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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Spandain, who boarded the pirate ship, smiled proudly. In the end, he was the winner.
It’s just that he didn’t know that everyone looked at him like he was looking at him!
” Huh ~ Now your requirements have been met … Can you let me go? ” Reina asked while lying on the deck on the pirate ship.
” Hahaha … Let you go? When did I say I would let you go? You don’t know yet? How valuable is your head now? The Navy made such a big battle, but it was for you! I Wouldn’t it be better to take you back … ? ” Spandain said, laughing.
” Just kill me! Let me be insulted by those idiots of the World Government, it’s better to die now! ” Reina seemed very sad and angry, but he was helpless.
” Hahaha … Idiot … How could I possibly kill you! Just wait and spend the rest of your life in prison! Hahaha … This is the biggest punishment for you! ” Spandain replied with a big laugh.
Reina turned his head to the side, forcing himself not to laugh out loud. He had never seen such a confident guy before. Did he think he would not kill him when he recovered?
” By the way, just in case, I have to bring this for you first! ” Spandain put the Hailoushi handcuffs on Reina and said with a smile, ” Although you can’t move now, don’t Blame me, because only in this way can I feel more at ease! ”
Reina was silent and did not speak. It seemed that he had accepted his fate, but the disdain in his heart was not shown.
” Crack ! ” After Spandain brought the handcuffs to Reina, he finally felt relieved, but at this time he found that there were not enough sailors to hold the pirate ship.
With his own ability, there is absolutely no way to drive the pirate ship back to Mary Joa alone.
” What should I do now? ” Spandain is in a bit of trouble. He is now in the rear of the entire Whitebeard Pirates, while the Navy is directly in front of the Whitebeard Pirates. He and the Navy are completely separated. Separated by the Whitebeard Pirates.
Just as Spandain was standing on the bow trying to figure out what to do, he suddenly heard the sound of chains. He turned around abruptly, only to find that several pirates had come to the deck from nowhere.
” Deputy captain, are you alright? ” a member of the Whitebeard Pirates asked Reyna to his feet.
” It’s okay, let him take it first, remember to find the key to the handcuffs … Also, don’t kill him, leave him to me! ” Reina said with a chuckle.
” You … you … how did you come up? ” Spandain asked in horror as he looked at the pirates approaching him.
” Are you an idiot? We … but pirates! The key can’t even board the ship, and he died in the sea long ago! Idiot! ” A crew member of the Whitebeard Pirates said with a strange smile.
” Be careful of the elephant sword in his hand, it’s a weapon that eats the fruit of the elephant! ” Seeing this, Reina frowned and said, ” Don’t talk nonsense, get rid of him quickly! ”
” Do n’t worry, deputy captain, nothing can go wrong! ” Several pirates rushed forward, and without waiting for Spandain to use the elephant sword, they directly threw him to the ground.
” Crack … boom! ” After getting the key from Spandain , the members untied Reina’s handcuffs.
” You guys go and help, don’t mind me! ” Reina sat on the deck and said to the members around Oh.
” That won’t do, before captain marco leaves, but let us stay with you! ”
They are all combat members of the Whitebeard Pirates, and they are the cornerstone of the Whitebeard Pirates’ battle, so Reina let them return to the battlefield.
” I’m not a waste, just go get me some food! ” Reina shook his head and said.
Although he was wounded by a gun just now, his body was able to move, and the time of feeling powerless after losing his strength had passed.
So now, although he is more seriously injured, he is safer.
” Food? Wait … we’ll get it right away! ”
” Bastards, didn’t you want to fight? Just leave things like food to others! ” Reina said helplessly.
But they didn’t seem to hear at all.
” Deputy captain, don’t get excited, I’ll bandage your wound! ” A ship doctor came to Reina and began to bandage his wound again.
” How’s the battle ahead? With only the eldest brother, it will be a huge loss to deal with Aokiji and Garp! ” Reina asked with a frown while letting the ship’s doctor bandage.
” Deputy captain, rest assured, Captain Marko, Captain Ace, and Captain Vista are here, so basically they are still evenly matched now! But the number of the navy is larger than us, and if we continue to fight, the chances of winning are not good! ” The ship doctor shook his head and said.
” Then why didn’t Big Brother retreat? ” Rayner was not angry because the ship doctor said that the Whitebeard Pirates would lose. He said more than once, don’t blindly think that you are invincible, you can only recognize yourself and the situation. Make tradeoffs.
” Dad said that we must teach the Navy some lessons, so …” The ship doctor didn’t finish his sentence, but Reina already understood what he meant.
Reina was beaten so badly this time, if he ran away like this, Whitebeard couldn’t afford to lose this man!
” Let someone inform Big Brother that I’m all right now and can retreat. This battle is inherently unfair, and it’s only natural for us to lose! ” Reina said after pondering for a while.
Originally, the purpose of their trip was to draw out the navy, but now that their purpose has been achieved, there is no point in continuing to fight.
He believed that after Whitebeard heard his words, he would understand what he meant.
Because in the emergency situation just now, Reina did not summon the Nine-Tails, so it should be able to reassure the Navy and the World Government.
However, before the members who conveyed Reina’s intentions went to Whitebeard’s side, the situation on the battlefield suddenly changed.
It turned out that the senior navy officers who were fighting, except for Garp who was fighting with Whitebeard, suddenly gave up their opponents and attacked the captain of the second division of Whitebeard, Fire Fist Ace.
Aokiji defeated Ace in one fell swoop, freezing him up.
” Ace … ! ” After fighting with Garp, Whitebeard immediately discovered the mutation over there.
” Bastard … let go of Ace! ” Marco rushed over first and kicked Aoji, trying to save Ace, but Aoji didn’t give him a chance. While blocking Marco, he also gave the glider Lieutenant General Rat created an opportunity for him to take the frozen Ace away.
” Flying Squirrel! Smash the Fire Fist! ” The ghost spider over there who wanted to pass and Bista, who also rushed to the rescue, faced each other again, and neither gave the other a chance to pass.
” Ace! ” Hearing the ghost spider’s words, Garp’s expression immediately became nervous. Although he knew the current situation and would not allow him to mess around, he was still a little nervous after hearing the ghost spider’s words. Will attack Ace.
But before Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel made his move, the flames soared into the sky, completely melting the ice, and Ace broke through the ice panting heavily.
” Ace! ” The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates rushed towards Ace desperately, trying to rescue Ace from the siege of the navy.
” Stop them! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel immediately ordered the surrounding non-commissioned officers to block, and he rushed towards Ace, trying to take the opportunity to subdue Ace.
Because of Ace, the people of the Whitebeard Pirates began to attack the navy desperately, but the original formation also began to collapse, and the navy began to continuously compress their space.
” It’s really terrifying! But … we can’t be defeated so easily by you! ” Whitebeard could see the purpose of the navy at a glance. They arrested Ace to make the Whitebeard Pirates mess up.
” Hehe … Newgate … We’re all getting old! ” After discovering Aokiji’s plan as well, Garp quietly let go of his dangling heart. He was really afraid that Aokiji was trying to kill Ace. Really a bit of a dilemma.
” Hey … that one is not necessarily! ” The Naginata in Whitebeard’s hand began to gather strength, and then hit the navy that surrounded them there.
” Boom ~~~” Whitebeard knocked countless navies flying with one blow, but before he could attack again, Garp attacked, not giving him a chance to continue attacking the navy soldiers.
” Bista, you can’t continue like this! Blenheim, you act as an arrow, Bista and Jingudo are guarding on both sides, I wait for an opportunity in the middle, keep the formation, and launch an impact on Ace. Rescue Ace in one fell swoop! ” Marco naturally found that the situation was not good for them, so he immediately issued an order.
” Okay! ” Blenheim, Jin Gudo, and Bista nodded at the same time, and began to act according to Marco’s command, finally stopping the rout of the Whitebeard Pirates.
But soon, when Aokiji stood in front of them, it directly blocked the passage between them and Ace.
Over there, Ace, surrounded by the navy, tried to break through, but couldn’t break through at all.
And seeing many of his companions being killed by the navy because they wanted to come to rescue him, it made Ace anxious and blamed himself, so he was distracted by the ghost spider and Huoshaoshan hit several times in a row, and suffered serious injuries. .
“The situation is a little bad! ” Whitebeard, who had been observing the situation, was secretly anxious. He was entangled by Garp and couldn’t go to the rescue at all. Although Marco temporarily stopped the rout because of his command, but He could only support him, but couldn’t immediately go to rescue Ace.
” Kapp …” Whitebeard glanced at the admiral in front of him, the admiral who belonged to the same era as him, he smiled, then inserted the Naginata into the place beside him, grabbed it with both hands, the space in front of him seemed to become solid , was directly caught by him.
” Newgate! ” When Garp saw Whitebeard’s action, he was immediately surprised. It was not the first time Garp had dealt with Whitebeard, so he naturally knew what it meant.
So he rushed over desperately, trying to interrupt Whitebeard’s moves.
” Hey! ” Whitebeard shouted violently, and with a flip of his hands, the entire space, including the sea, seemed to be tilted and twisted.
The pirates and the navy who were in the battle immediately became confused, and they could not even stand.
” Good opportunity! ” Marko’s eyes lit up, his arms immediately turned into wings, and he flew directly towards Ace.
” Delusion! ” Seeing this, the green pheasant over there immediately planned to block it, but Jin Guduo and Bista seemed to have rehearsed, and shot at the green pheasant at the same time, interrupting the green pheasant’s movements.
” Ace, go! ” After breaking through the green pheasant’s defense, Marco left and came to the sky above Ace, and shouted: ” Phoenix Phoenix Falling Flame! ”
Countless blue flames fell from Marco, causing the surrounding navies to spread out, not daring to touch.
Ace took the opportunity to jump and fly towards Marco.
” Want to run? ” Ghost Spider and Huoshaoshan immediately walked towards Ace.
” Firefly Fire Dharma ” grabbed Marco’s foot with one hand, and Ace turned around and released countless fireflies towards the two chasing after him.
” Huoquan, you can’t run away! Yuebu Hualian ! ” Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan’s footsteps were connected in the air, and he stepped on the air and chased after him.
” Explode! ” As Ace’s words fell, all the fireflies in the air exploded, and the chasing General Huoshaoshan fell directly.
” Hey ~ Don’t underestimate the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates! You bastard! ”
” Be careful … Ace, Marco!! ”
Before Ace’s words fell, he heard Bista’s reminder over there, but before he could turn around to look, he felt a pain in his brother’s mouth, and his whole body was pierced by an ice spear.

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