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“The vice-captain is joking, Miss Olga is … very cute! ” Frank hesitated, then said reluctantly.
” Humph ~~ hear? Miss Ben is very cute! You think everyone is the same as you, so you have no vision? ” Olga said to Reina proudly, like a victorious general.
” Pfft, hahaha …” Reina seemed to have heard some kind of joke, and suddenly burst into laughter while hugging his stomach. Everyone who laughed felt inexplicably ingenious.
” What are you laughing at? Is there anything wrong with complimenting Miss Ben for being cute? ” Olga asked Reina with a tinge in her heart when she was laughed at by Reina.
” I remember that I read a book before, there was an emperor in it, and in order for the people in the future to know his daughters, he ordered the ministers to record the princesses of the country. For the sake of truth, the ministers ordered by the emperor to record should not lie, but for the sake of their daughters For the sake of his face, he ordered the minister who recorded it not to speak ill of the princess! ” Reina said slowly after laughing enough.
” Eh? Isn’t this embarrassing those ministers? If the princess is not so good, wouldn’t those Dacheng be able to write anything? ” Olga was stunned, although she didn’t understand why Reina wanted to tell the story, she published it anyway. own opinion.
” Then what do you think, if you were this minister, how would you record it? According to the actual record, or to beautify the princess? ” Reina asked with a smile.
After thinking about it carefully, Olga said: ” It should be recorded according to the facts! After all, it is something passed down to future generations. If you lie, there is no need to record it! ”
” But the emperor said that you can’t record the princess’s bad words! What should we do? If it is completely recorded, wouldn’t it be the emperor’s head beheaded? ” Reina asked again.
” This …” Olga hesitated for a moment and said, ” That emperor is just bullying people ~ How can this be done? ”
” Think about it again ~ Is there a way to do it? ” Reina raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile.
Looking at Olga, who was in deep thought, Whitebeard, Ahsie, and Frank all smiled.
” I figured it out! ” Olga suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said excitedly: ” According to the emperor’s wishes, it is recorded according to the facts, but I only need to record the advantages of the princess! I don’t have to record the disadvantages! Right? ”
Reina smiled and nodded, and said, ” It’s really clever! That minister did the same thing. For those princesses who are virtuous, but average in appearance, the minister praised their virtuousness and talent in the records without saying a word about their appearance. Mention! And for those princesses who have no talent and no virtue, the ministers can only praise their appearance. After all, they are royalty, so they look very good when they dress up! ”
” As for those princesses who don’t have the virtues and talents, and have no looks … the ministers have no choice but to break their characters, such as … cute ~ or something! ”
” Pfft hahaha …”
” Hahaha …”
” Goo la la la la …”
After Reina finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter except for Olga, who was stunned.
” You … asshole! ”
With a flushed face, Olga rushed towards Reina from the side of Whitebeard, and she was about to hit him, but Reina naturally wouldn’t be caught, the two of them were chasing me in the hall, making Whitebeard and others laugh. more enjoyable.
” Okay, Olga, Reina is not seriously injured this time, so don’t hold him accountable. When he is better, let him settle the account! Now let’s talk about it, what are you looking for from me! ” After laughing, Whitebeard began to play the rounds, because he had noticed that Reina seemed to be involved in the wound when he ran.
After Olga heard Whitebeard’s words, she seemed to have noticed the difference between Reina and the past, so she glared at him before saying: ” Today, I’m looking at Dad’s face, I’ll let you go! Humph! ! ”
After Reina smiled, he also returned to his seat.
” Girl, what is the important thing to come here with your father today? ” Whitebeard asked with a smile.
” Yes, Dad! My father has already completed the preliminary renovation of Xuanyue Island! I’m here to show you! ” Speaking of business, Olga immediately forgot the unpleasantness just now, and happily introduced Xuanyue to Whitebeard. The variety and magic of Tsukishima.
” Oh? Then I’m going to have a look! Gu la la la …” Whitebeard said with a big smile.
” Let’s go … Dad, I’ll wait for you! Stinky Reina, I won’t take you! Just a little …” After saying that, Olga took Whitebeard’s hand and walked outside.
After Olga, Whitebeard, and Frank had all left, Dr. Sière bowed his hands to Reina and said, ” Olga seems like a child, please don’t bother Brother Reina! ”
“The doctor is thinking too much, how many years have we been in a relationship? Still talking about this? Let’s go, let’s go and see … After the doctor’s transformation, how amazing is this Xuanyue Island!! Hahaha …” Reina He put it on the doctor’s shoulder and said with a smile.
When Reina came to the entrance to the basement, only to find that Whitebeard and the captains had already arrived here.
“The entrance is divided into two parts on both sides of the island. If it is connected with the main building, it can form a half-moon arc, just like our sign! At that time, we will build a road to connect the three. , this would be more appropriate! ” Frank was explaining to Whitebeard and the captains according to the map.
” Hahaha … Frank, well done! ”
” Then our Xuanyue Island will soon become the face of my father? ”
After Frank’s explanation, the captains praised Frank’s intentions one after another.
” I didn’t think about it at first. The doctor designed two doors because he was afraid that one door would be inconvenient when there was an emergency! But after confirming the positions of the two doors, I unexpectedly discovered that it was strangely similar to the main building. It forms the shape of a mysterious moon! ” Frank replied with a smile.
” Okay! Let’s go in and see what the doctor has transformed Xuanyue Island into! ” Reina said with some anticipation.
” Okay, everyone come with me, I’ll be in charge of explaining it to you today! ” Frank smiled confidently and said.
The way he looks now is completely different from when he first came to the Whitebeard Pirates.
At this time, Frank was able to tease confidently even in front of Whitebeard.
After everyone entered the gate and passed through the aisle, even Reina was a little stunned when they saw the scene in front of them.
” We plan to move all the houses to this underground space! Because we found that after Xuanyue Island was emptied by us, the space inside is no smaller than the space outside! We have divided it into three parts, the top one is The residences and living places of all the combat team members, the middle is the residence of the non-combat team members, and the bottom is the residence of the father and the cadres! ”
Frank pointed to the general construction drawings erected at the entrance, and said with a smile:
” Placing non-combatants in lieutenant generals is to better protect them, and the members of the combat team can be dispatched better on the first floor, no matter whether the battle is outside or inside, they can have better responses! As for placing the father and the cadres at the bottom, it is the most dangerous place. If there is an accident, apart from you, we should not be able to escape! Second, the place is the smallest, and it happens that you are few in number, so we will put it there. It’s over to you! ”
After hearing Frank’s explanation, the originally frowning white beard immediately smiled and nodded.
Originally, after seeing him and the cadres in the innermost position, Whitebeard thought Frank had some class ideology, but after listening to Frank’s explanation, Whitebeard was relieved.
” You stinky boy, let us live in such a dangerous place? Say … isn’t there any good intentions? ” After listening to Lakjo, he stepped forward to take Frank’s arm and asked with a smile.
” There’s no way … it’s hard work for those who are capable! ” Frank pretended to be afraid and said: ” At most, I’ll let them build a more luxurious house when they build it for you! ”
” That’s about the same! Lao Tzu’s house is made of gold! ” Lakyo said proudly.
” Then we probably don’t have enough gold. If Captain Lakyo can produce gold himself, I’ll do the construction for you for free! ” Frank patted his chest and said with a bold expression: ” It happened that last time Captain Lakjoo wasn’t. Got a mine? There’s a lot of useless gold ore in it, right? Leave it to me … I’ll help you build a house, how about that? ”
Lakyo was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect Frank to be waiting for him here, but when he thought that a house made of gold would belong to him, he was a little excited, so he agreed to Frank as soon as he gritted his teeth!
After everything was agreed, Lakyo reacted and said to Frank: ” That’s not right! Brat, I’ve been fooled by you! The reform of Xuanyue Island was originally your responsibility, and it was also your job to build me a house. Ah! What do you mean by giving me free? Now I am the only one who has provided the materials, and they have not provided anything! ”
” But only yours is made of gold! Of course, if there are more … I will also make some gadgets as decorations in Dad’s room and give them to Dad. You will always have no problem, right? ” Frank said. The face of the profiteer said to Lakyo.
“I do n’t regret it … I do n’t regret it! Reina … Where did you find such a thing? You deceived all of Lao Tzu’s gold in minutes? ” laugh.
But Whitebeard was quite satisfied when Frank said he still had his share.
” There are many passages between each floor here, and the structure of what the vice-captain said is a duplex cross is used. In short, we tested it, and it is quite firm. There should be no problem! ” The group continued to move forward . Moving forward, Farak continued to explain to everyone.
” What is this lieutenant doing with such a big pit? ” Saatchi asked after looking at the blueprint and the huge circular pit in front of him.
” Here can go straight to the bottom, which is an extra passage. If there is any urgent matter, the cadres can catch up from the bottom at the fastest speed! In addition, the doctor here is planning to plant a tree brought from Fishman Island. , I don’t know, he said that it can grow to a large size and still shine! This solves a lot of our problems! ” Frank said with a shrug.
” Doctor … If we want to grow into the size of Fishman Island, we’re afraid we won’t be able to wait! ” Lakeyo immediately understood the doctor’s plan, but they don’t know how many years the tree has grown, they want to make it That’s not possible at all!
” Hehehe … then you’ll have to wait and see! ” The Doctor smiled and didn’t tell Ruck what he was going to do.
Reina actually remembered that Zefa’s disciple Binz seemed to have the ability to make trees grow quickly. No wonder the doctor kept asking to keep Binz, which turned out to be used here.
Regarding the situation of the old man Zefa, Reina has already learned everything through his other disciple, Ai Yin, who is capable of regressing the fruit.
It turned out that the newest addition to the navy’s Qiwuhai was Edward Weibull, who cut off Zefa’s arm and killed all his disciples , so the dissatisfied Zefa immediately went to the Warring States period.
But this matter was a direct order from the world government, and it was not under the control of the navy at all. Although the Warring States Period also protested to the Five Old Stars, it was of no use at all.

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