew Bear seemed to agree to Zoro’s request .
” Wait a minute! ” At this moment, Robin suddenly stood up with his arms up.
” He has already promised me, so don’t worry about it! ” Zoro said directly without looking at Robin.
However, Robin ignored Sauron, but took a plaque from his neck, threw it at Bartholomew Bear and said, ” This is my father’s nameplate! You take this plaque to my father, he I can grant you a request! The premise is that you let us go! ”
The Bartholomew Bear result sign, I saw that it said:
” Whoever your Excellency is, get this sign, come and find me, and I will do my best to satisfy your request! Bernery D. Reina! ”
” Benery D. Rayner? ” Bartholomew Bear looked at Robin with some surprise and asked, ” You said he was your father? How can you prove it? ”
” Look at the reverse side of the sign! ” Robin whispered.
Bartholomew Bear turned over the wooden card in his hand and saw that it read :
” Gift to my daughter, Benelli D. Robin (Nicole Robin )! ”
“I didn’t expect you to be Rayner’s daughter … but I didn’t meet him, and there’s nothing to help him! ” Bartholomew Bear threw the nameplate back to Robin and said .
” You actually have something like this on you? ” Zoro said in surprise.
” So … Pirate Hunter Roroja Zoro ! Are you ready for hell? ” Bartholomew Bear said softly.
Just now he ejected all the injuries and fatigue on Luffy’s body, and told Zoro what these were.
” Come on! ” Sauron gritted his teeth and said directly.
” Wait! ” Robin shouted again at this time.
But this time, Bartholomew Bear didn’t stop, and instead caused a little pain and fatigue, and threw it to Zoro.
” Ah ~~~~” Willpower is as strong as Zoro, and after receiving the pain, he couldn’t help but let out a howl.
” How? Do you want to continue? ” Bartholomew Xiong asked softly.
” When … of course! ” Sauron struggled to stand up, cast a glance at Robin, and said, ” No … but we’d better change places! ”
” Hey … Didn’t I tell you? Wait for me … ! Thirty-six rounds of blooming! ” Seeing that both Bartholomew and Zoro ignored her, Robin faced Basso in a hurry Romy Bear used his ability to stop him from getting close to Zoro .
” What else do you want to say? ” Bartholomew Bear asked , turning his head to look at Robin.
” Hey … don’t mess around! We promised Reina, we must not let you have an accident! ” Zoro shouted when Robin actually shot at Bartholomew Bear .
” Listen to me, if you still want to shoot at us, I will never stop it! ” Robin looked at Bartholomew Bear seriously and said.
” You said it! ” Both Bartholomew Bear and Zoro looked at Robin , wondering if she had any other reason to convince each other.
Robin took a deep breath, took out a ring from his chest again, threw it to Bartholomew Bear and said, ” Take this to my foster father! He can also promise you a condition! ”
” Foster father? ” Zoro looked at Robin in confusion. Does she have any other great adoptive father?
” Edward Newgate!? ” Bartholomey Bear stared , looking at the name engraved on the inside of the ring, with a rather surprised expression.
” Edward Newgate? Who is it? ” Zoro asked Robin in confusion .
” That’s Dad Whitebeard’s name! My father, as the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, and Dad Whitebeard are sworn brothers! So after recognizing me again, Dad also accepts me as a righteous daughter! You Take this ring to Xuanyue Island … You can ask all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates, including my father and my father, to do one thing for you! ” Robin took a deep breath and said.

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