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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just as the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy were fighting fiercely, Marco, Ace, and Bista were heading towards the Moby Dick .
” Have you contacted Dad? ” Bista, who was at the helm, asked Marko as he came out of the cabin.
Marco shook his head and said: ” No, I only contacted Xuanyue Island, there is nothing to do there, and there are not many people taken away by Dad and Reina! There are still many people left in Xuanyue Island. Yuedao, help Doctor transform Xuanyue Island! ”
Bista gripped the rudder tightly, then caught sight of Ace approaching, and said with a pretense of ease: ” We just heard what Hawkeye said, and we don’t know if it’s true! Besides, there are Daddy and Ray. Nazai, there should be no problem! ”
” This must be true, otherwise we can’t get in touch with the Moby Dick now ! You must know that the phone bug on the Moby Dick is the best phone bug the Doctor has cultivated! ” Ace came over and was worried said.
He always thought it was his problem, which was why this happened. If something happened to Whitebeard or Reina, he really couldn’t live.
So now Ace is quite anxious in his heart.
Marco and Bista on the side naturally saw it, so they deliberately pretended to be calm in front of Ace, and didn’t want him to feel guilty.
” Okay, Ace … Don’t be too anxious! Reina and Daddy are not so easy to deal with! If they fail, we won’t be able to help in the past! ” Marco said comfortingly.
Although Ace knew it, the anxiety in his heart could not be reduced. He just hoped that the pirate ship would sail faster.
On the other side, after defeating Moriah, the Straw Hats continued to embark on a new journey.
” Sister Robin …” The Sonny was moving forward, Franky was whistling at the helm, and Nami was sitting next to Robin, looking at Robin who was a little absent-minded.
” Huh? What’s wrong? Nami! ” Robin asked with a slight smile when she heard Nami’s call.
” Are you worried about Mr. Rainer? No problem … he’s so powerful! ” Nami said with a smile.
Robin was stunned. She was really worried about Reina and the Whitebeard Pirates, but she didn’t show it. She didn’t know why Nami could see it.
” If it were me, I would definitely be worried …” Nami seemed to see Robin’s doubts, picked up the drink specially made by Sanji for her and Robin, took a sip, and said, ” But I believe Ray Mr. Na …”
Nami, who was talking, seemed to be caught in a memory.
” Yeah! ” Robin nodded, didn’t say anything, just stroked the nameplate hanging around his neck.
As if sensing something, Zoro, who was sleeping, looked at one of Robin’s eyes, then closed his eyes and continued to sleep.
He knew the trump card in Robin, so Robin would definitely be worried when he learned from Moria that the Navy was going to target the Whitebeard Pirates.
But the current Straw Hat Pirates are not qualified to participate in the battle between Whitebeard and the Navy, and their strength is still too weak.
” Hey … Nami … Let’s play Pirate Monopoly together! ” Luffy, who was holding a box of chessboards, shouted to Nami who was chatting with Robin.
Now the pirate version of Monopoly and Flying Chess, these chess and card board games are no longer exclusive to the Whitebeard Pirates. Through the big banquet of the Whitebeard Pirates, these two chess and card board games have long spread throughout the entire country. The world has received countless praises. A pirate ship would not be a qualified pirate ship without these two board games.
” Nami ~~ hurry up hurry up!! ” Usopp and Chopper next to Luffy also roared.
” Okay ~ Let’s talk about it first! No one who loses is 100,000 Berries! ” Luffy and the others were too noisy. In desperation, Nami had to stand up and say.
But she didn’t seem to want to participate when she saw Robin, so she paused and asked, ” Isn’t Sister Robin together? ”
Robin smiled and shook his head. This board game was invented by his father, and she had learned it long ago, even very powerful.
In Reina’s words, if she participated in the annual board game competition of the Whitebeard Pirates, she would definitely be a champion seed player.
In the evening, when Sanji called his friends to the restaurant for dinner, he found that Luffy, Brook and others, who were usually the most noisy, were a little too quiet.
” What happened to the two of you? It seems like you were hit by something …” Sanji asked in surprise.
” A few of them owe Nami several million Baileys, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to pay it back in their lifetime! ” Zoro pouted and said.
” Hahaha … From now on, you guys are my slaves! ” Nami said proudly.
” Hey ~~~ Nami- san ~~ I’m also your slave for life ~~” Sanji changed his style instantly and became Nami’s licking dog.
” It’s not fair … Nami … We all lost to Robin, not to you! ” Usopp said a little unwillingly.
” So what? It was agreed from the beginning that Sister Robin and I are in the same group! If you lose to her, you will lose to me! ” Nami replied as if I were being reasonable.
Usopp, who is arguing with reason, will naturally not give up, and Luffy and Chopper on the side have long been stuffing food into their mouths. Bailey is not an important thing to them, but food. more important.
Looking at the noisy restaurant again, Robin smiled slightly, worrying about his father … it seemed to be a lot less.
His eyes returned to the battlefield of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy.
At this time, the battlefield has been divided into three areas. The outermost area is Whitebeard, Joz is fighting with Garp and Zefa. Although the rhythm of the battle between the two sides is not fast, every move is powerful, and it seems that the battle is broken. , even the sky was torn apart, the sea was even more turbulent, and the end of good things was coming.
Not far from them, there is a large piece of frozen sea. The elite troops of the Navy, led by three lieutenant generals, Ghost Spider, Flying Squirrel, and Huoshaoshan, are working with several captains of the Whitebeard Pirates. As well as most of the Whitebeard Pirates fighting small pair fights.
The battle here is not so fancy or earth-shattering, but it is the most tragic. People fall every minute and every second, and the blood dyes the white ice red.
Behind the ice block is a fleet of several naval warships. Here, Reina, who is in full swing, is fighting Aokiji and Magellan to the death. The battle here is the most intense, and neither side has room to spare.
” Boom boom ~~~”
Another navy warship could not withstand the battle of the three of them and began to slowly sink to the bottom of the sea.
” Hurry up , hurry up … It’s too dangerous here, evacuate immediately! Hurry up! ” Spandain, who was hiding in the cabin and watching the battle outside, kept urging the non-commissioned officers beside him to leave here with him. .
He has already replaced a warship, but Reina seems to be intentional. Wherever he fled, Reina placed the battlefield. As a result, two naval warships were destroyed, and Spandain seemed to be frightened. Frustrated, he kept running away.
” Bastard! Ice Age! ” Looking at the warship that was destroyed again, Aokiji knew it couldn’t continue like this, so he directly activated his ultimate move, this time not only freezing the surrounding sea, but also freezing all the warships stand up.
” Poison Nine – headed Dragon! ” Magellan directly transformed a nine-headed dragon with venom, spitting venom towards Reina continuously.
Reina, who was about to go to the next warship, had no choice but to back up and avoid Magellan’s venom.
At this time, his physical strength was already quite large, and there were many wounds on his body.
However, Aokiji and Magellan had a hard time, especially Magellan, who had been stared and beaten by Reiner, and sometimes even fought to get injured and dragged him along.
” Magellan …” Rayner gasped, staring at Magellan.
Whenever he was about to attack Magellan, Aokiji would come to interrupt him, but he was constantly wandering around. Although the two had never cooperated, Aokiji knew how to cooperate better than Karp, so he gave Reina’s It felt more tiring to deal with these two than to deal with Karp and Magellan.
” Reina … after today … there will be no more Whitebeard Pirates! ” Magellan seemed to sense Reina’s difficulty, and said with a hideous smile on his face.
” It’s just you? Dare to say such a big thing … ? ” Reina’s eyes narrowed, and he took a deep breath, and then began to use the life return to convert the energy in the body.
However, the conversion speed and energy are not much. Although he has been training very hard during this time, the effect is not satisfactory to him. The speed of energy conversion in battle has not increased much at all, but after eating food, it is converted into The speed of physical strength has increased a lot.
It’s just that no one will give him time to eat during the battle!
” My lord, the remaining stamina is not enough. If we continue to merge and fight … it will be a little disadvantageous to me! ” Reina’s heart sounded the voice of Hinaruwan.
” I don’t want to, but if it’s not in this state, it’s basically impossible to defeat the two of them! ” Reina reluctantly replied in his heart.
” Then let’s try again, if it doesn’t work … we can only separate, otherwise your physical strength will be too much, and it will be bad! ” Hearing this, Bing Lun Wan said directly.
” Okay! This time I’ll use the Shaker and cooperate with you! I’ll behead that bitch Magellan! ” Reina pursed her lips and said.
” Okay! ” After Bing Lun Wan responded, he began to directly charge up.
” Be careful! ” Qingzhi came to Magellan’s side, he felt a powerful force of ice, it should be Reina about to launch a general attack!
” Aokiji … If I can’t avoid Reina’s ultimate move … you don’t care about me, just kill him! ” Magellan took a deep breath and said to Aokiji beside him.
” I see! ” Qing pheasant nodded, he also knew that it was time for the matter to be critical.
” Hing Lun Pill … We’re on! ” Reina, who was holding the Ice Lun Pill, charged directly towards Magellan.
” Very poisonous , the trial of hell! ” Magellan said nothing, the venom in his body began to surge, and his body seemed to be a bottomless pit, constantly releasing venom.
” Ice Cube Giant Pheasant Mouth! ” The green pheasant also began to gather the surrounding cold air to form a huge ice bird, ready to attack Reina at any time.
” Ice Sky and Hundred Flowers Burial! ” The icy blue in Reina’s left eye burst into a dazzling light, and a huge icy air rose into the sky, and the surrounding temperature dropped rapidly, as if there was an aura that would freeze everything. same inside.
” Kill! ” Aokiji pointed towards Reina, and the huge ice bird went straight to Reina.
” Reina … do the final understanding! Accept the justice of the trial! ” The venom gathered and turned into a huge giant. The giant’s left hand held a shield, and the right hand became a dragon, and went straight to Reina.
” If you want my life … it depends on whether you have the ability to do this! JJ Jing , Qianben Sakura! ” Reina, who flapped his ice wings in the air, rushed directly to Magellan, and the Qianben Sakura in his right hand disappeared directly. No, it turned into countless blades to wrap Magellan, and at the same time, the ice bird of the green pheasant was also madly cut by countless petal blades.
” At this time, you still want to fight one against two? Naive! ” Qingzhi walked a little and disappeared from the spot.
Reina over there ignored the green pheasant, because at this time Magellan’s poisonous dragon had begun to freeze, and it had a tendency to spread towards his body.

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