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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Huh ~~ Is this the so-called tailed beast? ” After the explosion, Aokiji stood on a small piece of ice and asked Garp beside him.
” That’s right … this is the tailed beast! ” Garp nodded, looked around, and replied bitterly.
Although they were victorious, they were not happy at all.
The piece of land that the green pheasant made of ice has completely disappeared, and only a few small pieces of ice are still floating on the sea, and all the navy is in the sea at this time, and finally the huge explosion will Many people were shocked and fainted.
” Let’s save people first! Go back and talk about anything else! ” Karp said with a sigh.
Aokiji nodded and started to use his ability to create ice floes, so that the navy soldiers could have a place to stay. The warships they brought are now only three, and they are not the intact ones. Karp’s dog-headed ship It can be regarded as a relatively complete existence, because the place where he docked is relatively far away.
After all the soldiers and wounded were rescued, Garp and Aokiji were ready to return, but at this time, Garp found Zefa standing alone on a lifeboat and had no plans to join them.
” Zefa …” Garp looked at Zefa and shouted softly.
He had already noticed that something was wrong with Dezefa, and when he fought before, he didn’t have the same passion as before, it seemed that he was just trying to deal with something.
” Kapp, go back and tell me about the Warring States … From today … I’m not a member of the Navy! ” Zefa put on his sunglasses, smiled slightly, and said to Karp.
” What … ? You’re quitting the Navy? ” Garp was taken aback, he couldn’t believe his ears.
Zefa is a figure of his era, who dedicated his life to the navy, why did he quit the navy in his later years? It’s just so unreasonable.
” Teacher …” Qingzhi frowned, and he didn’t understand why Zefa made such a decision.
” Old man … what is the reason … that made you think like this? ” Karp asked inexplicably.
Zefa looked at Karp, smiled and shook his head, but did not speak.
” Is it because of Edward Weible ? ” Aokiji suddenly thought of something and asked.
” Edward Wible? Who is that? ” Karp asked in surprise.
” It’s a pirate, claiming to be … the second generation of Whitebeard! ” Aokiji said in a deep voice.
” It’s him? ” Garp frowned, and he also remembered that the pirate who claimed to be Whitebeard II was the culprit who cut off Zefa’s arm.
” That’s right, a few days ago, the world government approved his proposal to fill the Qiwuhai ! Let him fill the vacancy of Sha Crocodile! ” Qingzhi nodded, then looked at Zefa, and said, ” Teacher, this is The decision of the world government! ”
” I know, so I didn’t refuse the crusade against the Whitebeard Pirates this time … but look … Is there still my Pirate Commando? ” Zefa chuckled and said.
Garp and Aokiji were silent and did not speak. The ghost spider on the side was about to speak, but after being pulled by Lieutenant Flying Squirrel, he still did not make a sound.
They are all disciples of Zefa, so it’s not appropriate to say anything at this time.
” Then what are you going to do? ” Karp asked after being silent for a while.
” I will destroy the pirates in my own way and achieve justice … You don’t need to worry about these! ” Zefa waved his hand and rowed away in the boat.
Aokiji sighed, put on the blindfold and lay down directly on the deck chair.
And Karp returned to the cabin, not knowing what to do.
On the other side, the Moby Dick, which was far away from the battlefield , stayed on the sea, and the members stretched their necks to look at the battlefield, but they couldn’t see anything at all.
Just when everyone couldn’t sit still, suddenly there was a huge explosion sound, and after a while, a wave of air passed through them.
” Over there … what happened? We are so far away that we can still feel the blast of the explosion? ” Fossa asked in surprise.
” Is this Reina’s backhand? Hope he’s all right! ” Bista shook his head and replied.
After a while, Whitebeard suddenly opened his eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he said, ” Come on! ”
When everyone heard Whitebeard’s words, they were stunned for a while before they ran to the side of the boat and looked in the direction of the battlefield. Sure enough, they saw Yoyo carrying Reina fast approaching.
” How’s the situation? ” Whitebeard said with a smile when he saw the crew bring Reina up.
” It’s not bad … Karp was afraid that he had done his best and sent the Nine-Tails back in advance! ” Reina shrugged and said.
“That old guy … really can’t hide it! ” Whitebeard said with a slight smile.
” I don’t know anything else, but … he should be the only strong person who is not eroded by time! ” Reina nodded and said.
” So everything is done? ” Whitebeard asked, nodding his head.
” Almost! They should all believe it! But big brother … they should be more afraid of us by doing this? ” Reina hesitated and asked.
” Gu la la la … In this sea, it is necessary to show all the power, so that they will not continue to provoke you until they have no chance of winning! ” Whitebeard laughed and said: ” Look, The navy will definitely be quiet this time, but you have to be careful next time they do it because they have definitely found a way to deal with you! ”
Reina nodded and said, ” Do n’t worry … I won’t stay where I am forever! ”
Through today’s battle, he has a deeper experience of the return of life. When he can convert the energy in his body into physical strength at any time … he dares to kill Marin Vando alone.
” Gu la la la … Let’s go, little ones, let’s go back! ” Whitebeard gave an order, and the Moby Dick began to return to Xuanyue Island.
On the other side, the group of straw hats who were heading towards the Chambord Islands finally came to the edge of the red soil continent.
“I really miss it ~” Looking at the red earth continent, all the crew members sighed for a while.
” But … the record pointer keeps pointing down, how do we go!? Is there really a fishman island? Sister Robin! ” Nami asked in confusion, looking at the record pointer on her wrist.
” Yeah! Yes! There are many mermen and murlocs living there … It’s a very interesting place, but if we want to go there … we have to go to the Chambord Islands first! ” Robin smiled and nodded and said .
“The Chambord Islands? Where is that? ” Nami and the others asked curiously.
” You should know that the Red Earth Continent divides the Great Route in two, and below the Red Earth Continent, at a depth of 10,000 meters, is Fishman Island! ” Robin said with a smile.
” Ten thousand meters? ” Usopp and others were extremely surprised.
” Then we want us to go down? ” Nami asked suspiciously: ” We humans can’t dive into such a deep sea bottom, right? ”
” Yes, that’s why we went to the Chambord Islands, also known as the Bubble Islands. There is a very magical coating technology. After coating the ship, our pirate ship can dive to the fish-man island on the bottom of the sea. , and then enter the new world through Fishman Island! ” Robin nodded and explained.
” Oh ~~ Bubble Island? It’s so interesting! Let’s go ~ Let’s go ~ I really want to go and see it! ” Luffy said immediately excitedly.
” But here I have to remind everyone … Above the red earth continent, behind the Chambord Archipelago, is the headquarters of the World Government, the Holy Land Mary Joa! And behind Mary Joa … is the Naval Headquarters Marin Vando! That is Say … if we make any noise in the Chambord Islands, the navy will be here soon! ” Robin said seriously.
” Do you guys know? Don’t make trouble for me! Let’s set sail ~ I really want to go to Bubble Island! ” Luffy said impatiently.
” It’s you who said it! ” Nami, Usopp, Sanji and the others roared at Luffy immediately.
” Ah? Is that so? ” Luffy said without any consciousness.
” Oh … what an idiot captain! ” said Zoro, shaking his head.
” You too! ” Nami yelled at Zoro immediately.
” Yo hehe … you guys are so funny! ” the newly added Brook said with a big laugh.
” Luffy …” Just when everyone was arguing, Robin suddenly said to Luffy, ” Remember what my father said? ”
Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji all looked at Robin. As the three main forces, they were mainly responsible for fighting, so they naturally understood what Robin wanted to say.
” After passing through Fishman Island, it’s a new world! But none of us in the whole group learned to be domineering! ” Robin said in a deep voice, “I don’t know how to be armed, which means that we have nothing to do with those with natural abilities. , in the first half of the great route, the natural system is not common, and it is nothing in the new world! ”
” Ah ~ I understand! ” Luffy nodded and said, ” But this is something that can’t be helped. You can’t stay here! You can only move forward and slowly understand it! ”
Robin opened her mouth, but still didn’t say what she wanted to say. She knew that Luffy and others still underestimated the new world, which was completely different from the first half of the Great Route.
But she couldn’t dispel Luffy’s desire to move forward, she could only hope that Luffy and others could really learn to be domineering before the group was destroyed.
” Then let’s go to the Chambord Islands! ” Robin nodded and said.
So everyone was eager to set off, only Nami and Zoro noticed Robin’s loss.
” Sister Robin … Is there really no way to do that? Luffy and the others are so strong, even if they are not domineering, they should be fine, right? ” Nami came to Robin’s side and whispered.
” No, Nami … you haven’t been to the New World, do you know what they call the first half of the Great Route? They call it Paradise! But we’ve come all the way … can you feel this is Paradise? ” Robin shook his head , said.
Sauron on the side tightened the weapon in his hand, turned and walked towards the watchtower. If he could be stronger, he might be able to protect his companions.
But just as he was about to leave, a huge sea hare and sea beast suddenly appeared on the sea.

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