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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Dad, there’s a fight on Reina’s side! ” Joz said anxiously, standing beside Whitebeard.
Although the Moby Dick is not far from there, the navy’s artillery cover and the ice block on the surface make it extraordinarily difficult for them to move forward.
” Dad … why don’t we go there first! ” The captains said immediately after seeing Reina being beaten by the navy.
” Go! ” Whitebeard nodded and immediately agreed to the captains’ request.
” Joz, Daddy gave it to you, be careful, let us know immediately if something happens! ” Before leaving, the captains left Joz to protect Whitebeard and reminded him to be careful.
” Don’t worry, leave it to me! No one can hurt Daddy before I fall! ” Joz replied in a stern voice.
” Gu la la la … I’m not old yet! ” Whitebeard said with a big laugh.
The captains looked at each other and smiled, and then rushed towards Reina.
” The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are dispatched, everyone … When we play, we can’t let them underestimate it! ” Standing out from the warship was a phalanx composed of a naval chief and a major general. The number is probably no less than 20, and they are specifically blocking the captains and delaying them.
” Boom boom boom …” The rear admiral and the chief officers fought against the captains, directly opening up the second battlefield between Reina and the Moby Dick .
” Dad, it seems that the navy is really going to kill Reina this time! ” Joz said with an ugly expression as he watched the captains get stopped.
” Let the Moby Dick speed up and use the tail thrusters! ” Whitebeard’s expression also began to become solemn. At present, it seems that the navy has already invested five warships. Such a force is enough to make Bai Beard was alert.
But they invested gradually, so even Whitebeard didn’t find out, and unknowingly, so many navies had already participated in the battle.
” Newgate … The matter between the young people, let them settle it! Can’t we just watch here? ” At this time, the side of the Moby Dick , I don’t know when a ship came over The dog-headed warship, in front of the warship, Zefa and Garp stood side by side.
” Cap … Are you planning to kill? Are you going to start a war? ” Whitebeard understood the moment he saw Garp, this was not a test at all … The Navy was planning to kill Reina once and for all.
It’s a pity that he and Reina thought that the navy would not launch such an attack, but they didn’t expect the navy to actually do it!
” We are only responsible for the future of the world! Instead of the world being in chaos, it’s better to fight your Whitebeard Pirates now! ” Garp said with a serious face.
” Goo la la la … Since that’s the case … then come on! Karp! ” Whitebeard’s squinting eyes suddenly opened, the overlord’s arrogance and anger were full, and the momentum on his body skyrocketed directly.
” It’s Daddy! ” Whitebeard’s actions immediately caught the attention of the captains and Reina.
” That’s … Karp’s warship! ” After fighting against Aokiji, Rayner had time to look at Moby Dick , and at this time he also saw the dog’s head next to Moby Dick . warship.
” Don’t be distracted when fighting! ” Aokiji suddenly appeared beside Reina.
” Oops! ” Because he was distracted from watching the situation on Whitebeard’s side, even if the Shakers caught Aokiji’s movements, Reina knew that it was too late to avoid it.
” Two thorn spears , heavy blow! ” The two enhanced ice spears shot directly at Reina, directly stabbing into Reina’s body, and the powerful impact directly knocked him flying.
” Boom ~~”
” Come out … this kind of move can’t kill you! ” Aokiji said softly, looking at the place where Reina fell.
” Cough cough … I’m a little careless! ” Reina walked out of the broken cabin, blood was dripping from his shoulders.
The two ice spears just now, he used the ability of the Black Emperor to absorb the one that stabbed to the more deadly stomach, so the ice spear on his shoulder directly pierced his body.
” The rest are worried about Whitebeard … You should be more worried about yourself! ” Aokiji stared at Reina and said.
” It’s a bit nerve-racking! ” Reina said softly, looking around the battlefield.
At this time, Hirinwan was entangled by the ghost spider, and the captains were stopped by Huoshaoshan and Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel and the rest of the admirals.
The most important thing is Whitebeard’s side, which seems to have been targeted by Garp.
If Whitebeard were younger, Reina wouldn’t be worried.
Although Karp is strong, Whitebeard is not weak, and both belong to the world’s top powerhouses.
But Garp has a more perverted setting, that is, the original author himself admitted that among all the top powerhouses, only Garp’s strength has declined due to age, or his strength has also declined, but But they are much better than Whitebeard and the others. At least at his age, he can still maintain his combat power among the top in the world.
Although Whitebeard’s attack power is still the world’s top, but the physical strength, movement speed, etc. are not as good as before. This is the reason why Reina made Whitebeard use pure gold in advance.
However, the effect of pure gold on Whitebeard is quite limited, and it can only slow down the degree of his weakness a little.
” Today, your navy won … Next time … I’ll find my way back! ” After seeing the situation clearly, Reina planned to retreat. He couldn’t risk letting Whitebeard face Garp for a long time, otherwise Whitebeard would once If something goes wrong, then the entire Whitebeard Pirates will be in trouble!
” I’m afraid … you won’t be able to leave! ” Aokiji’s body began to see thick ice and said.
” Hey … I admit that your strength is good! But Qingzhi … you should also know that I want to go, you can’t stop me! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” That’s right! But with me … can you still walk away? ” At some point, two more warships approached, and the one-armed Magellan was standing on the deck.
As a person with the ability of the superhuman poisonous fruit, although the broken arm does have an impact on him, the impact on the combat power is not as great as that of ordinary people.
” Ma … Zer … Lun? ” Reina stared at each other, shouting word by word.
” Reina … This revenge of the broken arm, I am thinking about it all the time! ” He formed a new arm with venom, and the tall Magellan also stared at Reina.
” Very good … Navy! You are forcing me to fight to the death with you, right? Then I will fulfill you … Hinrenmaru · Fusion! ” The moment he saw Magellan, the flame of Reina’s revenge finally couldn’t be suppressed, and a pair of writing The eyes of the wheel seemed to become even more blood red.
With Lei Andong’s forehead shouting, Bing Lun Wan, who was fighting the ghost spider, turned into a blue light directly, appeared on Lei Na’s left hand, and instantly turned on the swastika mode.
Looking at Reina’s pupils, half ice blue and half blood red, Aokiji and Magellan became vigilant.
Although the two of them are considered the world’s top combat power, they still dare not be careless in the face of Reina like this.
But just when Reina thought that the two would make a move, Aokiji and Magellan looked at each other and turned away.
” Want to lead me over? Think I’m an idiot! Humph! ” After merging with Hirinmaru, Reina’s anger and hatred were suppressed a little, so he immediately understood the other party’s plan, so he didn’t chase after him , but intends to turn around to kill those admirals and force Aokiji and Magellan back.
Sure enough, when Aokiji saw this, he had no choice but to turn back and stop Reina from going to trouble with those generals.
Originally, he thought that after seeing Magellan, Rayner would lose control, but he did not expect that.
In fact, if it weren’t for the combination of Bing Lun Pills and the opening of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, Reina would indeed be easily affected by emotions, but he would only be infected by extreme emotions, not the kind of irrational chaos.
Now that he is fused with Bing Lun Wan, the ice attribute of Bing Lun Wan will calm him down, so he will not be affected by emotions.
” Good job! Juekong ! ” Seeing Aokiji approaching, Reina turned around, and with a wave of Bing Lun Wan, countless ice bombs went towards Aokiji.
” Ice Shield! ” Seeing this , Aokiji, an ice wall appeared, not only protecting himself, but also Magellan who came over.
” The Giant Soldier of Poison: Judgment of Hell! ” Magellan, who came over, immediately activated his ultimate move without saying a word, and the venom surged rapidly, forming a huge poisonous man.
” Don’t fight Reina recklessly! His attack is strong, but his physical strength is his weakness. As long as we hold it back … Victory is ours! ” Seeing that Magellan was going to fight Reina, Aokiji immediately stopped the opponent and said .
After dealing with Reina for so long, Aokiji already knows Reina quite well.
As long as he is in a confrontation with Reina, most likely he will lose, because Reina’s attack is not only powerful, but also strange, and has the ability of the Black Emperor to absorb damage.
But as long as Aokiji keeps wandering and doesn’t face Reina all the time, then Reina will be the one who loses in the end!
” I understand! ” said Magellan, panting slightly, staring at Reina.
Seeing Magellan’s state, Aokiji frowned slightly. It seemed that Magellan had already had a certain shadow on Reina. Before this started, he was already a little depressed.
” Want to delay time? Then you have to be able to do it! Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial! ” As Bingrenwan pointed to the sky, the whole sky darkened, and slowly countless snowflakes began to fall, and these snowflakes fell around The navy’s body actually formed ice flowers directly on their bodies.
The movement on this side also caused the white beard over there to frown deeply. In this situation, Reina, although the attack power is unprecedented, but the physical consumption is also quite serious. Under normal circumstances, Reina is not will use.
But now the battle has just begun, why did he use it? Is there any strong man in the navy?
” Dad! ” Joz also understood. When he saw the movement on Reina’s side, he knew that the battle could not be dragged on, otherwise Reina’s physical strength would be exhausted, and the situation would turn sharply.
” Karp … let me try … is your fist as hard as before! ” Whitebeard also knew that something was out of their expectations, so he did it without saying a word.
” Big man … Our battle wasn’t over yet, now … let’s continue! ” Zefa knew that he was no longer able to fight against Whitebeard, so he went directly to Joz.

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