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You can search ” Pirates: I’m on the Rocks Ship 996 Miaobi Pavilion (imiaobige.com)” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!
” When we were pirates in the past, we were not friends! We were enemies! That little guy Reina grew up quite fast, and he started helping Newgate deal with matters on the ship at that time! He is a very powerful guy! ” Hearing Robin say that she and Reina are friends, Aunt Xia denied it with a smile …
” Huh? Is it actually an enemy? ” Luffy asked in confusion.
“That ‘s right! Later, after we stopped being pirates, we came here to open a shop. We ran into him occasionally and became friends instead! ” Aunt Xia said with a chuckle, ” As for the current situation of the Whitebeard Pirates. … I heard that they had a battle with the navy, Reina and the captain of the second division, Fire Fist Ace, were seriously injured, and the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated, but the loss of the navy was not small! ”
Robin breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but fortunately nothing major happened.
“I heard that it was because of Magellan’s appearance on the battlefield that Rayner ran away! He was seriously injured by the green pheasant, and Magellan was also injured! ” Aunt Xia glanced at Robin and continued.
” Magellan … ? Didn’t he hide in Marin Vando? Why did the navy let him out? ” Robin was taken aback and asked in surprise.
” Because the navy was originally aimed at Reina this time, I heard that he has a method that can threaten the whole world, and only the navy designed it to kill him, so this time, in a sense, they are also considered to be them. Victory! Because they not only saved Reina, but also Fire Fist Ace! ” Aunt Xia shook her head and said.
” Magellan …” Robin muttered softly, but did not continue to say anything.
” Magellan? Who is that? ” Namie asked curiously.
” Back then … Rayner’s wife died at the hands of Magellan, so Rayner kept attacking and advancing the city. He forced Magellan to hide in Marin Vando, and that was the end! ” Aunt Xia replied with a smile.
“The advancing city? The advancing city known as the world government’s iron wall? Did he attack it alone? ” Usopp couldn’t believe his ears, there were still people so crazy! ?
” Wait … Reina’s wife … Isn’t that Robin’s mother? ” Sanji immediately reacted and said, ” So …”
Everyone who had already learned about Robin’s identity on Judicial Island naturally understood the cause and effect, and Nami also believed more about what Robin told them about Reina’s eyes.
And just when the Straw Hats boarded the Chambord Islands, the Moby Dick had already returned to Xuanyue Island.
” Why are you here? ” Reina asked with a surprised look at Perona, who was wearing a gothic princess dress and a small umbrella.
” How would I know, your daughter took someone to the Dreadnought Dhow, and then the boy in the straw hat actually defeated Moria-sama! In the end, I was beaten by the tyrant Xiong, one of the seven seas , and woke up. Come here! ” Perona said with a dissatisfied expression.
” Oh? Has Robin already arrived at the Dreadnought Dhow? That’s great, by the way, didn’t Moria do anything to my daughter? ” Reina asked immediately.
” Of course not. Originally, Lord Moria didn’t intend to embarrass them because of your face, but that kid in a straw hat is really hateful! But even so, Lord Moria didn’t attack Robin! ” Perona immediately shook her head and said.
” Yo ~ Reina … Who is this? ” The captains who disembarked asked Perona with a smirk.
” Ah ~ she! Our former ally, one of the Seven Wuhais under the King, is a subordinate of Moonlight Moria , but it will not be in the future! ” Reina said with a smile.
His words not only surprised the captains, but Perona also looked at Reina in disbelief and asked, ” What do you mean by that? Lord Moria is still Shichibukai! ”
“The Navy doesn’t need a loser! The original purpose of my alliance with Moriah was to obtain government information … but … it seems that you guys broke the contract first, right? That guy Moonlight Moriah … no way . Stayed too long in the first half of the Great Route, forgot something? ” Reina said with a chuckle.
When Perona heard the words, she was silent and did not speak, because she knew that Moria did receive a lot of information from the Navy and did not tell Reina in time.
” Even if the straw hat boy doesn’t beat him, I’m going to find time to clean him up! Under the banner of our Whitebeard Pirates, we’re making a fortune in the first half of the great route, but it’s useless! What do I want him for? ” Lei Na lightly snorted and said, ” For the sake of our time together, you can stay and join our Whitebeard Pirates. This is my greatest benevolence! ”
Hearing Reina’s words, the captains all left with strange expressions. It was clear that Reina had taken a fancy to the little girl and was using tricks to deceive them to stay.
” I will not betray Lord Moria! ” Sure enough, Perona said without hesitation.
” Then please … We do not welcome outsiders on Xuanyue Island! ” Reina shrugged and said.
” You … you bastard! Bullying … Stinky Reina, dead Reina! I didn’t expect you to be such a person! ” Seeing Reina turn and leave, Perona immediately yelled angrily, but Reina didn’t ignore her.
” You … you must at least give me a boat! ” Finally, looking at Reina who was really going to go far, Perona shouted helplessly.
She is a capable person, and she does not have the ability to cross the sea physically.
” Sorry … how did you come here, just go back like this! The ships of our Whitebeard Pirates belong to everyone. Although I am the deputy captain, I have no right to give them away! ” Reina turned his head, slightly He smiled and said: ” By the way, this sea area is our territory. If you scold me casually, they will hear … they may be … more angry! Hehe! ”
When she heard Reina’s words, Perona also discovered that the members of the Whitebeard Pirates who were still friendly to her were all staring at her at this time, and they seemed to have plans to take action against her.
” Bastard … bastard !! ” Perona closed her eyes, gritted her teeth and shouted at Reina: ” Stop for me! ”
” What? Have you figured it out? ” Reina turned around and asked with a smile.
” I … I just want to join you! ” Perona said through gritted teeth.
She thought in her mind to join now, wait until she gets to know this place, and then find a chance to leave, anyway, she is sure to find Lord Moria.
” Join when you say you want to join? ” Reina raised her brows and said.
” Then what else do you want? ” Perona was shocked, thinking that her thoughts were noticed by Reina, and asked quickly pretending to be expressionless.
” Of course you have to get the consent of your captain, Moonlight Moriah! Otherwise … who am I? Our Whitebeard Pirates are serious pirates, not robbers! ” Reina said with a natural expression. said.
” Really? ” Perona asked in disbelief.
” Of course, I’ll lie to you? ” Reina nodded and said, ” But now Moria doesn’t know where she is. You stay here now, and when I find Moria, go ask him! ”
” Then … what if Lord Moriah is willing to let him go? ” Perona asked tentatively.
” If you don’t want to let him go, I’ll let him pick you up and leave! I, Reina, say what I say! ” Reina replied with the most loyal expression of someone I Lei.
” Okay, it’s a deal! ” Perona nodded immediately and said.
” Let’s go, go meet the captain with me first! You are temporarily on board as our trainee crew. After Moria lets you go, you will officially join the Whitebeard Pirates! ” Reina nodded, taking Perona walked towards the main building.
After they left, the member responsible for guarding the port today shook his head and asked his companion: ” You said … how long can that Moria live? ”
” Then it depends on his ability! After being found by the deputy captain, I’m afraid it will be finished! Dare to steal someone from the deputy captain? Isn’t that boring? ” The other person shrugged and said.
” Forget it, this has nothing to do with us. Dad is back. I’m afraid there will be another grand banquet tonight! ”
“I heard that the deputy captain and captain Ace were both seriously injured this time. Dad probably won’t hold a banquet, and the time for the big banquet is not far away. We can’t wait …”
” Shh! Be quiet, …” The companion looked around, and after seeing no one, he said: ” Idiot, have you forgotten? You must not mention this on Xuanyue Island! If it is discovered, it will be a waste of all previous efforts. already? ”
” Oh oh oh … I get it! ”
The two looked around again, and after finding no one, they breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, then looked at each other and pretended that nothing had happened.
On the other side, Perona was brought in front of Whitebeard, and after that, Whitebeard agreed to Reina’s request without asking, and after letting Perona go to pick a house, Reina sat down on the stool.
” Are you feeling better? ” Whitebeard asked, looking at Reina.
Reina shook his head and replied, ” You can’t do it with anyone for at least a week! How’s the situation over Ace? ”
“I ‘ve woken up, it’s not a big problem! ” Whitebeard said with a sip of wine and a smile.
“I didn’t expect the navy to call out Magellan this time … a little careless! ” Reina sighed and said.
Their original plan was to lure the navy out, and pretend to be defeated by the navy and retreat after a deadly battle, without using the tailed beast until the end.
But I didn’t expect that the Navy really moved the idea of directly destroying him, and it developed into this directly.
Fortunately, before departure, Whitebeard told Reina that if the plan changed, the tailed beast would be summoned, which would also have the effect of deterring the navy, but the effect was not as good as originally planned.
” Now our Whitebeard Pirates are on the must-see list of the Navy and the World Government! ” Reina said with a wry smile: ” How about … I’ll go out for a while? ”
” What nonsense, this is the safest place! Don’t you have confidence in the defense system you built yourself? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile.
” Without absolute defense, passive beating is not my style! ” Reina shook his head and said.
” Dad! ”
Just when Xun En Reina had any new plans on Whitebeard’s side, Olga, the Doctor, and Frank ran in.
” What does it look like? It’s such a big girl’s house! ” Looking at Olga, who looked like a man, Reina said with a headache: ” I said Doctor … Do you have to take care of her too? Are you going to get married? ”
“A little bit … I want you to care? I didn’t come to you! Stinky Reina! A little ~~~” Olga grimaced at Reina and said unhappily.
Ah Dr. Sière looked at this scene and said helplessly to Reina: ” You saw it too … I can’t control it at all! I can’t beat her now! ”
” Okay, Olga, aren’t you looking for me? What’s the matter? What are you talking about with Reina? There’s Dad here, and whoever sees it will tell Dad if you don’t want to, I won’t let him go. Sink to the bottom of the sea! ” Whitebeard asked with a smile, looking at Olga who was playing with Reina.
He likes to see his children so energetic.
” Hee hee hee … Dad still loves me! ” Olga jumped to Whitebeard’s side, hugging Whitebeard’s arms that were thicker than her thighs, and said coquettishly.
” Qi ~ Big brother spoiled her like this. Look at Xuanyue Island now … she’s about to become a little overlord! Frank … you’ve suffered a lot from her, right? ” Reina said with a laugh.

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