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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
Looking at the departing Moby Dick , the Navy did not stop it.
The members of the Whitebeard Pirates stood on the Moby Dick with their faces full of grief. They felt that there was no need to sacrifice Reina at all, and they could fight again.
” Okay, don’t look like a dead person, go and see how Ace is doing. Joz will stop the boat after leaving a distance and wait for Reina to come over! ” After leaving the battlefield, Whitebeard slowly Walking back to what he did, he sat down and said.
Everyone was a little stunned when they heard Whitebeard’s words. They didn’t understand what Whitebeard meant. How could Reina escape safely in that situation? And Whitebeard seemed quite confident.
” Dad … you mean Reyna will come back by himself? ” Bistan asked with a less suspicious look.
” Don’t ask too much, just wait! ” Whitebeard didn’t explain, and everyone had no choice but to follow Whitebeard’s instructions with suspicion.
On the other side, after watching the Moby Dick leave, Reina raised his hands with a smile and said to Aokiji: ” Come on! But be gentle, I’m a wounded! ”
Reina’s words made Ekap and Zefa on the side a little surprised. Reina in their impression was not someone who could easily be captured.
Aokiji also looked at Reina with some doubts. In fact, he was ready for Reina to summon the tailed beast.
One of the purposes of their trip is to determine whether Reina has the ability to summon tailed beasts, so he will let Whitebeard and others leave.
” What? Can’t I cooperate like this? ” Seeing that the navy didn’t make a move, Reina slowly got up and asked.
” Stinky boy … you’re not the kind of person who surrenders easily, tell me … what’s your idea? ” Karp couldn’t help but asked.
” Hahaha … It’s so interesting … Isn’t this the result you want? Why are you hesitating now? ” Reina asked, tilting his head.
The ghost spider and Huoshaoshan on the side didn’t understand the concerns of Garp and Aokiji. After hearing Reina’s taunting, the two went out at the same time and walked directly to Reina.
” It’s just a defeated army, and I will repent in prison for the rest of my life from now on! ” The ghost spider said that he was about to bring Reina with Shanghai Stone handcuffs. Reina just smiled and looked at him without avoiding it.
” So … the Navy … are you ready to face the fear? ” Reina’s eyes turned into kaleidoscopes, blood-red eyes, which directly changed Karp and Aokiji.
” Get out of the way! ” Aokiji shouted, and at the same time an icicle shot directly at Reina.
” Psychic Nine – Tails Summoning! ” At the last moment, Reina withdrew his hands, bit his fingers and quickly made a mark, and then stamped his palm on the ice.
” Bang! ” The huge white smoke rose, and the icicles of the green pheasant shot into the smoke, and there was no response. Ghost Spider and Huoshaoshan watched in astonishment as the smoke in front of them drowned them, without the slightest Reaction.
” Let’s go! ” Qingzhi grabbed the two of them without saying a word, and then quickly backed away.
” This … what’s going on? ” The ghost spider turned his head and looked at the green pheasant with a look of horror, and asked.
He was separated from Huoshaoshan recently, and although he didn’t see anything, the extreme negative emotions and extreme sense of oppression almost made him breathless.
Aokiji didn’t answer him, put them down after moving away, and then looked in the direction of Reina.
” Who … woke me up!? ” The smoke dissipated, and a huge nine-tailed fox appeared in front of everyone, with orange-red hair, full of oppressive aura, and nine huge tails swaying in the wind behind him , put a lot of pressure on everyone.
” Sure enough … He really has the ability to summon this kind of monster at any time … Reina … You must die today! ” Karp’s expression became solemn when he saw Nine Tails coming out.
” It turns out to be true … I didn’t expect you to have such an ability! ” Ze Fafa looked at Reina with a shocked and complicated expression, and muttered to himself in a low voice.
” Is this a tailed beast? ” Qingzhi frowned as he looked at the huge fox in front of him.
” Yo ~ Kurama ~ long time no see! ” Reina, who was half-squatting, slowly got up and greeted Nine Tails.
” It’s you again … Who the hell are you? Why do you have the Uchiha clan’s Sharinyan? ” Kyuubi looked at Reina and asked with a fierce look.
” Hahaha … It’s good that you know these eyes! Then you should know … You can’t go against the requirements of these eyes, right? I won’t go too far … The humans here are sacrifices for you! You Feel free! ” The writing wheel in Reina’s eyes became even more bizarre, and blood and tears flowed from both eyes at the same time.
” It seems that you can’t control your eyes very well! Every time I see Yang Jing like this … it makes me angry … I can’t wait to eat you now …” Jiuwei licked her lips and stared at Reina said.
” Oops …” Cap looked at Reina’s eyes with blood and tears, and immediately said to Aokiji: ” Don’t hesitate … do it! ”
Through the conversation between Reina and the fox in front of him, Karp now completely believed Reina’s words, and he found that Reina seemed to be trying his best to control the fox in front of him, but through Reina’s blood and tears, Karp guessed that Reina might not be able to control it for long. , so the matter must be resolved before the huge tailed beast in front of him gets out of control, otherwise it will be really bad if the tailed beast gets out of control.
” Ice Age … ! ” Qingzhi faced the nine-tails for the first time, and he didn’t dare to be careless.
” Huh? Ice Shield? You’re from Mist Ninja Village? But why didn’t you feel your chakra? ” In the face of Aokiji’s attack, Kyuubi didn’t take it to heart. It’s not the castrated Reina. Existence, but the full version of Nine Tails, with endless chakra.
” Hey ~~~ ka swipe …” Aokiji’s ice touched the nine tails, and then quickly froze it up.
Seeing Aokiji succeed, all the navy’s hearts were quietly relieved, mainly because the sense of oppression brought to them by the nine tails was too strong.
” What? Is it just an appearance? ” Huoshaoshan frowned as he looked at the frozen Nine-Tails.
” No, I feel … it’s not that simple! ” The ghost spider and flying squirrel on the side said at the same time.
” Fist Bone , Meteor Falls! ” At this moment, Garp, who jumped up, didn’t give Nine-Tails a chance to break free from the ice, and punched the opponent’s head directly.
But when Garp was about to come into contact with the other party, he suddenly found out that the frozen Nine Tails rolled his eyes and stared directly at him.
But at this time, Garp didn’t have time to think too much, and he punched the ice of the frozen nine-tails, and wanted to kill the nine-tails in this way.
” Kazaki …” The ice shattered, but unfortunately, unlike what Garp thought, the nine tails appeared in front of Garp intact.
” Whoa, whoa, whoa! ”
Garp, who was still in the air, suddenly noticed that the corners of Jiuwei’s mouth were slightly upturned, and he was shocked.
” Oops! ” Sure enough, before Garp could land, the three stout tails of Nine-Tails poked directly at him.
” Six swords , wolf teeth! ” Just when Garp was about to be hit, the ghost spider rushed over. What he is good at is the return of life, and he can control his hair to use weapons like arms.
” Bang! ”
” Hey ~~”
” Boom!!! ”
It’s a pity that the spinning ghost spider, after hitting the tail of the nine tails, did not cause any damage to it, and was instead kicked out by the tail of the nine tails.
” Everyone … shelling! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel over there has already begun to direct the navy to launch an attack on the nine tails.
” Whoa, whoa, whoa ~~”
” Boom boom ~~~”
It’s a pity that all the shells hit Jiuwei’s body, as if tickling it, not even a single fur was shot.
” What a terrible monster! ” The ghost spider stood up from the ground and said with some fear.
He was knocked flying by the nine tails just now. Although he didn’t suffer any damage, he was attacking the opponent! The opponent was just an ordinary blow.
” Ice Cubes Flaming Pheasant Mouth! ” Seeing that his move with Garp just now didn’t work, Aokiji immediately released an ice bird, attracting Nine-Tails’ attention and creating another chance for Garp.
The nine tails have been in the same place, seeming to be familiar with their moves.
” Fist Bone · Meteor Flash! ” Garp, who fell to the ground, didn’t stop, and attacked directly at the limbs of the nine tails, trying to take the opportunity to bring down the nine tails.
” Boom! ” Garp punched the ice, and the surrounding ice began to crack, but his target, nine tails, disappeared.
” Be careful, above! ” Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel in the distance warned loudly.
At this time, Garp looked up at the sky, and saw the huge nine tails jumped into the sky and then opened its mouth to face them. In front of his mouth, there was a black spherical energy gathering.
” Fuck! Do you want to kill me together? ” Seeing that Jiuwei was going to release the tailed beast jade, Reina immediately channeled Yoyo without saying a word.
Yoyo, who was called out by Reina, felt the breath of the Nine-Tails. As a large-scale sea king, it immediately cowarded, curled up and did not dare to approach.
” Useless thing, run with me quickly, if you don’t leave … we’re all finished! ” Reina yelled angrily when he saw Yoyo admitting his cowardice.
At this time, Yoyo announced the existence of Reina, and quickly took Reina and ran away in the distance!
” Aokiji, you can’t let it be released! ” When Garp saw Jiuwei’s appearance, he immediately remembered that Jiuwei used this move in the advance city, and immediately called Aokiji to stop the opponent.
” Ice Age! ” In fact, Qingzhi was already a little tired after hitting it now, but he didn’t dare to be careless at all. He put his hands on Jiuwei and released a large amount of ice directly!
” Boom boom ~~~~”
The tailed beast jade was released and contacted with the ice of the green pheasant, and it directly became the form of rolling, swallowing all the ice of the green pheasant.
” Everyone … fire! ” Seeing that the green pheasant was about to lose its hold, the flying squirrel immediately ordered all the navies to fire towards the nine tails.
” Bang! ”
At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared below Jiuwei and punched Jiuwei’s stomach.
” Ouch ~~” Nine tails’ eyes are about to protrude, his abdomen is the softest part of him, and Garp’s fist is not an ordinary fist.
” Fist Bone · Meteor Shower! ” After hitting the nine-tails, Garp didn’t stop, but quickly waved his fist, hitting the abdomen of the nine-tails constantly. With his strong punching power, he even forced the The huge nine tails flew towards the sky.
” Fist Bone , Mystery , Falling Meteor! ” After the last punch, Garp suddenly disappeared from the spot, then came to the back of the nine tails, and punched it hard on the back.
” Boom ~~~~”
Nine tails, which fell from the sky, collided with the tailed beast jade blocked by the green pheasant, the explosion sounded, a mushroom cloud appeared, and the nine tails suddenly turned into a white smoke and disappeared.
Reina, who was in the distance, looked at the mushroom cloud rising over the battlefield, swallowed his saliva and said: ” Kapu is really a monster , and he actually sent the nine tails back in advance … I spent 50,000 points in exchange for it. It ‘s … so gone? ”
Since it is a psychic, in addition to the time limit, if a certain amount of damage is received, the psychic beast will return.
Just now, Jiuwei not only got hit by Karp, but also got hit with his own tail beast jade, so it turned into smoke and went back.
If the Nine-Tails body was here, this injury would not be a problem for it, but unfortunately it was only channeled, so even the Nine-Tails himself was quite depressed and was beaten back without doing anything.

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