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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Just when Marco checked Reina, the navy was watching him. As long as he announced Reina’s death, their mission would be complete.
Ace and the rest of the captains were even more nervous, should they just look here, afraid that Marco shook his head and told them that Reina was dead.
” Huh , it’s okay, it’s just a serious injury from the loss of strength, it’s not a big problem! ” After the inspection, Marko raised his head and said towards Whitebeard.
Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates cheered when they heard Marco’s inspection results.
On the other hand, the navy looked solemn.
” Mr. Karp …”
Aokiji looked at Garp, and saw Garp sighed and nodded, and said, ” There’s nothing we can do now … The whole army obeys the order … attack! ”
” Oh ~~~”
All the navy raised their weapons high and killed the Whitebeard Pirates.
” Little ones … let them see … what is the world’s number one pirate group! ” Whitebeard shouted, waving the Naginata in his hand.
” Oh ~~~” The members of the Whitebeard Pirates also rushed to the navy.
The war started again.
” Damn … I knew … I knew … Rayner and the Whitebeard Pirates are not so easy to kill! ” Spandain, who was walking on the ice, scolded and limped to find In a safe place, hoping to hide.
He had been hiding in the warship well before, but when the angry white beard hit the green pheasant, he directly smashed the warship he was hiding.
” Sir, what should we do now? Now all the warships are frozen, we can’t leave at all, there is the battlefield, we will definitely be killed if we go! ” The World Government staff around Spandain asked in a low voice road.
The navy around him responsible for protecting him has already participated in the war, so apart from a few World Government personnel, there is no protective force around him.
” No! Absolutely can’t go there! ” Spandain said in fear, shaking his head.
He saw Reina fighting Aokiji and Magellan. Magellan, who was like a monster in his eyes, was killed by Reina. As one of the three major naval forces, the man standing at the top of the world, The green pheasant was also slashed by Whitebeard.
At this time, he was full of fear for the Whitebeard Pirates, just wanted to keep them far away, and didn’t want to get close to them at all.
” Lord … Look … there’s a ship there! ” At this time, a member of the World Government said, pointing to the rear of the Whitebeard Pirates not far away.
” Hey ~ that’s … the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates!? No, no … If we go over and are found, it will be bad! ” Spandain quickly shook his head and said.
What they found was the pirate ship driven by Marko and others. Because it was the last to join the battle, their pirate ship was not frozen.
” But my lord … we have been here … even more dangerous! Now the navy is fighting against them, as long as we go quietly, there will be no problem! ” The staff of the World Government said anxiously.
They are also afraid here. As the people of the world government, they usually don’t dare to provoke them except to make a fortune, but here … even if they die, they will die in vain.
So they, like Spandain, desperately wanted to get out of here.
And if you go to grab the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, they are not very dangerous. Even if they are discovered by the Whitebeard Pirates, as long as they run away, they are fighting the navy now, and no one will pay attention to them. Small fish and shrimp.
As for Spandain himself … and it has nothing to do with them. Even if he is targeted by the pirates, it is only Spandain’s own business, and it has nothing to do with them.
So under their persuasion, Spandain finally agreed and went with them to snatch the pirate ship.
After approaching the Pirate Captain’s Meeting without any risk along the way, several people are full of pride, and they will soon leave this ghost place.
” Wait, there’s someone ahead! ” Just as they were about to approach the pirate ship, they suddenly found several members of the Whitebeard Pirates gathering there.
” Is it the people who stayed behind to watch the boat? You guys … go and kill them! ” Spandain was startled, and then whispered.
” My lord … it seems … it seems to be the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates … Reina is there! ” The person who seemed to be quietly investigating returned and said.
” What? How did we meet that monster … Let’s run! ” When Spandain heard that it was Reina, his legs went weak in fright.
” Don’t worry, my lord, he is seriously injured and in a coma. If we attack … it ‘s not without a chance! ” The spy who went out to investigate just now grabbed Spandain and said:
” If we really kill the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates … then you will become a hero! Not to mention the pirate ship is close at hand, we have to kill Reina, then we will be able to set up the ship and go to sea. Even the Whitebeard Pirates can’t do anything to us! ”
The subordinate’s words immediately moved Spandain. He is currently retired in the World Government and has no rights at all.
But if Reina is killed … then he is likely to be reused by the World Government again, and his only child is dead at Reina’s hands.
” Okay! How much confidence do you have!? ” Spandain gritted his teeth and asked.
” In the case of a sneak attack, there should be no problem! ” Several subordinates said after looking at each other.
” Okay, let’s do it! ”
Under Spandain’s order, several people took out their pistols and aimed at several members of the Whitebeard Pirates in the dark.
” Bang! Bang! Bang! ”
With a few gunshots, several members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were guarding Reina fell to the ground one after another.
” Hahaha … not bad! Well done! ” Spandain immediately jumped out and laughed proudly when he saw that the last barrier protecting Reina disappeared.
” Hey hey hey … What red eyes! What the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! It’s not like he’s going to die at the hands of my Lord Spandain! ” Spandain, who was holding a pistol, walked towards Reina, who was lying there. One kick kicked away the doctor who was lying next to Reina.
At that time, just as Spandain was about to start, Reina suddenly opened his eyes.
” Bang! ” Spandain was so frightened that he sat down on the ground, looking at Reina who was struggling to sit up slowly, he immediately shouted: ” Kill him, kill him for me! ”
Several of his World Government subordinates heard the words and raised their pistols one after another, wanting to shoot at Reina.
” bang bang bang! ”
” Pfft! ”
With the sound of gunfire, Reina directly killed several World Government personnel while avoiding the key points.
” You … you don’t come here …” Spandain, who was sitting on the ground, was so scared that he almost cried when he saw Reina slowly walking towards him with a long sword.
At this time, Reina’s condition was also quite bad. After Marco’s treatment, his body finally got better and he regained consciousness. It’s just because of the heavy injury and great physical consumption, so he’s here. Resting, I did not expect to encounter Spandain who came to steal the boat.
Although he quickly killed several people from the World Government just now, he was also shot several times, and the flow of blood made him even weaker.
“That ‘s right … that’s right! I still have Van Gufried! The Elephant Sword! ” Spandain, who kept retreating, suddenly remembered the elephant sword Van Gufried around his waist. This was his son Spandam. The only relic after his death was brought back to him by CP9 .
” Roar ~” The long sword that turned into an elephant went straight to Reina. If it was normal, Reina wouldn’t even look at it, but now, his body is getting heavier and heavier, and he can no longer avoid the attack of the elephant sword.
” Boom! ”
The elephant sword hit Reina and directly knocked him into the air.
” Ha ~~ hahaha … It turns out that you can’t do it anymore, then Reina … go to hell! ” Seeing that Reina couldn’t resist the elephant sword in his hand, Spandain became proud again, and quickly dropped from the ground. He got up, walked towards Reina, who fell on the ground, and shouted loudly: ” I am the sword of my son Spandam. Today, this sword will understand you, and die! ”
” Cough cough …” He spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body seemed to be much more relaxed, but looking at the elephant sword that Spandain slashed at him, he felt a little helpless, because he knew that he could not escape, his hands and feet were already Some don’t obey.
” I took that crazy woman from Olvia back then, but that bastard Karp kept her, and all my credit was gone. Now … let you make it up! ” Hatred, Spandain yelled at Reina.
” Reina! ” At this moment, Marco over there noticed the situation coming here, shouted loudly, and rushed towards this side.
” Idiot, you kill me now, and you can’t run away! The entire Whitebeard Pirates will not let you go! But if you leave now … there is still a chance to escape! ” Reina smiled slightly, as long as someone was caught It was found that the best result for Spandain was to be buried with him.
Sure enough, after discovering that Marco was coming, Spandain’s hands with the sword trembled a little. The elephant sword was already against Reina’s neck. As long as he exerted a little force, Reina could be killed.
But Reina’s words just now also reminded him. Obviously, if he does it now, he will definitely be torn to shreds by the furious Whitebeard Pirates.
So Spandain decided … to take Reina as a hostage, he doesn’t want any credit now, he just wants to get out of here quickly.
” Let all the pirates on the ship come down, I want this ship, or I’ll kill him now! ” With Reina in front of him, Spandain talked about the conditions with Marco who came over.
” Marco, agree to his request! ” Reina, who was caught by Spandain, said directly.
Marko looked at Spandain with a strange look on his face, then nodded, and in front of him, he called all the sailors on the ship down, and gave the pirate ship to Spandain.
The navy over there also discovered the situation here. Spandain, who originally thought it was the World Government, became a lone hero and was able to sack and kill Reina alone, but when they saw that Spandain used Reina as the When the hostages wanted to escape, they were all dumbfounded.
” That idiot … Does he think he can run away? ” Lieutenant General Huoshao Shan, who was smoking a cigar, said with a foolish expression on his face.
” Don’t worry about him, take advantage of the present and attack, as long as we are one step ahead of the Whitebeard Pirates, Reina will surely die! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel said with narrowed eyes, ” After all, Reina has completely lost the battle now. Ability, even the idiot of the world government can do it, there is no reason why we can’t do it! “

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