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” That stinky boy … went crazy? ” Feeling the violent energy fluctuations on Reina’s side, Whitebeard and Garp who were fighting couldn’t help but stop fighting and looked over there at the same time.
Karp hesitated for a moment and said, “The Warring States brought Magellan here! ”
” What? You are not afraid of something big? That kid will go berserk when he sees Magellan! Are you really planning to fight us here? ” Whitebeard was stunned for a moment, and then asked in surprise.
” He’s too dangerous … Even if it’s a war with you, he must be eliminated … Newgate! ” Karp said with a sigh.
” You guys are really crazy! But … I won’t let you succeed easily! ” Whitebeard’s eyes narrowed, and the Naginata in his hand began to gather energy, and then slashed towards Garp.
” You’re crazy …” When Garp saw Whitebeard’s action, he immediately raised his fist to resist, but because his reaction was a step slow, he was knocked out by Whitebeard’s slash.
And Joz, who was fighting with Zefa over there, after taking a deep look at Zefa, he also left him, followed behind Whitebeard, and rushed towards Reina.
Zefa chuckled, followed behind Joz unhurriedly, and chased after him.
After they all left, Garp emerged from the sea.
” Damn it! ” Garp slapped the sea and jumped out of the sea. Standing on the deck of the warship, he watched Whitebeard rush towards Reina and took off his wet jacket. Dropped, and the footsteps chased after him.
The members of the Whitebeard Pirates over there, seeing Whitebeard rushing over, tried their best to open a passage for him. Even though the navy’s counterattack was very fierce, they still couldn’t stop Whitebeard.
However, when Whitebeard rushed towards Reina, the green pheasant cut off the gradually frozen venom one step ahead of time, so that Reina could not use the venom to freeze Magellan.
The severed venom was not recovered by Magellan, but took the opportunity to all flock to Reina.
At this time, Reina continuously used the swastikas of Hingrenmaru and Qianben Sakura and the pupil technique of Sharonan, and he couldn’t dodge for a while, so he had to protect himself with the ice wings behind him.
However, after the ice wings came into contact with the venom, it was slowly corroded by the venom.
After resisting a wave of venom with his ice wings, Reina quickly retreated. At this time, the ice flowers behind him were instantly shattered, and the ice wheel pill on his left hand was also released from his fit state, allowing him to exit the swastika mode.
” My lord! ” Bing Lun Wan shouted worriedly while supporting Reina, who was consuming too much physical strength.
At this time, Reina has not only exited the mode of sworn solution, but even the wheel-writing eye has been closed, and the whole person has become quite weak.
” Hahaha … Reina … I told you …”
” Pfft! ”
Seeing Reina’s weak appearance, Magellan laughed proudly, but before he finished speaking, the whole person seemed to have been slashed by something, and directly used a touch of blood.
” This … how … is it possible? ” With Magellan’s fall, the venom that was in urgent need of attack also lost their lives and dissipated directly on the ice.
” Humph! Idiot! ” Reina said with slight disdain.
In fact, when he used Qianben Sakura’s swastika Jiejing · Senben Sakura Jingyan, he also used the time pause of the right eye at the same time, so as to ensure that Magellan would definitely be hit.
It is also officially because he used a variety of tricks at the same time, so the physical strength consumed in an instant is too large, which has caused him to lose strength now.
” It’s not bad for being the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates. In this case, you still succeeded … but you’ve reached your limit, right? ” Aokiji took a deep breath, before he could check Magellan’s injury, he waved his hand. , countless ice spears appeared around him, and then shot directly at Reina.
” Dangdangdang …”
” Puff! Puff! ”
Although Hinarinmaru tried his best, the ice spears shot from all directions, and a few ice spears broke through his defense and hit Reina directly.
” My lord! ” Seeing that Reina was hit, Bing Lun Maru swung the long sword in his hand, and immediately cut off several ice spears, and then hugged Reina and planned to escape.
However, Aokiji obviously won’t let him escape, and while chasing it, he kept making more ice spears.
” Pfft … lord … go! ”
Hirinmaru, who was escaping, was hit by Aokiji, turned into a blue light and fell to the ground in the form of Zanpakutō, and Reina, who was being held by him, also fell on the ice.
” Hu ~ hu ~ hu ~ Bing Lun Maru …” Reina struggled to get up slowly from the ground and picked up Bing Lun Maru on the ground.
” Red pupil Reina … I represent the navy and justice, and I will execute you now! ” Aokiji, holding an ice spear, came to Reina and said to Reina.
” Hehehe … want to kill me? But it’s not that easy … life return … change me! ” At this time, Reina could only rely on life return to change his stamina, otherwise he would die here ruthlessly.
” Return of life? ” Aokiji’s expression changed, and the ice spear in his hand poked directly at Reina.
As an Admiral of the Navy, he naturally knows what kind of move the return of life belongs to, so he does not plan to give Reina any chance to fight back.
” Pfft! ”
The ice spear in Aokiji’s hand directly pierced Reina’s body, and blood flowed from the corner of Reina’s mouth. In the end, the return of his life could not be instantly converted.
” Reina!! ”
” Deputy captain! ”
“The bastard navy … take your life! ”
The moment Reina was pierced by the green pheasant, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates started to attack like crazy and rushed towards Reina.
” Bastard … ! ” But at this moment, the white beard with the Naginata finally came, and the moment he saw the green pheasant stabbed Reina, the furious White Beard slashed at the green pheasant.
Qingzhi didn’t expect Whitebeard to come so quickly, and he didn’t even have time to speak the elements of his whole body, so he had to cross his arms and resist Whitebeard’s slash.
” Pfft! ”
A smear of blood bloomed, and the slashed Aokiji was directly shot away like a cannonball.
” Big … Big Brother! ” Seeing Whitebeard arriving, Reina finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, ” Quick … let’s go! ”
” Stinky boy, hold on for me! Joz! Take Reina first! ” Whitebeard directly broke several ice spears that pierced Reina with his hands, and handed him to Joz who came later.
” Joz … Stop Big Brother! Now … Immediately … Retreat … ! ” Reina grabbed Joz and said.
Joz hesitated, but looking at Whitebeard who was going to continue to pursue Aokiji to avenge Reina, he still shouted: ” Dad, Reina is dying, we can’t waste time here! ”
Sure enough, after hearing Joz’s words, Whitebeard hesitated for a moment, then raised his hand and punched it directly in the direction where the green pheasant was hit.
” Crack … clap … ! ”
The space in front of Whitebeard seemed to be shattered, followed by the ice on the ground completely shattered, and the warship in front of Whitebeard was smashed into pieces by his punch.
” Go! ” After venting, Whitebeard immediately protected Joz and started to retreat, but at this time Garp rushed over and stopped Joz and Whitebeard.
” Dad, leave it to us, take the deputy captain! ” The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates also gathered and stopped in front of Whitebeard, telling him to leave quickly.
The remaining generals and soldiers from the Human Navy also gathered behind Garp to confront the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Kapp … Really want to fight to the death? ” Whitebeard stared at Karp and said in a deep voice.
Karp glanced at Reina, who was still coughing up blood, and said in silence for a while: ” We have reached this point, we can’t stop! Newgate … Put down Reina, I will let you go, this is my biggest concession. ! ”
” Let me abandon my family? It’s just delusional! Little ones … rush out for me! ” Whitebeard waved the Naginata in his hand and charged directly towards Karp.
” Today’s battle is inevitable … Everyone, for world peace and justice in your heart! Kill! ” Garp raised his arms, and all the navies raised their weapons in response to Garp, and then rushed towards the Whitebeard Pirates. past.
The two sides fought together again. Although this time it was not as fierce as before, it was even more tragic. Pirates and navy were falling at any time. In just a moment, the ice surface was already bloody.
” Ice cubes , two thorn spears , group shot! ” But just as the two sides were fighting hard, the voice of Aokiji came from the back of the Whitebeard Pirates, turning around.
” It’s Admiral Aokiji, that’s great! ”
With the return of Aokiji, the morale of the navy immediately soared.
” Don’t panic! Give me a boost, it’s just a mere navy! Sink them all to the bottom of the sea! ” Whitebeard squinted at the green pheasant and shouted loudly.
At this time, the blue pheasant no longer had the original laziness, and his eyes radiated a serious light. Although the navy clothes on his body had become tattered, there was a slash mark on his chest, and blood was still flowing, but But it still makes people not dare to underestimate.
” Fire Fist! ”
But just as Aokiji’s ice spear shot at the Whitebeard Pirates, a flame suddenly appeared, melting all the ice.
” Phoenix Seal · Heavy Attack! ” Marco in the form of a phoenix even kicked the Aokiji. Although the Aokiji blocked Marco’s claws, the man was kicked out of the air by Marco.
” Two Swords , Rose Dance! ” In the crowd, some cherry blossoms scattered at some point, and as the petals fell, many navy soldiers also fell. It was the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates. Sword Bista.
” Captain Marco! ”
” Captain Ace! ”
” Captain Vista! ”
When the three of them landed in front of Whitebeard, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates roared excitedly. The arrival of the three of them was undoubtedly equivalent to giving them a stimulant.
” Dad, we’re late, how is the situation now? ” Marco turned his head and said to Whitebeard.
” Goo la la la … Marco, you go and show that kid Reina first, don’t let him die! ” After seeing the three of Marco, Whitebeard was also quite happy, but soon Thinking of Reina, who is now seriously injured, he immediately asked Marco, who is also a ship doctor, to show Reina.
” Deputy captain … ? How is he? ” Ace asked anxiously.
” Here! ” Among the crowd, Joz, who was holding Reina, came over and handed the seriously injured Reina to Marko.
” Mr. Garp … what should I do now? ” Aokiji came to Garp and asked.
” Wait … just wait and see what happens! ” Karp shook his head and said, ” How’s your situation on your side? ”
” Magellan was seriously injured by Reina, and now she is unconscious. I have already sent someone to take her to treatment! ” Aokiji shook his head and said.
” Mr. Garp, if you retreat now, you can’t do it! It’s hard to force the Whitebeard Pirates into this. You must not retreat until the goal is achieved! ” The ghost spider on the side stood up and said, holding his shoulders.
Karp glanced at him and didn’t speak, as if waiting for Marco’s treatment for Reina.
If Marko announces that Reina cannot be rescued, then he will immediately retreat with the navy!

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