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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Are you crazy? ” Sauron heard the words, and immediately shouted loudly: ” Idiot, he is the king of the Qiwuhai, and he is a member of the world government. How can you give such an important thing to him? ”
” How? This … in exchange for the lives of me and my companions … should be enough? ” Robin asked, looking at Bartholomew Bear .
” Hey … you promised me first! You can’t go back on your word, return the ring to her! ” Zoro said anxiously.
” You really surprised me …” Bartholomew Bear held the ring in his hand, looked at Robin with some playfulness , and said, ” It seems that you are not only valued by Reina, even in the Whitebeard Sea The thieves are also quite valued! ”
” That’s right! If you go ahead and kill my comrade today … then you’d better kill me too … otherwise … you will suffer …”
” Boom! ”
Before Robin could finish his words, he was stunned by a knife in the hand of Zoro who suddenly burst out.
” Sorry, just pretend you didn’t hear what this stupid woman said! Our agreement can be implemented, let’s go! ” Zoro said to Bartholomew Bear, gasping for breath .
Bartholomew Xiong smiled and said, ” No matter who this thing is given … the temptation is great, right? Are you so sure that I won’t agree? ”
” Of course … Compared to the Whitebeard Pirates, I am a greater threat! ” Zoro said confidently.
Now he has to add weight to himself, otherwise if the other party really chooses to take away the ring, it will be really bad.
” Hehehe …” Bartholomew Bear threw the ring to Zoro and said with a smile: ” Let ‘s go! It’s time to make you feel hell! ”
” Phew ~~ Thank you …” Zoro sighed quietly, put the ring in Robin’s hand, and then left here with Bartholomew Bear.
After an unknown amount of time, when Robin woke up, almost everyone else woke up.
And he found that Sanji went to Zoro immediately, so she tightened the ring in her hand and followed.
” Hey … What’s the matter with you? Where’s that Qiwuhai? Where did it go? What happened to you here? This amount of blood … is you still alive? Green algae head … answer me! ” Before she could go there, He heard Sanji’s anxious cry.
” Wh … what ‘s the matter … nothing! ” Zoro stood upright, but within five steps, all his blood was covered, and his entire body was covered with blood.
Next, because of Zoro’s injury, Luffy and others had to stay here, and Brook was invited by Luffy to join the Straw Hats.
On the other side, a certain sea area in the New World.
” Old Zefa, are you in the lead again? ” Looking at Zefa who was standing in front of him, Reina said with a smile.
” Kid Reina … Is my disciple alright? If something happens to Binz … I’m going to kill you! Hahaha …” Zefa said to Reina with a big laugh.
” Of course, that kid is fine! Every day he drinks small wine and eats small meat … I was going to bring him here, but the doctor needed him to help ripen some plants for some experiments, so I stayed with him for a few more days … Wait. Let him go in a few days, then you can find him yourself! ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Really? It seems that kid has a good life with you! ” Zefa replied with a smile.
” Gu la la la … Old man Zefa, a lot of years old, aren’t you taking care of your life at the Naval Headquarters? The sea is very dangerous … Maybe … when will you die! ” Sitting on a special chair the white beard, said with a big laugh.
Zefa can be said that there are not many left, and he is a hero of his era, so this kind of joke can only be played by people of their generation.
” Hahaha … Newgate! You’re not too young, aren’t you? How is it? Can you still move your body? ” Zefa also laughed and replied.
” Come here and try … don’t you know!? ” Whitebeard said, standing up from his seat.
And Reina and the captains also automatically came to the back of Whitebeard, with great momentum.
” Hahaha … Then let’s try it! ” Zefa laughed and jumped directly from the warship.
” Leave the ship over! ” Seeing the teacher fighting alone, Ain immediately ordered his subordinates to approach the Moby Dick .
” Little ones … let me sink the ship to the bottom of the sea! ” Whitebeard roared with a wave of the Naginata in his hand.
” Oh ~~”
Everyone raised their weapons at the same time and rushed towards the warship, while Reina went directly to Zefa.
” Old Zefa … I won’t let you leave easily this time! ” With a single stroke of the thousand cherry blossoms in Reina’s hand, a flying slash went straight to Zefa.
” Hey … come if you can! ” Zefa shattered the slash with one punch and fought with Reina.
Whitebeard didn’t do it, he knew that the navy couldn’t just send Zefa alone to die.
And what he guessed was correct, just not far from here, several naval warships were sailing fast.
” General Kuzan, Lord Zefa has already fought against the Whitebeard Pirates! ” A navy soldier came to report.
” Understood, the old man just doesn’t make people worry, why are you in such a hurry? ” Aokiji, who was sleeping on the reclining chair, lifted his blindfold and said with some dissatisfaction.
” Hehe … I heard that Lord Zefa’s disciple was taken away by Reina, he will definitely be anxious! ” A tall one-armed figure appeared beside Qingzhi and said with a chuckle.
” It’s not the time for you to appear yet, wait until the critical moment … you come out again! ” Aokiji glanced at the other party and said unpleasantly.
” Kuzan … You don’t have to do this, the Warring States Marshal asked me for my opinion on this matter, and he only implemented it after I agreed! ” The huge figure said softly.
” Magellan … Don’t you feel like you’re being backed up? As long as you appear in front of Reina, you will definitely become his target! Now that his strength is increasing day by day, no one is sure that he will be able to keep you ! ” Said expressionlessly.
This huge and strong man is the deputy warden of the advancing city, the person with the ability to poison the poisonous fruit, and the poisonous Magellan.
And his broken arm was cut by Reina.
” This time, the warden agreed. After so many years of grievances … it’s time to end it! ” Magellan said, looking at the sea in the distance.
” That guy Isaac … ? I admit that he has a set of managements for advancing the city, but … this is not the reason why he sacrificed you! ” Qingzhi shook his head and said.
” Who said I was going to die? This time … maybe he’s the one who died? ” Magellan said with a chuckle.
” I believe Reina will die this time! But … if he really has that kind of means … then you will be his primary target! I heard about that huge fox, have you seen it? ” Aokiji was silent After a while, asked.
” Yes, I have seen … Mr. Garp who can suppress his full strength, that kind of existence is indeed quite terrifying! But … If I take my own life, I can put an end to this kind of guy who threatens the peace of the world … I There will be no hesitation! ” Magellan said firmly.
” Then after you arrive at the battlefield … call me again! ” Aokiji pulled off his blindfold when he heard Magellan’s words, and continued to lie on the reclining chair.
Magellan shook his head with a wry smile. This guy is all good, but he is too lazy. There is an important battle soon, and he is still sleeping, which is not in line with Magellan’s style.
But now he is also relying on others, so he doesn’t say much.
At the beginning, Cap told Rayner that Magellan had left Propulsion City and went to the Admiralty, but in fact he had been in Propulsion City.
This is a false order made by the World Government to prevent Reina from continuing to target the Advance City.
So it doesn’t count as Cap deceiving Rayner, because he really thought Magellan was at the Admiralty.
And Magellan, who really stayed in the advancing city, was also ordered not to step out of the advancing city, which was equivalent to that he was also imprisoned there.
This time, the Warring States found him and offered to use him as a bait to lure Reina to the death. Magellan did not hesitate and agreed to the request of the Warring States.
As he said, if he can kill Reina, even if he sacrifices his life, there is no problem.
Secondly, he can’t stand the current life, although he is either in the toilet or on the way to the toilet every day, and he has no chance to push out of the city at all.
But he didn’t want to be forced to go out.
So this time, he came here with the purpose of beheading Reina, especially after seeing the personnel dispatched by the Navy, he was full of confidence that he could definitely kill Reina.
Soon, when the warship entered the predetermined sea area, the non-commissioned officer woke the Aokiji again.
” General Kuzan … has entered the predetermined sea area, are you entering the battlefield now? ” the sergeant asked nervously.
Because even at such a long distance, he could still feel the sound of explosions and screams coming from a distance.
This time, Zefa brought all the elites of his pirate guerrilla team, which was quite a force.
” Since that’s the case … don’t wait, just go ahead! ” Qingzhi slowly took off his blindfold and said softly: ” Magellan, you stay! ”
Magellan nodded and didn’t say anything. This was already arranged. He would appear as the third echelon, completely detonating the battle between the Navy and the Whitebeard Pirates.
Aokiji left three warships for Magellan, and then rushed directly into the battlefield with the remaining three warships.
And his appearance gave a boost to the pirate guerrillas who had already lost some ground and let them see the hope of victory.
” Gu la la la la … So it was you … Aokiji boy! ” Whitebeard said with a big smile when he saw the leader Aokiji.
” Everyone is ready to fight, the opponent is the Whitebeard Pirates … Don’t be careless! ” Aokiji ignored Whitebeard at all, but shouted to the lieutenant generals on the other three warships.
” Don’t worry! This time … I ‘ll show them the color! ” Vice Admiral Ghost Spider stared at Reina who was fighting Zefa, and said in a deep voice.
” This is an incredible battle! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel shook his head and began to command the warship to rescue the pirate guerrillas.
” Humph! It’s just a mere pirate! Even the Whitebeard Pirates … have to wipe them all out! ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan with an angry face was already a little impatient to fight.
” Ice Age! ” After the warship approached, Aokiji first froze the sea, creating a battlefield and cutting off the Moby Dick ‘s back path.
” These little devils … they are really arrogant! ” Whitebeard said with a chuckle as he looked at the frozen sea.
” Dad, what do we do now? Are you going to retreat? ” Joz came to Whitebeard and asked softly.
” Now is not the time to retreat, block the Aokiji and let Reina wipe out all the navy from Zefa! ” Whitebeard said with narrowed eyes.
Although they were in danger of being pinched now, as long as they resisted Aokiji’s attack, they would be able to free up time for Reina to wipe out all of Zefa’s troops.
” Yes, Dad! I see! ” Joz nodded and replied.

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