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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Be careful … Ace, Marco!! ”
Although there was a reminder from Bista, Ace was still pierced by an ice spear from Aokiji, and all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who saw it had their hearts raised in their throats.
” You bastard! Foil , Esoteric , Blooming Flurry! ” Bista ‘s arms were covered with armament colors, and even two western swords were covered, and then the whole person directly rotated and attacked Aokiji. .
Aokiji, who had just released the ice spear, was directly chopped into pieces by Bista and fell to the ground.
But soon the ice on the ground turned into a human-shaped Aokiji again.
” Cough …” Marco, who had just landed, was hit by a ball of healing flames on Ace’s wound.
The rest of the captains also tightly guarded the two in the middle.
” Ace … my son … Are you all right? ” Because of the sudden change here, Whitebeard gave up Garp and rushed over here, but Garp didn’t stop him for some unknown reason. White beard.
” Boom boom ~~~” Whitebeard rampaged all the way, swept away all the navy blocking the road, and merged with the main force.
” Marco … How’s Ace doing? ” Whitebeard asked with a frown when he saw Ace lying on the ground, coughing up blood.
“The situation is a bit bad, but it didn’t hurt the vitals, and there is still a chance for rescue now! ” Marko raised his head solemnly and said.
” Dad … retreat! ” Josz, who had just gotten rid of Zefa, came along with the white beard, and said.
He and Zefa have been fighting for a long time without a winner.
” Hehe … Karp … why didn’t you stop Whitebeard just now? ” Zefa came to Karp’s side and asked with a weird smile.
Garp glanced at Zefa and didn’t answer. He just looked at the surrounded Whitebeard Pirates and seemed to be thinking about something.
As old friends who have worked together for decades, Zefa and Garp know each other very well, so Zefa just smiled and didn’t continue talking.
” Don’t you give up? Whitebeard Pirates …” Looking at the Whitebeard Pirates completely surrounded by the navy, Aokiji walked out slowly and asked Whitebeard.
” Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo off … kid, you want to beat us? It’s not enough! I … but Whitebeard! ”
” Oh ~~~”
As the words of Whitebeard fell, even if they were surrounded by the navy, all the members of the Whitebeard Pirates raised their weapons high and their fighting spirit was high.
” Marco, find a chance to take Ace and Reina away first! ” Whitebeard said softly, casting a glance at Ace, who had passed out on the ground.
” Dad, you leave with them, and I’ll cut you off! ” Joz stepped forward, stood in front of Whitebeard, and said firmly.
As Joz’s words fell, the rest of the captains stepped forward and stood in front of Whitebeard.
” Stupid guy … When did a son break for Lao Tzu? Don’t talk nonsense, you all get ready, and I will create opportunities for you! ” Whitebeard’s mouth curled slightly, and he said with a smile.
” Boom boom boom …”
At this moment, there was a sudden loud noise, and the ice layer under their feet suddenly began to shatter. It turned out that the huge pirate ship Moby Dick turned on the outer ship mode, and it would be frozen by Aokiji. The surface of the sea was smashed, and it drove all the way towards this side.
” Hey … Aokiji! ” Reina, who was standing on the whale’s head, held a motionless Spandain in one hand and a long sword in the other, and shouted towards Aokiji in the direction of the navy: ” Your people … back to you! ”
After finishing speaking, Reina raised his hand and threw the Spandain in his hand directly to Aokiji.
He knew that the commander on the battlefield was Qingzhi. Not only did he have the highest rank, he was also powerful enough to convince the crowd.
Although Garp is here, Garp is more like a spiritual leader, and the actual commander is Aokiji.
At this time, Aokiji frowned. He knew what Reina meant and exchanged Spandain’s life for a truce, so he didn’t know whether to pick it up or not.
Judging from the current situation, they have the upper hand in all aspects. Reina and Ace’s successive serious injuries have dealt a great blow to the Whitebeard Pirates. Although Whitebeard is still there, they also have Garp and Aokiji. These two top fighters.
To tell the truth, with the strength of the two, he is sure to grind the white beard to death with Garp.
So if he picks up Spandain at this time, he feels that the other party is not worth the price at all.
But if he doesn’t pick it up, it means that his commander voluntarily gave up his captured companion, especially since this person is still a member of the World Government and does not belong to the jurisdiction of their navy.
Just when Aokiji was still hesitating, he also saw the ghost spider that Reina planned, but without saying a word, he jumped up and chopped the thrown Spandain into two pieces.
The blood fell, stunned everyone, including Aokiji who was still thinking about it.
” Hmph, don’t think I don’t know your plan! Pirates are vicious and cunning guys! If you poison this person, wouldn’t you be caught in your trick? ” Ghost Spider opened his eyes and said nonsense.
However, following his explanation, some soldiers looked like they were suddenly enlightened, and praised the wise admiral of the ghost spider for seeing through the pirate’s conspiracy.
But like Aokiji, there are also many admirals who know that Reina’s original intention is not this at all, so they are silent and do not speak.
” Hehe … This is what your navy calls justice? Killing your partner before you confirm it? Doing this … It seems that even our pirates are inferior, right? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
He didn’t feel at ease just now. Originally, Spandain was left with only one breath left by him. When he threw it out, he had a secret hand on the matter. There is no way to escape a dead word. At that time, he will also slander the navy, and once took away the Whitebeard Pirates as an excuse.
It’s just that he didn’t expect the ghost spider to kill him in the middle of the road and cut Spandaine directly. Although the result was the same, it even smeared the reputation of the Navy, but at least the agreement he and the Navy saw on the surface did not match. It was not completed because the other party rejected his proposal.
So now Reina has no choice but to run on the green pheasant on the language, and try to see if he can make the green pheasant retreat.
” Stop talking nonsense! Reina, today is the day your Whitebeard Pirates perish! ” Seeing Aokiji’s expression a little shaken, the ghost spider jumped out again at this time and roared righteously at Reina.
” That’s right, if you want to use this to disturb our military hearts, then I can only say that you think too much, pirates … are evil beings, destroying you is to protect the public, so with you … there is no need to talk about that. So much morality! ” Huoshaoshan on the side also stood up and said.
” That bastard … Why didn’t I kill him in the first place! ” Seeing the ghost spider come out to make trouble again, Reina secretly swore in his heart that after this time, he would definitely find a chance to kill him.
However, while Reina was negotiating with the other party, Marco had brought Ace to the Moby Dick , which played a little role.
” How is Ace? ” Reina asked softly after glancing at the unconscious Ace.
” Seriously injured, urgently in need of treatment! ” Marko shook his head and said, ” It can’t be delayed, otherwise it will be life-threatening. Fortunately, he avoided the fatal point of his heart, otherwise …”
” You take him to treatment first, leave it to me here! ” Reina nodded and said.
Although Reina’s state at this time also made Marko worried, but seeing Reina’s confident appearance, Marko had to nod and agree, and several ship doctors took Ace to the cabin for treatment.
Marco and Ace are missing here. If there is a fight, then the Whitebeard Pirates will inevitably be at a disadvantage, so Reina thinks about how to delay more time and let himself recover more physical strength.
But he also knew that it didn’t have much effect, and now it’s just a dead horse as a living horse doctor.
But fortunately, Reina found that the fighting spirit of Aokiji and Garp did not seem to be as strong as they started, especially Garp … If it wasn’t for the justice in his heart and the naval glory he had carried for decades, he would have gone by this time. Look at Ace.
” It’s been hit so far … We both suffered a lot of casualties, Aokiji … Say your request! ” After a while of silence, Reina asked.
” I don’t want to continue fighting …” Qingzhi dared to say before the ghost spider opened his mouth: ” But … your existence has threatened the world … so we must take you … or kill it on the spot! ”
When the ghost spider heard it, he wanted to say something else, but the green pheasant pointed around and said, ” Look at … Is this result what we want? ”
Following Aokiji’s words, most of the navy looked around, where too many of their companions and pirates’ corpses fell, and many wounded were lying on the ground and moaning.
” Bastard, what the hell are you talking about? How did our vice-captain threaten the world? ”
” That’s right, for those of you who killed your comrades, you don’t have the right to say such things! ”
The members of the Whitebeard Pirates shouted loudly.
The case of Lei, who was standing on the head of the whale, seemed to have guessed what the green pheasant wanted to say, and jumped directly from the head of the whale.
” Boom! ”
” Cough … that … sorry, who will pull me up? ”
The height that originally meant nothing to Reina, but now after jumping down, he didn’t stand firm and fell, and he couldn’t get up.
” Why are you running and attacking? Hurry back to the boat, we won’t have time to take care of you when we fight! ” The captain of the fifteenth division, Fossa, lifted Reina up with a black face and said.
” Big brother … I leave it here, you guys go first … How about it? ” Reina ignored Fossa, but said to Whitebeard with a smile.
Whitebeard didn’t answer, just looked at Reina silently, as if to make sure, what was the meaning of Reina’s actions.
” What stupid things are you talking about? You can’t even stand still, and you want to stop? ” Fossa, who was beside him, roared directly at Reina before Whitebeard could answer.
” Don’t be nervous …just a navy …” Reina patted Fossa on the shoulder and said with a smile.
” It’s decided? ” Whitebeard, who was silent for a while, looked at Reina and asked without waiting for the rest of the captains to speak.
” Yeah! ” Reina nodded and said, ” Brother, let them go first! ”
Hearing this, Whitebeard didn’t say much, turned and walked towards the Moby Dick .
” Dad … ! ” The captains such as Vista and Fossa quickly followed, and asked with puzzled faces: ” Are we really going to give up Reina? ”
Whitebeard ignored them, but after returning to the Moby Dick , he said to the navy, ” Take care of my brother! I’ll pick him up in a few days! Then … we’ll win by one point! “

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