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” This is your reinforcement? Just relying on Aokiji … I’m afraid you won’t be able to make a comeback! ” Reina blocked Zefa’s fist and said softly.
” Boy … the good show is still to come, what’s the hurry? ” Zefa said with a slight smile.
” Oh? It seems that you have other preparations! Are you planning to kill me? ” Reina smiled and replied.
” Although I don’t know the reason, but … the order this time is indeed to kill you! This news is given to you for free by you taking care of Binz! ” Zefa said seriously after separating from Reina.
” Hahaha … Joze, this old man is handed over to you! ” Reina stopped Joze, who had been dealing with Aokiji, and pointed at Zefa.
” Huh? ” Both Joz and Zefa were stunned.
“The green pheasant’s ability restrains you. If you come to deal with the old man Zefa, it is best to capture him and bring him back to be with his disciples! ” Reina said with a strange smile.
Joz turned to look at Zefa. As a powerhouse, he was indeed better at fighting Zefa.
” Okay! ” Joze didn’t hesitate, rushed over and punched Zefa.
” Boy, what are you thinking about? Don’t you even let another disciple of this old man go? ” Ze Fafa looked at Reina and asked calmly.
Reina was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zefa with some surprise. He had just come from the headquarters to deal with the green pheasant, and he had no intention of attacking Ai Yin, but after saying this, Zefa seemed to remind Reina to let him deal with Ai Yin. Yin start with general.
” That’s natural … If you want to stop it, you can try! ” After hesitating for a while, Reina looked at Ain who was fighting.
” Hahaha …” Zefa laughed, but ignored Reina, turned around and fought with Joz.
Reina frowned slightly, and then walked directly behind Ain.
” Bang! ” The process was quite smooth, and with a single hand, Reina knocked Ain down.
” Send her back to the cabin and imprison her! Remember to use Hailou stone handcuffs, she is a capable person! ” Reina said to the surrounding crew.
” Yes! ” The two crew members around immediately stepped forward, grabbed Ain and brought it back to the Moby Dick .
Looking around, the pirate pursuit team brought by Zefa was basically in a state of rout. Aokiji’s rescue team was stopped by Whitebeard. Apart from Zefa, there was only some sporadic resistance here. .
” Everyone … come with me! ” Reina raised his arms and rushed towards the battlefield where Whitebeard was.
” Boom boom ~~~~”
The battlefield here is more intense. Several captains stopped Huoshaoshan and other winning prizes. Qingzhi was fighting against Whitebeard, but he was only roaming with Whitebeard by virtue of his speed.
” Blue pheasant …” A sword light flashed, directly slicing the icy green pheasant in half.
” There’s something wrong with the situation, that stinky boy from Aokiji … doesn’t seem to have any intention of fighting! ” Whitebeard frowned and said to Reina who came to his side.
” There’s something wrong with Zefa, and he actually implied that I would take his disciple away! What’s going on? What is the navy thinking about? ” Reina also said in confusion: ” Brother … why do n’t we retreat first? ”
” Things are indeed a bit weird, but just retreat like this … They don’t know what conspiracy will be in the future! ” Whitebeard said with narrowed eyes.
” Why don’t my brother take someone to pretend to withdraw first, and try to see what kind of backhand they have? ” Reina said after thinking about it.
” Alright, remember not to be impulsive! ” After thinking about it, Whitebeard nodded and said.
So in the eyes of the navy, the Whitebeard Pirates began to withdraw in an orderly manner.
” What’s going on? ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel asked in astonishment, looking at the Whitebeard Pirates who had suddenly started retreating even though they were still evenly matched.
“I don’t know, what plans they may have. Didn’t the Warring States Marshal say it before departure? The Whitebeard Pirates may know some of our plans … Someone in the Qiwuhai may have revealed something to the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Huo Huo With a cigar in his mouth, Shan came to Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and said.
” Humph! Those white-eyed wolves … Sooner or later, they will be killed! ” As a hawk, Ghost Spider had long been dissatisfied with Wangxia Qiwuhai.
However, unlike the doves who were dissatisfied with the existence of Qiwuhai, they were dissatisfied with Qiwuhai’s inability to work, and many people did not even work.
” General Kuzan, what should we do now? Do you want to pursue it? ”
Of all the people present, only Qingzhi knew everything, so when he saw that Reina did not leave, but chose to stay behind, he knew that it was time to take action.
” Notify Magellan and let him act according to the plan! ” Aokiji said in a deep voice.
” Now? ” The three of them were a little surprised.
Because according to the original plan, after they completely fought with the Whitebeard Pirates, Magellan should come forward and separate him from Whitebeard.
But if they are dispatched now, then the Whitebeard Pirates behind Reina can come to the rescue at any time, and in this case, Reina should not rush over in an idiot, so the three people are a little puzzled.
Aokiji chuckled lightly and did not speak, while Magellan, who received the news, nodded towards the naval soldier behind him.
Soon, the warship next to them drove towards the distant battlefield. If you look closely, you can find that this warship is actually the flag of the World Government.
Soon, when the Whitebeard Pirates were almost retreating, Reina was a little puzzled, and saw the warship that suddenly broke into the battlefield.
” Come back? Isn’t this your trump card? But it’s just that you want to keep me … Isn’t it a bit whimsical? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
But when he saw the man on the deck of the warship, his face sank.
” You guys are … playing with fire ~ Navy! ” The corner of Reina’s mouth twitched slightly, and the three hook jade in his eyes turned quickly, turning into a kaleidoscope writing wheel.
” Admiral Qing … Green Pheasant, no … there will be no problem, right? You said that you will keep me safe! ” The man standing on the deck is the former CP9 commander of the World Government, Spandam’s father Spandaine.
” Don’t worry, there will be no problem! ” Aokiji’s warship was docked next to Spandain’s warship, as if waiting for Reina to throw herself into the trap.
On the other side, Whitebeard, who hadn’t evacuated at all, also found the warship flying the flag of the World Government, and Reina, who stood there and didn’t leave.
” It seems that this is the navy’s backhand … little ones, prepare to kill with me! ” Whitebeard said with narrowed eyes.
They deliberately withdrew, just to see the navy’s backhand. Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to decide the winner.
” Dad … The situation seems to be a little wrong! Look at Reina …” Joz, who was standing beside Whitebeard, suddenly pointed to Reina not far away, and said to Whitebeard.
” Huh? ” Whitebeard also felt it. Not far away, Reina’s momentum was improving, and he seemed to have plans to do it.
” Hey … I didn’t expect him to actually stop. It seems that the information from the marshal is very accurate ~ Although I don’t know what kind of hatred Reina has with this person from the World Government, it seems … it is effective . ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, feeling the momentum of Reina, said softly.
” You’re Spandain, right? The former CP9 chief of the World Government!? ” Reina asked when he saw the trembling Spandain.
” You … you are Reina! I tell you … you are dead today, don’t you know? How many naval masters are there? This … is the general Qingzhi! The owner has the strength to destroy the sky, Just wait to die! Go to hell with that damned woman to repent! After you die, your daughter … I will let her accompany you too! ”
Spandain looked at the green pheasant beside him, and seemed to be greatly comforted, and then began to mock Reina.
” It’s really courageous! ” After listening to Spandain’s words, even Aokiji looked at him with some admiration. No wonder people say that the World Government is the organization with the strongest taunting skills.
No matter who they are, as long as they are related to the World Government, they will definitely point the finger at them.
” Very good … Although I know your purpose is to keep me here, but seriously … even if this is your trap … I don’t plan to let you go today … If it wasn’t for what happened back then Speaking of your son, I really don’t know! I was planning to ask you to check it … Now it seems that it is completely useless! Bing Lun Wan …”
After Reina finished speaking, an icy blue light flashed, and the humanoid Hinarumaru appeared beside Reina.
” Everyone … Be careful … This time is not a test! ” Seeing Reina’s expression, Aokiji knew that once he started, it would be a deadly battle. If he didn’t go all out, even he would be in danger of falling.
” Here ! ” Over there, the ghost spider’s eyes narrowed, and he jumped up directly, and the seven long swords slashed in one direction at the same time.
And the place where the slash flew towards, Hirinwan Maru was advancing rapidly.
” Boom ~~~ Boom! ”
Like some kind of signal, with the slash of the ghost spider, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan, and Aokiji disappeared from the place at the same time, while a rear admiral standing beside Spandain was Let him hurry to hide in the cabin, and take the navy soldiers and warships to attack the Whitebeard Pirates who are rushing over.
” When! ”
In the air, Reina, who was heading towards the warship, was blocked by Aokiji, but unlike what was expected, Aokiji’s ice blade was directly cut off by Qianben Sakura in Reina’s hand.
” Bang! ”
Before the green pheasant could react, Reina kicked the green pheasant with a whip and kicked him back to the warship.
” Boom ~~”
” Admiral Aokiji!! ”
When the soldiers on the warship saw that Aokiji was kicked back, they immediately shouted in worry.
” Really … do you play for real as soon as you come up? ” The dust and mist dissipated, and Aokiji walked out unscathed and said.
” I’m not kidding you … That guy … must die today! ” Reina, who had already boarded the warship, said ignoring the surrounding navy soldiers.
” I ‘m so sorry … I really can’t let you kill him! Although I think he’s a little unhappy …” Qingzhi smiled slightly and continued to block Reina.
Reina glanced at the Whitebeard Pirates who had already called back, and said, ” What other reinforcements should we call out together! Otherwise … I’m afraid you won’t have a chance! ”
” Dealing with you … This lineup is enough! Ice Cube · Beast Pheasant Mouth! ” Aokiji waved his hand, and several ice birds quickly formed, and then attacked Reina.
” This kind of move … Didn’t I tell you … It’s useless to deal with me! Scatter it! Chibon Sakura! ” Reina waved Chibon Sakura, and the blade suddenly turned into countless petals.
“That one is not necessarily! Explosive! ” Aokiji smiled slightly, snapped his fingers, and then the ice bird at the front exploded directly, freezing all the blade petals that had not yet had time to float, while the other ice bird was Continue to charge towards Reina.
” It’s not a monster-level genius, I haven’t seen you for a long time! I can already think of a way to restrain me! But … Then try this move …卍Explain · Qianben Sakura · Jingyan! ” Reina Song Open Qianben Sakura in his hand, and open Qianben Sakura’s swastika mode.

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