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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” Eh? It’s really a mermaid! ” Luffy said with a surprised look at the mermaid Kemi, who was spit out by the sea beast after his brother beat the sea beast himself.
Although he inadvertently rescued this confused mermaid, Luffy didn’t think so.
And after Kemi agreed to take him to eat takoyaki, he immediately became good friends with the other party.
It was only after learning that the other’s boss, Hachi, the owner of takoyaki, was taken away by the traffickers, both Nami and Robin fell into contemplation at the same time.
” That little eight’s voice … a little familiar! ” Nami and Robin said at the same time.
” Huh? Does Sister Robin also know someone named Xiaoba? ” Nami asked in surprise.
” Well, when my father took me to Mermaid Island before, he saw an octopus man named Little Eight! ” Robin nodded and said.
” Octopus man … Also called Hachi … Wouldn’t it be so coincidental? ” Sanji, Zoro, Usopp and Nami all thought of one person at the same time, and that was the swordsman Hachi of Aaron’s group.
” Huh? This sister, have you been to Fishman Island? ” Kemi asked Robin curiously.
” Well, I’ve been there a few times … and I’ve been to the Dragon Palace with my father! ” Robin smiled and nodded.
” Oh? You’ve actually been to the Dragon Palace? Is that a place only for big people? ” The starfish Papago asked in surprise.
Robin smiled and didn’t say Reina’s name, she wasn’t someone who liked to show off.
After a bit of conversation, Luffy and the others followed Kemi to rescue Octopus Hachi, and this Octopus Hachi was indeed the Octopus Hachi that Robin and Nami knew, the swordsman of the Aaron Pirates.
At the same time, the boss of the Flying Fish Knights, because he looks too similar to Sanji’s wanted notice, ended up getting entangled with Sanji.
Moreover, when Luffy dealt with Dibalu’s mount Motobalo, he directly shocked the opponent and made Robin recognize it at a glance. It was the prototype of the overlord’s domineering.
After the incident was over, Octopus Hachi invited everyone in the Straw Hats to eat takoyaki.
” Hachi, why are you here? ” Robin asked while eating takoyaki.
” That …” Hachi glanced at Nami before saying, ” After I returned to Fishman Island, I accidentally got the secret recipe of the takoyaki boss, and my childhood dream was to be a takoyaki boss, so I came to the sea and started a business! ”
Seeing Hachi’s expression, Robin knew that he was the octopus Hachi that Nami said.
” Is there any misunderstanding between you and Nami? ” Robin wanted to be a peacemaker, so he took the initiative to ask.
” That … that … that’s not a misunderstanding! Back then, I did a lot of bad things to Nami with Brother Arlong! ” Octopus Hachi hesitated and said.
After he finished speaking, seeing Nami also looked over, he immediately bowed his head and apologized: ” I’m sorry! ”
” How did Sister Robin know him? ” Nami ignored Hachi and asked Robin instead.
” I met Xiao Ba when I followed my father to Fishman Island! ” Robin smiled and shook his head. ” My father seems to have known him for a long time, and I don’t know the specifics! ”
” Nei! I have known Mr. Reina since I was a child. At that time, I was still with Brother Aaron and Brother Jinping with Brother Tiger! ” Hachi also seemed to be caught in the memories.
” Huh? So … Mr. Reina also knows Aaron? ” Nami was taken aback and asked in surprise.
” Knowing! When we separated from Brother Jinping, he also asked Brother Jinping to bring a message to Brother Along, saying that it is best for us not to kill human beings casually, especially those who have gold engraved with his name, absolutely I can’t move! That’s why we didn’t kill anyone in your village after we saw the piece of gold in Hokosia Village. Before that, we have already destroyed many human villages! ”
Little Eight nodded and said.
” What? Mr. Reina actually said such things to you? ” Nami asked in disbelief.
Xiao Ba nodded and confirmed: ” Big Brother Shiping conveyed it to us like this at the beginning, but Brother Along left the Murloc Pirates because he hated humans, so he didn’t intend to listen to Mr. Reina’s words at first, but Brother Along didn’t stop until he saw the gold appear! ”
” So that ‘s it … I said why did you fall in love with Cocosia Village and stay here for so long! ” Nami said with a thoughtful expression, ” If there wasn’t that piece of gold … you should be too . slaughter the village and take all the treasures? ”
Xiao Ba nodded a little embarrassedly and said, ” I know now that I was wrong, so I haven’t done anything bad since then! Mr. Reina learned that we really saw gold, and he didn’t make it difficult to hold gold. After the people, let me go! ”
” There is no embarrassment for the holder of the gold? ” Nami chuckled and said, ” You are also called no embarrassment? ”
Hachi was silent and did not speak.
On the other side, Usopp was telling the unknown person what happened to Cope Nami, which made several people who joined later also quite unhappy with Xiaoba.
” But why is it so coincidental? Robin’s father just gave the gold to Nami’s sister? If there is no such gold, it would really be a big deal! ” Chopper asked with a cute face.
As soon as Chopper’s words fell, everyone looked at him, and Chopper was a little scared.
” What … what ‘s wrong? ” Chopper asked with a puzzled face.
In fact, everyone has this question after listening to Nami and Xiaoba, that is, how did Reina know that Aaron’s group would go to Nami’s hometown, and they deliberately left a gold engraved with his name there. of?
” Huh? Don’t you know? ” Xiaoba looked at the Straw Hats’ puzzled look and said directly, ” Because Mr. Reina’s eyes have the ability to see the future! ”
” Ah? ” Xiao Ba’s words surprised everyone except Robin.
” Eh? Hachi, isn’t that Mr. Reina you are talking about? The legendary deputy leader of the Whitebeard Pirates, with a pair of eyes from hell and the ability to see into the future, Red Eye Reina . Sir? ” Papagu only realized at this time, who is Reina that Xiao Ba and the others said.
” Eh? Is that the vice-captain of the Whitebeard Pirates? That’s a great hero! ” Even the confused Kemi said in surprise.
” You all know Mr. Rainer? ” Nami asked in confusion.
” Yeah! The Whitebeard Pirates are the benefactors of Fishman Island! ” Papagu nodded and began to popularize the Straw Hats, telling them what the Whitebeard Pirates meant to Fishman Island.
” Well ~~ that uncle is very capable! ” After listening to Luffy, he said with a smile.
” Idiot! That’s Sister Roger’s father, you are not allowed to be rude! ” Sanji tapped Luffy’s head with his foot and said.
” Ah! That’s right! He’s still Robin’s father! ” Luffy said suddenly.
A group of people are simply speechless, their captain is so speechless.
” Ah? So you are Mr. Rainer’s daughter? How disrespectful! ” Papago said quickly to Robin.
Robin waved his hand and said, ” Don’t exaggerate too much, my father once said … The reason why Fishman Island has become like this can be regarded as his share of sins, if he hadn’t cooperated with Roger to start a big voyage Times, Fishman Island will not be like that! ”
At this time, everyone also remembered the legend, the demon who came to search for the great treasure when Roger, the pirate king, was dying. The prototype was Robin’s father, the great pirate Benelli D. Rayner!
” But … Hachi! You said … Mr. Reina has eyes to see into the future, what’s the matter? ” Nami, who had been silent for a while, suddenly raised her head, looked at Hachi, and asked.
” Ah ~ this … I don’t know very well! But on Fishman Island, everyone knows that the vice – captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Mr. Reina, has the same ability to predict the future as Mrs. Charlie! ” Shaking his head, rubbing his head, he said with a smile.
” Yes, yes! We have also heard such legends! It is said that he wore a white beard because he saw that the future of Fishman Island was very miserable, and it was the beginning of the era of the great pirates that caused all this. The pirates came to Fishman Island and saved us! ” Kemi and Papagu both nodded and said.
” Then let me explain it! ” Robin patted Nami’s back and said with a smile, ” If Xiaoba and the others knew, it would be better for them to explain, after all, that’s my father, what I said. , I’m afraid Nami thinks she’s defending something! ”
” Sister Robin … don’t say that! ” Nami hurried over to hug Robin and said, ” Regardless of whether Mr. Reina really saw the future of Cocosia Village at that time, he could leave gold and teach My nautical skills have already made me very grateful! ”
” First of all, about my father’s eyes … they are called Shakers! They have the ability to see, copy, and decipher the enemy’s moves in all directions! According to my father, they are a pair of cursed eyes, and when they are opened, they will become Blood red, so there are rumors that it is eyes from hell! ” Robin patted Nami in his arms and explained.
” Insight, copying, cracking … Really powerful abilities! But why is it the cursed eye? ” Zoro asked after thinking for a while.
At this time, he finally knew why when he was fighting with Reina, no matter what move he used, the opponent seemed to be able to crack it.
” One of them is because those eyes can see the picture of someone’s future! ” Robin said with a wry smile: ” Don’t think this is a good ability! ”
” Eh? Isn’t it a good ability to be able to see the picture of the future? ” Chopper asked with a puzzled face.
” That’s right, because my father’s ability is not who he wants to see, who he can see. He can only see some pictures of people who can affect the whole world in the future, and it’s just a fragmented picture, not the complete life of that person. ! ” Robin nodded and explained: ” And he can see the future, not prophecy! ”
” This …” Everyone looked at Robin in confusion, and they didn’t understand what Robin meant at all.

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